
资讯 2024-06-21 阅读:29 评论:0



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本文来自微信公众号:风暴眼工作室 (ID:qiyanglu4hao),作者:张沃若,原文标题:《风暴眼|“虚拟股票”两周即下线,股价腰斩的奈雪真“急了”》,头图来自:视觉中国


In 2019, after Naisha's tea was selected for the Chinese Ten Teas, the founder, Peng Xin, gave a series of media interviews in which she attributed her success to the words: “Marketing is not about how well she is, but about what she does to impress the guests”.


They say they're not brands for product orientation, more for cultural and spatial positioning, and they open up their own winehouses, combined laughter, Lining and even artists, opening up the whole track with a “good cup of tea, a soft Eurobag”.

只是四年过去,奈雪的茶才思逐渐枯竭, 再难有当年那样的故事可讲。

It's only four years ago that Naisha's tea was drying up, and it's hard to tell a story like that.



On 30 June, Nische's tea micro-message sent out a letter to the public stating that


In addition to exchanging gifts, coupons, coupons, and so on, Nische is twice, five times, and ten times the leverage. Although it still appears to be a member’s crediting activity, it is based on a stock market framework.


Internet users have expressed concern that, while it is understandable that there is anxiety in the face of industry growth bottlenecks, linking real stock markets, allowing leverage trading and even “up and down” Internet games, among other elements, raises doubts as to whether currency speculators have been laid off to re-enter the workforce and have sold mining machines for milked tea.

1. “奈雪币”本身是否涉及违法?


The law firm of Shellon in Shanghai told Phoenix Network's Storm Eyes that the `negrong' model is essentially a common consumption score, and that there is no legal risk in general as long as the `simulatory stock' is used only for non-profit purposes such as entertainment, learning, etc.


However, if users are allowed to resell, accumulate “Neicher” in exchange for high-value goods or directly cash out, there is a greater risk that the entire model will be suspected of opening casinos or illegal operations.


In Jia Ning, Executive Director of the China Mobile Communications Federation Committee of Woncosmos Industry and co-chair of the District Chain Committee of the China Communications Industry Association, stated that


At the same time, however, Janin stated that there was likely to be some legal controversy over Naishi, such as whether the Nische model encouraged unreasonable consumption by users and whether off-site transactions could be strictly prohibited.

2. 奈雪币和币圈的虚拟货币又有何差别?是否违规?


Yugyanin stated that the current distribution of Naishen on the basis of actual consumption scenes was not illegal.


Because virtual currency is a special commodity or asset that is negotiable, two-way and convertible with French currency. And a web-based component, such as the Naishi coin, is an enterprise marketing product that cannot be traded across platforms or traded or transferred, and that cannot be exchanged with the renminbi in two-way, which does not meet the definition of virtual currency.


There are, however, a number of areas that require much attention, such as the fact that network credits cannot be given in the form of a stock card charge, or the way in which they are played + virtual stocks can easily be considered to be related to network gaming activities.


In addition, on the question of whether the “virtual stock” and real stock rises and falls are tied to their real stock prices and do not violate the relevant provisions of the securities market, Janin said that


“Nessher's so-called virtual stock game is merely a game mechanism within the platform for network credits, and without such conditions as two-way conversions, consumers are not able to benefit from corporate dividends and value-added gains through the possession of a nesche virtual stock, which has the effect of stimulating stock prices only by marketing activities, but does not affect any real stock exchange.”


But there's no point in exploring the possibility of future violations of Naishen.


On 14 July, Naisha's tea was announced as the official offline of virtual stock membership activities.


The announcement stated that, at the end of the event, the virtual shares in the member accounts of the participants would be converted automatically into Naishi, on a user-friendly basis, in accordance with the rule for the conversion of the virtual shares to N6 and that consumers would still be able to use Naishi for the exchange of gifts in Naishi.


And behind this farce, which ended in haste just two weeks on the line, there are still a lot of problems to deal with in Naisha's tea...



Since December of last year, Naisha's tea has begun to be marketed in the Won universe, with the introduction of NFT


Behind them are the real pressures of declining stock prices and performance.

1. 成本高企、股价腰斩,奈雪如何突围?


Last June, Naisha's tea was placed on the market as the “first share of a new cup of tea” but the opening of the plate broke. After that, Naisha's share price went down all the way.


