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30系库存作祟 RTX 40系显卡价格抵达“冰点”仍需长期拉锯  振亭 22:16:21

9月20日晚,英伟达正式发布RTX 40系列显卡后,我们在震撼于Ada Lovelace架构与台积电N4工艺带来规格提升的同时,也见证了三款面向消费级市场显卡堪称“玄幻”的定价,似乎正如预测所言:摩尔定律已死,但这个过程正以一种更复杂的形式展现。

On the evening of 20 September, following the official release of the RTX 40 series of cards by Yin Weida, while shaking the Ada Lovelace architecture and the N4 process of power generation, we witnessed three significant consumer-level market-oriented & & ldquo; Presbyterian & & rdquo; and pricing, as predicted: Moore's Law is dead, but the process is taking on a more complex form.


& & ldquo; the number of transistors in large-scale integrated circuits doubled every 18 months, but their prices fell to half of their original prices. & & & rdquo; this summed-up pattern is increasingly challenged by a variety of factors, such as markets, material and logistics costs, the first half of which is being stabilized year after year before the process limits of silicon-based semiconductors, while the second half is constantly affected by complex market behaviour.


Before the launch of the September GTC conference, we believe that the 40-member card will eventually put the card market back on track, but that it will take some time and a complex market, more than 80 per cent of which is attributable to the 30-member card's current special status.

想打开一扇天窗 就要先试图掀开屋顶

If you want to open a skylight, you have to try to open the roof.

新发布的RTX 4090与RTX 4080 16G、12G分别定价12999元、9499元、7199元,除了顶级的RTX 4090以外均与30系拉开了较大差距,不过考虑到已经有国外零售商降价预售RTX 4090的情况,首发定价似乎并不是一个不容商量的状态。

The newly released RTX 4090 with RTX 4080 16G, 12G with $1299, $9499,


People always like & & ldquao; & & rdquao; : If you want to open a skylight to the house, you have to first propose to the opponent a plan to blow the roof, so opening the skylight would be easier to accept.

30系库存作祟 RTX 40系显卡价格抵达“冰点”仍需长期拉锯


The price of 40 cards will come from “ lift the roof & & rdquo; transition to & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & even reach the optimistic estimates of & & & & & & & & & & ; levels will still have to be determined by the status of the remaining 30 cards.


The pricing of the three types of card start-up can be seen as a clear signal: it will not be blind to the 30s of the market, which are in various situations, and it is not intended to be replaced by a new card at par. In short, for a variety of reasons, Weida still hopes to help the distributor clear the inventory by raising the 40-system pricing.


As discussed in our previous articles, 30 will be & & & & & & & ; & & & & & & & & & & & & & 40 & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & # 40 & & & & # 40 & & & & & & & &, & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & # & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & # & & & & & & & & & & & # # & & & & # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # #


It is not possible for Yvesta and AIC manufacturers to understand this, but at this stage, 40 card lines have not yet been fully rolled out, time can be used as helpers for 40 cards, and the later the later the 40 product focused on the mid-end and dessert location will be affected by 30 items of stock and eventually return to the price of the previous pattern, i.e. & ldquao; ice point & & rdquao;


还有一个现象令人在意,就是新发布的RTX 4090、RTX 4080 16G与12G的规格差异,这一点同样引发了不少争议。

There was also some controversy about the difference between the newly published specifications of RTX 4090, RTX 4080 16G and 12G.

简单来说就是这三款显卡间规格差异过于悬殊,完全不像命名相邻的三款产品,同为RTX 4080的两款显卡使用了AD103与AD104两种不同的核心,且除容量外显存速率、位宽同样有差距。

Simply put, these three significant inter-card specifications differ significantly from the three products named next to each other, and the two cards for RTX 4080 use two different cores, AD103 and AD104, and there is also a difference in the speed and width of the stock, in addition to capacity.

30系库存作祟 RTX 40系显卡价格抵达“冰点”仍需长期拉锯

RTX 4080 12G的规格可以说与发布前部分爆料中的RTX 4070一致,但它在与RTX 4090对比时规格与性能几乎仅相当于后者的一半。

The RTX 4080 12G specification can be said to be consistent with RTX 4070 in the pre-distribution partial blast, but it corresponds to almost half of the latter when compared to RTX 4090.

在30系时代,以RTX 3090为原点进行对比时处于这一定位的产品大约是RTX 3060Ti,可以说是一种耐人寻味的现象。

30系库存作祟 RTX 40系显卡价格抵达“冰点”仍需长期拉锯


At that time, depending on the progress of the 30-card inventory through significant price reductions, 40-type other models may be issued and entered the market with more positive elements, and normal pricing is expected.


In each of the next 40 card-by-card evaluations, if, as its specifications show, it is possible to perform well beyond the modern generation, flexible pricing, precision knives and the most important time will be the push to attract consumers to buy and put markets back on track.

强到没对手的NVIDIA:把天花板又抬高了  万南 22:04:54

今年的 GTC,老黄又放了一堆「核弹」。

This year's GTC, Wong has placed a bunch of nuclear bombs.

9 月 20 日晚上 11 点,英伟达 CEO 黄仁勋的主题演讲为 2022 GTC 揭开序幕。一个半小时的时间里,他介绍了英伟达下一代 RTX GPU 和支持 AI 工作流的新型云服务,以及各种新系统、芯片和软件。

On September 20th, at 11 p.m., the keynote address by the CEO Wong In-hoon opened for 2022 GTC. In an hour and a half, he introduced the next generation of RTX GPU and the new cloud service that supports AI's workflow, as well as new systems, chips and software.

对于游戏玩家和创作者而言,他们将获得首批基于全新 NVIDIA Ada Lovelace 架构的 GPU。较上一代旗舰 GPU RTX 3090Ti,此次发布的 RTX 4090 的性能将提升至前者的四倍。

For game players and creators, they will receive the first GPU based on the new NVIDIA Ada Lovelace architecture. The performance of the RTX 4090 released this time will be four times higher than that of the previous flagship GPU RTX 30990.

但在这场演讲里,4090 也只是「开胃菜」。在剩下的一个多小时,黄仁勋介绍了英伟达在企业级市场和汽车市场的进展。

But in this speech, 4090 was just an appetizer. In more than an hour, Wong In-hoon described the progress of Ying Weida in the corporate and car markets.

首先是今年 3 月发布的新一代计算卡「H100」,黄仁勋宣布 Nvidia H100 Tensor Core 现在已经全面投产,预计将在 10 月份上市。为元宇宙开发搭建的 Omniverse 平台也迎来全面更新,并将推出 Omniverse Cloud——一款 IaaS 云服务产品。

First, the new generation of computer cards, H100, was released in March of this year, and Wong In-hoon announced that Nvidia H100 Tensor Core is now fully operational and is expected to be on the market in October. The Omniverse platform, built for the development of the meta-cosmos, is also being fully updated and will launch the Omniverse Cloud— & mdash; an Iaas cloud service product.

而在汽车领域,英伟达公布了新一代自动驾驶芯片 Thor,并放弃了此前发布的 Atlan。据英伟达透露,极氪将首发搭载该芯片,时间为 2025 年,此外如小鹏汽车、轻舟智能等也将使用该芯片。

In the area of automobiles, the new generation of autopilot chips was published by Yveta Thor and abandoned the earlier release of Atlan. According to Yvette, Krypton will first send the chip for 2025 and will also use it, for example, the pelican car, the ark intelligence, etc.

GeForce RTX 40 系列

GeForce RTX40 series

首先是最受关注的 GeForce RTX 40 系列显卡,会前曾有传言此次 GTC 40 系列显卡有可能缺席,结果并没有成真。

First and foremost is the GéForce RTX 40 series, which was preceded by rumours that the GTC 40 series might have been absent and that the results had not materialized.

今年 GTC 英伟达发布了 40 系列两款高端显卡,其中 GeForce RTX 4090 将于 10 月 12 日上市,建议零售价 12999 元起;GeForce RTX 4080 将于 11 月推出,采用 12GB 和 16GB 显存两种配置版本,建议零售价分别为 7199 元和 9499 元起。

This year, the GTC has released two high-end high-end cards in the 40 series, of which GeForce RTX 4090 will be marketed on October 12, recommending a retail price of 12999 won; GeForce RTX 4080 will be launched in November, using two configuration versions of 12 GB and 16 GB, recommending retail prices of $7199 and $9499 respectively.

上一代 RTX 3090 和 RTX 3080 的首发价分别为 11999 元和 5499 元,40 系列显卡的价格提升了不少,但相比上一代产品,40 系列的性能也有了显著提升。根据黄仁勋介绍,GeForce RTX 4090 的性能将提升至上一代 RTX 3090 Ti 的 4 倍,GeForce RTX 4080 也比上一代产品在性能和功耗上有很大进步。

The initial offers of the previous generation of RTX 3090 and RTX 3080 were $11999 and $5499, respectively, and the price of the series 40 cards increased considerably, but the performance of the series 40 was also significantly higher than that of the previous generation. According to Huang In-hoon, the performance of GeForce RTX 4090 is four times higher than that of the previous generation of RTX 3090 Ti, and GeForce RTX 4080 is also a significant improvement over the performance and performance of the previous generation.


"As with accelerated computing, computer graphics are an all-out challenge." Wong In-hoon explained that "a breakthrough requires structural, design and algorithmal innovation."

而在上述几个维度,尤其是架构和算法上,40 系列新显卡都有跨越式的提升。

And on the above dimensions, especially architecture and algorithms, 40 series of new cards have cross-cutting upgrades.

在架构方面,40 系列显卡建立在全新的第三代 RTX 架构——即 Ada Lovelace(Ada 架构)。在优化的 4N 工艺下,Ada GPU 可以集成 760 亿个晶体管和超过 18000 个 CUDA 核心,比上一代 Ampere GPU 多了 70%。

In terms of architecture, 40 series cards are based on a completely new third-generation RTX architecture & mdash; & mdash; or Ada Lovelace (Ada architecture). Under the optimized 4N process, Ada GPU can integrate 76 billion transistors and more than 18,000 CUDA cores, 70% more than the previous generation Ampere GPU.

新架构下,所有三类处理器均有改进,包括:SM 多单元流处理器、RT Core 和 Tensor Core。值得注意的是,单个 Ada GPU 即可支持 RacerX(基于物理定律的仿真)的运行。

Under the new structure, all three types of processors have been improved, including SM multi-unit current processors, RT Core and Tensor Core. It is worth noting that a single Ada GPU can support the operation of RacerX (a simulation based on physical laws).

在算法上,40 系列显卡在基于深度学习的神经网络渲染上取得了突破——引入了第三代 DLSS 技术。

In algorithmic terms, 40 series cards have made breakthroughs in neural network rendering based on deep learning & mdash; & mdash; and introduced the third generation of DLSS technology.

光线追踪所需的计算量近乎疯狂,CGI 电影的每一帧画面渲染都需要数小时。英伟达 RTX 打开了实时光线追踪世界的大门,并且,通过引入基于深度学习的超分辨率技术,进一步提高了游戏帧率。

The amount of computation required for light tracking is almost crazy, and every CGI movie image will take hours to rewrite. RTX opens the door to real-time light tracking the world and, by introducing ultra-resolution technology based on in-depth learning, further improves the framer rate.

DLSS 3 通过将新帧和上一帧进行比较来了解场的变化,从而利用 AI 生成全新帧。与传统渲染相比,它能将游戏性能提高多达 4 倍。在这项技术的加持下,无论是对 GPU 性能要求较高的游戏还是受到 CPU 限制的游戏,都将从中受益。

DLSS 3 uses AI to create a whole new frame by comparing the new frame with the previous one. It increases play performance up to four times as much as it does conventionally. Under this technology, both games that require higher GPU performances and games that are restricted by CPUs will benefit.


老黄总结道:相较于 4 年前首次引入实时光线追踪技术,今天借助 AI,英伟达在 4 年内将光追的性能升了 16 倍;与此同时,GPU 中负责此类计算的晶体管数量并没有以同比增加,一些像素通过计算得出,而大多数像素则通过 AI 预测得出。

Old yellow summing up: Compared to the introduction of real-time light tracking technology four years ago, the performance of light chases today was 16 times higher by AI, British Weida, in four years; at the same time, the number of transistors in GPU responsible for such calculations did not increase by the same amount, some pixels were calculated, while most pixels were projected by AI.

另外值得注意的是,此次英伟达只发布了两款 40 系列的高端显卡,这与游戏显卡市场需求疲软、英伟达急于去库存有一定关系。

It is also worth noting that this time, Weida has only released two high-end high-end cards of the 40 series, which have to do with the weak demand in the game card market and the rush to go to stock.

黄仁勋在会后接受分析师采访时表示:终端市场目前需求疲软,英伟达减少了供应,来帮助下游消化 3080、3080 积压的库存,并预计用两个季度完成。对于 Ada 架构的新显卡,英伟达会在这个季度开始进行小规模生产,并在明年进行更多的公布。

Wong In-hoon, in an interview with the analyst after the meeting, said that the end-market was currently weak, and that British Weida had reduced supply to help digest the backlog of 3080 and 3080 downstream, which was expected to be completed in two quarters. With regard to the new card for the Ada architecture, Yin Weida would start small-scale production this quarter, with more announcements next year.

此外,对于市场环境是否会影响 4080 和 4090 显卡的销售,黄仁勋认为,4080、4090 主要针对高端游戏玩家,受到的市场影响较小。

In addition, with regard to the impact of the market environment on 4080 and 4090  the sale of visible cards, Wong In-hoon believes that 4080 and 4090 are mainly for high-end players, with less market impact.

简单来说,4080 和 4090 两款高端旗舰显卡相较上一代性能有明显提升,有换代需求的高端玩家依然会正常购买。但对于 4070、4060 这些在性能上与 3080、3080 这些上一代旗舰性能相近的产品,为了避免影响下游去库存,英伟达会在更晚的时间点发布。

In short, 4080 and 4090 high-end flag ships have significantly improved their performance compared to the previous generation, and high-end players with replacement needs will continue to buy them. But for 4070 and 4060, these products, which are close to 3080 and 3080 in performance, will be released later in time in order to avoid any impact on downstream inventories.

Omniverse 推出云服务

Omniverse Launchs Cloud Service

互联网的下一次演化方向被视作元宇宙,而英伟达对于元宇宙的理解是「数字孪生」。英伟达于 2019 年正式推出 Omniverse,一个用来构建和运行元宇宙应用的平台。

The next direction of the Internet's evolution is seen as the meta-cosm, and the understanding of the meta-cosm is that it is "digital twin." In 2019, it was officially launched as Omniverse, a platform for building and operating the meta-cosm applications.

简单来说,Omniverse 是一个实时的大型 3D 数据库,一个可以共享的 3D 世界,一个基于 USD 构建的网络;同时,它也是一个计算平台,使用者可以编写在 Omniverse 上运行的应用,这些应用如同进入 Omniverse 虚拟世界的门户。

In short, Omniverse is a real-time large 3D database, a shared 3D world, a USD-based network; it is also a computing platform for users to prepare applications that can run on Omniverse, like a portal to the Omniverse virtual world.

此外,英伟达也编写了一些 Omniverse 应用,例如用于协作的 Create 和 View,用于合成数据生成的 Replicator,以及用于数字孪生模拟的 Isaac Sim 和 Drive Sim。

In addition, it has developed a number of Omniverse applications, such as Create and View for collaboration, Replicator for synthetic data generation, Isaac Sim and Drive Sim for digital twin simulations.

作为一个新的计算平台,Omniverse 由三部分构成:RTX 计算机(供创作者、设计师和工程师使用)、OVX 服务器(用来托管与 Nucleus 数据库的连接并运行虚拟世界模拟)以及第三部分:NVIDIA GDN(进入 Omniverse 的门户)。

As a new computing platform, Omniverse consists of three components: the RTX computer (for creators, designers and engineers), the OVX server (for hosting connections to Nucleus databases and running virtual world simulations) and part three: NVIDIA GDN (portal to access Omniverse).

会上,黄仁勋介绍了第二代 OVX 系统,后者将由 Ada Lovelace L40 数据中心 GPU 提供支持,该 GPU 现已全面投产。

At the meeting, Huang In-hoon introduced the second generation of the OVX system, which will be supported by Ada Lovelace L40 Data Centre & nbsp; GPU & nbsp; and is now fully operational.

此外,英伟达还宣布推出 Omniverse Cloud。这是一款 Iaas 产品,可连接在云上、本地或单个设备上运行的 Omniverse 应用。

In addition, Weida announced the launch of Omniverse Cloud. This is a & nbsp; laas  product, an Omniverse application that can be connected to a cloud, local or individual device.

黄仁勋介绍:新的 Omniverse 容器现已可以部署到云端,该容器包括用于合成数据生成的 Replicator、用于扩展渲染农场的 Farm 以及用于构建和训练 AI 机器人的 Isaac Sim。

Hwang In-hoon introduced: The new Omniverse container, which is now available for deployment to clouds, includes Replicator for synthetic data generation, Farm for extension of resonant farms and & nbsp for construction and training; AI  Isaac Sim for robots.

Omniverse 上云一方面意味着将进一步方便协作,提升效率;另一方面,也意味着英伟达数字孪生业务将覆盖更大的应用场景和客户。

The cloud on Omniverse means, on the one hand, greater ease of collaboration and efficiency, and, on the other hand, a larger application landscape and client coverage for the British Weida digital twin business.


Huang In-hoon expressed his view of the meta-cosm: in the future, all products will have digital twins. Manufacturers use digital twins to simulate the role and performance of products in the physical world.

黄仁勋列举了很多客户案例来解释不同领域的公司如何利用 Omniverse,比如为工厂、物流仓库、自动化生产线和工业厂房创建数字孪生;如何利用 Omniverse 实现团队互联,以全保真度可视化他们的数据并生成合成数据,从而训练 AI 模型,模拟数字孪生。

Wong In-hoon has cited a number of client cases to explain how companies in different fields use Omniverse, for example, to create digital twins for factories, logistics warehouses, automated production lines and industrial plants; and how to use Omniverse for team connections to visualize their data and generate synthetic data with full security, thereby training   AI  model, analogue digital twins.

自动驾驶:放弃 Atlan,拥抱 Thor

Autopilot: give up Atlan, embrace Thor

最后,多少有点出乎意料,英伟达公布了新一代自动驾驶平台 Thor。

And finally, it's a little bit unexpected that Yvette announced a new generation of autopilot platforms Thor.


Currently, different computers are often required to support the implementation of active safety, parking, driver monitoring, camera rear-view mirrors, cluster and vehicle information, entertainment systems, etc. in cars. In the future, they will be supported by unified software operating on a central computer and will continue to improve over time.

去年,英伟达推出了 Atlan,一款 1000 TOPS 的 SoC。虽然这款产品还没有投产,但是黄仁勋宣布 Atlan 不再是第一了,它将被 Thor 取代。

Last year, Yin Weida launched Atlan, a 1000 TOPS SoC. Although the product is not yet operational, Huang In-hoon announced that Atlan is no longer the first, and that it will be replaced by Thor.

新推出的 DRIVE Thor 平台,集成了基于 Hopper 的 Transformer Engine、基于 Ada 的 GPU 和基于 Grace 的 CPU。

The newly launched DRIVE Thor platform brings together Hope-based Transformer Engineering, Ada-based & nbsp; GPU  and Grace-based CPU.

黄仁勋表示,Hopper 的 Transformer 引擎以及 Vision Transformer 的快速变革,它们都至关重要,必须纳入到下一代的机器人处理器,而 Ada 中多实例 GPU 的发明将有助于车载计算资源的集中化可将成本降低数百美元,Grace 的 CPU 则正好拥有非常出色的单线程性能。

Wong In-hoon said that the rapid changes in the Transformer engine of Hope and the Vision Transformer, both of which were essential, had to be integrated into the next generation of robotic processors, while Ada had many examples of   GPU  the invention that would help centralize vehicle-borne computing resources would reduce costs by hundreds of dollars, and Grace's CPU had excellent one-way performance.

基于这些基础,Thor 的吞吐量是上一代 Atlan 的两倍,交付的性能也是 Atlan 的两倍以上。并且,Thor 能够与目前被用于量产汽车、可提供每秒 254 万亿次浮点运算性能的 DRIVE Orin 无缝衔接。

Based on these foundations, Thor has twice as much throughput as the previous generation Atlan and more than twice as much delivery as Atlan. Moreover, Thor is able to connect seamlessly with the DRIVE Orin, which is currently used for the production of bulk cars and provides 254 trillion float-point operations per second.

使用场景上,Thor 处理器可以应用在机器人、医疗仪器、工业自动化和边缘 AI 系统等。

Using the scene, Thor processors can be used in robotics, medical instruments, industrial automation and peripherals & nbsp; AI & nbsp; systems, etc.

对于英伟达取消 Atlan 的原因,黄仁勋在会后接受分析师采访时表示,Atlan 的产品包括 GPU、CPU 和 Tensor Core 三个关键的架构。这三个架构,在过去两年都发生了巨大的进步。每过两年。机器人系统的研发都会迎来重大更新,这是他们做出取消 Atlan 直接做 Thor 的原因。

In an interview with an analyst after the meeting, Wong In-hoon said that Atlan’s products included three key structures:   GPU, CPU, and Tensor Core. These three structures, which have made significant progress over the past two years. Every two years, robotic systems are being developed and upgraded, which is why they decided to cancel Atlan and do Thor directly.

此外,黄仁勋还进一步透露,除了会上公布的极氪等中国车厂,到 2025 年,奔驰、捷豹路虎等车企的车队,都会由英伟达提供全栈式的解决方案。公司预计未来在汽车业务领域中的商业化速度以及竞争将会加剧。目前英伟达大概有 110 亿美金的在手订单和汽车业务相关。

In addition, Wong In-hoon further revealed that, in addition to the Chinese car factories announced at the conference, Benz, Jaguar Road Rover, among others, will provide full-store solutions by 2025. The company expects to increase commercialization and competition in the area of automobiles in the future.


办公方便了 Nebula Mac版发布:支持开启多个虚拟屏幕  拾柒 21:50:36

今年8月,全球领先的消费级AR眼镜品牌Nreal召开中国首场AR眼镜发布会,推出Nreal X、Nreal Air两款AR眼镜,售价分比为4299元和2299元。

In August of this year, Nreal, the world's leading consumer-grade AR glasses brand, held China's first AR glasses launch and launched two AR glasses, Nreal X and Nreal Air, at a price of $4299 and $2299.

今日从Nreal官网获悉,Nebula Mac版(Beta)正式发布,目前暂时只支持搭载M系列芯片的Macbook,且macOS版本需要在12.0以上,官方称后续将持续增加适配设备。

Today, the Nreal network has learned that 办公方便了 Nebula Mac版发布:支持开启多个虚拟屏幕

在Nreal Air、Nreal X连接Nebula Mac版后,可开启AR桌面功能,支持3Dof模式,可在空间中开启多个虚拟屏幕,灵活调节屏幕大小、距离,无限拓展用户的办公场所、办公空间和姿态,多屏办公堪称生产力神器。

After Nreal Air and Nreal X connect the Nebula Mac version, the AR desktop functionality can be turned on, supporting the 3Dof mode. can open several virtual screens in space, fine-tune the size and distance of the screen, expand the user's office space, office space and posture indefinitely.

据了解,Nreal Air的空中投屏功能,可将手机、平板、Mac、掌机、游戏主机等电子设备的屏幕最大投射至130英寸。用户可以在眼前的空中巨屏上,以各种姿势实时获取电子设备的显示信息。

It is understood that Nreal Air's air-drop capabilities can project screens of electronic devices like mobile phones, tablets, Mac, handles, games hosts, etc. to a maximum of 130 inches. Users can access displays of electronic devices in real time in a variety of positions on the air screen.

办公方便了 Nebula Mac版发布:支持开启多个虚拟屏幕
Nreal Air

同时,设备还配备Type-C接口,支持DisplayPort输出的Android手机/平板连接Nreal Air,即可实现130英寸超清空中投屏。

At the same time, the device is equipped with the Type-C interface, and supports the Android mobile phone/platform connection of DisplayPort output to Nreal Air, which enables a 130-inch air drop.


At the launch of the product, Nreal's founder and CEO Xuez said that, compared to the start-up of entrepreneurship a few years ago, there was no doubt that AR was the next generation's computing platform, but when it would come.


At least that means that Nreal is on a difficult but correct path, and today takes another small and determined step toward the future. In the face of & & ldquo; when will the AR era come? & & rdquao; the question is, Quixie thinks that it will be sooner than many think.

Nebula Mac版:下载链接

Nebula Mac:

还在做矿潮大梦?网友分析RTX40系显卡定价:说出很多人心声  万南 21:48:42

众所周知,英伟达CEO兼联合创始人——黄仁勋 于昨晚23点准时举行了GTC 2022 发布会,会中大家终于一睹搭载全新架构 Ada 的 Geforce RTX 40 系列显卡的风采。

It is well known that Yvesta CEO and co-founder & mdash; & mdash; Huang In-hoon held the GTC 2022 launch last night at 23 p.m. on time, where everyone finally took a look at the Geforce RTX 40 series of cards with the new architecture Ada.



But when you're & ldquo; & rdquao; when you're at the 40-card price, you must feel like I don't think there's any & & & & rdquao; yes; it's the others, you're crazy?


