K33 Research:為什麼說Telegram 是加密採用的「搖籃」?

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撰文:David Zimmerman,K33 Research

Author: David Zimmerman, K33 Research

編譯:比推BitpushNews Mary Liu

This post is part of our special coverage Thailand Elections 2011.


If you go to any of the encrypted podcasts or meetings, you will hear the encrypt "indigenous" conversation about the "killer" that will come to life, which is an encrypt tool that can kill all over the world.

但如果已經有了呢?我們認為,Telegram 和少數獨立開發者在讓大眾加入加密貨幣方面取得的進展,比自2014 年以來湧入該領域的1,000 億美元創投還要大。

But what if it already is? We think that Telegram and a few independent developers have made more progress in bringing the public into the encrypt currency than the $100 billion that has been in the field since 2014.

K33 Research:為什麼說 Telegram 是加密採用的「搖籃」?

K33 Research: Why say Telegram is a scuffle used for encryption?

加密貨幣的採用受到以下因素的阻礙:(i) 使用者體驗不佳、(ii) 實際效用有限以及(iii) 分發糟糕。透過支援和整合開放網路(TON),Telegram 正在解決所有這些問題,甚至更多。

The use of encrypted currency is hampered by the following factors: (i) poor user experience, (ii) limited practical utility and (iii) poor distribution. Telegram is addressing all of these problems, if not more, through support and integration of TON.

加密貨幣在其早期發展過程中以及直到最近,都專注於小眾技術開發,主要服務於加密貨幣投機者,缺乏現實世界的實用性。隨著現貨ETF 的出現以及貝萊德等公司開設專注於資產代幣化的基金,現在是進化的時候了。

In its early development process, and until recently, the encrypt currency has focused on small-scale technological developments, serving mainly the providers of encrypted currency, and lacking the real world. With the advent of the current ETF, and the creation of funds by companies such as Belede that focus on asset-based monetization, the time has come to evolve.

Telegram 結合了其擁有8 億月活躍用戶的訊息應用程式、為TON 加密貨幣採用提供軌道的區塊鏈以及名為Wallet 的原生錢包機器人。許多加密宣傳語都模糊地浪漫化了「融合Web2 和Web3」的概念,而Telegram 實際上正在這樣做。

Telegram combines its 800 million-month live user message application, the serial chain that provides tracks for Ton encrypt currency, and the original wallet droid named Wallet. Many of the encrypt messages are vaguely romanticizing the concept of "integration Web2 and Web3" and Telegram is actually doing so.

透過這種組合,Telegram 解決了阻礙加密貨幣發展的三個核心問題。

Through this combination, Telegram solves three core problems that hinder the development of encrypted currency.

在我看來,穩定幣是加密貨幣迄今為止最偉大的產品。自4 月以來,隨著TON 上原生USDT 的出現,P2P 價值的無縫轉移成為現實。用戶可以像在WhatsApp 上發送訊息一樣輕鬆地向朋友發送加密貨幣。這比Venmo 或Revolut 等新銀行的用戶體驗更流暢,並且比傳統銀行領先數光年。

As far as I can see, steady currency is by far the greatest product of encrypted currency. Since April, with the emergence of the original USDT in Ton, the seamless transfer of P2P values has become a reality. Users can easily send encrypted currency to their friends as if they were sending messages on WhatsApp. This is more fluid than the experience of new banks such as Venmo or Revolut, and has been ahead of traditional banks for years.

K33 Research:為什麼說 Telegram 是加密採用的「搖籃」?

K33 Research: Why does Telegram say that Telegram is a cradle used for encryption?

然而,吸引數億人加入加密貨幣的機會很可能來自Telegram 的Mini Apps——一個供企業建置和部署加密友善應用程式的開放平台。這將使加密團隊能夠將他們的產品分發給非加密原生用戶,而最終用戶不一定知道他們正在使用加密產品——無論是有趣的手機遊戲還是DeFi 協議。

However, the opportunity to attract hundreds of millions of people into the encrypt currency is likely to come from the Mini Apps of Telegram, an open platform for businesses to build and deploy encryption friendly applications. This will enable encryption teams to distribute their products to non-encrypted primary users, who do not necessarily know that they are using the encrypted products — interesting mobile phone games or the DeFi deal.

Telegram 早已鞏固了加密貨幣領域的地位。它是加密貨幣原住民用來保持聯繫或分享想法的熱門平台,通常是新加密貨幣項目與其X 帳戶一起建立的第一個社交媒體管道。

Telegram has long entrenched the status of an encrypted currency domain. It is the popular platform used by the indigenous peoples of encrypted currency to maintain contact or share ideas, usually the first social media channel created by the new encrypted currency project with its X account.

