What is the bitcoin? Who issued it? What is the bitcoin price at present? Below is the history of bitcoin development and a 10-year price trend profile (the trend in bitcoin prices from 2009 to 2022).
Bitcoin, Abbreviation: BTC, is an encrypted currency based on a technologically constant total of 21 million dollars in block chains. Because of its de-centralized, global, and anonymous nature, it transfers bitcoin to the other end of the planet, as simple as sending e-mails, at low cost and without restrictions.
Bitcoin continued to rise in prices since its birth in 2009, thanks to its vast prospects and vast imagination, reaching a high value of US$ 1 in 2011 and up to US$ 63,000 in April 2021, well above the price of one ounce of gold
At present, some digital currency exchanges, such as those in Europe and the United States and Japan, have legal licence plates providing currency exchange services in United States dollars, euros, yen and other convertible French currency.
Bitcoin does not have a specific issuer, but rather is automatically generated by the system as an incentive for miners to complete the distribution process. miners are here to act as money issuers, and the process by which they get Bitcoin is also known as “ mining & rdquao; .
Mining is a process that increases the money supply of bitcoin. It also protects the security of bitcoin systems against fraudulent transactions and avoids “ double payment & & rdquo; & & rdquo; double payment & & rdquo; refers to the multiple costs of the same bitcoin. Miners offer Bitcoin incentives by providing algorithms for the Bitcoin network.
A lot of newcomers, bitcoin&ldquao; mining/rdquao; that term is hard to understand, isn't it?
Simply put, the & ldquao of the encrypted currency of ; the mining & rdquao; and the accounting process, where the miners are bookkeepers and the block chain is the account book .
How to motivate miners to dig for mining? Bitcoin's record-keeping power is decentralised, that is, every miner has the right to book-keeping. A miner who succeeds in winning the book-keeping rights gets a new bitcoin reward for the system.
Thus, mining is the process of producing bitcoin. When Bintwe first designed bitcoin, it was set to halve the bitcoin reward for every 210,000 blocks generated, until bitcoin could no longer be broken down. Because bitcoin is as limited as gold. So bitcoin is called digital gold, and bitcoin is commonly known as mining.
Bitcoin digs with computer computing . Any computer can be a miner, but it's less profitable, and it may not be able to dig a bitcoin in a few years.
The Bitcoin concept was first proposed by a net named Bentton-medium in October 2008 and was designed to be decentralized, using a point-to-point network and consensus initiative, open the original code, using block chains as encrypted currency for bottom-level technology.
In January 2009, the Bitcoin Agreement was released as open source software, the first time that the Bitcoin Agreement had been implemented in the real world.
Initially, the value of the Bitcoin transaction was negotiated among users at the Bitcoinalk forum, and in May 2009, US programmers bought two pieces of pizza with 10,000 bitcoins, the first of the bitcoin deal. At that time, the market price was $30, which meant that the initial value of the bitcoin should be 0.003 dollars.
In July 2010, the world's first Bitcoin trading platform, MT.GOX, was opened for trade, and MT.GOX became one of the world's largest Bitcoin trading platforms.
In November 2010, the price of the single bitcoin on Mt.Gox exceeded 0.5 dollars, about 167 times the initial price increase.
Mt. Gox, the world's largest Bitcoin trading platform, was hit by hackers in 2011, when Bitcoin prices fell rapidly to 0.01 dollars.
In December 2013, the price of Bitcoin reached a high of $1147, which was the first time that the price of bitcoin exceeded the international gold price.
On February 24, 2014, Mt. Gox, the world’s largest bitcoin exchange, which accounted for 80% of the Bitcoin trade, was exposed to hackers stealing 850,000 bitcoins, and declared bankrupt. This incident, later known as the “gate ditch” incident, has so far come as a shock.
On 24 January 2017, the price of Bitcoin returned to about $900, and the three main trading platforms in China officially began to charge fees.
2017年9月4日,中国大力清理数字货币交易所,关闭境内所有比特币交易平台,史称9.4 事件。目前所有中资交易所(火币、币安、OKEX等)都国外运营。
On September 4, 2017, China made a major effort to clean up the digital currency exchange and shut down all Bitcoin trading platforms in China, known as the 9.4 incident.
At the beginning of December 2017, the price of Bitcoin rose sharply from US$ 900 at the beginning of the year to nearly US$ 20,000, reaching a historic peak.
In January 2018, bitcoin prices began to fall, and in December they fell down the $4,000 mark.
In the first half of 2019, the price of bitcoin rose again to $14,000 and is currently hovering around $10,000.
In December 2020, the second major cattle market, 17 years after its opening, was priced at a high of US$ 28,500 in Bitcoin before it broke out.
2021年4月,加密货币市场在经过世界首富Elon Reeve Musk(马斯克)带货之后,达到历史新高的63,000美元一枚。
In April 2021, the encrypt currency market, after bringing goods through Elon Reeve Musk (Mask), the world's richest, reached an all-time high of $63,000.
In May 2022, in the context of the US Federal Reserve's interest scale, the crypto-currency market entered the bear market, and the price of Bitcoin fell with the United States stock to close to $30,000.
Over the 13 years of Bitcoin’s existence, the price trend has been upwards. Every time production is halved, bitcoin prices will rise sharply, the next time it will be about May 2024, and we'll see if we can replicate the past.
What is this bitcoin? The 13-year development history of bitcoin and the price trends of previous years (2009-2022), and more information about bitcoin development history and prices, please pay attention to other relevant scripthouse articles!
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