Old Wong thought it was a mine?


Why do you say that?

这次发布了 4090、4080 12G 和 16G 共两张显卡、三个SKU版本,而传闻中的4070并没有一起发布,取而代之的则是4080 16g的阉割版本——12GB 显存的 RTX4080。我一 一给大家分析下。

This time, 4090, 4080 12G and 16G were released with two graphic cards, three SKU versions, while 4070 of the rumours were not published together, and were replaced by 4080 16g castration version — — 12GB visible RTX4080.

划重点:RTX 4080 出了两个版本:12和16g;

Focus: RTX 4080 Two versions: 12 and 16g;


It is well known that the last generation's 3080 series has also produced two versions: 10 and 12g, although this appears to have been an increase in storage capacity, effectively changing the name of 4070, which was originally intended to be published.

那么你们要问了:为何你说4080 12g是4070改名?凭什么?

So you ask: Why do you say 4080, 12g is 4070? Why?


Let's take a look at the graphic card specifications of 40812 and 40816 released this time:

RTX 4080 16GB 拥有 9728 个 CUDA 核心和 16 GB 高速镁光 GDDR6X 显存,在现代游戏中的性能可达 GeForce RTX 3080 Ti 的 2 倍;在较低功率下,性能比 GeForce RTX 3090 Ti 更强大。RTX 4080 12GB 则拥有 7680 个 CUDA 核心和 12GB 美光 GDDR6X 显存,比上一代旗舰 GPU RTX 3090 Ti 性能更强大。建议零售价分别为 9499 元起和 7199 元起,将于 11 月上市。

RTX 4080 16GB has 9728 CUDA cores and 16 GB high-speed magnesium light GDDR6X visible, with 2 times more performance in modern games than GeForce RTX 3080 Ti; at lower power, performance is stronger than GeForce RTX 3090 Ti. RTX 4080 12GB has 7680 CUDA cores and 12GB light GDDR6X visible, with stronger performance than the previous-generation flagship GPU RTX 3090 Ti. It is recommended that retail prices start at $94999 and $7199, respectively, and will be marketed in November.

看到流处理器数量的差距没?做个对比,我们看下3080 10g和12g的区别就知道:

Do you see the difference in the number of current processors? By contrast, we see the difference between 3080, 10g and 12g.


新款 RTX 3080 12g有 8960 个CUDA 单元,比3080 10g增加了近 3%(3080 10G是8704个)。显存位宽和功耗略微提升,显存多了2g,整体性能提高5%左右,价格贵了差不多1000块钱。

The new RTX 3080 12g has 8960 CUDA units, which is nearly 3% more than 3080 10g (8080 10G is 8704). The visible size and power are slightly higher, with 2g more, overall performance is about 5% higher, and the price is almost $1,000 more.

而 RTX 4080 刚刚我就跟大家说过,光看CUDA就能看出12g是 7680 个、16g则达到 9728 个,足足比 12G 版多了 2048 个,这不是单纯的显存差别了,而是直接跨级了。

And RTX 4080, as I just told you, looks at the CUDA alone show that 12g is 7680 and 16g is 9728, enough to be 2048 more than the 12G version, which is not a mere visible difference, but a direct leap across the hierarchy.

所以我才说:4080 12g其实是4070的定位和改名。

That's why I said: 4080 12g is actually 4070 location and name change.


Let's compare the price of version 12G of 4080 with the price of 3080, 3070 and the core number of CUDA.

3070首发价499美元,国内定价3899元、CUDA数量为5888个。3080 10G 首发价699美元,国内定价5499元、CUDA数量为8704个。4080首发价899美元,国内定价7199元、CUDA数量为7680个。

The first offer of $3070 was $499 and the domestic price of $3899 and the number of CUDA was 5888. The first offer of $3080,10G was $699 and the domestic price of $549 and the first price of CUDA was $8,704. The first offer of $4,080 was $899 and the domestic price of $7,199 and the number of CUDA was 7680.

根据上面的数据,实际上4080 12G版才是3070的正常迭代升级版;但英伟达把4070改名为4080 12G,价格就上涨了84%······

According to the above data, in fact 4080 12G is the normal replacement upgrade of 3070; however, British Weida changed 4070 to 4080 12G, raising prices by 84% · · · · · · · · · · ;


That's ridiculous.


Still having a good dream about the mine?


The 16G version of 4080 also increased the price by 74 per cent to $9,499 and the first offer of the previous 3080 was $5,499.


RTX 4090的定价则“相对”友好一点

RTX 4090 pricing & ldquao; relative & rdquao; friendly

相比前两款显卡的大幅提价,旗舰的 RTX 4090 则只是(对比3090)“小幅”提价1000元。

The RTX 4090 of the flagship is just (comparison 3090)“ small & rdquo; $1,000.

与之对比的是上代 RTX 3090 首发定价是11999元起、旗舰 RTX 3090 Ti 首发定价是 14999元起;RTX 4090 首发定价是12999元起。对比 RTX 3090 Ti 首发定价要低了2000元,

This compares with the previous RTX 3090 initial pricing of $11999, the flagship RTX 3090 Ti initial pricing of 14999 and the RTX 4090 initial pricing of 12999. The initial price of RTX 3090 Ti is lower by 2,000.

这次 RTX 4080 系列的定价简直就是离大谱、而 RTX 4090则是离小谱了。

This time, the RTX 4080 series of pricing is completely out of line, and RTX 4090 is out of line.

新版编程语言Java 19正式发布:增加支持RISC-V架构和虚拟线程  万南 21:32:43

本周,Oracle(甲骨文)正式发布了最新版本的编程语言Java 19和JDK 19。

This week, Oracle officially released the latest versions of programming languages Java 19 and JDK 19.

与此同时,开源版本的OpenJDK 19也可以在基于GNU v2通用许可下从甲骨文获取。

At the same time, open source version OpenJDK 19 is also available in Oracle under GNU v2-based general licence.


In recent years, Java has been on the top of the TIBOE programming list on several occasions, and even if Python is on the run, it remains in the top three positions.

Java 19距离Java 18过去了6个月,距离Java 17正好过去一年。实际上,甲骨文承诺是每年3月和9月更新Java版本,这一次依然做到履约,没有跳票。

Java 19 is six months from Java 18, and just over a year from Java 17. Indeed, Oracle promises to update Java in March and September of each year, and this time remains in compliance without a vote.

据悉,Java 19带来了7个JEP(JDK特性新增和改进提案),包括矢量API(JEP 426)、Linux/RISC-V端口(JEP 422)、虚拟线程(JEP 425)、模式匹配切换第三版预览(JEP 427)等等。

was informed that Java 19 had brought seven JPs (JDK feature addition and improvement proposals), including Vector API (JEP 426), Linux/RISC-V Port (JEP 422), Virtual Thread (JEP 425), Model Matching and Switching Preview 3 (JEP 457), etc. .


RISC-C is the third largest CPU in the ARM-x86 system, and the virtual thread will help to improve the performance of large server applications.

虽然甲骨文刷Java版本号很积极,但开发者、编程者们实际上有些意兴阑珊。年初的统计显示,37%的开发者居然停留在Jav 8版本,这可是2014年3月发布的了,29%使用Java 11做开发,只有37%表示会考虑切换到Java 17 LTS(长期支持版)。

Although Oracle is active, developers and programmers actually have a bit of an interest. Statistics at the beginning of the year show that 37% of developers are still in Java 8, which was released in March 2014, 29% are using Java 11 for development, and only 37% are considering switching to Java 17 LTS (long-term support version).

按计划,下一个LTS长期支持版会是Java 21,明年9月发布。

The next LTS long-term support version is planned to be Java 21, to be released next September.

新版编程语言Java 19正式发布:增加支持RISC-V架构和虚拟线程

小米Civi 2影像全面发力!产品经理:小米最强前置自拍 旗舰水准后置  拾柒 21:19:41

9月27日,小米Civi家族将迎来新成员Civi 2,随着发布会临近,官方也火速开启了对新机的预热。

On 27 September, the Mi-Civi family will welcome a new member, Civi 2, and as the launch draws near, the official heat for the new aircraft will be activated.

作为一款主打拍照的高颜值手机,小米Civi 2前置两颗3200万像素镜头,后置小米12同款IMX 766主摄。

Two 32 million pixels in front of milligram 2 and the 12th IMX 766 in back.

小米Civi 2影像全面发力!产品经理:小米最强前置自拍 旗舰水准后置

今日晚间,据小米Civi产品经理馨心介绍,这次做小米Civi 2目标很明确,做小米最强前置自拍,也要做旗舰水准后置。

Tonight, according to the sweet introduction by the product manager of Mi Civi, this time the target is clear: 小米Civi 2影像全面发力!产品经理:小米最强前置自拍 旗舰水准后置

另外,小米Civi 2不仅用上IMX766,还搭配了ED超低色散光学玻璃镜片,白天拍摄边缘画质更好,夜晚拍摄透光率更高。

In addition, Mi-Civii2 used not only IMX766, but also a combination of ED ultra-low-coloured opportunist glass lenses, better quality for drawing edges during the day, and a higher permeability at night.

同时,馨心表示,在小米影像大脑的加持下,小米Civi 2的启动速度、拍照速度、自拍速度、夜景速度等都相较上代有脱胎换骨的提升。

At the same time, sweetness suggests that, under the hold of the Mi-image brain, milli-mici-2 starts, takes pictures, self-tapes, night visions, etc., are all elevated compared to the previous generation.

核心配置上,小米Civi 2搭载高通新一代骁龙7,采用三星4nm工艺,支持67W有线闪充。

On the core configuration, Mi-Civi 2 carries the new generation of thongs,7 using the Tristar 4nm process, supporting 67W wired flashing.

小米Civi 2影像全面发力!产品经理:小米最强前置自拍 旗舰水准后置

RTX 40发布 AMD秒懂!RX 6000显卡全系便宜了:一下省2千块  万南 21:09:57

随着RTX 40系显卡的发布,AMD RX 6000系列显卡的价格也便宜了。

With the release of RTX 40 cards, the AMD RX 6000 series is cheaper.

有说法是AMD在9月15日敲定了RX 6000系列显卡的新零售价,部分经销商已经开始执行,但未得到官方证实。

It is alleged that on 15 September, AMD finalized a new retail price for the RX 6000 series of cards, and that some of the distributors have begun to implement it, but this has not been officially confirmed.


More specifically, the lowest price at which North American distributors are selling is as follows: — —

RX 6400:149美元

RX 6400:149

RX 6500 XT:169美元

RX 6500 XT: $169

RX 6600:239美元

RX 6600:239

RX 6650 XT:299美元

RX 6650 XT: $299

RX 6700 XT:379美元

RX 6700 XT: $379

RX 6750 XT:419美元

RX 6750 XT: $419

RX 6800:549美元

RX 6800: $549

RX 6800 XT:599美元

RX 6800 XT: $599

RX 6900 XT:699美元

RX 6900 XT: $699

RX 6950 XT:999美元

RX 6950 XT: $999

RTX 40发布 AMD秒懂!RX 6000显卡全系便宜了:一下省2千块

和之前的建议零售价格相比,6950 XT下调了150美元,6900 XT下调了300美元(约合1996元),6800 XT下调了50美元,6800下调30美元,6750XT下调131美元,6700 XT下调101美元,6600下调91美元。

Compared to previous recommended retail prices, 6950 XT has been reduced by $150, 6900 XT by $300 (approximately 1996 dollars), 6800 XT by $50, 6800 by $30, 6750 XT by $131, 6700 XT by $101 and 6600 by $91.

RTX 40发布 AMD秒懂!RX 6000显卡全系官降:一下便宜2千块

Zen4暴走:锐龙9 7950X单核猛超7.2GHz!八核跑出6.5GHz  上方文Q 20:54:10


Intel, AMD-generation products have worked on frequencies, i9-1390K defaulting maximum acceleration frequency of 5.8 GHz, water cold superfrequency of 6.2-6.3 GHz,

锐龙9 7950X默认加速最高5.7GHz,还有个5.85GHz fMax极限频率,超频也不遑多让。

The Dragon 9,7950X defaulted to a maximum of 5.7 GHz, and , with no excess frequency.

Zen4暴走:锐龙9 7950X单核猛超7.2GHz!八核跑出6.5GHz

根据TUM_APISAK分享的截图,锐龙9 7950X只开启一个核心的话,使用液氮可以超到7.247GHz,电压也加到了1.506V。

According to a screenshot shared by TUM_APISAK, Ring Dragon 9,7950X opens only one core, with liquid nitrogen up to 7.247 GHz and voltage up to 1.506 V.



Not as tough as 13 generations of cool and wise, but it's also good news for top-of-the-line ultra-frequency players.

Zen4暴走:锐龙9 7950X单核猛超7.2GHz!八核跑出6.5GHz

Zen4暴走:锐龙9 7950X单核猛超7.2GHz!八核跑出6.5GHz

Zen4暴走:锐龙9 7950X单核猛超7.2GHz!八核跑出6.5GHz

另外,AMD自己的XOC超频团队使用普通的280mm海盗船水冷散热,就将锐龙9 7950X稳超到了最高5.5GHz,并且打破四项世界纪录:

In addition, the AMD's own XOC ultra-frequency team, using a normal 280 mm pirate ship for cold evaporation, has stabilized the Dragon 9 795 X to a maximum of 5.5 GHz and has broken four world records:

1、Cinebench R23多核心:40498分

1, Cinebench R23 multi-core: 40498 minutes

频率5.40GHz,搭配华擎X670E Taichi、金士顿32GB DDR5

Frequency 5.40 GHz, coupled with X670E Taichi, 32GB DDR5 in Kingston

2、Cinebench R20多核心:15771分

2, Cinebench R20 over core: 15771 minutes

频率5.35GHz,搭配技嘉X670E AORUS MASTER、芝奇32GB DDR5

Frequency 5.35 GHz, couple X670E AORUS MASTER, Gigi 32GB DDR5

3、Cinebench R15多核心:6900分

3, Cinebench R15 Multi-Column: 6900

频率5.50GHz,搭配ROG Crosshair X670E Hero、芝奇16GB DDR5

Frequency 5.50 GHz, with ROG Crosshair X670E Hero, Gigi 16GB DDR5

4、7-Zip:228992 MIPS

频率5.45GHz、搭配微星MEG X670E ACE、海盗船32GB DDR5

Frequency 5.45 GHz, with microstar MEG X670E ACE, pirate ship 32GB DDR5

Zen4暴走:锐龙9 7950X单核猛超7.2GHz!八核跑出6.5GHz

Zen4暴走:锐龙9 7950X单核猛超7.2GHz!八核跑出6.5GHz

Zen4暴走:锐龙9 7950X单核猛超7.2GHz!八核跑出6.5GHz

Zen4暴走:锐龙9 7950X单核猛超7.2GHz!八核跑出6.5GHz


跑分无敌 ROG游戏手机6天玑版首销获京东游戏手机销量第一:4599元起  振亭 20:30:07


Today, ROG announced the first sales of the ROG six-day series of mobile phones, which won two championships for sales and sales in the Kyoto game, of which strong's standard sales price of $4599 (12GB+256GB) and the highest sales price of $799 (16GB+512GB).


Unlike the popular Hightower 8 chip on competing mobile phones, the six-day series of

跑分无敌 ROG游戏手机6天玑版首销获京东游戏手机销量第一:4599元起


According to the report, the ROG game phone scored 390,000 for 6 days, and the GPU scored 550,000. 跑分无敌 ROG游戏手机6天玑版首销获京东游戏手机销量第一:4599元起

堆料最猛折叠屏手机来了!一文了解vivo X Fold+看点汇总  振亭 20:29:32

今日,vivo官方宣布将于9月26日正式召开新品发布会,届时将带来号称国产最强折叠屏的vivo X Fold+ 折叠屏手机,同时这次预告也重在体现那句“一个有力的‘+’号,意味着强者将用更强的方式进化”。

Today, Vivo's official announcement that a new launch will take place on September 26, will bring with it the vivo X Fold+ folding screen phone, known as the country's most powerful folding screen, and this announcement will be repeated in the form of the & ldquao; a strong &lsquao; + &rsquao; no., which means that the strong will evolve in a much stronger way & rdquao;


Previously, the machine had been exposed to & ldquao; ID photo & & rdquao; and later the vice president of vivo confirmed that the new machine would be launched.

从预告的照片来看,外观与前代vivo X Fold 基本相同,拥有蓝色以及红色两种配色,并且在影像系统上选择和蔡司进行联名。

From the preview photos, strong" looks basically the same as the previous vivo X Fold, with blue and red colours, and chooses a joint name with Chai on the image system.

堆料最猛折叠屏手机来了!一文了解vivo X Fold+看点汇总

根据爆料,vivo X Fold+将将延续上代设计,但会采用全新的骁龙8+处理器。同时配备了一块8.03英寸内屏和6.53英寸的外屏,均为2K+120Hz LTPO屏幕,前置1600万像素摄像头。

According to the blast, vivo X Fold+ will continue with the previous design but will use a brand-new thong 8+ processor. It will be equipped with an 8.03 inch inner screen and 6.53 inches of external screens with 2K+120 Hz LTPO screens with 16 million pixel cameras.


After , the main camera of 50 million pixels + 48 million ultra-wide lenses of pixels + 12 million pixels + 8 million pixel periscope long lenses four times, with 4,700 m Ah cells built to support 80 W wired and 50 W wireless fast charged.

堆料最猛折叠屏手机来了!一文了解vivo X Fold+看点汇总

这次vivo X Fold+还采用航天级浮翼式无忧铰链创新方案,名为航天级浮翼式铰链。

This vivo X Fold+ also uses the Space Class Float-Free Chain Innovation Programme, known as Space Class Floating Chain.


The chain uses six-weight space-grade materials such as liquid metal zirconium alloys, F53 aviation high-intensity steel, carbon fibreboards and so on, allowing for a better levelling of the chain, a lighter weight and a greater resilience to external shocks.


At the same time, 300,000 folding tests were certified to overcome the permanent durability of the folding screen, to support free suspension and to support suspension from 30 degrees, 90 degrees and 120 degrees.

vivo X Fold+还将使用时下先进的超声波指纹识别方案,值得一提的是,两块屏幕都将支持指纹识别。

堆料最猛折叠屏手机来了!一文了解vivo X Fold+看点汇总

微软时隔一年再改图片应用:视频编辑功能被砍了  乃河 20:28:38


There has been considerable controversy about the video editing function applied to Win11 pictures.


Many users consider this functionality to be too simple to produce slide-like video clips that have little meaning when Win11 already has a built-in video editor.


而在最新的测试版中,微软时隔一年再次对Win11的图片应用进行了大改,移除了视频编辑功能,如果用户依旧想要使用的话,也可以在应用商店搜索“Microsoft Photos Legacy”下载使用。


苹果变了:印度制造的iPhone要暴增至25%  万南 19:59:24


Currently, the vast majority of iPhone mobile phones are still built on Chinese factory assembly, with a few scattered in India, Brazil, etc.


However, analysts from well-known investors, Morgan Chase, in their latest report, have concluded that the share of iPhone manufacturing in India will rise to 25%, or more than a quarter, around 2025.


The report states that apples have been diversifying the supply chain made by iPhone, and that the share of iPhone made in India will climb to 5 per cent later this year.

除了iPhone,AirPods、Mac、Apple Watch等产品也将减少中国制造的占比。事实上,苹果的合作伙伴如富士康、纬创等,已经加大了在印度等地的投资,拿地建工厂以配合苹果的行动。

In addition to iPhones, products like AirPods, Mac, and Apple Watch will reduce China’s share of manufacturing. Indeed, Apple’s partners, such as Fuscon, Latitude, etc., have increased their investment in India and elsewhere, building factories to match apple operations.


RTX 4090之大:五块ITX主板都塞不下!  上方文Q 19:20:20

高端显卡越来越庞大,尤其是到了RTX 4090,3插槽身材只是起步,3.5插槽、4插槽到处都是,甚至还有5插槽。

High-end graphic cards are becoming larger, especially when RTX 4090, 3 slots are just starting, 3.5 slots, 4 slots are everywhere, and even 5 slots are available.

为了直观地展示RTX 4090到底有多庞大,技嘉不但公布了旗下产品的长宽高尺寸,还用现有旗舰RTX 4090 AORUS MASTER作了一番对比。

In order to visualize the magnitude of RTX 4090, not only did it publish the breadth and dimensions of the products under the flag, but it also contrasted them with the existing flagship RTX 4090 AORUS MASTER.

RTX 4090之大:五块ITX主板都塞不下!

按照惯例,AORUS XTREME是技嘉板卡的顶级旗舰产品,但是在RTX 4090上还要继续打磨,首批顶级的就是AORUS MASTER,拥有三个11厘米直径风扇——要知道,ITX主板的长宽才都是17厘米。

As is customary, AORUS XTREME is a top-class flagship product of the technology card, but it continues to be polished on RTX 4090, the first of which is AORUS MASTER, with three 11-centimetre diameter fans — & mdash; and, you know, the ITX masterboard is 17 centimetres wide.

RTX 4090 AUROS MASTER的长宽高尺寸分别是358.8毫米、162.8毫米、75.1毫米,可以并排放入四块ITX主板。

RTX 4090 AUROS MASTER has long-range dimensions of 358.8 mm, 162.8 mm, 75.1 mm, which can be released into four ITX mainboards.

整体体积达到4383立方毫米,能够塞下五块ITX主板,或者差不多十块半高式的RX 6400显卡(452立方毫米)。

RTX 4090之大:五块ITX主板都塞不下!

另外,RTX 4090 GAMING OC的长度为340.0毫米,体积为3825立方毫米。RTX 4090 WindForce的长度为331.0毫米,体积为3476立方毫米。

In addition, RTX 4090 GAMING OC has a length of 34.0 mm and a volume of 3825 cubic mm. RTX 4090 WindForce has a length of 331.0 mm and a volume of 3476 cubic mm.

RTX 4090之大:五块ITX主板都塞不下!


Interestingly, the technology is that a very small number of manufacturers, regardless of the size of their cards, have adhered to standard double slot specifications


The benefits of doing so are naturally universal across products, easier to design, more cost-controlled and less useful in any case.

RTX 4090之大:五块ITX主板都塞不下!

RTX 4090之大:五块ITX主板都塞不下!

RTX 4090之大:五块ITX主板都塞不下!

《王者荣耀》S29新赛季解析:新英雄海月登场 打野党狂喜  建嘉 19:09:06


On September 22, the season of the King's Glory S-29 was officially opened, and a new hero was placed on the line. In addition, the King's glory optimized the field, the road to confrontation, the heroes and the basic experience of the game.

《王者荣耀》S29新赛季解析:新英雄海月登场 打野党狂喜


I. The new hero is on the line


In the new season of the King's Glory S29, the new hero, Sea Moon, was officially inaugurated, positioning & ldquo; wizard & rdquao;


There is a legend in the clouds that the will of a butterfly is what it is, and the sand is what it is, and everything is born. The moon is the owner of a butterfly in the clouds, a clear and distant surface, &ldquao; lonely & rdquao; & & ldquao; obstinate & rdquao; throughout her life. Her presence connects the dusty past of the cloud's deserts with a string of events of the millennia.

《王者荣耀》S29新赛季解析:新英雄海月登场 打野党狂喜


As & & ldquo; Moon & rdquo, the moon was blessed by the gods, with a molten body, unspoiled by dust. She was wearing a different dress, a white dress like a moon, a blue purple long veil with clouds and clouds, and graceful.


The pale colour, the near-transparent skin on the chest, and the absence of a sparkling molten heart all highlight the character of the moon as a normal human being.


She relies on the lewd seat to measure the world. The throne consists of a moon that symbolizes a change in the moon, a new moon, a string moon, until the full moon, which has a special meaning for the moon.

《王者荣耀》S29新赛季解析:新英雄海月登场 打野党狂喜


The skills of the first moon are called & ldquo; transient & rdquo; and the moon releases a moon light forward, causing injury. If the mark is triggered, it causes additional real harm;


The two skills are called & ldquo; Fluid & rdquo;. The moon releases three mollusc balls, causing injury and giving the moon a shield and raising the speed of movement. The first of them can apply or trigger the imprint effect. If the trigger marks are triggered, the target will be stunned.


Three skills are called & ldquo; Mirage Month & rdquo;. The moon links to a hero's goal, with the effect of saving the injury during the period, and the link breaks up over a certain distance, and returns it to a certain cooling time. After a short period of time, drags it into the moon's mirage. In a state of illusion, the moon gets shield and cools its skills. Re-releases the three skills in the phantom territory, stretching 700 miles away from the target.

《王者荣耀》S29新赛季解析:新英雄海月登场 打野党狂喜


Ocean Moon recommends a series of 121As for wire consumption . A skill hit target can be used, with two additional skill controls added immediately to stabilize the last skill; kill blood recommends a series of 2213, using two skills to secure control, connect one skill to injury, and then drag the enemy into a mirage. Small skills recommend a strong flash / strong >.


In addition to the new heroes, the King's glory brought a few new skins to the new season of S29.


Among them, Li Yuanfang-Mount is the season's skin. Li Wonfang is affected by the cloud's flute, the bells of the desert are bells in the clouds, with visible bells on his waist, and a cloud's bells with Jadestone decorations. The hands and arms are also worn with Jade stones and gold ornaments, and the lovely ones add a few bits of wealth.

