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  10 月 16 日,Web3 钱包Bitget钱包(原 BitKeep)宣布推出年度最重磅的活动 —— NewDegen 2023 链上交易挑战赛,10 月 19 日,这场面向全球 Web3 玩家,提供 10 万 USDT 奖励的比赛正式开启。

On October 16, Web3 wallet Bitget's wallet (formerly BitKeep) announced the launch of NewDegen 2023, the year's biggest trading challenge, and on October 19, the contest was officially opened for global Web3 players, offering 100,000 USDT awards.

  在 10 月 19 日 18:00 至 11 月 18 日 18:00 活动期间,用户可以钱包进入大赛官网进行报名,使用 Bitget Swap 交易,通过个人赛和战队赛两大赛事,比拼链上交易水平、战队人气和交易量 ,瓜分 10 万 USDT 奖励及限量版荣誉 SBT 勋章。

Between 1800 hours on 19 October and 1800 hours on 18 November, users were able to register with their wallets on the main network, using the Bitget Swap trade, through the two sets of personal and team games, compared to the level of trading in the chain, the spirit of the team and the volume of the transaction, and the 100,000 USDT prizes and limited editions of the SBT Medal of Honour.

  吸引 NewDegen,感受链上交易魅力

Attract NewDegen, feel the charm of trading on the chain

  在这场链上赛事中,Bitget钱包以“NewDegen”作为主题词。在 DeFi(去中心化金融)世界中,“Degen”代表着一群热情、勇于尝试新协议和策略,乐于挑战高收益和高风险的玩家。Bitget钱包希望通过此次活动,让无论是 DeFi 新手还是老玩家,都能感受到去中心化世界和链上交易的魅力。

In this chain, Bitget’s wallet is the subject of “NewDegen.” In the DeFi (decentralized finance) world, “Degen” represents a group of passionate, willing to try out new agreements and strategies, willing to challenge high-yield and high-risk players. Bitget’s wallet hopes that, through this event, both DeFi’s newcomers and old players will feel the charm of decentralizing the world and chain transactions.

  在许多人的认知中,加密钱包仅是加密资产的存储和管理工具,或是与 Web3 应用的交互入口。Bitget钱包为我们呈现了一个更新的视角:聚焦资产交易和去中心化交易,并力图在这一领域做到最优。Bitget钱包团队认为,行业的核心价值主要集中在资产发行和资产交易,交易是目前用户最大的需求之一,同时也是平台捕获价值最佳的切入点。

In the minds of many people, encrypted wallets are simply storage and management tools for encrypted assets, or interactive portals to Web3 applications. Bitget wallets provide us with an updated perspective: focus on asset transactions and decentralized transactions, and try to do the best in this area. The Bitget wallet team believes that the core value of the industry is concentrated mainly on asset issuance and asset transactions, which are one of the most pressing needs of current users, as well as an entry point for the platform to capture the best value.

  从未来发展看,随着技术进步和用户体验不断优化,以及行业整体日趋成熟,去中心化交易将成为主流选择,越来越多的用户会倾向于迁移到 DEX 或钱包,Bitget钱包希望能够为用户提供更加便捷好用的一站式的交易服务。

In terms of future development, as technological progress and user experience continue to optimize and industry as a whole mature, decentralised transactions will become the mainstream option, with an increasing number of users tending to migrate to DEX or wallets, and Bitget wallets are expected to provide easier one-stop trading services for users.

  Bitget钱包作为亚洲最大、全球领先的一站式 Web3 多链钱包,自今年 8 月从 BitKeep 品牌升级至今,已将交易聚合功能定位为核心业务。不同于传统较空泛的 Web3 入口定位,Bitget钱包通过不断创新和优化,力图为用户打造最为便利、好用的交易钱包,开启钱包聚合交易的时代。

Bitget’s wallet, Asia’s largest and leading global one-stop Web3 multi-chain wallet, has since been upgraded from the BitKeep brand in August of this year, positioning the transactional polymerization function as a core business. Unlike the traditional, more empty Web3 portal location, Bitget’s wallet, through continuous innovation and optimization, seeks to create the most convenient and useful transaction wallet for users and to open the era of wallets trading.

  Bitget Swap ,围绕“交易”不断创新

bitget Swap, constantly innovating around "transaction"

  作为领先的交易钱包,Bitget钱包通过产品不断迭代和创新,将 Swap 功能发挥到极致,让用户能在钱包内自由交易任意公链的任意资产。

As a leading trading wallet, Bitget's wallet has been able to maximize the Swap function through product rotation and innovation, allowing users to freely trade in any public chain of arbitrary assets within the wallet.

