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Block chain technology can simply be interpreted as a decentralized, open ledger system that adds equals in a transparent, efficient and irreversible manner, validates and then records transactions.


With Bitcoin, the Etherm and other encrypted money industries become part of our lives, they will be remembered forever in 2018. In that year, the world’s attention and imagination will eventually be captured by the industry because of its rapid growth and the seemingly infinite possibilities it offers for modern life.


This is an industry that has grown beyond the history of business and investment. Although its opponents continue to crush it, it continues to grow at a rapid rate.


However, encryption money is only a small fraction of the true representation of this interesting industry, because, in the near future, almost no sector of business or even of life will be affected by it. From health care to insurance, to elections and auto-drives, every known area of life can benefit from the rapid rise and endless solutions promised by the industry.

所有浮华,魅力和不可阻挡的激增背后都是一个温柔的巨人,为所有人提供动力。无论是加密货币还是其他形式的生活服务,这个行业的一切都源于迄今为止人类最大的成就 - 区块链技术。

All buoyancy, glamour, and unstoppable surges are behind a gentle giant that provides the impetus for all. Whether it's encoded money or other forms of living services, everything in this industry stems from the greatest human achievement to date -- block chain technology.


This is at the heart of the new rise of the whole emerging industry and business development approach, a great force like Bitcoin, and a commitment to link the big world monopoly in each industry and to return control to users who are still marginalized.


Block chain technology is an infinite world, and in this article we will revisit its actual content, its characteristics, some of the industries that benefit from it, and what might be created for humankind in the future.


What's block chain technology?


Block chain technology can simply be interpreted as a decentralized, open ledger system that adds to the equation in a transparent, efficient and irreversible manner, authenticates and records transactions. Block chain technology is the first known artificial creation, and once it works, no one else or individual entity can compromise, destroy or change.

区块链技术是在2009年由一个人或团体开创的,当他/他们发布比特币区块链时,他们使用化名Satoshi Nakamoto。这是一个开放的分类帐系统,可以非常快速,高效和完全不受限制的方式在个人之间记录任何有价值的交易,无论是货币还是传统非流动资产的标记化标题。

Block chain technology was created in 2009 by a person or group who uses the alias Satoshi Nakamoto when he/she issues the Bitcoin block chain. This is an open ledger system that records any valuable transactions between individuals, whether in monetary or traditional non-mobile assets, in a very fast, efficient and completely unrestricted manner.


Block chain technology is not subject to any border or bureaucratic red tape, as it can be used to send payments or any other valuable items directly between individuals without using any intermediary, and without regard to borders or national regulations.


The block chain technology does not have any single starting or closing point, since the nodes or computers involved are all over the world, and it has thus far avoided every attempt to disrupt the closure of unscrupulous cybercriminals and Governments around the world.


Characteristics of forming block chain technology


Block chain technology has many unique features that make it such a unique invention and provide it with unlimited exploration space. Some of the most important functions include:

  1. 1. 分权:这可能是区块链技术的第一个也是最重要的特征,因为它代表了创造它的核心思想。所有各种衍生产品中的区块链技术的最终目标是从服务行业提供商那里夺走终极力量,这些服务行业提供商已将整个行业转变为他们的后院,并以无限的方式将这种权力重新分配给人们,这样就没有人可以绝对控制建立在它上面的任何服务的命运。区块链技术是一种开放式分类帐,用于接受,验证然后添加交易,而不包括其基础架构所在的中央核心或建筑物。这项技术使每个用户都可以访问计算机和互联网连接,并成为任何服务或行业的积极利益相关者。这种设计的创建方式是,对于要批准的任何重大变更,所述网络的每个成员,无论其规模或地理位置如何,都必须就所提议的变更方向达成共识。这种新的服务提供模式的天才之处在于它本质上是民主的,并且始终保护着大多数人的利益。

    1. Decentralization: This may be the first and most important feature of block chain technology, which represents the core idea of creating it. The ultimate goal of block chain technology in all derivatives is to take the ultimate power away from service providers, who have transformed the entire industry into their backyards and redistributed that power in an unlimited manner, so that no one can control the fate of any service that is built upon it. Block chain technology is an open ledger for accepting, authenticating and then adding transactions, not including the central core or building where it is built. This technology enables every user to access computers and Internet connections and to be an active stakeholder in any service or industry. The design is designed in such a way that, for any major change to be approved, each member of the network in question, regardless of its size or geographical location, must agree on the direction of the proposed change. The genius of this new service delivery model is that it is inherently democratic and always protects the interests of the majority.

