感谢,书友20220427060148310,书友20220306221418195,术师先生,风华雪舞,书友2021030110400844210,几位书友的打赏。 1、克泰夏斯加入浪子战帮,阿里曼发动第一次红字法术,好像都是M32时期的事情,但是就和帝子军团执政官内战、午夜领主报复卡利都斯刺客神庙一样,被我挪到目前来了,因为战锤的叙事时间太长了,以千年为单位,主角作为轮回者,不可能一千年打一仗。望书友们周知。 2、感谢书友“小丑面具xhh”提供的战团名字,感谢书友“月之风行”提供的旗舰名字。大家提供的名字都很棒,白疤的很多子团都以“风暴”开头,风暴领主,风暴执政官什么的,所以“风暴骑士”就不考虑了,名字不错,但是太同质化。“轮回之刃”中规中矩,但是不同于轮回社团,主角的战团我还是想有一点东方特色,毕竟白疤子团,结合主角的国人身份,“轮回之刃”也不错,但只强调轮回者身份,其他元素不够。
Thank you, friend 202,420,6014,8310, friend 202,3006,22,14,195, artist Mr. Fush, friend 202,1010,110,400,84,4210, friend of bookmates. 1 Cétesias joined the Surrey Gang, Aliman launched his first red word, as was the case in the M32 era, but, like the Emperor of the Imperial Army during the Civil War, Lord of the Midnight Retaliation of Kalidus Assassins, I have been moved to the present time, because the narrative of the hammer is too long, and the main character of the storm captain is not likely to be a thousand years old. 2 Thanks to the name given by his friend, the clown mask, xhh, and the name of the flag ship given by his friend, the Moon Wind, but the name of the main character is different from that of the Oriente, but the name of the Orient is not considered.
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