《王者荣耀》S29新赛季解析:新英雄海月登场 打野党狂喜


In addition to this, the glory of the King has brought with him two battle-ordered skins: the heart of Jiji-Raan, the bell-free-timers, and the components of Zhao Yun-Hu-Engage.


II, field,




There are currently relatively few players who are willing to play wild. In order to have a better game experience, the king is proud to have made many adjustments to the game, while keeping the upper limit of the game.


1) Field economic upliftment


Given the limited amount of resources available in the field, wild players need to find alternative ways to acquire additional economies in the new gap between wild monsters. In order to ensure that each of the players has their own more fixed resource fields, the Wang is proud to have adjusted the wild monsters’ economic base: from 100% to 107.1%, the proportion of growth at any given time is reduced slightly, and the economy is consistent before adjustment in 12 minutes.


2) Wild Monsters refresher frequency

蔚蓝石像&腥红石像刷新时间:95秒 → 90秒;蔚蓝石像&腥红石像持续时间:75秒 → 70秒;其他野怪刷新时间:75秒 → 70秒。

Blue statues & trophies refresh time: 95 seconds & rrr; 90 seconds; blue stone & rrr; 70 seconds duration: 75 seconds & rrr; other wild monsters refresh time: 75 seconds & rrr; 70 seconds.

《王者荣耀》S29新赛季解析:新英雄海月登场 打野党狂喜


The wild monster's blood is dropping.

小野怪基础生命值:100% → 88%;蔚蓝石像&腥红石像基础生命值:100% → 89.5%。

WNOW Basic Life Values: 100% & rrr; 88%; Blue Stone & Red Stone Basic Life Values: 100% & rrr; 89.5%.


4) Field Protection Upgrade


In order to ensure the survival of the field, the King is proud to have strengthened the protection of the field in four ways:


a. No further lack of visibility area protection for four minutes prior to the arcade/carriage/ax/gold of giants/swords/baking fires, and consistent rules for all field blades;

b、前4分钟野区精灵保护数值提升:10% → 15%;

b. Upgraded value of field elf protection in the first four minutes: 10% & rrr; 15%;


c. An economic catch-up factor for the original test team, 10 per cent for the advantager when the economy beats the hero and 10 per cent for the disadvantage. At the same time, the Buff factor for the experience of the different original test-smelling levels has been adjusted to help the weaker party catch up faster when the advantage is over;


d. Buff refreshed the hint rule optimally: if we kill Buff by enemy heroes, our hero is out of sight, but in the middle refreshes the Buff view, then when Buff is about to refresh, we can get Buff's countdown readings with the enemy (only the enemy can get countdown information before adjusting).


5) The Spirit of the Midway Renovation Time Adjustment

中路河道之灵首次刷新时间:60秒 → 30秒,刷新间隔不变,经济和经验调整为和边路河道之灵一致。

For the first time, the spirit of the middle road was refreshed: 60 seconds & rrr; 30 seconds, the interval of the refresher is constant, and the economy and experience are adjusted to coincide with the spirit of the side road.


6) Wild Knife Repositioning


The sale of a field knife and its replacement for another series of field blades requires a new layering of numbers (the same series of field blades can still inherit layers); hunting for a field knife is passive & ldquao; killing wild monsters is given an additional 30 per cent experience and 20 per cent gold & rdquao; and the passive effects of an auxiliary guerrilla are non-combined; walking &quat; grace & quot; retitled &quat, consistent with a field knife; reward is passive & quot; the same name can only be valid at most at the same time.


2, Optimization of counter-channel transmission: Increase & ldquao; Mirage & rdquao;


To enhance the overall game experience of anti-road players, the new season has been accompanied by the addition of & ldquao; flash & rdquao; and mode of transmission.

《王者荣耀》S29新赛季解析:新英雄海月登场 打野党狂喜


Players can only seize and break & & ldquo through general assault; flashflakes & & rdquo; a broken party acquires a one-time transfer skill that can be used anywhere at any time within 120s (interrupted or lost after success). & & ldquo; flashflakes & rdquo; and the original front line will be activated at the start of the first two minutes simultaneously, and it will not be possible to use the original pattern within 120s after the flashflash transfer skills.


It is worth mentioning that & ldquo; flashflakes & rdquao; as a unit of institutions, can only be attacked by a general attack and not be harmed by skill and punishment. And there is only one (120 s) that means who gets it. Meanwhile, 10 minutes after the opening of the game, the confrontations are closed, & & ldquao; flashflakes & rdquao; and it will disappear.


3, other optimizations


In addition to fighting against the road, the King's glory has optimized the crystals, the double dragons and the line of arms.

水晶攻击频率由1.6秒 → 1.2秒,攻击力由550 → 420;

Crystal attack frequency of 1.6 seconds & rrr; 1.2 seconds with force of 550 & rrr; 420;


(a) base life values are reduced, the time of disappearance is faster, and new animations are shown by masters, tyrants, Shadow masters, Shadow tyrants when 9 minutes, 30 seconds and 19 minutes, 30 seconds disappear;


line will move slightly up in 10 minutes.



1, >


In order for more players to feel the unique & & ldquo; alchemy & & rdquo; and & & & ldquo; the oven & rdquo; the charisma of play, the T-E-Man has been passively adjusted to see the passive effect range in the status bar for himself and his teammates to see the amount of extra gold in the status bar;

《王者荣耀》S29新赛季解析:新英雄海月登场 打野党狂喜


In addition, the first and second skills of Tetrito have been adjusted and the affinity optimized; three skills have been added and &ldquao has been added; 30 per cent cooling has been returned in the event of non-regeneration of any friend, and the range has been increased to show & rdquao; effects.




As a balance, the King honours the value of a single treatment to his own level (the basic life was changed from 3335 to 3146).


3, Xin Han


Xinji Han's skills have enhanced the general sense of attack, increased the trigger time for injury and optimized the sense of hand when swirling with other skills.

《王者荣耀》S29新赛季解析:新英雄海月登场 打野党狂喜




The three-hand senses of Novius optimized the pursuit effect and allowed for the pursuit of an enemy that was removed within a certain range.

《王者荣耀》S29新赛季解析:新英雄海月登场 打野党狂喜


5, Arthur


The three-skilled handsight is optimized to optimize the pursuit effect, allowing the pursuit of an enemy that moves away within a certain range.


6, Milady


Miledy's three skill marks have improved.


7, Agudol


Agudor's basic life was weakened from 1512 to 1370.




A skill-based added harm to wild monsters.


9, Big Joe


The logic of skill optimization makes the acceleration more effective;


The two-skill array can only transmit Big Joe's own + one of the lowest absolute blood mates.


Four skills handsight is optimized and adapted to mobile techniques.


iv, other optimizations


stands for playing hero : In the hero selection phase, the top three players set up to play hero (and, if there are alternative heroes, alternative heroes) will be placed under any sort of sorting rule.


Strengthened & ldquo; Your turn & rdquo; State : Disparities between the sight of a hero when he is selected, when he is banned and his teammates become &ldquao; please disable the hero &rdquao; & & ldquao; select your hero & rdquao; and add dynamic effects.

《王者荣耀》S29新赛季解析:新英雄海月登场 打野党狂喜


returns to the room : In the new version, when restarts, you can return directly to the group interface, and the player simply clicks to start matching to restart the game.


Group entrance adjustments : Multiple rows are integrated with the five row entrances and corresponding adjustments are made to the group room displays of information, such as a paragraph limitation text display, and five row switch buttons are removed from the room.

《王者荣耀》S29新赛季解析:新英雄海月登场 打野党狂喜


appointments optimize : When a friend in the appointment game succeeds, he or she can enter a team room in his or her best friend status in the game and make a real-time voice call.


adds a new black-based relationship display . When you get an invitation to open a black partner, the invitation interface will also have a special presentation. When you have been blacked out for more than a while, the two-person relationship icon will automatically disappear.

《王者荣耀》S29新赛季解析:新英雄海月登场 打野党狂喜


Upgrade of Intimacy Page Effects: Intimacy Page Signs will be adjusted to the personal home page - the first social first page, while upgrading card effects, giving priority to love cards and increasing maximum light data displays for each relationship.

《王者荣耀》S29新赛季解析:新英雄海月登场 打野党狂喜


In addition to the above updates, the King's Glory optimizes the clarity of the game, personalized notification, personality pamphlet, and so forth.

李诞称CEO在公司不可能交到朋友:人就是屁股决定脑袋  振亭 19:00:39


Today's news, the founder of the League of Smiley Cultures, LEE Lian, said in an interview, strong's CEO couldn't make friends at the company, he was the most lonely person in the company, the one behind it.


LEE Tian said that it's a shame to say "strong" to an employee that says "who cares about you, the ass is the head, but you can't be brainwashed to understand yourself."



It was also said earlier that everyone's ultimate dream was that the world loved him. But it was impossible to accept it. I could accept that some people didn't like me, and this year I could accept that some of my friends don't like me. It's harder, but it's harder.


Li also talked about the talk show, saying that my understanding of the talk show is that there's always a present. We're realists, and we definitely have to synchronize the current context. Our work, our training, is about doing it, and we've worked for years, and we're doing it now.


黄牛加价8千收盛况!华为紧急增产Mate50系列:Pro系列是重点 昆仑版加单最多  雪花 18:58:26

黄牛加价8000元的盛况,出现在了Mate 50系列上,这不禁让人直呼,华为手机回来了。

The increase of $8,000 for the cows was shown in the Mate 50 series, which made it possible for people to speak directly and China to come back with a mobile phone.


According to the latest supply chain information, the first-day sales were too hot, China had started to produce an emergency increase in the Mate50 series of mobile phones, and the rest of the stock had already stated that it would increase its supply to meet everyone's needs in the shortest possible time.


According to industry chain sources, China has about 4 million units for the first Mate50 series, which are now available in its own shops and online shops, operators, major power company platforms, business customers, etc. & & & & & & & & & ; complete. The black version is more prepared, the Klon glass version, the Porsche version, & & & & Quo; the liquid purple & & rdquo; the version is limited and the market is seriously short.


In addition, strang> supply chain sources have also revealed that the Pro series is focused on the Mate50 series, after all, the main profit model of China, and that the Kronban, which has a web-friendly rating, will add a single order next month.


In addition to selling points such as industrial design, performance, photographing, etc., the most striking feature of this generation of Mate flagships is the use of self-researched Kunlon glass on the front of the mobile phone, which is known as 10 times more resilient than ordinary glass.


According to China, the construction of 24-hour high-temperature nanocrystal growth, 108 microcrystal and panel processing processes and 1600-degree platinum metal smelting processes for Quinlon glass is a solid rock against shocks.


How did the Quinlon glass come? Chongqing announced its manufacturer, which originated from Chongqing Xingxing Special Glass Co. Ltd., which developed and produced & ldquao; aluminum silicon, high lithium silicon special glass & rdquao;


has successfully achieved volume production, with high intensity, injury, shock resistance, etc., after continuous technological closure.

黄牛加价8千收盛况!华为紧急增产Mate50系列:Pro系列是重点 昆仑版加单最多

产品经理换上小米Civi 2同款小白裙 网友:发布会就穿这套  振亭 18:48:05

今天下午,小米产品经理魏思琪换上了小米Civi 2同款小白裙,有网友建议:“发布会就穿这套,好看”。

This afternoon, the manager of .

据悉,“小白裙”是小米公布的Civi 2第一款配色。小米胡馨心介绍,Civi 2“小白裙”背部的纹理采用环保的热压成型技术,将超精细的模具加热到800℃左右,在0.9兆帕的压力下,让背盖形成极具特色的裙摆压纹。

According to the information received, “ little white dress & rdquo; Civ 1st coloring of 2st colour published by Mi. Mi-Hu, 产品经理换上小米Civi 2同款小白裙 网友:发布会就穿这套


Under AG glass, millet uses 450nm ultra-white plating films as the base, while at the top of the membrane it uses dress-dressed textures similar to the presses, double-stereotyping designs, missive textures, as if the photo-scan was moving as if it were dancing.

核心配置上,小米Civi 2采用OLED柔性屏,搭载高通骁龙7处理器,后置主摄为5000万像素,型号为索尼IMX766,支持67W有线闪充。

On the core configuration, Mi-Civi 2 uses OLED flexible screens with high-speed thorium 7 processors, followed by a master camera of 50 million pixels, model No. Sony IMX766, supporting 67W wired flashes.

此外,小米Civi 2首次配备了前置双摄像头,一颗是3200万像素主摄,一颗是3200万超广角主摄,其中主摄光圈是f/2.0,进光量提升了50%,支持AF硬件级自动对焦。

In addition, for the first time, Mi-Civi 2 was equipped with a forward double camera, with a 32 million pixel master and a 32 million ultra wide-angle master, with a f/2.0 in the main radiator, with a 50 per cent increase in light and support for the AF hardware level auto-focalization.

产品经理换上小米Civi 2同款小白裙 网友:发布会就穿这套

和iPhone 14一样火爆 华为Mate 50系列首销一机难求:用户排长队买买买  振亭 18:46:34

“一如既往的抢购火爆”,9月21日上午,华为Mate 50系列新旗舰正式开启首销,很多人早早就在当地华为线下门店提前排队等候,场面一度十分壮观。

& ldquo; as in the past, & & rdquao; on the morning of September 21st, China officially opened the Mate 50 series of new flagships, many of whom were waiting in front of the local front store early in the morning, and was a spectacular scene.

同样在线上各大渠道平台,此前华为Mate 50系列线上预约量已经突破百万部,结果开售后不到10秒直接售罄,有很多网友们都遗憾表示没抢到,接下来仍会继续尝试。

Also on the main channels on-line, China's previous appointments to the Mate 50 series have been over a million copies: 和iPhone 14一样火爆 华为Mate 50系列首销一机难求:用户排长队买买买

值得一提的是,在位于上海南京东路的华为旗舰店内,全球首位华为Mate 50用户幸运诞生,作为一名从华为Mate 1用到华为Mate40的忠实老花粉,他至今仍然对华为品牌保持着极高热情和热爱。

It is worth mentioning that in the Chinese flagship shop located on Nanjingdong Road in Shanghai, the world's first user, Mate 50, was lucky to be born as an old and faithful pollen used by China from Mate 1 to Mate40, and he still maintains a high degree of enthusiasm and love for his brand.

在现场,门店还为其举办了精心准备的活动仪式,记录下这位老用户的每一步焕新历程。据了解,此次首销有很多消费者属于华为老用户,他们都还在使用着Mate 40或P50等上一代机型。

On the scene, the shop also organized a well-prepared event ceremony to record every step of the old user’s life. It is understood that many of the first customers are old Chinese users, and they are still using the type of old-generation machinery, such as Mate 40 or P50.

和iPhone 14一样火爆 华为Mate 50系列首销一机难求:用户排长队买买买


Earlier, it was reported that China was the first to produce as many as 4 million units, but it was clear from the first day of sale that it had not been able to hold up the buy-in of a large number of consumers.

不仅线上线下一机难求,并且全系机型均出现大幅溢价。某二手平台上的华为Mate 50 RS保时捷设计版溢价高达五六千元,成为妥妥的新一代“高溢价神器”,在这近两年的国产高端旗舰当中,情况相当罕见。

Not only is it hard to get online, but there is a huge premium on the entire system. The Chinese premium on a second-hand platform, Mate 50 RS Porsche, is up to $56,000, making it a proper new generation & & ldquao; the high premium god & rdquao; and it's quite rare in these two years of high-end national flagship ships.

不过,华为表示已经紧急增产,Mate 50系列销量有望突破千万部,没买到的用户也不必太着急。

However, China indicated that it had increased its production on an emergency basis and that the Mate 50 series was expected to outpace tens of millions of sales, and that users who had not been bought did not have to be in a hurry.

和iPhone 14一样火爆 华为Mate 50系列首销一机难求:用户排长队买买买

而说到华为Mate 50系列为何会这么火?当然是凭借它全面出色的产品力。

And why is it so hot when it comes to the Mate 50 series?

今年,华为在Mate 50系列身上带来了诸多业界首发黑科技,比如近期被大家广泛议论的北斗卫星消息,面对iPhone14系列国行版的无法正常支持,华为依靠我国北斗技术,成为国内首台完美支持该功能的首发旗舰。

This year, China brought black technology to the Mate 50 series, such as the recently widely discussed Beidou satellite news. In the face of the impotence of the iPhone 14 series, China became the country's first flagship ship, relying on the technology of our Bei Doe, in perfect support of that function.


In the extreme field environment, which is beyond the reach of the terrestrial communications network, key messages, such as location, can be sent to the outside world to avoid the risk of loss and to reassure the family at the same time.

和iPhone 14一样火爆 华为Mate 50系列首销一机难求:用户排长队买买买


At the same time, the continuation of electricity is also a condition in which smartphones cannot be bypassed.

此次华为Mate 50系列深入了解到用户实际使用痛点,业界首创应急模式,即便电量仅剩下1%也能通话12分钟或者扫码数次。全系还支持机身恒温充电,提高低温续航能力,保证用户良好充电体验。

This year, in the Mate 50 series, China gained insight into the user's actual use of pain spots. The first emergency model in the industry was strong> can talk for 12 minutes or several times, even if only 1% of the power is left. It also supports the heating of the airframe, improves its low-temperature continuation capability, and ensures that users are well charged.

在华为最为擅长的移动影像核心方面,Mate 50系列首发行业内首个独立影像品牌XMAGE。

The first stand-alone image brand XMAGE in the Mate 50 start-up industry in terms of China's best practice in mobile image cores.


The 50 million pixel RYYB superphotos were mounted and innovatively equipped with variable haloscope designs to support F1.4-F4.0 10-synchronous physico-radio-regime regulation, which improved the quality of dark light drawings, created a natural context of dissipation, made more visible to the subject, ensured that the landscape was as clear in front and in front of the scene, and that the landscape was completely closed to the eye.


In addition, the combination of hyper-telescope long-eye lenses, high-quality hyper-angled lenses, etc., has resulted in more intensive play segments, and users have taken photographs to experience the same brilliance as in the past.

系统层面,华为Mate 50系列还预装全新HarmonyOS 3.0系统,将用户交互化繁为简,日常操作一键高效直达。

At the system level, the Mate 50 series also pre-positions the new HarmonyOS 3.0 system, which allows users to interact with each other in order to be simple and to operate with efficiency and efficiency on a day-to-day basis.


The built-in superstations support the temporary storage of pictures, documents, etc., so as to allow seamless flow and bulk sharing between different devices or ecological applications, allowing users to experience interconnectivity even further.

HarmonyOS 3.0还对系统底层架构进行了全面深度优化,采用业界领先的超级内存管理技术,可让前台应用优先获取空闲内存,从而提高响应度,带来持久稳定的系统流畅度。

HarmonyOS 3.0 also optimizes the overall depth of the system's bottom architecture, using industry-led super-repository management techniques that give priority to front-office applications for free memory, thereby increasing responsiveness and providing a lasting and stable flow of systems.

和iPhone 14一样火爆 华为Mate 50系列首销一机难求:用户排长队买买买


Today, the market performance of high-end smartphones has been overwhelmed by a variety of environmental factors, in particular the recent & & ldquao of the iPhone14 series; the gluten & rdquao; and the release of style upgrades, with few new features for the new design, which have significantly frustrated consumer enthusiasm for the switchboard.

在视频采访中有不少用户都表示:“新iPhone到手后很快就感觉索然无味,相比之下华为Mate 50系列所带来的众多黑科技反而更加具有新鲜感。”

Many of the users in the video interviews said: &ldquao; when the new iPhone arrived, it quickly became boring, compared to the many black technologies brought about by the Mate 50 series. & rdquao;

而这也在首销当天得到了充分证实。不论是排队抢购还是市场大幅溢价,时隔两年重新回归的华为Mate 50系列以它强势的产品力和市场表现,既征服了广大用户,也再一次将华为深厚的技术创新展现的淋漓尽致。

This was also amply confirmed on the first day of the sale. In two years’ time, the Chinese that returned to the Mate 50 series, with its strong product power and market performance, conquered both the vast number of users and, once again, the depth of technological innovation.

早先,天风国际分析师郭明錤曾表示:如果华为Mate 50市场反应好,将鼓舞国内高端手机市场,降低消费电子市场下行周期的影响。

Earlier, Skywind International analyst Guo Mingjun said that a good response to the Mate 50 market would encourage the domestic market for high-end mobile phones and reduce the impact of the down-cycle of consumer electronics markets.

由此可预料到,随着华为Mate 50系列的持续热销,将带动新一轮的用户换机热潮出现。

As a result, it can be expected that, with the continued sales of the Mate 50 series in China, a new wave of user change will emerge.

和iPhone 14一样火爆 华为Mate 50系列首销一机难求:用户排长队买买买

最后,华为还针对Mate 50系列推出了众多贴心服务,碎屏服务宝在碎屏后可免费更换一次原装屏幕,和可为设备主机延长一年保修服务时间的延长服务宝,需要的用户可前往华为商城、零售店、服务店随新机购买。

Finally, China has also launched a number of sensitive services for the Mate 50 series, which allow for the replacement of original screens once free of charge after the break-up of screens, as well as extended service packages to extend the duration of the warranty service for the mainframe of the equipment for one year. Users needing such services can go to China City, retail stores and service shops to buy new ones.

京东副总裁蔡磊开始直播带货:想挣些钱用来继续攻克渐冻症  拾柒 18:29:10


In recent years, the live feed has become the most popular topic, and in addition to the usual anchors, some of the big players in the industry have joined them, such as Grigg Dong Min Ju, Yu Minhong of the New Orient, and the familiar hammer technology CEO Lo Yong Ho. In recent days, the Vice-President of Kyodong has also indicated that he has started the live roll.


It is known that in 2019,


Today, Chai released a video on social platforms saying that he had started to make videos and live tapes and that he was now losing self-control, and that his legs were starting to shrink. 视频


According to Choi, his team selected a number of commodities that were needed on a day-to-day basis because they had not been sold before and therefore did not receive the most favourable price, although the price was not necessarily the cheapest, but the quality was strictly closed by the Choi team.


At the same time, he stressed the need not to reward or buy what he did not need.


Tsai said that if his life reached its end, he would also give his last bullet & mdash; & mdash; donate his brain and spinal tissue to


According to the data, dyslexic disorder is generally the sclerosis of the atrophy sideline, which, after the damage of the upper and lower motor neurons, has led to a gradual loss of strength and atrophy of the muscles, including the sphere (which means the muscles at the end of the amplitude), the limbs, the torso and the chest abdominal.



华为Mate50满血回归 5G手机壳到手仅599元  宪瑞 18:07:26


The only regret that the Chinese type of Mate50 mobile phone, which had been officially sold for $4,999 a day, may now be the 4G network, but there is a special 5G cell phone shell, which was sold for $799 and now only $599 is needed to return Mate50 with blood.



Soyealink, which was previously launched for the P50 series, is now online for the 5G series for the Mate50 series, which weighs approximately 52g with a thickness of about 3.2 mm, is relatively close to the conventional mobile phone protection case and does not affect the user's normal use experience, not only enabling the 5G eSIM service, but also providing some protection for the mobile phone.


At the same time, following the system's special adaptation, the cell phone master card and the eSIM signal of the 5G cell phone shell will be integrated into the cell phone signal bar to show that


Now in Skycat City, strange' Mate50's 5G mobile phone shell sale price is $729 and you can get a 130 coupon, just $599.

华为Mate50满血回归 5G手机壳到手仅599元

另外还有针对Mate50 Pro及Mate50 RS保时捷设计版的5G手机壳,售价分别是849元、1009元,而P50 Pro版只要519元,到手后399元。

There are also 5G cellular casings for the Mate50 Pro and Mate50 RS Porsche versions for $849 and $1009, respectively, while P50 Pro is only $519 and $399 when it arrives.

华为Mate50满血回归 5G手机壳到手仅599元

华为紧急增产Mate50系列 iPhone14销售却凉了:富士康正拆除产线  万南 17:34:11

下半年最受关注的两款机型华为Mate50系列和iPhone 14系列均已经正式发售。

The two most popular machines in the second half of the year, the Mate50 series and the iPhone 14 series, were officially launched.


On this side, according to several media reports, China’s sales of the Mate50 series, which was opened yesterday, have started to increase production urgently. On second-hand platforms and underline yellow cows, the price increases, especially the Quinlon Glass and Porsche, have been exaggerated.

而iPhone这边,时代财经了解到,今年8月才投入iPhone 14量产的郑州富士康,已经开始拆除产线,原因是订单变少,工人要转移到其它车间。因为拆线,导致在典型的旺季,居然没安排加班,这也导致收入减少。

On the other hand, the iPhone, learned that

此外,短视频平台也出现富士康拆线的内容。此前,知名分析师、一些接近产业链的媒体也披露,iPhone 14的需求远不如Pro和Pro Max,苹果不得不切换产线。

In addition, the short video platform also contains the content of the Fauscan unbundling line. Previously, well-known analysts and some media close to the industry chain also revealed that iPhone 14 had far less demand than Pro and Pro Max, and apples had to switch production lines.