  Bitget Swap 作为 Bitget钱包的核心产品,是一个功能强大的多链 DEX 聚合器,支持近 30 条公链,并聚合了数百个主流 DEX 以及跨链桥的流动性,其首创的无 Gas 交易、自动滑点等功能,为用户带来价格上的优势和流畅的多链交易体验;智能行情分析进一步辅助用户做出明智的交易决策。Bitget Swap 不仅满足于市价闪兑,还提供限价委托等多样化的交易模式,还面向全球用户开放了 Quick Buy 快捷买币服务。

Bitget Swap, the core product of Bitget’s wallet, is a powerful multi-chain DEX polymer that supports nearly 30 public chains and brings together the mobility of hundreds of mainstream DEX and cross-linkage bridges, with the initial no-Gas transactional, automatic slide points and other functions that bring price advantages and fluid multi-chain trading experiences to users; smart behavior analysis further supports informed decision-making by users. Bitget Swap is not only satisfied with market price swings, but also offers diversified trading models, such as price-limiting orders, and is also open to global users for Quick Buy fast-buying services.

  如今 Bitget钱包全球用户数已突破 1200 万,Bitget Swap 作为核心产品,其创新有目共睹:

Today, the number of users of Bitget wallets worldwide has surpassed 12 million, and Bitget Swap is a core product whose innovations are visible:

  聚合流动性:流动性是交易平台运作的生命线,Bitget钱包充分认识到这一点,并已聚合了全链数百个 DEX 和跨链桥的流动性。通过高效算法,为用户提供最佳的价格策略并覆盖最广泛的币种。目前,Bitget钱包已支持 6 大生态的近百条 Layer1、Layer2 链,总计超过 25 万个币种。Bitget钱包的核心理念是,只要任意两个币种具备基本经济价值,无论是同链还是跨链,无论是 Layer1 资产还是 Layer2 资产,都能实现无缝兑换。

Aggregation Mobility: Mobility is the lifeline in which trading platforms operate, and Bitget’s wallet is fully aware of this and has brought together the liquidity of hundreds of DEXs and cross-linkages throughout the chain. Through efficient algorithms, users are provided with the best price strategies and the widest range of currencies. Currently, Bitget’s wallet supports nearly 100 Layer1 and Layer2 chains across 6 large ecosystems, totalling more than 250,000 currencies. The central idea of Bitget’s wallet is that any two currencies have fundamental economic value, be they same or cross-linkages, be they Layer1 assets or Layer2 assets, that is seamlessly convertible.

  K 线行情:Bitget钱包不仅仅满足于基本的交易功能,还在为用户提供完善的交易信息服务。用户可以通过 K 线图表进行交易决策,而非像在传统 DEX 上那样盲选。Bitget钱包是全球首个支持链上资产 K 线行情的钱包,早在 2020 年的 DeFi Summer 期间就推出了 Uniswap 资产交易榜单,并沿此路径发展出代币 K 线行情。如今的 Bitget钱包正在完善其智能行情功能,比如可以实时、智能呈现全链币种涨跌幅榜,同时自动排除有风险的代币,为用户提供更加全面、及时、精准的市场信息,帮助用户更快发现潜力和热门项目。

K Cable: Bitget Wallet is not just a basic transaction function, but also a perfect transaction information service for users. Users can make transaction decisions through K-line charts, rather than blindly selecting them as in the traditional DEX. Bitget Wallet is the first asset K-line wallet in a global support chain, launched as early as 2020 during DeFi Summer, and developed the Uniswap Asset Trading List, along this path. The Bitget Wallet Wallet is now perfecting its smart mode functions, such as real-time, intelligent presentation of full-chain currencies, while automatically excluding risk-bearing coins, providing users with more comprehensive, timely and accurate market information to help them discover potential and hot projects more quickly.

  无 Gas 交易体验:Bitget钱包也是行业内首个实现无 Gas 交易体验的钱包,在BNB 链、Polygon、TRON 等近 10 多条链实现了这一创新。还将这个功能扩展到 Gas 成本高、波动大的以太坊主网,为用户在交易时快速获取 Gas 费提供了便利。同时,Bitget钱包首创的 GASU 补贴可自动为用户抵扣应用内各种 Gas 费用。

No Gas Trading Experience: Bitget Wallet is also the first wallet in the industry to achieve no Gas trading experience, and this innovation has been achieved in the BNB chain, Polygon, Tron, and more than 10 chains. It has also been extended to the Gas high-cost, volatile Itamin network, which facilitates quick access by users to Gas fees during transactions. Meanwhile, the first GASU subsidy created by Bitget Wallet can automatically apply various Gas costs to users.

