
资讯 2024-06-20 阅读:25 评论:0



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1. Web marketing changes: from Web1.0 to Web3.0


Web1.0 is an elite culture from a cultural point of view. Web1.0 is an Internet stand of information that is edited by professionals. In the Web1.0 era, the Internet is a readable network, with limited number of participants; the Web is accessible through browsers, web marketing is based on Web1.0, online auctions, e-mails, search engine marketing, and so on. In the Web1.0 era, the Internet is only a platform of information that needs to be edited by professionals. All operations in the web are carried out by professionally trained people, such as editing of information, maintenance and management of the web site; the platform is controlled by a web of web-based networks that can only be accessed by insiders or by professional teams. For ordinary users, web-based marketing is remote, web-based, web-based, web-based, web-based, web-based, web-based, web-based, web-based, web-based, and web-based, web-based, web-based, web-based, web-based, web-based, web-based, web-based, web-based, web-based, web-based, web-based, web-based, web-based, web-based, web-based, web-based, web-based, web-based, web-based, web-based, web-based, web-based, web-based, web-based, web-based, web-based, web-based, web-based, web-based, web-based, web-based, web-based, web-based, web-based, web-based, web-based, web-access, web-based, web-based, web-based, web-access, web-based, web-based, web-access, web-access, web-access, web-access, web-access, web-access, web-access, web-access, web-access, web-access, web-based, web-based, web-based, web-based.


2. New Web marketing model based on Web3.0


Web3.0 allows users to fully realize their labour value and engage capable users in website production, mobilizing user motivation. Furthermore, Web3.0 brings people's information requirements together with the big information on the web, because users need not just social software but a platform based on user's individualized needs and behaviour. Web3.0 enables network marketing not only to provide comprehensive services to users as requested by users, but also to provide customized services designed to respond to user preferences and behavioural habits; it also allows users to customize in-depth individual pages on the basis of their needs; or it provides effective individualized solutions based on user preferences and interests.


2.1 One of the new models of web marketing based on Web3.0 is its own: Precision marketing is by the very nature of marketing, if web1.0 is mass marketing, web 2.0 is by popular marketing, and web3.0 is by precision marketing. Precision marketing is by the fact that businesses focus on consumers by analysing all data on each of their monolithics, including transactions, social events and characteristics, by capturing the current or potential needs of individual consumers and by addressing consumer needs by means of efficient, accurate and rewarding marketing activities for consumers. In the context of Web 2.0, users involved in the Internet are distributed around the world, even if they are able to share their own freshness with each other, but the information about users is not fully stored and analysed. In the technological era of Web3. The website is able to capture, by recording the footprints and consumption habits of online users, and by analysing the value and interest of products that you have.


2.2 New model of Web marketing based on Web3.0: Under Web3.0, all Internet users are almost free of charge, and the user's individual labour value is difficult to capture, and therefore the user's participation is not high, because it is difficult for users to turn labour results into real money on the web site. The central idea of Web3.0 marketing is that users who participate in production will fully realize their labour value. The advantage of Web3.0 is that, on the Internet, users have both the right and the obligation to use it as a free labour force, and that the user's individual labour value is difficult to capture, and therefore the user's motivation is not high, because it is difficult for users to translate labour results into real money on the web site.


2.3 New models of web marketing based on Web3.0: The crowdsourcing model refers to the practice of a company or institution of outsourcing tasks previously performed by its employees to non-specific public networks on a voluntary basis. The tasks of crowdsourcing are usually carried out by individuals, but, if they involve tasks that require multi-person collaboration, are likely to occur in the form of home-grown production[6]. Under Web3.0, new business strategy models are emerging that address the needs of a number of businesses that are both cost-effective and more efficient in terms of productivity and transformationalization, as well as potential consumers for each provider of crowdsourcing services. In the future, the core of crowdsourcing is also embedded in the concept of creating value together with users, ignoring the user’s needs.


3. Concluding remarks


The evolution of network marketing from a product-based Web1.0 era to a consumer-based Web 2.0 era and to a re-allocation of network marketing values in the Web3.0 era reflects important changes and developments in network marketing, with web marketing models based on Web3.0 contributing to more personalization of Internet marketing, more precision of information and greater use of the value of network marketing.

作者:胡海波 单位:广东药学院教师

Author: Hu Haibo Unit: Teacher, Guangdong College of Pharmacy




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