上述情况似乎也能在华强北、远望等渠道经销商给出的iPhone 14系列最新报价上可见一斑,全容量的iPhone 14出现破发,无一例外,最高跌幅超千元。而iPhone 14 Pro/Pro Max等仍有小幅加价。

The above also appears to be evident in the latest offer of the iPhone 14 series from distributors in the north of China, far-sighted, etc., where the full capacity of iPhone 14 has broken, with no exception, and the highest drop is over a thousand dollars. There are still small price increases for iPhone 14 Pro/Pro Max, among others.

华为紧急增产Mate50系列 iPhone14销售却凉了:富士康正拆除产线

15代酷睿首发 消息称Intel 3nm已下订单:核显可冲RTX 3060  宪瑞 17:19:05

最快10月份,Intel就要发布13代酷睿Raptor Lake了,明年则是14代酷睿Meteor Lake顶上,这代会使用3D Foveros封装,处理器内部集成CPU、GPU、SoC及IOE等多个模块。

As soon as October, Intel will release the 13-generation Cooper Lake, and next year it will be on top of the 14-generation Cool Wise Meteor Lake, which will use 3D Foveros envelopes that will internalize modules such as CPU, GPU, SoC and IOE.

14代酷睿的CPU模块采用Intel自己的Intel 4工艺生产,GPU模块则是台积电5nm工艺,其他部分则是台积电6nm工艺。

The 14 generation CPU module is produced using Intel's own Intel 4 process, while the GPU module is a power generation 5nm process and the rest is a power generation 6nm process.

之后的15代酷睿代号Arrow Lake,预计在2024年上市,也会采用3D Foveros封装,只不过CPU模块会升级Intel 20A工艺,这是Intel 3工艺的继任者,首次进入后纳米时代,直接用了埃米(A代表的是?ngstrom,1纳米等于10埃米),字面上等效友商的2nm工艺。

The subsequent 15-generation Cool Wise Code, Arrow Lake, is expected to be marketed in 2024 and will also be covered by 3D Foveros, although the CPU module will upgrade the Intel 20A process, a successor to the Intel 3 process, which entered the post-Nam era for the first time, using the 2nm process of a literal equivalent competitor (A stands for ngstrom, 1 nano=10em).

15代酷睿首发 消息称Intel 3nm已下订单:核显可冲RTX 3060


The 15 generation-Wide GPU module will also be significantly modified, using the 3nm & mdash; & mdash; and the 3nm outsourcing process in Intel, where the first 3nm process will be the same as the apples this year. However, Intel cancelled its orders, Apple cancelled, and the first generation 3nm of power generation died directly from the disease.


15代酷睿首发 消息称Intel 3nm已下订单:核显可冲RTX 3060


Using the 3nm process for the production of 15 generation Cool Wirtschaftsprüfer (the exact term is tGPU, not iGPU), which would significantly increase the size of the latter's GPU, which currently stands at a maximum of 96 Xe units for 12 generations, and was originally upgraded to 192 for 14 generations, although it should now shrink to 128 groups for

如果再考虑到明年Intel的GPU架构升级,那么320组EU单元的GPU性能至少是当前12代酷睿UHD 770核显(32组EU单元)的10倍以上,3DMark TS分数足够冲到1万分,这个性能足以取代独显,而且能摸到中端显卡的水平,毕竟RTX 3060也不过9000分左右。

If next year's GPU architecture upgrade in Intel is taken into account, the GPU performance of the 320 sets of EU units is at least 10 times greater than the current 12-generation Cool and Wise UHD 770 (32 sets of EU units) and the 3DMark Ts score is sufficient to reach 10,000 points, which is sufficient to replace the one-size-fits-all and to reach the level of the middle-level card, after all, RTX 3060 is less than 9,000.


This is, of course, the limit, after all, the 15-generation cool-width GPU of the 320 EU modules is a mobile end product line, and the desktop platform will cut off a lot of sizes, but the tGPU nuclear visibility of the 3nm era can be expected to play the mainstream 3A game.

15代酷睿首发 消息称Intel 3nm已下订单:核显可冲RTX 3060

抖音4000万粉丝主播直播摔华为Mate 50!摔完发现不是昆仑玻璃版  拾柒 16:56:18

昨日,华为Mate 50系列开启首销,发售后不久,华为官方商城、合作电商平台的新机便被一抢而空,十分火爆,其中十倍耐摔的昆仑玻璃版更是出现一机难求的景象。

Yesterday, when it opened for the Mate 50 series, shortly after it was released, the new company, China's official business town, the Cooperative Power Company platform, was robbed, and it was so hot that ten times the fall-resistant Kunlon version of was a hard shot.

有意思的是,抖音拥有4000多万粉丝的《王者荣耀》知名游戏主播“张大仙”在拿到华为Mate 50系列昆仑玻璃版后,在直播中开启了“摔手机模式”。

Interestingly, shivering, with more than 40 million fans, is a well-known game host & ldquao; Zhang Dae-won & rdquao; & ldquao was launched on live TV after receiving the & ldquao of the Water Mate 50 series of Qull Glass; and fall cellular mode & & rdquao;

抖音4000万粉丝主播直播摔华为Mate 50!摔完发现不是昆仑玻璃版


In the video, the Great Fairy fell down the cell phone screen from an altitude of about 1 metre and did not cause any damage to the cell phone after it fell.


但此时有网友提示他说,摔错手机了,摔的是非昆仑玻璃版本的Mate 50系列,对此,张大仙感叹:“不是昆仑屏都这么顶了,那昆仑屏呢?”

But at this point he was told that the wrong cell phone fell,

抖音4000万粉丝主播直播摔华为Mate 50!摔完发现不是昆仑玻璃版


It is known that it is a 24-hour high-temperature nanocrystal growth for Qull glass material, 108 microcrystal and panel processing processes, and the construction of 1600 degrees of platinum metal smelting processes. Through the reinforced injection of composite particles, hundreds of millions of high-intensity nanocrystals in a single piece of Qull glass are blocked by shocks.

抖音4000万粉丝主播直播摔华为Mate 50!摔完发现不是昆仑玻璃版


In addition, the first Swiss SGS five-star anti-fall and fall certification was obtained for the Quinlon glass, and the strong called the whole machine ten times more resistant to falling and falling than the normal glass.

抖音4000万粉丝主播直播摔华为Mate 50!摔完发现不是昆仑玻璃版

华为Mate50抢破头 加价上万难求:隔壁苹果店冷清 iPhone14破发千元  万南 16:46:19

9月21日,华为Mate 50系列正式发售。

On 21 September, China officially launched the Mate 50 series.


From China’s sun map of China’s surplus, there are long queues, unprecedented heat, and a lot of enthusiasm on the part of consumers. The surplus has already indicated that it will fast-track production and secure the supply of its products.


The media reported that hundreds of people had lined up early in the morning in Shanghai as a front shop in the 21st. On-site research found that the crowd was extensive, with old pollen, post-00, digital control, and so on, and covered almost all ages.

华为Mate50抢破头 加价上万难求:隔壁苹果店冷清 iPhone14破发千元


What's more embarrassing is that

市场行情方面,华为Mate 50系列再次被炒成了“理财产品”,黄牛随随便便加价上千元收普通版本,昆仑玻璃和保时捷版本更是出现3000元~1万元的夸张涨幅。

In terms of market dynamics, the Mate 50 series was again fired as & ldquo; the property & rdquao; and the Quillon glass and Porsche version were added to the regular version at random, with an exaggeration of $3,000 to $10,000.

反观苹果这边,iPhone 14系列已经纷纷破发,最高跌幅超1000元,其中最惨的当属512GB的iPhone 14标准版。

On the other hand, the iPhone 14 series has broken, with the highest drop of over $1,000, the worst of which is the iPhone 14 standard version of 512 GB.

华为Mate50抢破头 加价上万难求:隔壁苹果店冷清 iPhone14破发千元

哈啰试点共享单车安装儿童座椅:建议9岁、22公斤以下乘坐  随心 16:41:09


In recent days, some Internet users have discovered that there is a new seat for children in the back of a cycling.


Turns out has been put into a pilot operation for 1,000 cars in the Wenzhou Project for Pro-Child Cars called & & & & & & rdquao;


It is understood that this is the first child-to-child-car type to be placed throughout the country in the share bicycle industry, while Wenzhou is the first to be dropped in the city.


Hello. According to the authorities, the car was recommended to be cleaned by immediate family members, and the back seat of


Hello also stated that the follow-up would be followed by a follow-up roll-out plan based on the pilot situation.


By the end of 2021, Halo had 530 million registered users, reaching more than 400 cities of different sizes in the country.


In April of this year, the brand Slogan was replaced by & & & rdquao; accompanying life every day & & rdquao; and the pseudo-halo will be accompanied by more reliable products and more thoughtful services.


小米新专利公示:手机摄像头凸起有救了  乃河 16:23:43


I don't know when the number of cameras on the back of the phone has increased, and it's becoming more and more prominent, and now it's a luxury to try to keep the phone flat on the table.


In recent days, a patent, entitled & ldquo; camera module and terminal equipment & & rdquo, has been applied by & Peking Rice Mobile Software Ltd. (Application No. CN 202221481995.4), which may solve the problem of the contemplation of mobile phone cameras.


According to the map, strong> the patent redesigned its structure on the basis of the existing cell phone camera module and successfully reduced the height of the module as a whole through the addition of a large number of cavity embedded structures.



With this set of patents, rice is theoretically capable of compressing the size of the module to some extent to alleviate or resolve the problem of back-lapse of a mobile phone without compromising camera imaging effects.


However, among the other patents that were published with the patent, Mi also included a patent relating to non-extreme focalation of the lens, and the addition of more mechanical structures would inevitably affect the thickness of the module as a whole.


This means that, at this stage, there is no way to reconcile a thinr module with a better shot technology.


周鸿祎内部信:360有全球安全行业最好的一副牌 要做顶天立地的公司  朝晖 16:14:43


On 22 September, the founder of the 360 Group, Zhou Hongjing, issued an internal letter announcing that 360 would be fighting together and strategicly upgraded.


360 changed the name of the Digital Security Group, which will revolve around & ldquao; + treatment & rdquao; core competencies to focus on new issues in the era of digital civilization.


In his letter, first presents 360 & ldquo; Enterprise 3xrd & rdquo; i.e. future, world and grand view .


In his view, companies need to look at opportunities in their own right. In the next three to five years, cyber-security companies that are not pro-active will not be able to match digital China’s strategy and face market phase-out. So 360 traditions of entrepreneurship and combat must not be lost.


周鸿祎内部信:360有全球安全行业最好的一副牌 要做顶天立地的公司

靠房租养活神仙日子?乐视拒绝躺平:要搬新家了!  上方文Q 16:13:52


When it comes to pleasure, the first reaction of most people must be Jiajun and be in debt. It's not far from closing down, but it's different.


More recently, there have been a number of hot and hot searches during live broadcasts, which have led many to discover that, in previous years, the products of such pleasures had been repeated and renewed.


919乐迷节期间,乐视还召开了一场主题为“玩新无止境”的沟通会,期间发布了今年主打的两款电视新品F65 Pro、G65 ES,乐视刚刚推出的手机新品Y2 Pro也随之亮相。

During the 919 Carnival, there was also a communication session on the theme & ldquo; playing new and endless & rdquao; during which two new television features such as F65 Pro and G65 ES, which were launched this year, were launched, and the new mobile phone item Y2 Pro, which has just been launched, appeared.


Lei Xiaowei, Vice-President of Smart Ecology, said, strang's vision was “ twice the price of performance & rdquao; and today television business, although it's done away with burning the money, insists on & & ldquo; equivalent performance & & rdquao; making television and ecological products.



It is also stated that happy employees would like to speak out for their products, so that more friends would know that there are many good products to see and hope, through their own efforts, to become the next new East.

随着事件发酵,乐视因为#直播14场GMV 2万#的话题登上热搜,919当天带货直播专场GMV 7.7万,虽然比不上那些大厂和知名主播,但对乐视来说殊为不易。

With the events fermented, it was not easy to look at #14 GMV 20,000 topics and to bring 77,000 GMVs to live on 919, although not as big as the big factories and well-known hosts.


One commenter said: &ldquao; one saying that I really want to see it through. Come on. Let's see what we're doing. What more reason do we have to lie even? & rdquao;



It is understood that nine years after the advent of TV, 919 of this year was upgraded to & & & & & & & & & & ; new service standards & & & & & & & & & & ; 24-24-7-15 & rdquao; .



Specifically, after receiving user updates, will contact users within 24 hours, the city will do so within 24 hours (48 hours for outlying counties, peri-urban areas, 96 hours for Xinjiang, Qinghai and Tibet), non-screen maintenance will solve the problem within 7 days, and screen maintenance will resolve the problem within 15 days.


Li Xiaowei revealed that 靠房租养活神仙日子?乐视拒绝躺平:要搬新家了!

值得一提的是,9月22日,乐视全员还收到了一封“辞旧迎新 乐观向前”的内部信。

It is worth mentioning that, on 22 September, the whole staff received an internal letter from & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & &.


The letter not only recalls the old days of joy, but also states that


Two months ago, the Internet spread around the company & & ldquao; there were no 996 insiders, no building rents, and employees had a wonderful day & & rdquao; and it envied countless beating workers to see how easy they were.


At that time, the official response & ldquao was welcomed; the situation was essentially true & rdquao; but according to this internal letter, there were two & & ldquao; it was untrue & rdquao; the first was that the building brought a rent of more than $10 million a year.


In fact, rents account for only 6 per cent of the income of the company's homecoming company last year, estimated at only a few million dollars, and do not support hundreds of employees.


So what do you like to live on? The letter says, "Strong" & ldquo; "Stuck," but we're not even." This year, 919, "speaks for ourselves" and walks into the live room after work, so that more people see a lot of new things coming out, and they're not even. Yes, we're standing, and we're making money!"


For the & ldquao to move; the new home & & rdquao; the internal letter did not disclose the particulars, but said it might not be perfect, but it was confident that it would not disappoint everyone.


The letter says: & ldquo; the company wants to provide everyone with the best office environment within its current capabilities, and to be more comfortable, comfortable and happy in the future.


华为Mate 50系列首销供不应求 黄牛疯抢!余承东:会抓紧生产 保障供应  拾柒 16:09:22

9月21日,华为Mate 50系列正式开售,作为时隔两年的重磅旗舰,Mate 50系列毫无悬念的出现了抢购热潮,线上秒罄、线下排队的场景也宣告了华为手机回来了。

On 21 September, China officially opened the Mate 50 series as a two-year-old heavy-pound flagship, with the unsuspensioned surge of purchase in the Mate 50 series, with out-of-the-scenes and under-line scenes declaring the return of Hwa's mobile phone.

除了消费者购买外,黄牛也是对Mate 50系列展开疯抢,新机价格甚至被黄牛最高加价8000元,顶配RS保时捷设计版更是炒至2万元,成为新的“理财产品”。

In addition to consumer purchases, the bulls have also gone mad at the Mate 50 series, and the price of the new machine has even been increased by up to $8,000, the top RS Porsche design has been fired to $20,000, and the

今日,华为常务董事、终端BG CEO、智能汽车解决方案BU CEO 余承东发文称,昨天,华为Mate 50系列正式开启销售,大批热情的消费者前往全国的华为门店购机。非常感谢大家对Mate 50系列的喜爱与支持!我们会抓紧生产,保障产品供应,让更多消费者用上强大的Mate 50系列手机。

Today, China is the Managing Director, the terminal BG CEO, and the smart car solution BU CEO wrote that yesterday, China officially opened the Mate 50 series, and a large number of passionate consumers went to China to buy their machines. Thank you very much for the love and support of the Mate 50 series!

华为Mate 50系列首销供不应求 黄牛疯抢!余承东:会抓紧生产 保障供应


From the photos of the Chinese under-the-line shop, the number of Chinese in some cities lined up from the door to the end of the shop, even next door.

华为Mate 50系列首销供不应求 黄牛疯抢!余承东:会抓紧生产 保障供应

据了解,今日有消息称,华为目前已经紧急增产Mate 50系列,接下来将会持续的增加备货和放货量。

Today, it is known that


In April of this year, Yu Chengdong said that his cell phone had returned and that his mobile phone supply had improved considerably, so everyone wanted to buy it as a product and as a mobile phone.

华为Mate 50系列首销供不应求 黄牛疯抢!余承东:会抓紧生产 保障供应

AMD再见:微软新一代Surface将不再使用锐龙处理器  万南 16:08:18

微软新品发布会定档北京时间10月12日晚22点,适逢Surface十周年,预计将有多款Surface产品登场,比如Surface Pro 9、Surface Laptop 5、Surface Studio 3等。

The Microsoft launch, scheduled for Beijing at 22 p.m. on 12 October, coincides with the tenth anniversary of Surface and is expected to feature a number of Surface products, such as Surface Pro 9, Surface Laptop 5, Surface Studio 3.

不过,按照WinFuture的说法,微软将放弃使用AMD锐龙处理器。具体来说,Surface Pro 9的ARM版本将搭载微软基于高通骁龙8cx Gen3魔改的SQ处理器,x86版本则是Intel 12代酷睿。

But, according to Winfuure, Microsoft will give up using the AMD sharp dragon processor. Specifically, the ARM version of Surface Pro 9 will carry the SQ processor based on the magic 8cx Gen3 of Hightower Dragons, while the X86 version is Intel 12 Generations of Cool Wise.

至于Surface Laptop 5,同样是清一色的Intel。

As for Surface Laptop 5, it's also a one-colour Intel.

入门版处理器是i5-1235U,高配则是i7-1255U处理器。AMD这边,其实最新的笔记本处理器是锐龙6000 APU,但遗憾没能俘获微软的芳心。

The entry processor for is i5-1235U, with a high match of i7-1255U processor.

现款Surface Laptop 4的13.5寸和15寸版本都有AMD锐龙4000系列可选,锐龙6000改进了工艺、架构,提升了性能和续航,产品力其实也不错。

Both the 13.5 and 15-inch versions of the cash Surface Laptop 4 are available for the AMD Dragon 4,000 series, which has improved the process, architecture, enhanced performance and continuity, and has been very productive.


So how does Microsoft finally make decisions, and we'll wait for the launch to come to light.


互联网的尽头就是贴标签 这届网友开始用爬虫互相贴标签了  随心 15:54:02

十几天前,在为C端用户提供拓展脚本的论坛网站Greasy Fork上,一位开发者做了一款“原神玩家指示器”。据开发者留下的公开信息,此拓展脚本主要应用于B站视频的评论区,安装了该工具的用户可以识别出发言的网友是否为原神玩家。

Eleven days ago, on Great Fork, a developer made a & ldquao; the original God player's indicator & rdquao; on the Forum website, which provides extended scripts for C-end users. According to the public messages left by the developers, the outreach script was used primarily in the comment area of site B video, where users can identify whether or not they were original god players.

互联网的尽头就是贴标签 这届网友开始用爬虫互相贴标签了


The method of identification is also simple, and after screening the extended script, qualified web users will be marked with & & & & & ldquao; original & & rdquao; several words behind their heads and nicknames.

互联网的尽头就是贴标签 这届网友开始用爬虫互相贴标签了

这款拓展脚本一经发布,就引起了游戏玩家的强烈反响。在Greasy Fork这个较为小众的用户脚本论坛上,原神玩家指示器的安装量已达数万次,反馈中,不少用户将其称之为“本年度最好用的脚本”、“这个伟大的发明仅次于第一定律”、“几个字就能带来极致的精神享受”。

This extended script, once published, has a strong resonance with game players. At Great Fork, a smaller user script forum, the original God player's indicator has been installed tens of thousands of times, and many users refer to it as &ldquao; the year's best scripts & & & & & &dquao; this great invention is second only to & rdquao; & & & & & ltquao; several words bring extraordinary spiritual enjoyment & & & rdquao;


Moreover, because the developer stated that he was playing and that he was not very up-to-date, some users did find some bugs in use, and there were a number of developers willing to participate in the forum, some made & &ldquao; the original God player indicator was upgraded & & rdquao; some invented full platform scripts for station B, microblogging, knowledge, and others included big hot games such as glory of kings, the ark of tomorrow and the power of the new trilogy, supporting the identification of more players.


In the user interface using the extended script, the nicknames of each user are labelled in colour and the indicator displays the prefix & & & & & & & & & ; & & & & & ; rare & & & quo; & & & & & & & & & Quo; & & & & & & & ; hide & & & &, etc.


Users whose labels are not detected by the indicator will be marked as &ldquao; normal & rdquao;

互联网的尽头就是贴标签 这届网友开始用爬虫互相贴标签了


This & & ldquao, the indicator & rdquao, which started in the game circle, didn't end up here.


In response to users'need for identification in other areas, an increasing number of types of indicators have appeared in forums for the expansion of scripts, including V Circle indicator for Vtuber recognition, Loop indicator for star fans, Apple/Word indicator for users, Lotte for participants & Hellip; & Hellip;.


An anonymous developer quickly produced a broader outreach script. In a script called “ Component Indicator & rdquo; Users can use custom keywords to identify different network groups. In other words, the indicator & rdquao; a user-specific & & rdquao; a tag machine & rdquao;


The production of indicators is not complex from the point of view of technological realization alone.


It uses mainly reptiles to read API data from social platforms and screens them according to a set of matching rules by diagnosing comment areas and user releases. This reptiles technology was first applied to the Internet search engine, which has been used in recent years by big data companies to access user personal information and resumes, and its misuse by some companies has contributed to industrial disruptions such as the conductor and the trigger of violence on Internet financial lending.


While, with AI technology, many Internet platforms have opened smart anti-crowding functions to protect the personal privacy of users, for social media platforms, the dynamics of users'releases, the retransmitting of commendable content, as well as public information such as head and nicknames, are easily accessible by reptiles.


On the one hand, the technological realization and user access costs of expanding scripts are unlimited, and on the other hand, the degree of fragmentation of the Internet world has increased, resulting in reptiles & ldquao; escape from & rdquao; and the constraints of commercial purposes, reaching tens of thousands of Internet users.


In the first & & ldquo, the original God player's indicator & & rdquao, and in the expanded script review area, many users with negative feelings about the original God game and its players have gathered, and in the interactive dialogue with a number of users, a dialogue has begun on the basis of their respective favorite game positions.

互联网的尽头就是贴标签 这届网友开始用爬虫互相贴标签了
图源:Greasy fork论坛截图


Taken together, these & & & & & & & quo & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & ; & & & & & & & & & & & & & &, & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & &, & & & & & & & &, & & & & & & & & & &, & & & & & & &, & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & &, & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & &,, # & # # # # & & # & # & & & # & & # & # & # & & # @ @ @ & & @ & @ & @ & & & & & & & & & @ @ @ @ @ @ @ & & & @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ & @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ & @ @ &


A significant proportion of users who use indicators to label their users are — — blocking label content and social accounts that they do not want to see.


& ldquo; thank you, I really need this. It'd be better to block this group's statements. & rdquo;


& ldquao; can you change it to shield the id and the contents? Either you don't care, you don't want to see it. & rdquao;


& ldquo; takes a key to pull the black feature, if you can block it automatically. & rdquo;


And the extension script that will succeed in achieving such a claim is soon to be produced.


In fact, today’s headline social media platform, shielding and blacking have long been essential. In microblogging, for example, many changes have been made on black alone, with a range of specific features, including whether the home page is visible, who is visible, and who is able to comment.


However, it appears that these functions, introduced for the purpose of preventing cyber-violence, are still not adequate for many users.


A number of users who used such indicator posts indicated that they traced back the content of previously unpopular web users'statements and unsurprisingly discovered that they had been labeled in certain categories.

互联网的尽头就是贴标签 这届网友开始用爬虫互相贴标签了


A number of interesting changes have followed, which have made them more certain that their aversion to certain types of views or content is correct and, on the other hand, has deepened their aversion towards certain labeled groups.


And it is clear that many of them are not satisfied with just identifying & ldquao; enemy & rdquao;


Internet users have observed that some web-to-line fans have opened &ldquao in social media such as Station B and Weibo; witch-hunting & rdquao; and action, that they do not care what content and views they specifically publish, but rather focus on finding groups that have been labelled by the indicator and carrying out indiscriminate attacks.


One absurd example is that, in “ the original God's indicator & rdquo; in an earlier version, because the script was imperfect, all web users were expected to have & & & & & & & & & & & & ; God & & & & & & & & & ; both of these words are labelled by the indicator. So, in some of the names & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & ; & & & & & ; the source of the infection & & & & & & & & & Quo; in the question area where the content is not related to the game, there is a group of game players or groups or lines.


Of course, there are also many users who believe that labelling a web friend with an indicator is just a game of fun and that, with the proliferation of script users, the large number of data requests sent to social media servers is likely to have attracted the attention of the platform, that developers are at risk of being sued by the platform for the misuse of reptiles, and that user accounts are potentially blocked.

互联网的尽头就是贴标签 这届网友开始用爬虫互相贴标签了


Looking at the prevalence of this kind of indicator, it is easy to reassure that the biggest transformation of people’s thinking over the years is labelling. Platforms in the mobile Internet age, be they short videos, information, take-out, travel, or electronic shopping, are sorting users by tagging where they exist, and using algorithms to recommend preferences for content or services.


Now it seems that the online community is beginning to treat each other the same way.

