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“The block chain has many applications, such as tracing ownership or documentation, digital assets, physical assets, voting rights.


The development of block chain technology benefits from the spread of bitcoin digital monetary systems. But, in essence, block chains are only a special type of database. Bitcoin block chains are the storage of encrypted financial transfer records, but block chain systems can store any type of data. Block chains can also store and run computer codes called “smart contracts”.


The particular feature of the block chain system is that it does not operate on a single computer like an ordinary database. Rather, it requires a number of distributed processing nodes to work together. Each node has a complete copy of the database, and the system encourages all nodes to build consensus on its content.”


I will continue to quote from this article in this paper, and if you want to get a deeper picture of the problem, a full understanding of the potential solutions is essential.


Now, let's talk about the music industry. In my view, the block chain is destabilizing two major aspects of the music industry.


Artist's source of funding


Records companies and their artists, as well as their performance agents, are the founders of the industry. They decide who gets the money. Records companies can be regarded as venture investors (VCs), although their investment is higher than the usual investment risk. Artists have little chance of success.


Transactions typically set advances ranging from $50,000 to millions of dollars, depending on the future investment value of the artist. The problem is that, as an artist, you get 20% of the income you generate – and you don't see a penny until your income offsets the advance.


If you want to succeed, you need more people to help you, in addition to paying for the company. You need a manager, a public relations team, a broker, a leader -- I can keep talking about it. Some of the fees are paid by record companies, but usually the managers are drawn from the artist's income. And the companies will split them.

“唱片公司对于艺人而言有利有弊。这取决于你签署的协议类型,如果协议不当,你会比较容易迷失,失去创作力或者背上债务。如果你不与顶级艺人竞争,你会很容易被“搁置”,成为团队的非优先选择。但是对于Kid Buu来说,这种事情不存在的! ” - Kid Buu,嘻哈歌手。

"Recording companies have both advantages and disadvantages for artists. It depends on the type of agreement you sign, and if the deal is not right, you're more likely to get lost, lose creativity, or lose debt. If you don't compete with top artists, you're easy to “set aside” and become a non-privileged option for the team. But for Kid Buu, it doesn't exist!” - Kid Buu, hip-hop singer.

Kid Buu是特立独行的典型代表,他正在为自己铺路,也是因去中心化而受益的艺人。在与唱片公司谈合作前,他就凭借自己的形象和音乐吸引了一大批听众。他能给听众们带来东西,因此他受到的待遇就比较好。凭借他庞大的粉丝群,他完全能够负担自己的事业,而且如果募集资金的过程是去中心化的话,那么他就只用支付一小笔版税。如果风险分散到他的歌迷身上,而不是仅仅依靠唱片公司,那么整个体系就会更加平衡。

Kid Buu, who is a typical representative of a unique profession, is paving the way for himself and an artist who benefits from decentralisation. Before working with a record company, he attracts a large audience with his own image and music. He can bring something to the audience, so he is treated better. With his huge fan base, he can fully afford his career, and if the fund-raising process is centralized, he will pay only a small copy of the royalties. If the risk spreads to his fans, rather than relying solely on record companies, the system will be more balanced.


I am not saying that record companies are enemies. In many cases, record companies help emerging artists gain momentum and create great success in their careers. The only problem is that this is only a small number of artists who have signed up with record companies. Most artists are “set aside” – that is to say, their projects are relegated to secondary positions – so that record companies can focus on what they see as more promising and more investmentable artists.

“老实说,我们一直梦想着成为大唱片公司中的一部分,只是为了看清它到底是什么样子,但对于如今的音乐行业来说,真相是你必须自己去完成构建。你不能指望唱片公司能帮助你发展事业。基本上你做的每件事都不需要公司的帮助,当一个公司想要和你签约的时候,你其实根本就不需要他们!这就是为什么我们能独立这么久。如今,经过6年的血汗和泪水,唱片公司和管理公司等都想参与进来,但我们基本不需要它们。这就像申请信用卡。你需要信用积分才能获得信用卡,但没有信用卡你就没有信用积分。讽刺!”—— OhdemBeatz,制作人

"To be honest, we've always dreamed of being part of a big record company, just to see what it looks like, but the truth is that for the music industry today, you have to do it yourself. You can't expect a record company to help you develop your career. Basically, you don't need company help. You don't need them at all when a company wants to sign a contract with you. That's why we've been independent for so long. Now, after six years of sweat and tears, record companies and management want to be involved, but we don't need them. It's like applying for credit cards. You need credit credits to get credit, but you don't have credit credits without credit cards.


These easy-to-achievement goals are shifted from record companies and copyright distributors to block chains so that artists and fans can understand where the income goes to all artists.


Full copies of the database are available at each node, and the system encourages consensus-building on the content of all these nodes.


But, to be honest, it seems to me that the likelihood of this happening is almost zero. So, we go back to the terms of the agreement and the “advance payment” issues, which have led many artists to sign bad contracts.


The problem with advance payments is that it is a catalyst for financial slavery.


Most artists are generally unable to repay their advance payments, and they continue to generate income for the contracted record companies to sustain their creative lives. Once they pay the advance, they receive a huge return of 20-30% of their own income, in accordance with the terms of the contract.


Block chains can be used to centralize the artist’s fund-raising process. For example, the risk of being placed in a single subject (e.g. a record company) is shared among 100 stakeholders, while artists may receive more royalties.


Unless artists are independent (which is becoming more common, but is still rare), they must have signed a record company. Decentralization of the music industry allows fans and musicians to decide which artists can get the money, so that the process of discovering new people is more democratic.