As at 18 July, Naishi's tea was offered at a price of HK$ 613 per share, with a total market value of HK$ 10,514 million, which is over 60 per cent lower than the market value of HK$ 32 billion a year ago.


Chen Jia, a researcher at the Chinese People’s University’s Monetary Institute, said to Phoenix Network’s Storm Eyes that the six-month-long cut-off in Naisha’s tea share price implied a change in the microeconomic model of the downside macroeconomic period. The industry itself was characterized by a strong pro-cyclical nature, coupled with a low threshold, and that when large short-term capital inflows led to high competition, the price reduction became the mainstream of the industry; combined with the impact of the epidemic on ordinary people’s income, it affected the demand for non-required drinking products, and the difficulty of maintaining corporate profit-fixing securities prices under both supply and demand relationships would increase.


On 27 June, Goldman Sachs published a study to downgrade Naisha's tea rating from “neutral” in April to “sale” with a target price of HK$ 5.4. The report states that the company's fundamentals have not improved significantly and that its short-term recovery is under pressure and cautious about its profitability prospects.


And the unprofitable nature of


According to a public review of Storm Eyes,




According to Naisha’s tea collection book, the three fixed costs of Naisha’s tea raw materials, employees, and rental expenses together account for more than 80% of the total costs. Media reports suggest that the cost of packaging materials has increased significantly by 50.3% over a two-year period, while in the 2021 financial statement, the difference between the cost of packaging and the cost of raw materials is no longer disclosed.


but the Ostrich Strategy does not help Naishi's tea to cover up fatigue. Problems such as loss of shop, price reduction, etc., have long led the market to question Naish's tea.

2. 过度的营销带不动拉胯的主营业务


Business brand experts say that the current branding cycle in Nasheed has reached a critical stage. Consumers, especially the new generation, are always infatuated with the red brands, most of which in the last two years have been magnified through extreme marketing packaging and operations, with a number of bubble risks inherent in the capital market.


On the other hand, in 2021, when most of our peers chose to leave a large number of shops and move to fine-tuning operations, Naisha's tea remained “intransigent” in its fast-paced expansion strategy.


In 2021, there was a net increase of 326 Naishi tea and tea shops, which were expanded to 80 cities, all of which were in Naishi's direct tea shop.


According to the annual report, Naisha's tea shop is expected to open 350 new tea shops in 2022, with a total of more than a thousand shops expected to be opened and selected as a line and a new line of cities. As of June this year, the number of Naisha's teahouses had reached 900.


But the story of marketing and the introduction of new products has long been finished, with product price reductions and the replacement of hand-made tea with an “automated milk tea machine” — which is much more difficult to shake — than the search for incremental amounts in the sunk market, in the long-drawn river, in which the Director General of Shanghai and China Marketing Consulting Ltd., Huagi, wrote on social platforms in June this year that Mihai Ice City has broken over 1,000 shops abroad, which is more than the total number of Naichan stores in the “high-speed-expanding” cycle.


In addition, Naisha's tea is not only uncooked, but also has a high incidence of internal problems. In the second half of 2021, she was punished three times by the regulatory authorities for food safety problems. In mid-April, Naisha's tea was removed from use of rotten fruit and her bread was exposed to sale in May.


To Phoenix Network's Storm Eyes, tidal forests indicate that this is due to the fact that more brands in new consumption have overtaken their strength over the years due to capital support and rapid economic development, with varying levels of underpayment in terms of product development, quality control, management capacity, etc.


“But as the consumer market matures and brand values return, three major trends in new consumption areas are expected in the future”:


Only in the light of Naisha's current state, it has not made any further breakthroughs in the operations of the main battalion, but rather has been delayed in finding its own “underpants” at a time when the heat of the new consumption is fading.


With the fire of this year's The Dream Book, Naisha's tea produced a joint set of two products: a special drink, “Red fruit lily” and a customized snack, “Miss summer bean cake”, which made some noise.


It is only at a time when confidence in the market has collapsed that Nash's shares are barely “red” to the next “half-summer”.



2.《新茶饮内卷升级 喝奈雪领虚拟股票、玩元宇宙》,海报新闻






本文来自微信公众号:风暴眼工作室 (ID:qiyanglu4hao),作者:张沃若





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