A股晚间热点 | 易会满重磅发声!加大力度推进投资端改革、健全常态化退市机制

资讯 2024-06-19 阅读:28 评论:0



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1. The sound of heavy-handedness! Increased efforts to promote investment-end reforms and sound de-marketing mechanisms

2、大基金二期出手 入股华力微电子

2nd phase of a big fund.


In March and November, a national game number was released: Singbao is on the list.


4. Pharmacological bio-laden CRO plates! In-business: transition to be tied to a giant or to become a “life-saving straw”

5、碳酸锂期货价跌破10万元 约三分之一产能面临亏损

The price of lithium carbonate will fall by $100,000, and about one third of the production capacity will be at a loss.


is the text of the evening paper:


1. The sound of heavy-handedness! Increased efforts to promote investment-end reforms and sound de-marketing mechanisms


Level of importance:


There are a number of requirements, such as “promotion of registration” and “active capital markets.” How will capital markets be implemented?


The Chairman of the CVM can easily accept a visit from the Xinhua Society and make a clear statement on three points. First, a policy framework for building modern capital markets with Chinese characteristics is being developed as a matter of urgency, second, more practical initiatives are being put in place around sound capital market functions, and third, efforts are being made to maintain the stable functioning of capital markets.

①加大力度推进投资端改革 吸引更多中长期资金入市

Increased efforts to promote investment end-of-end reforms to attract more medium- and long-term capital into the market

②优化并购重组、股权激励、分红等制度安排 健全常态化退市机制

2 Optimizing M & As restructuring, equity incentives, dividends, etc.

③稳慎有序发展期货和衍生品市场 助力提高大宗商品价格影响力

3 A prudent and orderly development of futures and derivatives markets contributes to the impact of commodity prices

④完善一二级市场逆周期调节机制 鼓励和引导上市公司回购、股东增持

4 Refinement of counter-cyclical regulation of Level 1 markets to encourage and direct repurchases by listed companies and increase shareholder ownership


5 Strengthened governance at the source of potential risk risks, such as capital appropriation by major shareholders, excessive leverage and lack of segregation of industrial and financial capital

2、大基金出手!入股华力微电子 半导体产业受益标的出炉

Big fund! Into the semiconductor industry.


Level of importance:


According to APP, in recent days, there have been business changes in Shanghai, with the addition of the National Integrated Circuit Investment Fund, Phase II, as a shareholder, while the company's registered capital has increased from about RMB 22.7 billion to about RMB 28.4 billion, an increase of about 28.68 per cent.


According to the Eastern Securities Research Institute, the overall climate recovery in the semiconductor industry, the upgrading of the AI large model computing and the investment opportunities offered by the semiconductor nationalization are of concern for 2024. In the area of the semiconductor industrial chain, attention is recommended to:


(a) Semiconductor equipment: China Micro Company, Precision Electronics, China Flying Technology, Microchip, Tetsu Technology, Nord-Sud, Hua Hai Qingko, Sem Seunghai, Mandu, etc.;


2 Storage: with technology, Ranko technology, Deminli, Jiang Bolong, Deep Technology, Dong-chi shares, Beijing Jun-zheng, Purang shares, Moi-Yi innovation, etc.


In March and November, a national game number was released: Singbao is on the list.


Level of importance:


On December 4, the State Press and Publications Agency released an approval message for the November National Productions Network game, which was approved for 87 games.


According to the East Wu Securities Researcher, the elasticity of the game board is constantly being repaired, and AI supports upward elasticity in valuations. The agency recommends high-capacity and well-stocked manufacturers such as Cullen Wanvi, Keane Network, Gibitt, Trinity, Health of Eminent Persons, Giants Network, Network of the Greats, Botun Science, Perfect World, Yaocho Science, etc., the Hong Kong Stock Exchange Control Unit, Dreammaking, Heart Mob, etc., and recommends that attention be paid to the Internet-S, Toyota-Tay, Eyuki Network, Tom Cat, etc.


4. Pharmacological bio-laden CRO plates! In-business: transition to be tied to a giant or to become a “life-saving straw”


Level of importance:


Monday's CRO plate was a major setback, and it was widely felt that this was directly related to a business update document released by the Pharmacy Organism in the morning, which referred directly to the CRO industry for almost a year or two, or to a low cycle, which not only left many CRO industry members at large, but also led to a loss of confidence on the part of secondary market investors.