Royal Tax Allocation


The current distribution of royalties is a complete mess. Several companies are currently engaged in digital distribution and copyright distribution, but many professional songs are subject to fees.


For example, we can look at Drake's playlist for the song "Glow."

首次发行出版商信息:桑德拉·盖尔/百代流行音乐出版公司,梅弗摩西公司/版权服务商科博 (美国作曲家,作家与出版商协会), 百代四月音乐公司 (美国作曲家,作家与出版商协会),市中心数据管理平台 (百代布莱克伍德音乐公司), 索尼/亚特兰大歌曲有限责任公司(百代布莱克伍德音乐公司), 华纳音乐集团 (美国作曲家,作家与出版商协会)

For the first time, publisher information was released: Sandra Gaer/Badé Pop Music Publisher, Mévesmos/Cobo, Copyright Servicer (American composers, Association of Writers and Publishers), April April Music, 100 Generations (American composers, Association of Writers and Publishers), Central Data Management Platform (Badley Blackwood Music Company), Sony/Atlan Big Songs Limited (Badee Blackwood Music Company), Warner Music Group (United States composers, Association of Writers and Publishers)

创作者:格雷厄姆·韦斯特,谢比卜·金, 优素福,枫弥·桑迪弗,戈尔茨坦,菲利普·贝利,莫里斯·怀特,奥布里·格雷厄姆,卡洛· 蒙特尼, 马吉德·马卡迪,加布里埃尔·加尔松·蒙塔诺, 安东尼·杰弗里斯, 艾塞· 朱伯,肯扎·萨米尔, 诺亚·希尔本·乔丹,杨先生。

Author: Graham West, Shabib King, Yusuf, Maple Myi Sandiff, Goldstein, Philip Bailey, Maurice White, Aubrey Graham, Carlo Monteny, Maged Makadi, Gabriel Garsson Montano, Anthony Geoffreys, Isaac Juber, Kenza Samir, Noah Hilpen Jordan, Mr. Yang.

素材收集:包含由百代四月音乐公司(美国作曲家,作家与出版商协会)出版、由菲利普·贝利和莫里斯·怀特写的《奉献》样带,使用经许可、保留所有权利。包含由索尼音乐娱乐公司提供的《大地之风与火》。包含加布里埃尔·加里森-蒙塔诺表演的“6 8”部分节选,由超有型公司提供,使用经许可。包含来自环球唱片公司德雷克表演的《丛林》部分节选。

Collection of material: Comprises a sample of "Contributions" published by the April 100 Generation Music Company (American composers, Association of Writers and Publishers) and written by Philip Bailey and Maurice White, using licensed and retention-of-title profits. Contains "The Wind and Fire of the Earth" by Sony Music and Recreation Company. Part of "68" excerpts of Gabriel Garrison-Montano's performances, supplied by supermodels, are licensed.


Producer: by Noa Shebib for Mevesmos and Kanye West, and surrounded by Noa Goldstein.

录制者:由诺埃尔·地籍,诺亚·谢比卜和 哈雷·阿瑟罗为埃夫顿音乐公司和诺亚·戈尔茨坦在加拿大多伦多巴黎海特公园的索塔工作室和无名工作室录制。

Recorders: Recorded by Noel Cadastral, Noa Shebib and Harley Asserro for the Erfton Music Company and Noah Goldstein's Sota studio and anonymous studio at Heitt Park, Paris, Toronto, Canada.

后期制作:由诺埃尔·坎贝尔为位于多伦多的索塔工作室和306工作室的埃夫顿音乐公司/ T.O.音乐集团调音。

Later production: Noel Campbell for the Sota studio in Toronto and for the Effton Music Corporation/T.O. Music Group.


Kanye Wes was particularly grateful for getting out of our dream II limited liability company.


It's not even the longest list I've ever seen. If you have time, you can Google for Kanye West's song, "Fade."


The point to make is to pay the royalties to most of the people on the list — and I've heard (and I've seen them personally) that many producers or songwriters don't get the royalties at all. Think of such an example, an artist has been working silently for many years before becoming famous. In this case, artists may have published hundreds of songs independently.


When an artist is “successful”, all the producers and records he works with should receive royalties. However, when a record company intervenes, the creators who have contributed to the artist’s career are completely forgotten, as is often the case. They do not receive royalties or recognition, and some of them do not even appear on the list of actors. The process of tracking royalties distribution is completely opaque, and those who upload songs basically control who gets paid when it generates income.


Block chains can be used in a variety of contexts, such as tracking ownership or file origins, digital assets, physical assets or voting rights.


Block chains can be used to create a fully transparent and unalterable system — so if people are not paid, they will know and can solve the problem.


If artists are able to issue tokens for each of the projects they start and their royalties share, the royalties will automatically be distributed to everyone who contributes to the album. And it's also centralizing what we're talking about.


An artist can issue 100 tokens, each equivalent to 1% of the royalties of the album. These tokens can be distributed to every person who contributes to this song, some of which can be left to artists as a share of their profits, and the rest can be sold to fans to raise money for the production of this album.


I don't think the block chain would mess with the music industry, but instead, I think it would have to mess with the music industry.



Risk Alert: All Blue Fox notes do not constitute investment recommendations, they are risky, they should take into account individual risk tolerance, and it is recommended that projects be thoroughly examined and their investment decisions carefully taken.


(author: Blue Fox Note, from the Open-Tracking Platform; this paper represents only the author's views and not the official position of the chain)




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