  2. 2. 不变性:区块链技术的另一个关键特征是它的设计完全不变。这仅仅意味着一旦交易被接受,验证然后存储在任何区块链上,任何实体都无法撤消它,即使区块链的创建者也不能改变这种交易的价值和固有数据。区块链的不变性是其仍然是最具声誉的技术之一的关键原因之一,即使它不是由任何政府或中央机构发布,其用户也会放心使用它来分配价值和资产,他们的交易一旦完成就无法被任何有偏见的政党操纵。

    2. Non-variability: Another key feature of block chain technology is that it is completely unchanged. This only means that once a transaction is accepted, authenticated and stored on any block chain, no entity can undo it, and even the creators of the block chain cannot change the value and inherent data of such a transaction. The non-variability of block chains is one of the key reasons why it remains one of the most prestigious technologies, and even if it is not issued by any government or central agency, its users will be confident that it will be used to distribute value and assets, and that once it is completed it cannot be manipulated by any biased political party.

  3. 3. 安全:继续推动区块链技术普及的另一个关键因素是它带有一种无法在集中式系统中复制的自然安全机制。从大型零售连锁店到云计算服务的服务提供商经常遭受对其设施的极度痛苦的攻击,这些设施经常会看到其用户的高度敏感信息被黑客窃取。这是因为集中式系统为这些犯罪分子提供了一个单点来持续攻击和完善他们的黑客武器,直到他们最终成功破坏防火墙。利用区块链技术,它是一种无限制的技术,没有单点故障,

    3. Security: Another key factor that continues to drive the technology diffusion of block chains is that it has a natural safety mechanism that cannot be replicated in centralized systems. Service providers from large retail chains to cloud computing services are often subjected to extreme pain attacks on their facilities, which often see their users'highly sensitive information being hacked. This is because the centralized system provides these criminals with a single point to continue attacking and perfecting their hacker weapons until they finally succeed in destroying the firewall.

  4. 4. 巨大的计算能力:区块链技术代表了21世纪世界计算能力的大部分。诸如比特币或以太坊之类的区块链是计算能力如此巨大的巨石,地球上没有任何一个实体,政府或公司在其权限范围内具有类似的纯粹哈希权力。结果是区块链技术完全不受世界上任何调节实体关闭它的任何企图的影响。数百万计算机的分散性遍布全世界,所有计算能力和资源集中在一个网络中,使其优于任何不同的计算机。

    4. Huge computing power: Block chain technology represents most of the world’s computing power in the twenty-first century. Block chains such as Bitcoin or Etheria are such giants of computing power that there is no single entity on the planet, and governments or companies have similar, pure power within their sphere of competence. As a result, block chain technology is completely immune from any attempt by any regulated entity in the world to shut it down.


Application of block chain technology


No technology is worthwhile unless it has real and practical applications that make it meaningful to users. Some of the obvious and most important applications of block chain technology include:

  1. 1. 金融:区块链技术首次亮相的第一个应用是在金融领域,它诞生了比特币形式的第一个无状态,无边界和完全自我维持的点对点虚拟货币。世界上传统的金融业一开始就认为这是一个只会飞到目前为止的极客想法,而这是一场注定要失败的。大约9年后,所有这些假设都被抛弃,因为这个行业已经从耻辱增长到价值数千亿美元。随着加密货币或替代金融业快速增长,金融业现在受到充分关注。这是因为它为人们提供了公平参与自己创造价值的机会。它为他们提供了无忧无虑的,安全且高度经济的方式在他们之间转移价值而不需要任何中间人或坚持扼杀业务的衰弱的国家规则。该领域的主要参与者包括前面提到的比特币,Litecoin,Monero,Ripple Zcash和其他许多。