小米Civi 2后摄公布:旗舰同款IMX766+自研影像大脑  建嘉 15:45:13

继上午小米官方公布了Civi 2前摄规格之后,刚刚又揭晓了后摄规格,搭载与小米12同款的旗舰级主摄——IMX766。

Following this morning's official release of the Civ 2 Pre-Censorship Specifications, Citizen Class Masters & mdash; — IMX766. /strang>

这也是目前业内口碑非常出色的“万金油”镜头,拥有5000万像素,1/1.56 英寸大底,单1.0μm大像素,支持全像素全位对焦。

It's also an excellent & ldquo; & & rdquo; camera, has 50 million pixels, 1/1.56 inches base, single 1.0 & m; m large pixels, supporting full-pixel focus.

小米Civi 2后摄公布:旗舰同款IMX766+自研影像大脑

在旗舰级的传感器硬件之外,小米Civi 2还配备了旗舰同款的自研“影像大脑”,能够实现技术抓拍的效果。

In addition to the sensor hardware of the flagship class, Mim Civii 2 is equipped with the same self-research & ldquao; image brain & rdquao; and is capable of achieving technical capture.

小米影像大脑是此前小米12 Pro机型上首发的功能,是小米历时两年打造,工程师团队重写了整个相机架构,并将软硬件能力整合重建,让拍照速度更快、成片率更高,这次直接下放给Civi系列。

The Mi-Imaging brain was formerly the first-time feature of Mi-12 Pro, built over two years, and the team of engineers rewrite the entire camera structure and reconstruct the hardware and software capabilities to allow for faster and more film-based photography, which was transferred directly to the Civi series.

小米Civi 2后摄公布:旗舰同款IMX766+自研影像大脑

IMX766+影像大脑的组合之下,官方称小米Civi 2相比上一代进光量提升 101.8%,拍照速度提升144%,夜间拍照速度提升246%。

Under the IMX766+ image brain combination, 小米Civi 2后摄公布:旗舰同款IMX766+自研影像大脑

5999元 vivo X80 Pro天玑版是沈义人今年使用最长的安卓机:此前一度供不应求  振亭 15:44:17

今天,沈义人透露,vivo X80 Pro天玑版是本人今年使用时间最长的安卓手机。

Today, the Shen Yi revealed that the vivo X80 Pro is my longest-used Andre mobile phone this year.

沈义人表示,vivo X80 Pro在保证核心体验优秀的基础上,功能定义取舍和机身三维重量控制达到了某种平衡。

The Shen Yi stated that the vivo X80 Pro achieved a balance between functional definition trade-offs and three-dimensional weight control of the fuselage on the basis of a guaranteed core experience.


The high-end flagship was first sold on May 5, with an initial sale price of $5999. strong's initial listing showed a lack of supply and demand, and

5999元 vivo X80 Pro天玑版是沈义人今年使用最长的安卓机:此前一度供不应求


The machine is known as the best image flagship of the 9,000 skyscraper platform, with 50 million ultra-famous masters, 48 million ultra-wide angles, 12 million micro-cylinder images, 8 million periscopes, and 8 million platings, with T.C.T. platinum.


T-T-T-T-T-T-T-T-T-T-T-T-T-T-T-T-T-T-T has always had a reputation in the photography industry. strong" significantly reduces the brightness and dissipation of the lens and achieves a more pure image effect in a complex environment like big light.

除了镀膜技术,vivo X80 Pro天玑版的主摄采用超低色散高透玻璃镜片,其阿贝数达到81.6,与专业镜头同一水准。

In addition to the membrane technique, the vivo X80 Pro Skylysis main camera uses ultra-low colour dispersible glass lenses, which reach 81.6 per cent in Abe, the same level as professional lenses.

核心配置上,vivo X80 Pro天玑9000版采用6.78英寸三星2K E5超感自由屏,搭载联发科天玑9000旗舰处理器,电池容量为4700mAh,支持80W有线闪充、50W无线闪充。

On the core configuration, version vivo X80 Pro 9,000 uses a 6.78 inch tristar 2K E5 super-sense freedom screen with a UDC 9,000 flag ship processor with a battery capacity of 4,700 m Ah, supporting 80 W wired flash and 50 W wireless flash.

5999元 vivo X80 Pro天玑版是沈义人今年使用最长的安卓机:此前一度供不应求

RTX 40显卡发布 NVIDIA不会放弃RTX 30:依然值得买  宪瑞 15:42:06

对显卡厂商来说,通常每次新品发布之前,上代产品都会降价清仓,否则等新品来了会导致上代产品卖不出去,然而今年的RTX 40系列显卡不同,NVIDIA现在发布了三款新品,但RTX 30系列显卡依然会存在。

For card manufacturers, it is common for the previous product to be priced before each new product is released, otherwise the new product will not be sold until it arrives. However, this year's RTX 40 series will be different, and NVIDIA will now issue three new items, but the RTX 30 series will still exist.

对于上代显卡的处理,NVIDIA发言人表示,RTX 3080曾经是、现在依然很有价值,它将继续存在,远没有到消亡的地步。

RTX 40显卡发布 NVIDIA不会放弃RTX 30:依然值得买

央视揭秘《羊了个羊》通关诈骗陷阱:小心手机安装病毒软件  拾柒 15:41:32


Recently, the little game, " The sheep has a sheep ", has rededicated the network, and the game has quickly captured a large number of fans with simple play and social attributes, but while it may seem simple, it is extremely difficult to try to pass through, and because of the difficulty of the second level, many of the players who were supposed to go to bed and play have an all-night sleeper.


As a result, a number of customs secrets have emerged on the Internet, and according to @U.S.A., the police issued a risk alert to the fraud trap with the flag of the game. According to the story, the little game was set on fire, giving some outlaws access to “ making money & & rdquo; opportunities, such as selling customs-assisted external services, posing as & ldquao; sheep with a sheep & & rdquo; and people in domestic service who engage in fraud by selling games, increasing the number of resurrections, etc. .



It is understood that fraudsters send a micromail collection 2D or Word document to a player, strong's lie that there's a so-called customs secret, and if the player opens it, he may install viral software on his cell phone to steal personal information.


Here, the sheep-a-sheep player is reminded not to easily click on two-dimensional links etc., let alone transfer to strange accounts to prevent the disclosure of personal information.


It is worth mentioning that the Internet posted a screenshot of $4.68 million in "A sheep for a sheep" in advertising and so on, and the production team behind "A sheep for a sheep" and the founder of Beijing's "Janjit" said that it was false.


辛巴致歉:此前本人公开怼东方甄选  振亭 15:20:26


Today, the famous anchor, Simba, publicly apologizes on a short video platform, and apologizes to everyone for bowing. I'm small. I'm sorry about this company.


Earlier, /span'


Simba questioned whether a selection was profiting under the banner of helping farmers rather than helping them to profit.



In response, Orient's selection anchor, Wu Hui, responded to the price of maize in the live room: most maize is not intended for human consumption, but for livestock, so the price is exactly four or five cents. The raw corn we're looking for comes from a good northeast, and it's already expensive.


Dong Woo-fui says that we want farmers to make more money, but if we just want farmers to make more money, this commodity will not make more money. If there are no middlemen, who buys corn? Who sells corn without manufacturers packing, transporting, selling it?


In Dong Woo-fui's view, the biggest problem with agricultural products is often to rot in the ground. So marketing is a big problem, and if they sell well, the price they receive is high. Agriculture is a very transparent industry, and no one can steal money.


华为XMAGE能否超越徕卡影像?华为Mate 50 Pro与小米12S Ultra拍照对比  拾柒 15:13:10

华为Mate 50 Pro与小米12S Ultra作为今年的两大热门国产旗舰机型,从各自发布之日起便备受广大用户群体的关注与讨论,特别是两者的拍照体验更是成为了大家争论的焦点话题。华为Mate 50 Pro今年并未搭载过去沿用多年的徕卡影像影像技术,转而使用了自研的华为XMAGE影像技术。

With Mate 50 Pro and Mi 12S Ultra as the two popular national flagship models of this year, they have received attention and discussion from a wide range of user groups since their release, especially as their photo experience has become the subject of debate. is Mate 50 Pro does not carry card image technology that has been used for many years this year, using self-researched China as XMAGE image technology.

华为XMAGE能否超越徕卡影像?华为Mate 50 Pro与小米12S Ultra拍照对比

而小米12S Ultra则新采用了徕卡影像技术,将徕卡的光学与成像技术融入了自己的旗舰手机影像系统当中。这样的情况出现,不禁让人好奇在失去了徕卡技术加持之后采用华为自研影像技术的华为Mate 50 Pro能否在拍摄体验上超越拥有徕卡影像+1英寸大底主摄组合的小米12S Ultra。

versus 12S  for milligrams; Ultra introduced new card image technology, integrating card optical and imaging technology into his own flagship cellular image system. appears to raise the question of whether the use of Chinese self-research image technology after loss of card technology is in place, Mate 50 Pro can go beyond a milligram with card image + 1 inch of main camera size 12S Ultra.

1英寸大底对决RYYB主摄 双旗舰影像配置解析

1 inch bottom-up against RYYB director double-flag image configuration parsing

按照惯例,在进入样张实拍对比之前我们还是先来解析一下这两款机型的影像配置。先讲华为Mate 50 Pro,这款机型的后置摄像头模组延续了华为一贯的配置组合,搭载了5000万像素超光变摄像头+1300万像素超广角摄像头+6400万像素潜望式长焦摄像头。

In accordance with established practice, before entering a sample comparison, let's deconstruct the image configuration of these two types of machines. First of all, it's Mate 50 Pro, the model of which continues the consistent configuration, strong > carries 50 million pixel ultra-light variant cameras + 13 million pixel ultra-wide angle cameras + 64 million pixel periscope long-focal cameras. <

华为XMAGE能否超越徕卡影像?华为Mate 50 Pro与小米12S Ultra拍照对比

其中5000万像素超光变摄像头采用了大底RYYB主摄传感器,配备了10档可变光圈技术,最大等效光圈值为F1.4,最小等效光圈值为F4;1300万像素超广角摄像头支持2.5cm超级微距拍摄;潜望式长焦摄像头的光学等效焦距为95mm,相对于主摄约为3.5X光学变焦倍数。华为Mate 50 Pro的整个后置摄像头模组由华为XMAGE影像技术加持,华为官方宣称该技术可以将科学与文化结合,以技术驱动艺术,为消费者提供独特、非凡、美好的移动影像体验。

Of these, 50 million pixel hyperphoto-transformation cameras are equipped with a 10-synchronous optical sensor with a maximum equivalent radiator value of F1.4 and a minimum equivalent radial value of F4; 13 million pixel hyperbolic cameras support a 2.5cm microscopic shot; the periscope long-focal camera has an optical focal distance of 95 mm compared to the main camera of approximately 3.5 x-rays. The whole rear camera module set of Mate 50 Pro is operated by XMAGE image technology, which is officially declared to be a technology-driven technology that provides a unique, remarkable and beautiful mobile image experience for consumers.

华为XMAGE能否超越徕卡影像?华为Mate 50 Pro与小米12S Ultra拍照对比

小米12S Ultra的后置摄像头模组配置为5000万像素1英寸大底主摄+4800万像素潜望式5X长焦镜头+4800万超广角镜头组合,该配置组合整体上延续了小米11 Ultra的配置,其中主摄被更换为了成像能力更为强大的索尼IMX989 1英寸超大感光元件,等效光圈值为f/1.9,小米12S Ultra的整个后置摄像头模组均采用了徕卡光学技术,其中主摄镜头采用了环烯烃材料镜片、红外滤镜旋涂、逐片边缘涂墨、超低反射镀膜等新技术和新工艺。

The backstage camera module was configured with 50 million pixels 1 inch background + 48 million pixel periscope 5x long lenses + 48 million ultra-wide lenses, and the configuration as a whole continued the configuration of 11 mil Ultra, with the main camera being replaced with the more powerful imaging capability of the Sony IMX989, 1 inch ultra-sense light component, with an equivalent radial value of f/1.9, with the entire rear camera module of 12 S Ultra using rickart technology, with the main lens using new technologies and processes such as epoxy material lenses, infrared filtering, film coating at the edge of a film, ultra-low-reflection plating.

华为XMAGE能否超越徕卡影像?华为Mate 50 Pro与小米12S Ultra拍照对比

通过对比我们可以发现,小米12S Ultra似乎在硬件配置上更胜一筹,但是手机的影像体验并非仅有硬件配置一项决定的,手机自身的算力、影像算法优化、风格调教都会对成像效果产生影响,下面我们便进入实拍对比环节。

By contrast, we can see that Mi12S Ultra seems to be better equipped for hardware, but the video experience of a cell phone is not only a hardware configuration decision, and the cell phone's own computing power, image algorithm optimization, and style teaching all have an impact on imaging effects.


Can XMAGE go beyond an inch card?


First of all, we start with the most basic graphics comparison, which we do in three segments: the quality comparison of the drawings in the daytime, the colored pattern of the photography in the daytime, and the quality comparison of the graphics in the night view. First, we start with the quality comparison of the drawings in the two most recent versions of this year's flagship, the quality of which is almost at the current level, but by comparing the details of the images, we can still see the difference between the two.

华为XMAGE能否超越徕卡影像?华为Mate 50 Pro与小米12S Ultra拍照对比

华为XMAGE能否超越徕卡影像?华为Mate 50 Pro与小米12S Ultra拍照对比

华为Mate 50 Pro与小米12S Ultra的主摄在画面中建筑物细节的展现方面几乎没有差异,主要的差异体现在两者对于天空中薄云的细节呈现上,华为Mate 50 Pro能够记录下更多的云朵画面细节;在整体的画面风格上,华为Mate 50 Pro的画面更为明亮但是画面也有着明显的计算摄影痕迹,整体风格更为讨好用户的眼球,小米12S Ultra的画面风格则更为接近当时拍摄场景的实际观感。

The main differences in the presentation of the details of the buildings in the image are almost non-existent in the photo by the director of Mate 50 Pro and Mi12S Ultra. The main differences are that they present the details of the thin clouds in the sky, and that Mate 50 Pro is able to record more details of the cloud; in the overall image style, the image of Mate 50 Pro is brighter, but it also has clear traces of computational photography, the overall style is more user-friendly, and the image style of Mi12S Ultra is closer to the actual view of the scene.

在主摄对比之后,我们再来进行主摄的色彩模式对比。华为Mate 50 Pro搭载了基于华为XMAGE影像技术的XMAGE影像风格,其中包含鲜艳色彩模式;而拥有徕卡影像技术的小米12S Ultra自然也提供了徕卡色彩模式,在本次对比中我们选用了徕卡生动色彩模式下的徕卡鲜艳。

After the master contrast, we then compare the master colour pattern. The XMAGE image style, based on the XMAGE image technology of China, was installed for Mate 50 Pro, with a bright colour pattern; and the 12S Ultra, a small rice with card image technology, naturally also provided a card colour pattern, and in this comparison we chose a nice card with a live colour pattern.

华为XMAGE能否超越徕卡影像?华为Mate 50 Pro与小米12S Ultra拍照对比

华为XMAGE能否超越徕卡影像?华为Mate 50 Pro与小米12S Ultra拍照对比

通过样张对比可以发现,华为Mate 50 Pro鲜艳模式的成像色彩相比小米12S Ultra 徕卡鲜艳更为浓郁,通过转变色彩风格进而带来了更具冲击力的视觉观感,而小米12S Ultra的徕卡鲜艳模式更类似于在原有的照片上微调了色调。

A comparison shows that


Let's talk about the night scene performance, which, for a mobile phone, is the epitome of its combined image power.

通过实拍样张可以发现,小米12S Ultra的样张整体画面干净成像清晰,基本没有肉眼可见的噪点,这可以说是大底主摄与计算摄影共同带来的成果;华为Mate 50 Pro的主摄夜景表现也相当不错,整体上成像画面亮度相比小米12S Ultra略高。

By taking a physical sample, it can be seen that a clean picture of 12S Ultra is clear, with virtually no visible noise from the naked eye, which can be said to be the result of a combination of deep-bottom and computational photography; and that the night view of Mate 50 Pro is quite good, with an overall image showing slightly higher brightness than that of 12S Ultra.

华为XMAGE能否超越徕卡影像?华为Mate 50 Pro与小米12S Ultra拍照对比

华为XMAGE能否超越徕卡影像?华为Mate 50 Pro与小米12S Ultra拍照对比

长焦镜头的表现也是大家日常关注的焦点,在实际的测试过程中由于华为Mate 50 Pro与小米12S Ultra长焦镜头的光学焦段不同,因此我们选择了两个不属于这两款机型光学焦段的锚点进行测试,分别是2X变焦以及10X变焦。

The performance of long-focal lenses is also the focus of daily attention, and in the actual testing process we selected two anchors that were not part of these two machine-type optical focal segments, 2x and 10x, respectively, due to the difference between Mate 50 Pro and the optical focal segment of the 12S Ultra lens.

首先是2X变焦对比,首先可以看到由于华为Mate 50 Pro的主摄焦段是27mm,因此华为Mate 50 Pro的2X焦段相比主摄为23mm的小米12S Ultra更远。通过对比能够发现,得益于华为XMAGE影像技术的加持,华为Mate 50 Pro的画面中心画质明显高于小米12S Ultra,我们可以通过华为的样张清晰看到祈年殿牌匾上的文字。

First of all, two X-focal contrasts, starting with a 2-X-focal section of Mate 50 Pro, which is 27 mm, are far further than the 23 mm millimeter of 12S Ultra, because a 2-x-focal segment of Mate 50 Pro is 27 mm. By contrast, 华为XMAGE能否超越徕卡影像?华为Mate 50 Pro与小米12S Ultra拍照对比

华为XMAGE能否超越徕卡影像?华为Mate 50 Pro与小米12S Ultra拍照对比

在10X长焦的对比中,虽然小米12S Ultra的光学焦段更长但是实拍样张显示华为Mate 50 Pro的实际成像效果更为优秀,画面细节更为清晰。

In a comparison of 10 x paste, although the optical focus of 12 S Ultra was longer, the actual imaging of the size of Mate 50 Pro was better and the details clearer.

华为XMAGE能否超越徕卡影像?华为Mate 50 Pro与小米12S Ultra拍照对比

华为XMAGE能否超越徕卡影像?华为Mate 50 Pro与小米12S Ultra拍照对比

最后是超广角的样张对比,通过参数我们可以发现小米12S Ultra的超广角镜头更为出色,那么实际表现如何呢?通过实拍对比可以发现,两款机型拍摄的超广角样张在中心画质方面并无明显区别,得益于高像素传感器的优势,小米12S Ultra的超广角样张在边缘画质方面的表现更为优秀。

Finally, an ultra-broad contrast, by parameters, we can see that the 12-S Ultra ultra-blank lens is much better, so what's the actual performance? By contrast, it can be seen that the two machine-type ultra-blank sample is not significantly different in terms of the quality of the central painting, that benefits from the advantages of high pixel sensors, and that the 12-S Ultra ultra-blank sample is better in terms of the quality of the edges.

华为XMAGE能否超越徕卡影像?华为Mate 50 Pro与小米12S Ultra拍照对比

华为XMAGE能否超越徕卡影像?华为Mate 50 Pro与小米12S Ultra拍照对比



通过实测对比可以发现,华为Mate 50 Pro与小米12S Ultra的影像实力均属于当下的第一梯队水平,单论成像画质而言两者并不能拉开实际的差距。小米12S Ultra强悍的硬件配置为其在成像体验上带来了先天优势,华为Mate 50 Pro则凭借XMAGE影像技术的加持也丝毫不落下风,对于消费者而言选择哪款机型更多是看您喜欢哪种影像风格。

By contrast, strong's image strength for Mate 50 Pro and Mi12S Ultra is at the current level of the first echelon, which, in the case of a single image, does not close the actual gap. The hardware configuration of 12S Ultra's hardware for millimeter 12S brings its ingenuity to the imaging experience, and the XMAGE image technology is used to boost the XMAGE image technology to enable Mate 50 Pro to choose which kind of image styles you prefer for consumers.

《王者荣耀》新版本出Bug:部分iPhone 13/14 Pro用户无法开启120帧  乃河 15:11:26

根据此前《王者荣耀》官方的预告消息,在今天的大版本更新后,游戏将为iPhone 13 Pro、iPhone 13 Pro Max、iPhone 14 Pro以及iPhone 14 Pro Max四款机型开放120帧极高帧率模式的开关。

According to the previous official announcement of " The King's Glory ", following today's update of the big version, the game will open 120 sets of extremely high frame mode for iPhone 13 Pro, iPhone 13 Pro Max, iPhone 14 Pro and iPhone 14 Pro Max 4 aircraft.


However, some of the users of the above-mentioned machine have entered the game with the expected updates today and found: strong > my big & & & rdquao; extremely high frame rate & rdquao; switch? Why not open?


According to today's officially released version of the anomaly note, there is indeed a problem with the "strong" part of the iOS, which is unable to open a very high frame, but the problem is still in the process of identification, for which the specific reasons are not known.


In addition to 120 frames of & ldquao; strangely missing & & rdquao; and in addition, this version of the update shows an abnormal force, the inability to open the performance panel, the receipt of red bag anomalies, etc. Bug, some of which have already begun to be urgently repaired with a greater impact on the game.


At present,

《王者荣耀》新版本出Bug:部分iPhone 13/14 Pro用户无法开启120帧

真智商税?DR1.5万钻戒成本仅4000让网友直呼暴利:收割2千万年轻人  雪花 15:11:09


When it comes to diamonds, many consider it to be a product of IQ tax, whether it is true or not, at least certainly, that there is no problem with high profits.

从官方标注看,DR是一个浪漫求婚钻戒品牌,隶属迪阿股份有限公司   。以“男士一生仅能定制一枚”的独特定制模式诠释“一生·唯一·真爱”的品牌理念。DR旨为每位恋人提供至臻完美的钻石戒指,以年轻、时尚、轻奢的品牌风格,引领真爱潮流。

Officially, the DR is a romantic proposal ring brand belonging to Dia Inc. & nbsp; & nbsp; & & & & ; & & & & & & & & & ; & & & & & & quo; & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & ; & & & & & & & & & & & & & ; & & & & & & & & & & & ; & & & & & & & ; & & & & & & & & & ; & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & ; & & & & & & & & & ; & & ; & & & & & & & ; & & & & & ; & & & & & & ; & & & & & & ; & & & & & & & ; & & & & & & ; & & & & & & & ; & & & & & & ; & ; & & & & & & & & & ; & & & & & & & & ; & & & & & & & & & & &


According to DR's 2021 offer, the company is mainly engaged in the development and development of jewellery, branding and custom sales.




And the most successful marketing of the DR is the & & & & & & & & & & & & & &, by the two late 85 founders of the couple. In their official words, when they say that the DR proposes for a diamond ring can only customize one and the man decides to bind identity information, she is the only true love of her life and cannot be modified or deleted for the rest of her life.


In addition, the DR invents marketing laws such as the True Love Agreement, the Fighting Agreement, and the Golden Marriage Commitment. For example, the True Love Agreement will record the man’s true love vows, and both will sign and print the promise that the true love will remain the same.


According to the latest data disclosed by the DR, the DR brand has more than 20 million fans on multiple Internet platforms, and the number of registered users of the network totals about 10,750.



Unlike the spot sales of other jewellery businesses, the customer needs to select the type and specific parameters for the purchase of the DR, which is then extra-processed and delivered to the customer after a certain date.


In the offer, the DR states that this model meets, on the one hand, the psychological needs of married couples for the soleness of love, and, on the other hand, that the demand-based model allows companies to better control their stock levels, maintain lower start-up costs and good cash flows while maintaining higher levels of revenue collection.


The data show that in the first half of 2018-2021, the Māori rate of DR was 69.82 per cent, 70.21 per cent, 69.37 per cent and 70.00 per cent respectively, higher than the comparable level of companies in the same industry. In the first half of 2022, the Māori rate of DR as a whole was 70.63 per cent, an increase of 0.63 per cent over the same period the previous year.


In the first half of 2021, according to the Māori rate for specific products, the product with the highest sales income was the FOREVER series, at a cost of about $4,000, at a price of up to $15,000 and a Māori rate of over 72 per cent.


3599元就能买酷睿i5!a豆14极光白轻薄本极限低价  上方文Q 15:09:20


"Strong" recently, a light and light bean 14 bean under the flag of Hua is welcome, and the auroral version is only $3599, and the tannery is back to 20 E-cards.


It is a light fashion design, equipped with a cool and wise i5 processor, as well as high-colour area full-eye screens, environmentally friendly skin coatings, etc., with a high value for money.




abeans14 are designed for high-intensity magnesium aluminium alloy casings, supported by a fine anode spray sanding process, with a special emphasis on aa-bea-logo made of steel material, which is highly recognizable.


The C side also uses low VOC-friendly, warm hands and environmentally friendly materials.


thinner to 16.9 mm, light to 1.39 kg, and even lighter than two cups of milk tea combined.


