Encrypted currencies have gained increasing attention in the last few years, because they have many advantages in relation to traditional currencies. In this paper, we will briefly describe the definition of encrypted currencies and their working principles, as well as their history and application.
Encrypted money is a digitized asset with values and functions similar to those of traditional currencies, but its owners can encrypt and authenticate through cryptography without the need for intermediaries from traditional financial institutions. Encrypted money, such as Bitcoin and Etheria, can be used for the purchase of goods and services, or can be traded and invested in digital money markets.
Encrypted money is a digital asset that uses cryptography technology to achieve security and anonymity, and users can trade and invest without intermediaries from traditional financial institutions. The most famous encrypted currency is Bitcoin, which was first introduced in 2009 and is now one of the most popular assets in the digital currency market.
They use block chain technology, a distributed account system that ensures the safety and transparency of transactions. The block chain keeps transaction records in a decentralised public account book, which is managed jointly by a large number of users, so that transaction information is not tampered with or removed.
The history of encrypted money dates back to bitcoin, but Bitcoin’s success as the first encrypted currency has also enabled other digital currencies to develop. In recent years, Bitcoin has undergone dramatic changes, rising its value from several dollars to thousands of dollars, attracting increasing attention from investors and people.
Encrypted currencies are not just an asset in the digital money market; they have been gradually applied in different areas, such as currency transactions, digital copyrights and, in some countries, stock markets.
In the future, the use of encrypted money is still widely predicted, as it is not controlled by banks, government agencies or other institutions, and its advantages have been valued and promoted by society.
With the development of block-chain technology, the shortage of talent has become apparent, and institutions of higher learning have gradually introduced block-chain courses to solve the problem of talent at the source. As of 10 February 2023, some 30 institutions of higher learning had opened block-chain-related courses, mostly concentrated in Beijing and Shanghai, and 42% of them in Beijing.
The Beijing University introduced a fee-for-payment course in the area of block chains, “Foster applications and value creation”, which included a number of senior members of the block chain industry.
The University of Qinghua has set up the Ivy League, set up the National Union of Campus Blocks, set up a research pond and promoted the location and practice of the results of the research.
The Central University of Finance and Finance, in cooperation with an enterprise, established the first block chain laboratory in the country to be co-organized by a school company, and offered courses related to the block chain.
The University established an artificial intelligence and block chain intelligence laboratory, participated in early digital currency research by the Central Bank and launched a train-the-trainer block chain training course.
The Institute for Innovation and Entrepreneurship of the University of E-Technology of Xian, in cooperation with block-link enterprises, has launched a course on the “Technology of block chains and the development of field operations”, in which students develop excellent projects that offer opportunities for investment in incubation.
Zhejiang University offers a course on block chains and digital money for senior undergraduate and postgraduate students, mainly in computer colleges and software colleges, as a modular course on the direction of financial science and technology.
The Business School of the Chinese University of Political Science and Law offered a course on block chains and the digital economy, focusing on research on block chain techniques and the application of block chains in the financial field.
The Beijing Polytechnic University offers “block chain technology” courses for students at computer and software colleges to help students master basic theory and key techniques of block chains.
The Beijing Post and Telecommunications University has set up the Block Chain Research Laboratory, which focuses on the integration and application of block chain technology with 5G, taking into account core block chain technical principles, electrical platform applications, privacy protection techniques, etc.
In addition to the 10 higher education institutions mentioned above, higher education institutions such as Beijing Teacher Training University, Khatami University, Wuhan University, Shenzhen University are also active in setting up a chain of scientific research and teaching. Have you heard of these courses?
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