    1. Finance: The first application of block-chain technology was in the area of finance, which gave birth to the first blindness, borderless and fully self-sustaining dot-to-point currency in the form of bitcoin. The world's traditional financial industry began with the idea that it was only going to fly so far, and that it was doomed to fail. Some nine years later, all these assumptions were abandoned, because the industry had grown from stigma to hundreds of billions of dollars. With the rapid growth of crypto-currency or alternative finance, the financial sector is now receiving full attention because it provides an opportunity for people to participate fairly in creating their own value. It provides them with careless, safe and highly economical ways to transfer value between them without the need for any intermediary or to insist on weakening their operations.

  2. 2. 电子商务:这是现代生活的另一个重要部分,区块链技术试图制造一个不安。目前的电子商务集团受到一系列问题的困扰,从他们有限的服务到地球的某些地区,到他们所面临的不断的安全风险,他们经常看到其用户的重要个人和支付信息被盗。区块链技术旨在创建完全分散的电子商务平台,以处理当前企业不断努力解决的每个问题。通过区块链技术的使用,中间人从任何使其更便宜的交易方程中被淘汰。

    2. Electronic commerce: This is another important part of modern life, and block chain technology attempts to create a discomfort. The current e-commerce conglomerate is beset by a range of problems, ranging from their limited services to some parts of the planet, to the constant security risks they face, and they often see important personal and payment information stolen from their users. Block chain technology is designed to create a fully decentralized e-commerce platform to deal with every problem that enterprises are constantly trying to address. Through the use of block chain technology, intermediaries are eliminated from any equation that makes their transactions cheaper.

  3. 3. 能源:由于人们越来越意识到气候变化对我们这个亲爱的星球造成的危险,我们在国内或工厂消耗能源的方式在过去几年都受到了严格的审查。碳足迹监测一直受到许多丑闻和国家间数据篡改指控的困扰,在家庭方面,我们还在努力调整电力和能源消耗,以适应当前的环境敏感性。通过使用基于区块链的物联网设备,将解决困扰现代能源消耗和碳足迹监测机制的所有争议。由于各国现在拥有公正,实时的相互监测手段,现在家里的能源用户拥有智能能源优化工具,可以自动调整我们的能源使用量,减少我们的账单,使我们的消费对环境更友好。该领域的创业公司的一个例子是GRID,它促进了智能能源网格在现代家庭中的使用。

    3. Energy: As a result of growing awareness of the dangers posed by climate change to our beloved planet, the way in which we consume energy at home or in factories has been subject to strict scrutiny over the past few years. Carbon footprint monitoring has been plagued by numerous scandals and allegations of data manipulation between countries. On the household side, we are also trying to adapt electricity and energy consumption to current environmental sensitivities. The use of block-based material networking equipment will resolve all the disputes that beset modern energy consumption and carbon footprint monitoring mechanisms. As countries now have fair, real-time means of monitoring each other, energy users in their homes now have smart energy optimization tools that can automatically adjust our energy use, reduce our bills and make our consumption more environmentally friendly. An example of an entrepreneurial company in this area is GRID, which promotes the use of smart energy grids in modern families.


Future of block chain technology


Block chain technology is indeed an inspiration for changing our way of life. In less than a decade, it has grown from silence to fame and influence, which has never been seen since the advent of the Internet.


Block chain technology, an excellent institution to make people understand what is considered impossible, is unmatched by unprecedented technology, as it provides users such as us with a glimpse of the unique advantages of Google, Facebook, payment treasures, micro-confidence, 100-day cats, Amazons and other large monopolies to date.


This technology is so obvious that it has begun to shape life as we know it, and it is likely to continue to do so in the foreseeable future. There are many ills that plague almost every business sector, and users are forced to quietly accept it for long, and block-chain technologies of an inherently democratic nature can correct these mistakes.


Although for critics, block chain technology has four dimensions because of its multifaceted and extremely powerful structure, which means whether Governments and other regulators around the world like it, because there is no viable way to roll back or close it.

声明:本文已加入由力场发起的「 好文流动计划 」。作者:懂币

states that has joined the good word flow program >. Author: Known currency .




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