配置上,a豆14采用了一块14英寸的IPS雾面全面屏,支持1080p分辨率、100% sRGB高色域、DC调光,高亮环境下可减少眩光,还通过了德国TUV莱茵低蓝光护眼认证。

On the configuration, a beans14 uses a full IPS fog screen of 14 inches to support 1080p resolution, 100% sRGB high-coloured domain, DC bellication, which reduces glare in high-light environments, and has also passed the German TUV Rhine low-blue eye-protected certification.

处理器是酷睿i5-1135G7,基于10nm SuperFin制造工艺,4核心8线程,最高频率4.2GHz,集成80单元的锐炬Xe核芯显卡,搭配华硕AIPT智能加速引擎,性能释放可达28W,并支持耳语、均衡、高能三种模式。

The processor is Cool i5-1135G7, based on 10 nm SuperFin manufacturing process, 4 core 8 threads with a maximum frequency of 4.2 GHz, with a torch Xe core card integrated into 80 units, equipped with an AIPT intelligent acceleration engine, capable of releasing up to 28 W and supporting three modes of whispering, balance and high energy.


If needed, it could be further enhanced by selecting a proud 32GB accelerator in addition to the 16GB memory and 512 GGB solid state disks.


Large-capacity batteries can ensure a continuation of the voyage by approximately 10 hours of high-resolution video transmission, approximately 7.5 hours of daily business continuity, with a 65W charger and a 30-minute charger of approximately 50 per cent.

哈曼卡顿大师音效双扬声器,1.4mm键程人体工学背光键盘,接口提供一个USB-C 3.2 Gen1、一个USB-A 3.2 Gen1、两个USB 2.0、一个HDMI、一个microSD卡槽、一个3.5mm耳机接口。

Master Hamancaton's audio double-speaker, a 1.4-mm humans back-to-back keyboard, the interface provides a USB-C 3.2 Gen1, a USB-A 3.2 Gen1, two USB 2.0, a HDMI, a microSD cavity and a 3.5-mm headphone interface.


小米Civi 2用上药丸屏 会有灵动岛吗?美女产品经理回应了  建嘉 15:04:27

今天上午,小米公布了Civi 2的正面外观,采用了非常独特的居中药丸设计,在安卓阵营几乎是独一份。

This morning, Mi published a positive look on Civii 2, using a very unique mesogram design, almost unique in Andre camp.

小米Civi 2用上药丸屏 会有灵动岛吗?美女产品经理回应了

由于该机公布距离iPhone 14 Pro系列非常近,跟着灵动岛的热度下,网友们也不禁发出一些疑问:“这是要跟进灵动岛了?”

As the machine announces its close proximity to the iPhone 14Pro series, and following the heat of the island, web users can also raise some questions: “ this is to follow up on the island? ”

对此,小米产品经理魏思琪也在微博评论区做出解答,称Civi 2的前摄挖孔区域并没有其他设计,只是专注在影像体验。

Weiskie, the manager of Mi's product, also answered in the Twitter review area, the front-cam hole area of Civii2 has no other design but to focus on video experience.

小米Civi 2用上药丸屏 会有灵动岛吗?美女产品经理回应了

从官方公布的前摄参数来看,Civi 2将会是小米有史以来最强自拍规格,配备了两颗3200万像素镜头,其中还有一颗是超广角,在视角和虚化等方面将带来单摄完全无法比拟的效果。

According to the officially published priori parameters, Civii 2 will be the strongest self-programming specification in the history of millet, equipped with two 32 million pixel lenses, one of which is extremely wide-angled and will have a completely unmatched effect in terms of perspective and indigestion.

真机图上也能看出,Civi 2的听筒开孔其实位于顶部边框区域,而不是在挖孔中,这就意味着药丸的中间部位还有其他元器件。

As can also be seen on the real map, the opening of the Civi 2 hearing tube is actually located in the top border area rather than in the hole, which means that there are other components in the middle of the pill.

小米Civi 2用上药丸屏 会有灵动岛吗?美女产品经理回应了

有网友从Civi新产品经理胡馨心晒出的自拍中找到了细节,从眼睛反光中看到,Civi 2的药丸中应该还隐藏了两颗LED补光灯。

One of the web users found the details in a selfie taken by Civ's new product manager, and

小米Civi 2用上药丸屏 会有灵动岛吗?美女产品经理回应了

还没彻底决裂?NV RTX 4090演示平台用了EVGA主板、电源  宪瑞 14:53:18


Last week, the famous North American brand EVGA announced the termination of its partnership with NVIDIA and its exit from the card market, which accounted for more than 75 per cent of their revenues and gave up directly, which was a shocking event.


The last time the card manufacturer and NVIDIA were in the XFX scenes, probably many years ago, but the same is true for XFX and EVGA, which had been seen as close partners with NVIDIA until the announcement of the termination of cooperation with NVIDIA and even rumours that the CEOs of the two families were still classmates.


However, the EVGA suddenly broke up with NVIDIA, and the specific reason is still a lot of talk, 还没彻底决裂?NV RTX 4090演示平台用了EVGA主板、电源

还没彻底决裂?NV RTX 4090演示平台用了EVGA主板、电源

网友吐槽海底捞小料涨到11元 客服:每家门店价格不一样  振亭 14:53:17


This afternoon, the topic of microblogging & ldquao; the bottom of the Internet tolling up to $11 & rdquao; and the rush to the hot list.


According to a pear video,


There is support for, and opposition to, this. Some think that the price of the food is up, why not? Others say that it's getting more expensive. responded by saying that the prices of every store are different.


Although you are my brother, it is not a good time to make a living on the bottom of the sea for almost two years.



On the one hand, operating costs are high. The catering industry is stoked by the effects of the epidemic and, as a labour-intensive, low-value-added, fragmented industry, its day-to-day operation requires enormous cost maintenance.


网友吐槽海底捞小料涨到11元 客服:每家门店价格不一样

防堵“黄牛”!华为Mate50系列黄牛最高加价8000:官方加快生产、销量冲千万台  雪花 14:31:24

昨天,华为Mate50系列正式开售。与竞品iPhone 14 Pro Max相比,华为Mate 50 RS保时捷设计比1TB顶配版iPhone 14 Pro Max便宜了500元,后者价格是13499元(6GB+1TB)。

Yesterday, it was officially opened for the Mate50 series. Compared to the competition iPhone 14 Pro Max, it was cheaper for the Mate 50 RS Porsche than the top version of 1TB iPhone 14 Pro Max, which cost $13499 (6GB+1 TB).

线上及线下门店抢购十分火爆。有不少网友称,受货量影响,很多黄牛已经开始对Mate 50 RS保时捷下手了,最高能加价8000元左右。你会选择加价购买手机吗?

The online and under-the-line shop is hot. A lot of Internet users say that many of the cows have already started working on the Mate 50 RS Porsche, up to $8,000. Would you like to increase the price for a mobile phone?


& & ldquo; now, if you order it, you can get it two times by eleven, and then wait until New Year’s Day. & & & rdquao; on September 21 at the end of the year, Hwang Yao Su-chung district, the owner of the authorized store, Lin Su-chung, said that the tight color number would have to wait longer.


& & ldquo; there are currently none of the Qull Glass lines in the store for the Mate50 series, nor can they be booked. & & & & rdquo; on the same day, a staff member from Shanghai's flagship shop also indicated to the Times that only part of the shop's non-Quinlon glass is available for purple and black machines, and suggested that consumers could add to the employee's micro-letter for notice.

尽管华为缺席高端手机市场两年,但从市场反应看,Mate50系列仍然受到消费者青睐。对于新机的热销,产业链也表示,华为方面正在加大备货(据说从下个月开始华为要加大昆仑玻璃版本Mate 50的备货量),据悉Mate系列出货量将再度冲回千万量级。

, despite two years in the absence of a high end mobile phone market, the Mate50 series is still popular with consumers in terms of market responses. For the warm sale of new machines, the industry chain also indicates that China is increasing its stock (which is said to be increasing its stock from next month) and that the Mate series is said to be coming back to tens of millions.


According to China, sales are on fire for the country's front door, with a number of consumers queuing to the doorstep to buy machines, and a number opting to buy them from major power-marketers platforms.

有网友表示,去华为门店取Mate 50后,需要现场激活。一位接近华为的人士对记者称,这是相关门店的行为,是为了防止“黄牛”加价转卖。


小米最强自拍相机来了!产品经理用Civi 2自拍:网友齐赞“美”  振亭 14:14:58

今天,两位小米产品经理用Civi 2自拍。

Today, two millet product managers take a self-ie with Civi 2.

如样片所示,Civi 2下的产品经理脸部肤色自然细腻,卷翘的睫毛、发丝都能看清晰可见,妆容有立体感。米粉纷纷留言:“美”!

As the sample shows, the product manager under Civi2 is naturally fratricidal in his face, his curly eyelashes, his hair and his hair are visible, and his makeup is shaped.

据悉,小米Civi 2首次配备了前置双摄像头,一颗是3200万像素主摄,一颗是3200万超广角主摄,其中主摄光圈是f/2.0,进光量提升了50%,支持AF硬件级自动对焦。

It has been reported that for the first time, Mi-Civi-2 was equipped with a pre-dual camera, strong', a 32 million pixel master, a 32 million ultra-wide corner master, with a f/2.0 in the main radiator , with a 50 per cent increase in the in-luminance to support the AF hardware level automatic coming.

小米最强自拍相机来了!产品经理用Civi 2自拍:网友齐赞“美”

更重要的是,小米Civi 2搭载自研美颜技术,它不同于以往的磨皮,不是粗暴的将痘痘抹掉,而是深度学习你的真实肌肤特征之后,在问题肌肤区域进行肌肤特征重建,达到又真实又好看的效果。

More importantly, Mi-Civi-2 is carrying a self-research of beauty technology, which is different from the past, and which does not simply erase the baboon, but rather, after learning in depth about your true skin features, reconstructes the skin features in the problem area, with real and beautiful effects.

核心配置上,小米Civi 2采用OLED柔性屏,搭载高通骁龙7处理器,后置主摄为5000万像素,支持67W有线闪充。

Core configuration, strong's millet Civii2 uses an OLED soft screen with high-tone pulmonary 7 processor with a back-to-back master camera of 50 million pixels supporting a wired flash charge of 67W.


Among them is the Tristar 4nm process, CPU is an A710 supernucle with a primary frequency of 2.4 GHz, three A710 with 2.36 GHz, and four A510 with 1.8 GHz. In the case of GPU, it is 20% higher than the 778 G with its graphics.


The aircraft will be released on 27 September.

小米最强自拍相机来了!产品经理用Civi 2自拍:网友齐赞“美”

大批老款iPhone升级iOS 16续航崩了:还有严重断流、杀后台问题  建嘉 14:12:46

在iPhone 14系列发布当天,苹果也正式推送了iOS 16正式版系统,这次因为改动不大,所以至今没有太严重的bug出现,但小问题依旧不断。

On the day of the launch of the iPhone 14 series, apples also officially launched the iOS 16 official version of the system, and this time, due to minor changes, there have not been too serious bugs, but minor problems persist.

目前已经有大批老机型用户吐槽,自己的iPhone在升级iOS 16后续航时间明显变短,而且还会莫名其妙的发热,只是单纯的充电都会热到自动停止充电。

has a large number of old machine-type users who have their iPhones on upgrades to iOS 16 for a significantly shorter time frame, 视频

这其中除了包括iPhone XS/11系列等较老机型之外,还包括有去年的iPhone 13系列,理论上来说iPhone 13并不会存在硬件不足之类的情况,应该还是优化不到位导致。

This includes, in addition to older models such as the iPhone XS/11 series, the last year's iPhone 13 series, which, theoretically, does not have a hardware deficit and should be the result of an optimisation.


In addition to the collapse of the continuation, the new system presents a number of other problems affecting its use.

大批老款iPhone升级iOS 16续航崩了:还有严重断流、杀后台问题

杀后台严重到iPhone 14 Pro Max都撑不住,微信切出去复制个文字内容,再切回来的功夫,微信就要重新启动。

"Strong" kills backstage to the point where IPhone 14 Pro Max couldn't hold up. We're going out to copy the text and then we're going back to work, and we're going to start again.

而断流更是非常过分,iPhone 14系列同样不能幸免,阶段性网络断开,刷不出来任何东西,4G/5G都会出现,只有WiFi正常。

And it's all the more excessive, as is the iPhone 14 series, which breaks the phased network, doesn't brush anything, 4G/5G shows up, only WiFi is normal.

你遇到过iOS 16的bug吗?

Have you ever met an iOS 16 bug?

马斯克这么大方?特斯拉上海工人薪酬曝光:月薪喜人、还有五险一金  雪花 13:55:50


The importance of the Tesla Shanghai factory for Musk is self-evident, and of course their input here continues to increase, and how much will the incoming workers be paid?

15万辆、45万辆、75万辆以上,这是过去三年里,特斯拉上海工厂产能规划的变化。拆解到具体的车型上,2020年初,上海工厂Model 3的周产量在3000辆左右。而如今Model Y的单班日产量就已经超过1000辆,未来还将继续增加。

More than 150,000 vehicles, 450,000 vehicles, and more than 750,000 in the last three years, this is a change in the capacity planning of the Tsla Shanghai plant. Dismantling to specific models, in early 2020, the Shanghai factory Model 3 produced about 3,000 vehicles a week. Now Model Y's single-day production is over 1,000 and will continue to increase in the future.


By the first half of this year, Wang had at least 2,500 employees at his production line, while the entire factory had nearly 20,000 employees.


According to the Daily Journal of the Future of Cars, the bottom salary for frontline generalists at the Tsla Shanghai factory is 5341 dollars, plus 200 dollars for this scientific history, and more if you have experience. Before coming to Tesla, Sunning met an employed worker online and told him that over the course of the year, in addition to the base salary, together with various subsidies and end-of-year awards, he could easily get $11,120,000.


& & & ldquo; outside propaganda about 10,000 a month, but in fact it's about 7,000 a month, the average is 7,000 a month, and that's 10,000 a month. In fact, there's 10,000 a month in an autonomous car, but it's not a five-dollar job. & & & & & & & & ; Wang Yun called. & Yogo told the Times, & & ldquo; Tesla's pay is more than a conscience, 17 a month, with an average of 78,000 a month, and a five-adventure one, and it's just over 5,000 a month & & rdquao in an electronics factory.


According to the Times Finance Report, the 17-salary paid by `strung' Yoguar is to include the quarterly prize, and the Tesla factory pays a bonus based on a different performance rating. According to Wang Yun and Yoguo, the quarterly prize is divided into five tranches of A-E, of which A is 1.5 times the month-end salary and C is the month-end salary. But both Wang Yu have only taken C and never received an AB rating. Wang Yun said, & ldquo; I am C every month, not bad or bad & rdquo; .


& & & & & & Idquo; Tesla, on the one hand, feels that Tesla has a high level of technology, and that Mask has a personality plus point, on the other hand, that Tesla does have a good salary, not much more. & & & & & ; 28-year-old Willow High School has been working for seven years now, and now he doesn't want to walk in the dark, but he wants to go for a better life, & & ldquo; I just regret that I didn't learn well and became obsessed with the game & & rdquao;


《王者荣耀》S29赛季上线:iPhone 13 Pro/14 Pro系列120帧模式开放  拾柒 13:34:42

9月22日消息,今日,《王者荣耀》正式开启S29新赛季——《幻海映月》,除了新英雄、新皮肤、野区调整等内容外,iPhone 13 Pro系列、iPhone 14 Pro系列也于今天正式开放120帧极高帧率模式。

On September 22, the King's Glory today officially opened the S29 New Season & mdash; & mdash; The Mirage Month, in addition to the new heroes, new skins and field adjustments, strong>iPhone 13 Pro series, iPhone 14 Pro series are now officially open to 120 very high-rate models.

由于硬件限制,目前只有iPhone 13 Pro、iPhone 13 Pro Max、iPhone 14 Pro、iPhone 14 Pro Max这四款机型支持极高帧率的开启。

Owing to hardware constraints, only the four types of iPhone 13 Pro, iPhone 13 Pro Max, iPhone 14 Pro, iPhone 14 Pro Max currently support the start of a very high frame rate.

《王者荣耀》S29赛季上线:iPhone 13 Pro/14 Pro系列120帧模式开放


120 frames with a very high frame opening: click on the top right corner & ldquao; gear & rdquao; icon enter settings and select &ldquao; image & rdquao; then & ldquao; frame & rdquao; & & & & rdquao; & & & & rdquao; & very high & rdquao;

《王者荣耀》S29赛季上线:iPhone 13 Pro/14 Pro系列120帧模式开放

以iPhone 13 Pro为例,经测试,想要在游戏中体验120帧,需要将画质至少选择为“流畅”,另外,画面也无法保持120帧,会出现不同幅度的掉帧情况。

In the case of iPhone 13Pro, it has been tested that in order to experience 120 frames in the game, needs to select at least &ldquao; flow & rdquao; and, in addition, the image cannot be maintained at 120 frames, and will have a different size of the frame.

《王者荣耀》S29赛季上线:iPhone 13 Pro/14 Pro系列120帧模式开放

《王者荣耀》S29赛季上线:iPhone 13 Pro/14 Pro系列120帧模式开放


It should be recalled that, under the self-defined model only, the frame ratio of the 5v5 match/square match should be reduced more with the release of a large number of skills.


It is understood that the most significant changes brought about by a 120-column extremely high frame rate are more fluid, with players attacking, more sophisticated ballistics in the game, more easy hand-to-hand with scavenging knives and shootings, more smoother in moving the perspective, and more straightforward in the game experience.

《王者荣耀》S29赛季上线:iPhone 13 Pro/14 Pro系列120帧模式开放

黄牛蹲点、果粉转投 华为Mate50系列首销被疯抢:年度爆款预定  宪瑞 12:59:07


The domestic market for mobile phones has not been so hot for a long time, this time for the Mate50 series of mobile phones.

黄牛蹲点、果粉转投 华为Mate50系列首销被疯抢:年度爆款预定


On 21 September, at 10:08, China started selling the Mate50 series of mobile phones for the first time in two years, with the first heavy-pound upgrade in the Mate series, and several microblogging mega-Vs released videos of the underline store, showing that the country's multi-portals had a long and unprecedented front line.

黄牛蹲点、果粉转投 华为Mate50系列首销被疯抢:年度爆款预定

发售现场排长龙 黄牛蹲点加价:华为Mate50系列供不应求 官方已开始增产

"Strange" on the sale site, "Longs" on the sale site, "Standards" on top of the price: "Stander" for the Mate50 series, and the government has started to increase production.


Despite the fact that the sale was opened at 10 a.m., a lot of fans were in line early in the morning, and the pear video shows a long line of people who apparently preferred to wait for hours and hope to get the new Mate50 series today.


The lucky people at the head of the queue have been given the opportunity to start the first round, and the florist's shop has carefully prepared for the senior pollen, which is full of rituals, as well as the users of the first Mate50 series, after two years of waiting as a new flagship.

黄牛蹲点、果粉转投 华为Mate50系列首销被疯抢:年度爆款预定

华为Mate50系列手机不仅吸引了大量花粉,甚至还有果粉转投Mate50,从现场的视频来看,有不少人都是对新发售的iPhone 14失望之后转向Mate50系列的,这次iPhone 14系列挤牙膏升级,多年的果粉都看不下去了。

Not only did it attract a lot of pollen for the Mate50 series, but it even turned to Mate50. From the live video, a lot of people in turned to the Mate50 series after they were disappointed with the new iPhone 14 series. This time, the iPhone 14 series was upgraded with toothpaste, and the fruit powder could not be seen for years.

黄牛蹲点、果粉转投 华为Mate50系列首销被疯抢:年度爆款预定

这次首发还有大量黄牛也在现场蹲点,前几天他们还在蹲点守候iPhone 14系列新机首发,然而新机并没有支撑住,当天就有iPhone 14手机破发了,黄牛现在不得不来Mate50发售现场碰运气了。

A large number of cows were also at the scene of the start-up, and they were waiting for the start of the iPhone 14 series the previous few days, but the new machine did not hold, and the iPhone 14 cell phone broke that day, and the cow now had to take a chance at the Mate50 launch site.

这些黄牛也看准了市场热点,不同Mate50系列机型加价收购,其中最为高端而且稀少的Mate 50 RS保时捷版更是被炒上天,加价幅度达到了8000元之多,受欢迎程度可见一斑。

These cows are also looking at market hot spots, with the highest-end and rarest Mate 50 RS Porsche editions being fired from different Mate50 series machine-type hikes, with a premium of $8,000, as can be seen from the popularity of /strong.

黄牛蹲点、果粉转投 华为Mate50系列首销被疯抢:年度爆款预定


The good news is that China is officially aware of the enthusiasm for pollen.


This two-year delay in upgrading the Mate flagship product line, the Mate50 series of improvisations, is not surprising. The domestic market for high-end machines is too short of standard products, and Mate50 is going to be the annual bust.


After all, there are too many new features, new technologies, and enough powder for either of the Mate50 upgrades.

黄牛蹲点、果粉转投 华为Mate50系列首销被疯抢:年度爆款预定


Before it was released, there would be new technologies to warn about the Mate50 series, which is a satellite communication function. The Mate50 series is the world's first popular smartphone to support Beidou messages. can still send messages via open access to App in a non-terrestrial network signal-covering environment.

黄牛蹲点、果粉转投 华为Mate50系列首销被疯抢:年度爆款预定


The Beidou shortcast function is unique in the four major global satellite navigation systems, and the Mate50 series not only supports the delivery of short messages by satellites, but also enables the production of motion tracks by one key to inform the outside world of the location and direction of users.

黄牛蹲点、果粉转投 华为Mate50系列首销被疯抢:年度爆款预定


This function is particularly useful in the non-terrestrial network signal coverage environment, such as desert no-man's land area, distress at sea, earthquake rescue, where mobile networks cannot be connected and the unique function of satellite communications and motion tracks can save lives at critical times.


In addition, the Mate50 series supports a unique low-voltage emergency model where mobile phones are intelligently activated at a low power level of 1 per cent, while still supporting 12 minutes of calls, 4 sweeps or 10 lights, which is a very convenient time.


Satellite communication + low-voltage emergency model, combined with two swords, is more beneficial in extreme field environments. is an important function and is ready for such accidents. It is hoped that everyone will not experience such accidents, but once it does, the Mate50 series of rescue black technology may bring miracles.


Many of China's high-end user groups, either conquering high mountains around the world or searching for the mysterious corners of the Earth, are eager to challenge the fact that, with the Mate50 series of satellite communications and emergency power support, the mountain sea is no longer a nest of dragons.

10倍耐摔 华为Mate50系列用上昆仑玻璃:瑞士SGS五星认证

10 times more resistant to falling, with Quinlon glass for the Mate50 series: Swiss SGS Five Star Certification


Many people wear cellular shells at first sight, fearing that mobile screens will grind or even fall, which is also a major pain for users. This time, two new screen solutions have been used for the Mate50 series of the Klon at dawn and Kuala Lumpur at light: the positive use of the Klon glass and a significant increase in resilience.

黄牛蹲点、果粉转投 华为Mate50系列首销被疯抢:年度爆款预定


The Quinlon glass material, growing 24 hours of high-temperature nanocrystals, 108 microcrystal and panel processing processes, and 1600 degrees of platinum metal smelting processes, can be solid rocky in terms of resilience to shocks, and has been certified by the first Swiss SGS Five Star in industry as resistant to falling and falling, with an overall resilience of 10 times that of ordinary glass.

黄牛蹲点、果粉转投 华为Mate50系列首销被疯抢:年度爆款预定


China is also a successful user of the Mate50 series of Quinlon glass, which has already been measured by its web users, and the one-metre-high fall on the screen is still intact. It is strong enough to hit walnuts, without any scratch on the three, and the screen is intact.

黄牛蹲点、果粉转投 华为Mate50系列首销被疯抢:年度爆款预定


The Mate50 series of Quinlon Glass has also become a major killer this time, and company platform statistics show that the Quinlon glass version is popular, that over half of consumers have predefined the Quinlon glass version, and that this time the 10-fold fall tolerance has successfully captured the user's heart.


XMAGE Image Perfectly Replaces Cards: The Mate50 Series's first ultra-light transformer


This time, China, as the flagship of each generation of Mate, will also be the king of the image of the same year, and it will be a great step forward in making friends look forward to it. This time, a self-researched XMAGE image system has been introduced, replacing the card, and the largest F1.4 radiator in industry has been launched, supporting 10 modifiable physiologies.

黄牛蹲点、果粉转投 华为Mate50系列首销被疯抢:年度爆款预定

华为Mate50系列的拍照硬件本身就很强悍,其中Mate50 Pro后置三摄,分别为5000万像素超光变摄像头、6400万像素潜望式长焦镜头、1300万像素超广角镜头,另外还有10通道多光谱传感器、接近光传感器、激光对焦传感器,日常拍照中多场景、多焦段可以完美搭配组合。

The photo hardware used by China for the Mate50 series is strong in itself, with Mate50 Pro producing three shots of 50 million pixel hyperphoto-transformation cameras, 64 million pixel periscopes, 13 million pixels hyperbolic lenses, and 10 channels of multispectral sensors, near-light sensors, laser-to-focal sensors, multiple scenes in daily photographs, and multi-focal segments that can be perfectly combined.