  自动滑点:自动滑点功能也是 Bitget钱包在行业首创,通过综合考虑滑点和代币燃烧率两个指标,自动为用户设置一个能够完成交易的最优滑点,简化了交易流程,最终实现了减少交易摩擦,提升交易执行速度。

Auto-sliding point: The auto-sliding feature is also the first in the industry for Bitget wallets, automatically setting up an optimal point for users to complete the transaction, simplifying the transaction process, and ultimately reducing the friction of the transaction and increasing the speed of its implementation, by combining the indicators of the slide point and the incendiary rate.

  防止 MEV:BitKeep Swap 还接入 Flashbots,以提高交易的隐私性和安全性,防止恶意 MEV 攻击,并通过 Flashbots 的 MEV-Share 协议将交易所产生的 MEV 收益自动返还给用户,用户无需执行任何操作。

To prevent MEV: BitKeep Swap from also accessing Flashbots to enhance the privacy and security of transactions, prevent malicious MEV attacks, and automatically return the MEV gains from the transactions to users through the MEV-Share protocol of Flashbots, who do not have to perform any operations.

  在产品创新方面,Bitget Swap 一直保持领先地位。尽管今年 UniswapX 宣布了即将推出的 UniswapX 协议并突出诸如聚合 DEX 流动性、无 Gas 交易以及防止 MEV 的功能,但事实上,Bitget Swap 在前半年或甚至更早已实现了这些功能。

Bitget Swap has been a leader in product innovation. Although this year UniswapX announced the soon-to-be-launched UniswapX protocol and highlighted functions such as polymer DEX liquidity, no Gas transactions, and prevention of MEVs, in fact, Bitget Swap achieved these functions in the first half of the year or even more.

  根据 CoinGecko 的统计,Bitget钱包在全球最受欢迎加密热钱包中排名第七。同时,DappRadar 数据也显示, Bitget钱包的 Swap 在交易量和活跃用户数上,经常在所有 DeFi 项目中排名前十,和 MetaMask 基本持平,甚至有时领先。在社区反馈中,Swap 交易也是用户最喜爱和最常用的功能,顺滑的交易体验收到很多好评。

According to CoinGecko, Bitget’s wallet ranks seventh in the world’s most popular encrypted hot wallets. At the same time, DappRadar data also show that Swap, from Bitget’s wallet, is often ranked top ten in all DeFi projects, and MetaMask is largely equal, and sometimes leads. In community feedback, Swap deals are also the user’s favorite and most commonly used function, and smooth trading experiences are well received.

  Bitget钱包团队表示:Bitget Swap 一直保持着领先的态势,但仍然在不断迭代。聚合分散在不同 DEX 和协议的流动性,打造一个币对全、价格优、交易快、功能全,同时 UX 简洁友好的 Swap,是我们的初心也是我们不断创新的方向。

The Bitget wallet team says that Bitget Swap has always been a leader, but it continues to evolve. The convergence is scattered across the DEX and protocol's mobility, creating a full currency, a good price, a fast deal, and a full function, while UX's simple and friendly Swap is our original and the direction in which we continue to innovate.

  关于 Bitget钱包

about Bitget's wallet

  Bitget钱包,原 BitKeep,亚洲最大、全球领先的一站式 Web3 多链钱包。为用户提供包括钱包、Swap 交易、NFT 交易、DApp 浏览器等全方位的链上产品和 DeFi 服务。

Bitget Wallet, former BitKeep, Asia’s largest and leading global one-stop Web3 multi-chain wallet. Provides users with a full range of chain products, including wallets, Swap transactions, NFT transactions, DApp browsers, and DeFi services.

  成立 5 年以来,因安全便捷的产品和服务,获得全球 1200 万用户以及 Ethereum、BNB Chain、Arbitrum、Polygon 等数百个行业头部项目的认可与支持。

Five years ago, secure and accessible products and services were recognized and supported by 12 million users worldwide, as well as hundreds of industry headline projects such as Etherum, BNB Chain, Arbitrum and Polygon.

  2023 年 3 月,加密衍生品交易平台 Bitget 向 BitKeep 投资 3000 万美元,成为控股股东;8月,BitKeep 正式品牌升级更名为 Bitget钱包,产品和服务全新升级,以“交易”为核心,为用户带来更加优质的交易体验。

In March 2023, Bitget, an encrypted derivative trading platform, invested $30 million in BitKeep as a controlling shareholder; in August, BitKeep was upgraded to be called Bitget Wallet, with products and services upgraded completely, with “transactions” at its core, leading to a better trading experience for users.






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