The analysis states that during the low tide period of the future, the entire CRO plate may be about to change, with the wind blowing “from serving Biotech to serving mainly large pharmaceutical companies”.

5、碳酸锂期货价跌破10万元 约三分之一产能面临亏损

The price of lithium carbonate will fall by $100,000, and about one third of the production capacity will be at a loss.


Level of importance:


On 4 December, the lithium carbonate futures master contract dropped by 6.95 per cent, close to the drop point, receiving $963.5 million per ton, which is the first time that the futures range has fallen since it was marketed in July.


According to the agency, about one third of lithium carbonate production is already at a loss at the current price, concentrated in the lithium cloud chain. Under the drag of the downstream chain, the industry as a whole shows low consumption, which may lead to an over-correction of the price decline.


6. The National Finance Committee is firmly committed to addressing the risks associated with the operations of the central enterprise's financial sector.


Level of importance:


On 4 December, the website of the State Finance Committee of the State Council reported that, on 1 December, a meeting of the State Finance Committee of the State Council was held on the theme of promoting the restructuring and restructuring of central enterprises, with a view to the full deployment of specialized governance on issues that are contrary to the eight provisions of the Central Code and on the risks of the operations of the Central Enterprise Financial Block, with a view to achieving high-quality restructuring and efficiency in promoting high-quality development of the State Treasury.

7、中国银行走访绿城、龙湖、万科等多家混合所有制及民营房企 进行一对一交流

7. Chinese banks visit several mixed ownership and private housing companies like Green City, Long Lake, Huanko, etc. for one-on-one exchanges.


Level of importance:


Recently, the China Banking Commission, management and the principals of the relevant institutions have actively visited a number of mixed ownership and private housing enterprises, such as the Green City Group, the Long Lake Group, the Huanko Group, the Rimjiang Group, the New Town Holdings Group, the United States of America, the Star River Bay Group, the Dahua Group and the Kim Fai Group, to exchange views on the deepening of cooperation between silver companies and the development of the financial support real estate market.


In addition, the following information is of interest:


8. TETF (560170) is again favoured, with a single-day turnover that is second highest on the market.


9. The United States aircasts 2 billion dollars in single-month GMVs, commercialized or on the agenda.


10. Recent developments in the wealth litigation in Kyoto: the sum involved amounts to $30 billion, and the two sides accuse each other.

1、美股集体低开 道指跌0.57%

1. The U.S. shares have fallen by 0.57%.


The three main indices of the United States share collectively fell by 0.57 per cent, the index by 0.95 per cent and the index by 0.76 per cent.

区块链概念股走强,Marathon Digital涨逾12%,嘉楠科技、Riot Platforms涨超10%,MicroStrategy涨逾7%。比特币今日盘中突破42000美元,续刷2022年4月以来新高,总市值达到8200亿美元。夏威夷控股暴涨180%,阿拉斯加航空拟大幅溢价270%收购该公司。Meta跌逾2%,扎克伯格出售逾56万股Meta股票,套现近2亿美元。Uber涨近5%,公司获纳入标普500指数。

The block chain concept was strong, with Marathon Digital rising by more than 12 per cent, Carina Technology, Riot Platforms by more than 10 per cent, and MicroStrategy by more than 7 per cent. Bitcoin broke by $42,000 today, renewed since April 2022, with a total market value of $820 billion. Hawaiian holdings surged by 180 per cent, and Alaska Airlines proposed a substantial premium of 270 per cent to buy the company. Meta fell by more than 2 per cent, Zuckerberg sold more than 560,000 Meta shares, amounting to nearly $200 million. Uber rose by nearly 5 per cent, and the company was included in the index 500.

2、比特币短暂升破4.2万年涨幅达150% 但技术指标已出现超买信号

Two, bitcoin short-lived 42,000 years up 150 percent, but technology indicators show over-buying signals.


Driven by two factors: “the possible early interest reduction by the Fed” and “bitcoin ETF to be approved in the United States”, Bitcoin made a further breakthrough of US$ 42,000 in the day, up by more than 150 per cent in the year.