可变光圈则是华为Mate50系列的杀手锏功能,大家都知道光圈是控制进光量的,而摄影又是光的艺术,进光量多少决定了画质上限,此前绝大多数手机,包括iPhone 14在内都是固定光圈的。

The variable radial is the killer function of the Mate50 series, and it is well known that the radial controls the amount of light, while photography is the art of light, and that the amount of light determines the size limit of the painting, since most mobile phones, including iPhone 14, used to be fixed.

黄牛蹲点、果粉转投 华为Mate50系列首销被疯抢:年度爆款预定


The `strong' Mate50 series of variable radiospheres, which innovates the concept of cellular photography, supports a 10-stage physiologic radiosphere between F1.4 and 4.0 and is more physically like a single-reverse camera camera,

黄牛蹲点、果粉转投 华为Mate50系列首销被疯抢:年度爆款预定


The Mate50 series of variable optical lenses can play a lot of new tricks in the hands of photographers. For ordinary users, it can also make a lot of films easily, for example, by deconstructing a person's love background, which used to be a single anti-camera, and now Mate50 can be a virtual combination, a natural indigestion, a portrait or a view, a feature, a hierarchy.


After a seven-day vacation, a large number of people travel around the country and take out the Mate50 series of mobile phones, which are available for vacations that blow up the circle of friends and microblogs.

Mate50系列首发鸿蒙3系统:首创内存压缩 不止于流畅好用

"Strange" Mate50 series: first-ever memory compression for more than fluid use


The new features of the Mate50 series of satellite communications, XMAGE images, etc., are bright, but the old Chinese people know what is most attractive about Chinese mobile phones: the HarmonyOS system, which is hard to get back.


This time, the Mate50 series was launched with the latest HONG Meng 3 system, which has brought about the full evolution of the full-scale multi-equipment experience, as well as the revolutionary enhancement of the multi-dimensional dimensions of all-embracing cards, super terminal, performance flow, privacy security and information accessibility.

黄牛蹲点、果粉转投 华为Mate50系列首销被疯抢:年度爆款预定


Everyone has experienced the problem of having a mobile phone with Carton for a long time, with the 36-month slogan put forward earlier, and now the Mate50 series has again optimized its performance and improved its fluidity, relying on the first new system, the Hung Meng 3 system, which has been upgraded with a 7 per cent increase in start-up speed, an 18 per cent increase in smooth flow speed and a 14 per cent increase in the TOP application response speed.


When playing the game, the Mate50 series was upgraded at the same rate and reduced by up to 11 per cent, and the game lasted longer and the heat decreased.

黄牛蹲点、果粉转投 华为Mate50系列首销被疯抢:年度爆款预定


Not only is it smooth and useful, strang>Mate50 series this time also brings a new dynamic — — industry first-time hyperspace storage compression technology, , which automatically recognizes duplicate files in mobile phone applications, and automatically compresses, saves access paths, with 256GB-types saving up to 20 GB space and files not lost, saves access paths.


This function is very useful for the application of micro-mail, which takes up a large amount of storage space, with a large number of micro-mails occupying 50 GB or even 100 GB spaces, including a large number of duplicated documents, which can be streamlined on the Mate50 series of mobile phones, making a thin body of micro-mails.

华为高端机归来 市场不寂寞:硬刚iPhone 14的好戏开始了



In the past two years, the domestic market for high-end mobile phones has been somewhat boring, as none of Apple's iPhine's front-loading rivals have been able to match the iPhone even if other manufacturers had made mobile phones with a price of five, six, seven, or more.


Consumers have understood one thing in these two years & mdash; — high-end mobile phones are not cheap, but they are not expensive enough to make high-end mobile phones, and the Mate50 series of mobile phones kill back to the high-end market two years later, and the initial sale is taken out by the users, which is the influence that the high-end machines deserve.


In June of this year, there was a topic-screening network, and that was why #Young people couldn't change their cell phones #, and there were a lot of reasons to sum up, saying that mobile phones were too strong, expensive, long, etc., but the Mate50 series is now starting to sell, whether online or offline, and there's a crowd of dealers, and consumers are crazy. is a good example of how young people are not willing to change their phones, but lack the good machine to get their hearts moving.


The & mdash; — there is no reason to boost the high-end market; the technology and experience of the manufacturer has been achieved; consumers vote with their feet; they are not afraid to wait; they are not aware of the goods.

黄牛蹲点、果粉转投 华为Mate50系列首销被疯抢:年度爆款预定


China’s high-end mobile market has been waiting too long for this moment, and it is hoped that China’s listing for the Mate50 series will make it possible for high-end consumers to actually buy their preferred mobile phones.

目前华为Mate50系列已经全面上市,21日起有三款机型率先开售,分别是Mate50、Mate50 Pro、Mate50 RS保时捷设计,起售价分别是4999元、6799元、12999元。

At present, the Mate50 series has been fully marketed, with three types of machines starting in 21 for the design of the Mate50, Mate50 Pro, Mate50 RS Porsche and starting prices of $4999, $6799 and 12999 respectively.

1.3万元的RTX4090不愁卖:厂商将开启囤货!黄仁勋:NVIDIA对销量有信心  雪花 12:47:24

9月20日晚,在英伟达GTC大会上,英伟达正式宣布GeForce RTX 40系列游戏GPU,基于Ada Lovelace架构,首发包括GeForce RTX 4090和4080。RTX 4090是全球最快的游戏GPU,具有760亿个晶体管、16384个CUDA核心和24 GB高速美光GDDR6X显存,在4K分辨率的游戏中持续以超过100 FPS运行。

On the evening of September 20th, at the GTC Congress in British Weida, Weida officially announced the GPU of the GeForce RTX 40 series, based on the Ada Lovelace architecture, which began with GeForce RTX 4090 and 4080. RRTX 4090 is the fastest game in the world, with 76 billion transistors, 16384 CUDA cores and 24 GB high-speed GDR6X, and continues to operate with more than 100 FPS in 4K resolution games.

英伟达称在完整的光线追踪游戏中,与上一代采用DLSS 2的RTX 3090 Ti相比,采用DLSS 3的RTX 4090的性能提升可达4倍。 在现代游戏中,RTX 4090的性能提升高达2倍,同时保持了相同的450W功耗。

In the complete light-tracking game, Yvesta claims that RTX 4090 using DRSS 3 can be up to four times higher than the previous generation using RTX 3090 Ti. In modern games, RTX 4090 has up to two times higher performance while maintaining the same 450W power.

RTX 4090将于10月12日上市,建议零售价人民币12999元起。

RTX 4090 will be on the market on 12 October, recommending a retail price of RMB 12999.


Can you make a first-strength performance? 性能暴涨4倍 卖12999元:RTX 4090发布黄仁勋尴尬 NVIDIA股价继续跌

良心更新:Chrome新版本标签页广告能关了  乃河 12:22:57


In an update late in July, the Chrome browser added an advertising link to the new tab and was unable to shut it down directly, resulting in a large number of tweets.

在最新更新的Chrome 106版本中,这一广告终于可以移除了。


In the new version, users can find that the right side of the tab ad displays a & ldquao; X&rdquao; the user simply clicks to close the ad so that the tab is clean.



At present, however, this function has not been opened by default in the official version, and the user of

需要注意的是,目前尚不清楚通过这一方法是否能够完全关闭广告,如果后续广告再次出现,也能能够在实验性功能设置界面中,找到“Enable promos for sync trusted vault passphrase”并关闭。

It should be noted that it is not clear whether this method will allow for the complete closure of advertising and, if a follow-up advertisement is repeated, the & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & ; the & & & & & & & & & & & ; & off & & & & ; & & & & & & & & & & & & ;


Without surprise, the set-up would also directly address the advertising problems of the Chrome browser.


《暗黑破坏神:不朽》发布“紧急求救信” 提供线索奖励NS  建嘉 12:16:34


Yesterday, the official public number, " Darkly Destroying God: immortality ", issued a letter calling for help.


It says in the letter that they're going to help the player Johann· Wang is looking for the missing teacher, 《暗黑破坏神:不朽》发布“紧急求救信” 提供线索奖励NS


Officially, the players are asked to pay attention to the information about the player in the NGA, the Cape of Kane, the Great God, and the game media (Vanish Star Channel) and to contact Johann himself as soon as possible, on the basis of this information, to help him find his teacher's location.

《暗黑破坏神:不朽》发布“紧急求救信” 提供线索奖励NS


With regard to this & & ldquao; The Darkness: Immortality, the official awarder of the gamer & & rdquao; we will continue to follow up and report on the event, and please follow up.

评测机构被AMD Zen4折服 打出满分!碾压Zen3/12代酷睿:性价高出1倍  万南 12:10:51

AMD Zen4锐龙7000处理器定于下周(9月27日)正式开卖,也是Intel 13代酷睿发布的同一天。

The AMD Zen4 Dragon 7,000 processor is scheduled to be officially opened next week (27 September) on the same day as the Intel 13 Generation Cool Wise was released.

日前,基准测试软件SiSoftware发布了对旗舰型号锐龙9 7950X的抢先测试,最后直接给出了10分满分的评价,原因就是代际性能提升巨大。

The benchmark test software SiSoftware had released a pre-emptive test of the flagship-type Dragon 9,7950X, which had resulted in a direct appraisal of the 10-point mark because of the tremendous intergenerational performance.

评测机构被AMD Zen4折服 打出满分!碾压Zen3/12代酷睿:性价高出1倍


It should be noted that SiSoftware did not receive the processor, but rather drew conclusions from the 79550X results presented in the aggregated database.

按照该报告的说法,AMD锐龙9 7950X将每一颗Intel 12代酷睿的高端型号扫入“土堆”,整体性能增幅如下:AMD锐龙9 7950X比锐龙9 5950X快74%、比酷睿i9-12900K快61%。

According to the report, AMD Dragon 9,7950X sweeps every Intel 12 generation-Wise high-end model into & & ldquo; earth dump & & rdquo; 评测机构被AMD Zen4折服 打出满分!碾压Zen3/12代酷睿:性价高出1倍


based on value for money, up to one-fold increase in 7950X and 7 per cent increase in energy efficiency.


The only drawback, of course, is an increase in peak power consumption, but given that the Intel side is not able to handle it, and after all, there is such a huge increase in performance, it is not a problem, and the overall flaw is not hidden from yoga.

评测机构被AMD Zen4折服 打出满分!碾压Zen3/12代酷睿:性价高出1倍

评测机构被AMD Zen4折服 打出满分!碾压Zen3/12代酷睿:性价高出1倍

评测机构被AMD Zen4折服 打出满分!碾压Zen3/12代酷睿:性价高出1倍

评测机构被AMD Zen4折服 打出满分!碾压Zen3/12代酷睿:性价高出1倍

评测机构被AMD Zen4折服 打出满分!碾压Zen3/12代酷睿:性价高出1倍

小米Civi 2药丸屏细节公布:内藏双3200万像素前摄  建嘉 12:05:05

今天上午,小米官方公布了Civi 2新机的正面外观,其采用了一块上去面挖孔屏,而前摄的挖孔引起了热议。

This morning, Mi officially announced the positive appearance of the new Civi 2 machine, which used an up-to-face puncture screen, while the puncture in front of it gave rise to much debate.

这次小米Civi 2采用了与主流安卓完全不同的药丸挖孔,并且是居中放置的药丸。

This time, Mi-Civi2 used a pill that was completely different from that of the mainstream Andre and that was stored in the centre.


Then the details of the pill were published officially, 小米Civi 2药丸屏细节公布:内藏双3200万像素前摄


One of the 32 million pixels was described as a professional master, capable of taking clear details in a dark light environment, and the other as a 32 million pixel ultra-wide corner master, providing a greater perspective, not only of a leaner self-tape, but also of a more diverse audience.


In addition, Mi's essay case revealed that the machine would also be equipped with unique algorithms that would allow for a significant increase in the effects of analogue imaging, etc.

小米Civi 2药丸屏细节公布:内藏双3200万像素前摄

根据日前的预热显示,这次小米Civi 2依然主打轻薄,机身厚度只有7.23mm,重量只有171.8g,在这个重量动辄都上200g的时代,显得弥足珍贵,女性用户使用也毫不费力。

According to the previous heat, the millet Civii2 was still light, with only 7.23 mm body thickness and a weight of 171.8g, and was highly valuable in this age of 200 g in weight, with no difficulty for female users.

小米Civi 2药丸屏细节公布:内藏双3200万像素前摄

隔空手势首次搬上笔记本!荣耀MagicBook V 14 2022今日发售:5999元起  乃河 12:01:46


For mobile phone users, empty gestures are not so popular, but they are already & & & & & & & & ; functions, but they are always a blank in the notebook.

今天,荣耀MagicBook V 14 2022正式发售,它通过TOF传感器与500万像素摄像头的配合,首次将隔空手势搬到了笔记本电脑上。

Today, Glory to MagicBook V 14 2022, 隔空手势首次搬上笔记本!荣耀MagicBook V 14 2022今日发售:5999元起


In Word, PPT, PDF, WPS office applications, users are able to turn their pages by swinging to the left, while in video shows, they are able to adjust progress bars by pressing gestures.


At the same time, the TOF sensor has been added to enable the laptop to enable people to access the lock screen, close to the screen, and to ensure that information security is protected when users leave the computer.

配置方面,荣耀MagicBook V 14 2022最高可搭载i7-12700H处理器,NVIDIA GeForce MX550独立显卡,并有荣耀的OS Turbo技术加持,能够进一步优化系统,带来最高26.7%的功耗下降。

On the configuration side, honouring MagicBook V 14 2022 can carry a maximum of i7-12,700H processor, NVIDIA GeForce MX550 stand-alone card, and a glorious OS Turbo technology plus which can further optimize the system, leading to a reduction in power of up to 26.7%.

隔空手势首次搬上笔记本!荣耀MagicBook V 14 2022今日发售:5999元起

屏幕上,它则采用了一块14.2英寸2.5K高刷屏幕,分辨率为2520 x 1680,刷新率为90Hz,并通过国家眼科工程中心护眼认证、莱茵低蓝光护眼认证以及莱茵无屏闪护眼认证。

On the screen, it uses a 14.2-inch 2.5-K highbrush screen with a resolution of 2520 x 1680, with an update rate of 90 Hz, and is certified through the National Eye Engineering Centre for Eye Protection, the Low Blue Light Eye Protection Certification of Rhine and the Unscreened Flash Eye Certification of Rhine.

隔空手势首次搬上笔记本!荣耀MagicBook V 14 2022今日发售:5999元起

目前,荣耀MagicBook V 14 2022已经全系开售,起售价为5999元。

At present, the honor of


隔空手势首次搬上笔记本!荣耀MagicBook V 14 2022今日发售:5999元起

《没头脑和不高兴》作者任溶溶离世 享年100岁  宪瑞 11:35:29


According to the New People's Evening, prominent publishers, writers and translators died this morning, at the age of 100.

《没头脑和不高兴》作者任溶溶离世 享年100岁


I've written children's literature, such as " No Mind and Unhappiness ", a genius acrobat, " Story of the Earth ", " I am a big and small man ", and translated children's literature, such as children's literature, such as children's literature, such as the book " The Ensemble of Anthropology ", " Pushkin's Story ", which has been written in tens of thousands of words and is known as & ldquo; the pioneer of Chinese children's literature, & rdquao; and he has just spent his 100th birthday in May of this year.

《没头脑和不高兴》作者任溶溶离世 享年100岁

《没头脑和不高兴》作者任溶溶离世 享年100岁

微软新发布会定档10月12日:有望带来Surface系列十周年新品  乃河 10:46:21


Today, 微软新发布会定档10月12日:有望带来Surface系列十周年新品


On October 26th this year, Microsoft's Surface series will mark its tenth anniversary, and it is therefore likely that Microsoft will bring a new tenth anniversary of the Surface series at this launch.

根据目前放出的消息,微软可能会带来包括Surface Pro 9、Surface Laptop 5、Surface Studio 3在内的多款新品,甚至可能会为用户带来Suface Gaming游戏本。

According to the current release, Microsoft may bring a number of new items, including Surface Pro 9, Surface Laptop 5, Surface Studio 3, or even a Suface Gaming playbook for users.


At the same time, accessories such as the new Surface key mouse and handwritten pens may also meet with users at the launch.


It is worth mentioning that Microsoft has also set 12 October for this year's lgnite conference, which will continue until 14 October at , and is likely to coincide with the announcement of the current lgnite conference.


华为Mate50系列首销秒罄 渠道加价超7000元:官方已火速增产  建嘉 10:44:47


Did you get Water for Mate 50?

昨天上午10:08,大家期待已久的华为Mate50系列终于开启了首发,Mate50、Mate50 Pro、Mate50 RS保时捷设计三款均已开售,起售价4999元。

Yesterday at 10.08 a.m., the long-awaited launch of the Mate50 series was launched, with three pieces of the design of the Mate50, Mate50 Pro, Mate50 RS Porsche sold for $4999.

华为Mate50系列首销秒罄 渠道加价超7000元:官方已火速增产


Frankly, this price is not cheap for mobile phones, but because China is a great innovation and product, millions of people arrive, 华为Mate50系列首销秒罄 渠道加价超7000元:官方已火速增产


According to industry sources, strong's first readiness for the Mate50 series is actually up to 4 million, but this number has been quickly emptied.

因此,华为Mate50系列在渠道上的价格也一路飙升,比iPhone 14更强手,其中Mate50 RS保时捷设计款已经加价超过七千元,现货需要19999元以上的价格才能拿到,再次成为“理财产品”。

As a result, Chinese prices on the channel of the Mate50 series also skyrocketed, stronger than those of iPhone 14, of which Mate50 RS Porsche designs have been increased by more than $7,000 and the spot takes more than $199 to become & ldquao; property & & rdquao;

华为Mate50系列首销秒罄 渠道加价超7000元:官方已火速增产


But you don't have to rush from the cows or from other channels.


According to the latest news, strong' is now an emergency increase in the Mate50 series, which will be followed by a steady increase in the availability and release of supplies, as long as /span's friends who want to get in touch with official procurement times.


Trusting in the capacity of the Chinese supply chain, you will soon be able to get your heart's mobile phone.

华为Mate50系列首销秒罄 渠道加价超7000元:官方已火速增产


It is worth mentioning that, from the data that revealed the first 4 million reserves, this time the Mate50 series was very promising to hit millions of sales, breaking the awkward appearances of the last two years.


Wah's phone is really back!

蓝领的春天来了 家具送装师突然火爆:月薪可达4万  随心 10:37:08


recently, & ldquao; furniture deliveryer & rdquao; sudden demand for this profession, with companies even offering 20,000 & mdash; $40,000 in high-paying jobs.


According to financial reports, a furniture deliveryer said: & ldquo; we can now earn 3.5-45 million yuan a month for a single car. & rdquo;


At present, however, furniture deliveryers need not only driving vehicles, but also a variety of furniture installation skills. Because of the low standardization of furniture, the variety of installation methods and requirements, it is not easy for a porter to master everything. So, while there are many job-seekers, there are not many people who can go to work directly. There is a large gap.


At this point, when the logistics company sends the furniture to the door, it needs to make an appointment with the installer for installation, with a short time difference of one or two days and a long week, which affects consumption experience.



The main task of the connects & ldquo; & & rdquo; & & rdquao; and both solves the problem of the previous logistics company's completion of the furniture and the consumer's appointment of the installer.


As a result, a number of logistics enterprises have discovered business opportunities and are working on the integration of furniture and have begun to recruit high-paying furniture carriers.


According to data published by the Chinese Furniture Association, the share of consumer furniture sales on the line has increased from 10% in 2018 to around 18% in 2021.

蓝领的春天来了 家具送装师突然火爆:月薪可达4万

苹果新专利:折叠式iPhone可自行修复折痕  鹿角 10:30:56


Currently, folding screen phones are becoming more popular, and manufacturers are starting to work in this area. apples are called &ldquao; electronic devices with flexible screen cover & rdquao; new patents have been exposed in recent days.


The apple folder believed many people were looking forward to it, but it was always a question of when it was released, but from a lot of apple news, its folding screen was being developed.



According to this Apple patent, an electronic device equipped with a chain can bend around a bending axis and display a screen across a bending axis. To reduce the number of dents, scratches or defects in the screen cover, a layer of materials can &ldquao is covered in the screen; self-repair & rdquao;


and the flexible layer contains a layer of elastic material that can stretch and recover to its original shape, like some memory material in mattresses.

苹果对自家的产品要求比较高,但是iPhone自身还是有不少槽点,例如新发布的iPhone14 Pro使用第三方APP时拍照会抖动问题,机身边框缝隙大,灵动岛不适配等。

Apples are more demanding for their own products, but iPhone itself has a number of slots, such as iPhone14 Pro's shaking when he uses a third-party APP, a large frame around the machine, and the island's incomparableness.


Whatever form the apple folder's opportunity may take, it is believed to be a great shock to the industry. What form does the current folding screen phone look like?


售价1万多的RTX 4090不支持DP 2.0接口 NV回应:DP 1.4就能8K  宪瑞 10:29:11

NVIDIA日前发布了RTX 4090/4080显卡,售价7199到12999元,这两天被各种吐槽刀法精妙或者价格贵,NVIDIA也解释了涨价是身不由已,毕竟晶圆代工价格大涨。

NVIDIA recently released RTX 4090/4080 cards for the sale of $7199 to $12999, which were either sophisticated or expensive by various stowaways, and NVIDIA explained that the price increase was inevitable, after all, and that the prices of crystal-round workers had risen dramatically.

除此之外,RTX 4090及RTX 4080显卡还有个小遗憾,那就是视频接口,NVIDIA给了HDMI 2.1,但DP接口依然是DP 1.4a,没有上最新的DP 2.0接口。

In addition to this, the RTX 4090 and RTX 4080 cards have a minor regret that the video interface was given to HDMI 2.1 by NVIDIA, but the DP interface remains DP 1.4a without the latest DP 2.0 interface.

对于这一点,NVIDIA官方在社区的问答中给出了解释,称DP 1.4接口现在已经能支持8K 60Hz输出,消费级显示器支持DP 2.0接口还有一段路要走

On this point, NVIDIA officially explained in a question-and-answer session in the community that 售价1万多的RTX 4090不支持DP 2.0接口 NV回应:DP 1.4就能8K

目前显卡中上DP 2.0接口最积极的反而是Intel,A380这样的千元级显卡都给了3个DP 2.0,不过实际使用中也是残血的,运行在DP 1.4下。

At present, the most positive of the DP 2.0 interfaces in the cards is Intel, where three multi-dimensional cards such as A380 have been given to three DP 2.0 cards, , but in practice it is also residual and runs under DP 1.4.

DP 2.0规范早在2019年就发布了,理论带宽一举提升到了80Gbps,并且采用全新的编码机制128/132b,将有效率提升至97%,实际可用高达77.4Gbps,相当于DP 1.3/1.4的整整三倍,远远超过HDMI 2.1的理论带宽48Gbps。

The DP 2.0 norm was issued as early as 2019, and the theoretical bandwidth was raised to 80 Gbps with an entirely new coding mechanism, 128/132b, which would increase efficiency to 97 per cent, and would actually be available as much as 77.4 Gbps, equivalent to three times the full amount of DP 1.3/1.4, far exceeding the theoretical bandwidth of HDMI 2.1 by 48 Gbps.

只不过DP 2.0的商业化支持并不算好,即便标准免费,甚至都不如收费的HDMI 2.1接口推广得好,也难怪显卡厂商对DP 2.0不积极。

Only the commercialization support of DP 2.0 is not good, and even if the standard is free, it is not even as good as the billed HDMI 2.1 interface, and it is no wonder that card manufacturers are not positive about DP 2.0.

售价1万多的RTX 4090不支持DP 2.0接口 NV回应:DP 1.4就能8K

小米Civi 2正面揭晓:iPhone 14 Pro后首款药丸屏!  建嘉 10:17:05

日前,小米官方已宣布将于9月27日下午2点召开发布会,推出新机小米Civi 2。

The official Mi announced that a launch meeting would be held on 27 September at 2 p.m. to launch the new Mi Civi 2 machine.

随后官方还公布了第一波真机图,可以看到新机背部的设计非常独特,并且还联合了小姐姐都非常喜欢的“潮流伙伴”Hello Kitty,不过都只展示了背部。

This was followed by the official release of the first wave of real machine maps, which showed that the design of the back of the new machine was unique and brought together the & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & &, & & & & & & &, & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & # & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & # & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & ) & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & ) & ) ) & & & & & &

今天,官方终于揭晓了小米Civi 2的正面,新机依然沿用上代的双曲面设计,但前摄部分非常引人注意,因为这是iPhone 14 Pro之后的首款“药丸屏”。

Today, the authorities finally revealed the headlines of Mi Civii 2 and the new machine 小米Civi 2正面揭晓:iPhone 14 Pro后首款药丸屏!


According to official sources, this is the most powerful pre-image system in the history of Mi, which has the effect of imitating eyes, and is better at taking self-records before being used, as well as at being more human.

至于背部主摄系统上,官方称小米Civi 2将搭载旗舰同款主摄,并内置旗舰同款的小米自研影像大脑,拍照速度更快,成片效果更好。

With regard to the back camera system, it is officially stated that Mi-Civi-2 will carry a co-owned flagship, and include a co-ship-owned self-researched milligram brain, which will take pictures faster and make films more effective.