最近,對於鏈上交易者來說,事情已經變得不止於此。新一代Telegram 交易機器人永遠改變了加密貨幣的使用者體驗,甚至可能永遠改變了鏈上交易。

Recently, for chain traders, things have become more than that. The new generation of Telegram trading robots has forever changed the experience of users of encrypted currency, and may even change chain transactions forever.

只需一個命令,買入/ 賣出、設置限價訂單、掃描新項目、搶佔新發布以及複製“聰明錢”交易,所有這些都變得簡單。

One order is needed to buy/sell, set price-limits, scan new items, grab new distributions and copy “smart money” transactions, all of which become simple.

有了Telegram 機器人,我徹底擺脫了鏈上交易最令人沮喪的使用者體驗問題,這讓我感到耳目一新。這是加密產品讓我說「哇,這太棒了」的極少數情況之一。然而,它確實讓山寨幣交易更具競爭力,並刺激了我所認為的「山寨幣的激增」。

With the Telegram droid, I completely rid myself of the most frustrating user experience of the chain deal, which makes me feel new. This is one of the few things an encryption product makes me say, "Wow, that's great." It does, however, make the mountain coins more competitive, and stimulates what I think is "the mountain coin surge."

這是否意味著山寨幣交易/ 投資已死?遠非如此。與剛開始時相比,新手現在與智能合約互動的便利程度簡直是天壤之別。再加上分銷和越來越有用的應用程序,這意味著未來幾年將有一波新資本流入加密貨幣。

Compared to the beginning, the ease with which a newcomer now interacts with an intelligent contract is quite different. Together with distribution and increasingly useful applications, this means that a wave of new capital will flow into encrypted currency in the coming years.

我們在使用者體驗方面的改進不容小覷。我之所以這麼說,是因為我自己就透過TON 的錢包交到了非加密貨幣的朋友。在Telegram 目前的基礎設施出現之前,一想到要教朋友如何使用加密貨幣,我就不禁嘆息一聲。現在,多虧了Telegram,我看不出還有什麼比這更簡單的了。

We're making some changes in user experience. I'm saying this because I gave it to my friends in non-encrypted currency through Ton's wallet. Before Telegram's current infrastructure came up, I couldn't stop sighing. Now, thanks to Telegram, I don't see anything more simple than that.

Telegram 和TON 贏了嗎?不完全是。

Did Telegram and Ton win? Not exactly.


The improvement in user experience and distribution is a huge leap forward, but we have yet to see a comprehensive application for consumers.

Mini Apps 正在開發中,遊戲開發者有很大動力去建造一款有趣的Telegram 遊戲,以吸引其龐大的用戶群的注意。可惜的是,現在存在的東西比較是基於meme 的,而不是基於實用性的。監管也仍然是一個問題,但這是一個持續存在的行業問題,並不局限於Telegram 或TON。

Mini Apps is developing, and game developers are very motivated to build an interesting Telegram game to attract the attention of their large user groups. Unfortunately, what exists now is more meme-based than practical. Monitoring is still a problem, but it is a continuing business problem that is not limited to Telegram or Ton.

Telegram 和TON 還有很多事情要做,但我相信他們會成功。市場似乎現在正在消化這一因素,因為TON 已經進入市值前10 名的加密貨幣名單。 TON 的漲勢很大程度上是由我們非常熟悉的狂熱投機推動的,但其增長背後有著真正的基本面支撐。

Telegram and Ton have a lot of work to do, but I believe they will succeed. The market seems to be absorbing this now, because Ton has entered the top 10 encrypted currency list. Ton’s upturn is largely driven by the intense heat investment that we know very well, but its growth is backed up by real fundamentals.

我們大多數人都希望看到加密貨幣被大眾廣泛使用的未來。 Telegram 聯合創始人兼執行長Pavel Durov 也持有這種觀點,他也是比特幣的主要倡導者。 TON 的使命宣言是「讓加密貨幣進入每個人的口袋」,簡而言之,在這個不斷發展的行業中,Telegram 比任何其他項目都更有潛力率先實現這一目標。

Telegram’s co-founder and CEO, Pavel Durov, also holds this view. Ton’s mission statement is to “let the encrypt currency enter everyone’s pockets,” and, in short, Telegram is more likely than any other project to take the lead in achieving this goal.




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