For example, the biline RSI (relatively strong and weak indicator) of Bitcoin has been over 75 in the last two weeks. Generally, more than 70 is considered to be overbuying signals, indicating that the market is overbuying, and investors can consider selling it.


3. Indian stock market valuation is expected to reach $4 trillion


According to statistics, since March 2020, the market value of securities listed on the Indian Exchange has tripled as of Friday, reaching $3.93 trillion. India's SENSEX30 index trail rose by more than 2 per cent, to an all-time high of 68838.34 points.


Investment opportunities for self-scholarizing market concerns have found that new energy vehicle tests, panels, etc., have received attention.

1、我国首个新能源汽车检测国标将落地 这些A股公司有相关业务

One, our first new-energy vehicle-testing logo will be on the ground, and these A-share companies have related business.


The national tender for the testing of new energy vehicles is issued on 13 December 2022 and the project cycle is 12 months, so that the official launch date is no later than 13 December 2023, which means that our first national standard for the testing of new energy vehicles will be officially in place after 13 December 2023.


With regard to the progress in the layout of the company in shares A, the self-selected shares are based on open market information and relevant responses from interactive platforms, and the following companies have relevant business for investors only.

2、传四大面板厂将减产20% 面板价格持续走高

The distribution of four panels will reduce production by 20 per cent and the price of the panels will continue to rise.


On 4 December, according to media reports, four major panels – Tokyo East, China Star, Huyco, Xianyang Rainbow – have recently informed suppliers of a further 20% or more reduction in production. It is hoped that the offer will remain above profit levels by significantly cutting supplies.


According to the Sinda securities, the supply-demand relationship is improving, looking at OLED’s investment opportunities in the industrial chain. Four quarters of the price of the cellular panels show steady and steady increases, and according to CINANO forecasts, the rigid AMOLED panels will increase or will start in 2024, while the flexible AMOLED panels will maintain high water levels and overall prices will continue to rise slightly.


In addition, the following plates are of concern:


3. The concept of China as an innovative product launch will be held in Dubai on 12 December.


4. The implementation programme for the rehabilitation of old housing packages in the Chongqing area of Shanghai City was published in Shanghai.


5. A conference on the development of the robotic industry in China will be held from 4 to 6 December in Lake Hu.


The Congress is scheduled to be held in Fuyang, Hangzhou, from 19 to 21 December.

7、智慧港口|交通运输部 :到2027年建成一批世界一流的智慧港口和智慧航道。

Smart Ports and Transport Department: By 2027, a number of world-class smart ports and intelligent shipping lanes will have been established.


On the positive side, the self-scholarist drew attention to the approval of Tungbao products; on the negative publicity, attention was paid to the suspension of the Secret Service.


Positive announcement.


1. Tung Po: Lilarusium Injecting fluids are certified as medicines


2. Defonami: proposed repurchase of shares at $100 million-$200 million


3. Tian Yu industry: proposed 50 million to 100 million to buy back shares


4. Medium profitability: Obtained bid (sent) notification received for GPU numeracy service lease


5. Hua-Yo Cobalt Industry: Joint venture agreement with Fresh Water Valley Indonesia, Ford Motors and KNI


Negative announcement.


1. Smee Media: Suspension of the position of Secretary and Deputy General Manager of the Board of Directors

2、20天10板伟时电子:通过下游客户为VR产品客户间接供货 销售收入占比较低

2, 20 days, 10 days, electronics: indirect supply of VR products through downstream customers.

3、五连板南京商旅:目前仅开展少量跨境电商业务 贡献的净利润极低

Three, five companies, Nanking Business Brigade: only a small number of cross-border power suppliers are currently operating and the net profits are extremely low


4, 3 series of Sinyada: the company did not invest in Pika, nor did it plan to invest in Pika


5. Equipping foods: late payment of some trust products


6. So-Ho-Hu-Hu: Delays in payment of some of the company's trust products


7. Dreammark shares: the first major shareholder with voting rights has received a decision on administrative regulatory measures


8. Seawater Pharmacy Industry: Shareholder Yoo XiaoQin proposes a reduction of not more than 1.65225%


Selected from the Selection Unit, >Selected from the Selection Unit.




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