小米Civi 2正面揭晓:iPhone 14 Pro后首款药丸屏!

虽然官方并没有公布出小米Civi 2的主摄具体规格,但是根据小米目前的旗舰来看,小米12S已经是最低标配了IMX707超大底主摄。

Although no specific specifications have been published for the master shot of MiCivi 2, according to Mi's current flagship, Mi's 12S is already the lowest mark of IMX707.

如果小米Civi 2真的能用上IMX707,后置拍摄效果势必会比前代有一个巨大的提升。

If Mi-Civi 2 can really use IMX707, the after-shooting effect is bound to be a huge improvement over the previous generation.

NVIDIA工程师确认:理论上RTX 20/30显卡一样能用DLSS 3  乃河 09:48:55

近日,NVIDIA正式推出RTX 40系显卡,一并登场的还有全新的DLSS 3超采样技术。根据NVIDIA官网的介绍,DLSS 3仅支持最新的RTX 40系显卡,令人遗憾。

Recently, NVIDIA officially launched the RTX 40 card, together with a brand-new DLSS 3 ultra-sampling technology. According to the NVIDIA network, DLSS 3 only supports the latest RTX 40 card, unfortunately.

不过,根据目前NVIDIA应用深度学习研究副总裁Bryan Catanzaro的说法,其实RTX 20和30系显卡也并不是不能使用DLSS 3。

However, according to Bryan Catanzaro, Vice-President of NVIDIA Applied Learning Research, NVIDIA工程师确认:理论上RTX 20/30显卡一样能用DLSS 3

Bryan指出,DLSS 3的实现依赖于光流加速器,但实际上,在RTX 20/30系显卡的Ampere架构中,并不是没有光流加速器,只是性能不够强大而已。

Bryan points out that the DLSS 3 realization depends on a light current accelerator, , but in fact, in the Ampere structure of RTX 20/30, it's not without a light current accelerator, it's just not strong enough.

因此,理论上,只要愿意投入额外的研究与工程,DLSS 3也能够在RTX 20/30系的老显卡上运行,但表现可能会很差,还不如现在的DLSS 2。

Therefore, theoretically, as long as they are willing to invest in additional research and engineering, DLSS 3 can also run on an old RTX 20/30 card,

那么,在硬件理论支持的前提下,是否后续会向老显卡开放DLSS 3的功能支持,就看NVIDIA究竟如何打算了。

So, with the support of hardware theory, it depends on what NVIDIA intends to do if the DLSS 3 functional support is to be made available to the old card.

NVIDIA工程师确认:理论上RTX 20/30显卡一样能用DLSS 3

1.3万元的RTX 4090被吐槽太贵 黄仁勋辩解:摩尔定律已死  宪瑞 09:46:19

NVIDIA这两天发布了RTX 4090及RTX 4080 16GB、RTX 4080 12GB三块显卡,升级4nm工艺及Ada Lovelace架构,10月12日上市,价格分别是12999、9499元及7199元。

NVIDIA released three cards RTX 4090 and RTX 4080 16GB, RTX 4080 12GB to upgrade the 4nm process and the Ada Lovelace structure on these two days, which were marketed on 12 October at a price of $1299, $9499 and $7199 respectively.

对于RTX 40系列三款显卡,性能提升很猛,但是这两天大家讨论最多的就是显卡价格,RTX 4090显卡达到了12999元,RTX 4080 12GB甚至还是192bit位宽,价格从上代的5499元起步涨到了7199元,这样的定价被网友吐槽太贵。

For the RTX 40 series of three cards, the performance of has improved dramatically, but most of the discussion over the past two days has been on card prices, which have reached 12999, RTX 4080 12GB or even 192 bit wide, rising from $549 in the previous generation to $7199, a price that is too expensive for the network.


You're too expensive, NVIDIA is too expensive, they think it's self-inflicted and bitter, and CEO Wong In-hoon explained the reason for the price increase in his post-opportunity interview.

黄仁勋表示,今天12英寸晶圆的代工价格比之前贵了很多,涨的不是一星半点,而是大涨(a ton more expensive)。

According to Huang In-hoon, today's 12-inch crystal is a lot more expensive than before, not a star and a half, but a ton more expensive.


Wong In-hoon gave a clearer rationale & mdash; & mdash; strong's Moor law is dead, and the idea that chip costs will fall over time is past.


According to Huang In-hoon, computing is no longer a single chip problem, but a software and chip problem.

1.3万元的RTX 4090被吐槽太贵 黄仁勋辩解:摩尔定律已死

性能翻倍 黄仁勋12999元定价厚道?RTX 40能让NV重回巅峰吗  雪花 08:56:34

9月20日晚,由英伟达主办的2022年第二次GTC大会与主题演讲如期进行,正如此前人们所猜测的那样,在此次大会上,英伟达推出了最新的GeForce RTX 40系显卡,而在此次大会上率先登场的,则是RTX 4090和RTX 4080 16GB/12GB三款定位高端的显卡,公版国行售价分别为12999元、9199元和7199元,相比上代价格有了明显提升。

On the evening of 20 September, the second GTC conference and the keynote address, hosted by British Weida, took place on schedule. At the conference, as it had been assumed, the latest GeForce RTX 40 had been launched, and the Congress was spearheaded by three high-end cards, RTX 4090 and RTX 4080 16GB/12GB, with a marked increase in the public-sector sales price of 12999, $9199 and $7199 respectively, compared to the previous generation.


is an important part of the business of his main battalion, with the influence of the previously encrypted currency & ldquo; mine mining & rdquo; heat, which once boarded the trillion-dollar market value club, but with “ mine mining & rdquo; heat loss and subsequent decline in the profits of the company, which led to a sharp fall in stock prices. According to statistics, the company's share price has fallen by 55% since the beginning of the year, and is the largest of the $100 billion worth of the US share in science and technology.


In the second fiscal season of 2023, the figures show that its total income was $6.704 billion, an increase of 3% over the same period, and a decline of 19% in the ring; net profits of $656 million, a decline of 72% over the same period, a decline of 59%; of this, games revenue was $2.04 billion, a decrease of 33% over the same period, and a decline of 44%. Game operations can be said to be the main cause of the decline in British Welda’s revenues.


This time, two years later, Yin Weida has once again released a new card for the end of the game, which, on the one hand, can be seen as a regular upgrade of the product line under the flag, while also hoping to provide companies with more revenue and profits through the release of this series of new cards to boost the price of their declining shares. So, can the new card’s arrival really save the price of Ying Wei Da’s share?


New card performance improvement is clear

虽然我们时常能在各种贴吧、论坛看到“天下苦英伟达久矣”的言论,但是不得不说,英伟达在显卡领域的技术积累依旧处于顶尖水平。此次发布的RTX 40系列显卡基于全新设计的Ada Lovelace GPU架构打造,并且使用台积电4N工艺(升级版5nm工艺)取代了上一代口碑不佳的三星8nm工艺制程,在性能、效率上相比上代都实现了大幅提升。

Although we often see & & & & & & & & & & &, in a variety of stickers and forums, it has to be said that British RTX 40 series of cards, based on a completely new design of the Ada Lovelace GPU structure, has replaced the three-star 8nm process of the last generation with the power 4N process (upgraded 5nm) and has achieved significant improvements in performance and efficiency.

性能翻倍 黄仁勋12999元定价厚道?RTX 40能让NV重回巅峰吗

此次新推出的40系显卡还搭载了两项新的技术—— SER(着色器执行重新排序) 技术和最新版本的DLSS 3(深度学习超级采样3.0)。SER技术可以通过动态调整工作负载的顺序,让原本低效的流程变得更加高效,甚至可将着色器性能最高提升2倍,或者将游戏中的帧率提升25%。

This new 40-member card also carries two new technologies — — SER (colourer implementation reordering) technology and the latest version of DLSS 3 (In-depth learning supersampling 3.0). SER technology can dynamically adjust the order of work loads to make otherwise inefficient processes more efficient, or even increase the colorer performance by up to two times, or raise the frame ratio in the game by 25 per cent.

而DLSS 3对于游戏帧率的提升更加明显,新的Ada光流加速器能够分析两个连续帧,捕捉导粒子、光照、反射、阴影等不包含在游戏运动矢量引擎计算当中的信息,捕捉这些像素在两帧之间移动的方向和速度,从而独立计算出一个光流场,最终能够预测下一帧图像。该技术能在降低GPU渲染负载的前提下,大幅提升图形质量,这也在英伟达展示的开启DLSS 3技术运行的《赛博朋克2077》上得到了体现。官方称其相比DLSS 2有着4倍的性能提升。

The DLSS 3 increase in the game frame rate is even more evident, and the new Ada light current accelerator is able to analyse two successive frames, capture information that is not contained in the game motion vector engine calculations, capture the direction and speed of these pixels moving between them, thus independently calculating a haze field, and ultimately predicting the next image. The technology can significantly improve the graphic quality, which is also reflected in Cyberbank 2077, which opened the DLSS 3 technology showcased by Welda. It is officially described as a four-fold increase in performance compared to DLSS 2.

新的40系显卡还搭载了第三代RT Core和NVIDIA RTX Remix,无论是实时光线追踪,还是AI神经网络渲染,新显卡都有了大幅提升。从整体的性能提升上,新显卡可以说延续了近几代的跨越式提升表现。

The new 40-system cards also carry the third generation of RT Core and NVIDIA RTX Remix, both in real-time light tracking and in AI's neural network rendering, with a significant increase in the new cards. From the overall performance, the new cards can be said to have continued the cross-cutting performance of recent generations.


♪ Strong ♪ ♪ Angway Dynasty has collapsed? ♪ ♪/strung ♪


Although the new 40 cards have improved their performance, a number of players with installed plans still do not pay. This is a source of dissatisfaction with the sharp increase in the prices of the new cards, and much more because of the series of previous operations by Yvesta, which have greatly damaged their reputations at the playhouse.

在价格方面,此次新显卡的售价相比上代有了不小的提升。以英伟达自己推出的公版显卡为例,旗舰级的RTX 4090官方售价高达12999元,相比上代RTX 3090上涨了1000元。如果说性能的大幅提升还能对得起这不到10%的涨价的话,那么英伟达在RTX 4080 12GB和16GB版本上的价格涨幅就可以说非常不厚道了。

In terms of prices, the price of this new card has risen considerably compared to the price of the previous generation. For example, the official price of the flagship RTX 4090 has been $12,999, up 1,000 from the previous RTX 3090. If a significant increase in performance is worth less than 10% of the increase, the price increase in the RTX 4080, 12 GB, and 16 GB will be very modest.

作为RTX 3080的换代产品,新发布的RTX 4080 16GB的售价高达9499元,相比5499元的RTX 3080,价格几乎快翻了一倍,即使是RTX 4080 12GB的价格也要7199元,也要比5499元高出不少。更让许多人不爽的是,按照前代的升级幅度,本以为会是接班RTX 3070的RTX 4070显卡,却以RTX 4080 12GB的面目出现,这大概率意味着,将在之后登场的RTX 4070显卡,并不会有2070向3070升级时的那么大的性能提升了。

As a replacement for RTX 3080, the price of the newly released RTX 4080 16GB is $9499, almost double the price of RTX 3080 for $5499, and even the price of RTX 4080 12GB is $7199, which is a lot higher than the RTX 5499. More discomfort is that, according to the previous upgrade, the RTX 4070 card, which was supposed to be the successor to RTX 3070, appeared in the face of RTX 4080 12GB, which probably means that the RTX 4070 card, which will be on the ground later, would not have improved the performance of 2070 to 3070.


The main reason for the collapse of the British accent is also because of its previous & & ldquo; mining & rdquo; its prevalent inaction & even combing with the flow. As we are catching up with & & & & & rdquo; heat, the last generation's 30-cards soon after they were released, prices are generally higher than official retail prices, even if new ones can be found on the market. This makes it hard for many players who want to set up desktop machines.


At a time when many players have broken their heads for a new card, the arithmetic of the major virtual money platforms is increasing. This is a clear reflection of the fact that many of the cards, when they are out, flow to the world’s largest & ldquo; mine & rdquo; and, as card merchants, to the extent that they do not intervene in this situation, which seriously disrupts normal market order.

据研究机构Wedbush Securities提供的数据,在此前挖矿大热的6个季度里,英伟达平均每个季度从矿卡中获得的收入大约是8亿美元,6个季度下来至少48亿美元,约合人民币330亿元。如此高额的收入自然不会让英伟达有制裁“挖矿”行为的动机。直到英伟达看到“挖矿”产业已日薄西山后,才匆匆推出锁算力显卡,试图挽回游戏玩家。不过此时,英伟达此前的一系列举动已经引发了不少玩家的自发抵制,这也影响到了其显卡的销量。

According to data provided by the research institute Wedbush Securities, in the six previous quarters of the mining boom, the average quarterly revenue from the mine card was about $800 million, and at least $4.8 billion less than six quarters, or about $33 billion. Such a high income would certainly not allow Yingweida to have sanctions & ldquo; dig mines & rdquo; motivation to act. Until Yveida saw & ldquo; dig mines & & rdquo; after the industry had become sunny west, it did not rush to roll lockpoint cards to try to save game players.


&ldquao; mine disaster&rdquao; shock card market


In addition to the spontaneous resistance of players, Weida has to face the stark fact that the large number of second-hand mine cards that have been triggered by the mine disaster is bound to have a greater impact on the already fragile card market today.

由于多国政府的打击,以比特币为代表的虚拟货币价格在近一年内大幅跳水,收益的减少也影响了“矿工”们的积极性,不少拥有数额不菲的显卡的人选择开始清仓离场,这使得市面上二手显卡的价格下降了不少。而不久前以太坊宣布将从工作量证明 (PoW) 到权益证明 (PoS)共识机制的转变更是重创了显卡挖矿,至少在以太币上,显卡已经很难再带来收益。

As a result of government strikes in many countries, virtual currency prices, represented by Bitcoin, have jumped sharply in recent years, and the decline in revenues has affected “ miners & & rdquo; and their motivation that a number of people with expensive cards have chosen to leave the market, which has reduced the price of second-hand cards considerably. And the recent announcement by Ether that the shift from workload proof to equity certification (PoS) consensus mechanisms has been a re-starting of card mining, which, at least in the TT currency, has become difficult to reap.

在不久前以太坊宣布合并后,如今的二手交易平台上也出现了大量30系矿卡,而一张RTX 3070矿卡的价格甚至跌破了1500元。除了市面上泛滥的低价二手矿卡外。当前显卡市场“劣币驱逐良币”的现象也愈发凸显。由于此前有太多30系显卡进入“矿场”,甚至还出现了有厂商将二手矿卡处理后按照新卡售卖。因此在不少人眼中,当前市面上流通的30系显卡,一律按照矿卡对待,这严重影响了人们购买显卡的欲望,也使得即使是全新的30系显卡,在市面上也难以卖出。这给英伟达和其他显卡厂家造成了大量的库存积压,这也是英伟达近期多次表示要降价清库存的主要原因。

After the recent announcement of the merger in Taiku, there are now 30 different mine cards on second-hand trading platforms, and the price of a RTX 3070 mine card has even fallen by $1,500. In addition to the low-priced second-hand mine card, which is prevalent on the market, the current card market & ldquo; the banishment of coins & rdquo are also becoming more visible. With too many 30 cards previously entering & ldquo; the mine and & rdquo; and even the fact that there are manufacturers that dispose of the second-hand mine card and sell it according to the new card.


PC market is down


As card prices continued to rise, a strange phenomenon emerged in the global computer market: the price of desktop mainframes alone exceeded laptops. This left the market for desktop DIYs, which was dominated by the pursuit of value for money, with little competitiveness, and many of the users who had hoped to assemble desktop games eventually chose cheaper playbooks.

性能翻倍 黄仁勋12999元定价厚道?RTX 40能让NV重回巅峰吗


But the good news is that, with global epidemic control moving into normality, and global digital markets starting to shrink, the recovery PC markets of the first two years began to stagnate in 2022. A number of computer manufacturers and research institutions have more than once reduced global PC output this year.


According to the latest IDC report,


Although carrying a laptop that is unique to Britain and the United Kingdom is only a small part of the market for laptops, because of its large base, the mobile end card is also an important way to deliver its cards, and given the fact that the current desktop end card is worse, the importance of the mobile end is self-evident. And the decline in the environment of the PC market is another challenge for Britain and the Grenadines.


On the whole, although there has been a marked improvement in the performance of this British CV 40 card, its previous series of & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & ; condoning behaviour & & & & & & & & & ; and excessive sales continue to make it difficult to obtain consumer approval for the new card. Moreover, the three 40 cards published are primarily high-end and are really 4060 cards for the mainstream gamers, and have chosen to post them for well-known reasons.


The launch of this new card is not a powerful drug for the current British stock price. It is also a true reflection of the capital market.


Thus, in order to regain market confidence, apart from technological advances, there is a need for more goodwill on the rest of the next 40 cards on how to make up for the previously collapsing slogans of & & & & & & rdquao.

性能翻倍 黄仁勋12999元定价厚道?RTX 40能让NV重回巅峰吗

国产车崛起!比亚迪官网变更:加入“global” 加速出海  随心 08:39:26


Biadi announced yesterday that the company would change its web site on 22 September because of business development needs.


The bulletin indicates that the website of Biadi will be changed from www.byd.com to www.bydglobal.com, with the addition of &ldquao; global (global)&rdquao; the words represent Biadi's determination to enter the global market.

国产车崛起!比亚迪官网变更:加入“global” 加速出海


At the annual Shareholders'Conference in 2021, Chairman Wang Tofu of Biadi said that the company would increase its efforts in expanding overseas markets in the future.


On 21 July, Biadi announced its entry into the Japanese passenger car market and highlighted the 3-car pattern of the A.D.P.L.S., dolphins and seals.


In early August, Biadi announced its entry into the German and Swedish markets, with the first vehicles expected to be delivered in four quarters.


Biadi also announced that it would enter the Danish market this year, and that the first shop would open in Copenhagen in the fourth quarter of this year.


In addition, there are recent reports that Biadi will march into Britain later this year.


By August of this year, 97,8795 vehicles had been sold out in Biadi in 2022. The Chairman of Biadi told him that China’s new energy vehicle sales in 2023 were estimated at between 9 million and 10 million, while Biadi’s entire vehicle was planned at 4 million.

国产车崛起!比亚迪官网变更:加入“global” 加速出海

俄罗斯美女COS《赛博朋克:边缘行者》露西:短发姐姐身材超赞  落木 08:39:26


The hot air of Saberpunk: The Marginal Walker brought back the heat of Saberpunk: 2077, and a number of players returned to the city of the night to fight Adam's hammer.


Recently, the young sister from Russia,visagefox, brought Lucy/strong, the hostess of `strange', to enjoy it together.











Lookfox more COS photos:






特斯拉人形机器人擎天柱将亮相!马斯克父亲称儿子有钱应继续生孩子 9个孩子还不够  雪花 08:19:19


This Mask is busy posting his own human robot at the end of the month, and his father's coming for heat.

特斯拉人形机器人擎天柱将亮相!马斯克父亲称儿子有钱应继续生孩子 9个孩子还不够

特斯拉CEO埃隆·马斯克(Elon Musk)的父亲认为,马斯克应该继续壮大他的家庭,再多生几个孩子。目前,马斯克已有9个孩子(算上夭折的一个一共是10个)。

Tesla CEOELON· Elon Musk’s father believes that Mask should continue to grow his family and have a few more children. So far, Mask has nine children (a total of 10 dead).

他的父亲埃罗尔·马斯克(Errol Musk)也不甘示弱,也有7个孩子,甚至与他的继女生下了两个孩子,引发伦理争议。马斯克父子都对出生率下降表示了担忧。

His father Errol & Middot; Errol Musk is not weak; there are seven children and even two children with his stepdaughter, causing moral controversy. Both parents of Mask have expressed concern about the decline in the birth rate.


& ldquo; I don't see why Elon can't have more children, ” &ldquo, old Musk, in an interview, said & ldquo; the former monarchs did not take the birth of children seriously and were illegitimate children. In Europe, about 80% of the children are illegitimate, you know, 20 or 30 children. Why can't you have more children when you have money and when you're king?

老马斯克最近在接受电话采访时表示,他的儿子“正式”有了10个孩子。79岁的他还称赞了儿子选择与其脑机接口公司Neuralink高管希冯·齐里斯(Shivon Zilis)生育双胞胎。

Old Musk recently stated in a telephone interview that his son & ldquo; official & rdquo; had 10 children. He also praised his son for choosing to give birth to twins at the Neuralink executive Shevon & Middot, 79-year-old.


& ldquo; I think she's a very smart girl, ” he says & ldquo; and, you know, if you want your kids to be smart, you probably want your wife to be very smart. & rdquo; and it's important to note that Mask and Chiris were never married.

特斯拉人形机器人擎天柱将亮相!马斯克父亲称儿子有钱应继续生孩子 9个孩子还不够

挖矿时代终结!海量矿卡流入闲鱼 等等党黎明将至?  宪瑞 08:19:09


& ldquao; today's card prices have fallen to the ice point. & rdquao; this is the impression of a Seven Rainbow Province Chief.


In addition to acting on the hardboard and the main board, the incumbent also represented a large number of seven rainbows under the flag. But since last November, the price of the card has fallen, and it's not even telling him what to say.


Especially last week, with the announcement of the merger by Etheria, the transition from the consensus mechanism of workload proof PoW to equity proof PoS, the market predicts that tens of millions of second-hand mine cards will re-enter the market globally.


At the same time, the latest RTX4090ti in Yvesta is also being released and is expected to be on the market in October.


On the one hand, a large number of second-hand cards came back after the mine hit, and the market was oversupplyed. On the other hand, the new product was released with more performance than the previous generation of 2— four times more. This series of actions undoubtedly had a strong impact on the price of the cards currently being sold.


When will the price of the card fall down again?


> > >........................................................................................................................


What does it have to do with a drop in the price of a card by declaring a merger with a talisman? This has to start with Etheria & ldquao; mining & rdquao; and so on.


Around 2021, “ mining & rdquo, as a result of surging virtual currency prices, became the main route for investors to obtain virtual currency. According to the Etherkom rules at that time, it was discovered that the Etherkom requirements were proof of workload, which directly led to the process of digging it into a process of comparison.


In order to obtain sufficient arithmetic, a large number of miners have begun to purchase higher-calculation GPS chips or graphic cards on the market, adapting those products, which were intended only for users such as games, videos and so on, to be used in mine mining.


In “ mining & rdquo; and when the momentum is hot, some of the owners of the mine will even drive directly to the entrance of the card factory, including in North Hua, blocking market access from the source.


In the process, there are a lot of &ldquao; &rdquao; join the ploy and hoard prices.


The apparent card, which was supposed to flow to the consumer market, was suddenly turned into a mining tool, and the price of the card rose as a result of the scarcity of demand, which caused the market to suffer from a serious shortage of supply.


According to the 3DCenter report, at one point in December last year, British Weida and the AMD card premium exceeded the first recommended retail price of 80 per cent.

一款首发价8999元的RTX 3080Ti,市场价一度被炒到2万元以上。

挖矿时代终结!海量矿卡流入闲鱼 等等党黎明将至?


On the basis of this official introduction, the merger will reduce energy consumption by more than 99.95 per cent. The subtext behind this is “ when the merger takes place, it will be impossible to excavate through a card. & & rdquao;


& & & ldquao; a large number of miners who do not have access to the Tattoo digital currency through mining, if they transfer to other currencies, they can earn up to 25% of the electricity bill, which would be an absolute loss. & & rdquao;


As a result, clients such as sales for games, graphics and film productions have become the first to flow back to the normal market through the second-hand market.


However, it still does not appear to be an easy task in the short term for large-scale mine cards to move to consumers through the second-hand market.


According to a number of arithmetical estimates, there are currently some 26 million visible cards globally used for mining.


After the end of the card-mining model in Taiping, while some of the cards can be transferred to other currencies, given that Bitcoin does not use card-mining machines, and that the other currencies are far from the size of Taiye,



On second-hand platforms such as idle fish, a large number of miners have now started to sell their cards in bulk. And the keywords are &ldquao; exercise & & rdquao; and the word two, which indicates directly that the card is modified and indicates the duration of the exercise.

挖矿时代终结!海量矿卡流入闲鱼 等等党黎明将至?


Also in terms of quantity, from “ 48 batches & & rdquao; to & & ldquao; 500 spot & rdquao; and the bulk of visible cards entering the second-hand market is no longer in the minority.

挖矿时代终结!海量矿卡流入闲鱼 等等党黎明将至?


A large number of mine cards flow into the market, which has had a significant impact on the price system of the card market. According to Wenhong, in November last year, in fact, the trend to lower card prices began to show up. & & & & & & & & ; for example, in November last year and January, in three months of this year, it dropped by about $400, starting again in February, with the fastest drop of 100 dollars a day and three & mdash; four consecutive days. & & & & & & & Quco;


This time, however, with the formal end of the Etherm merger, most of the mine cards fall again into new heights. & ldquao; miners are unlikely to be able to sell the goods back through the sale of their cards. & rdquao;


Wenhong stated that second-hand cards, which had been used to dig mines, were currently in circulation on platforms such as idle fish and treasures, that prices were close to the ice point, that there was very limited scope for price reduction, and that it would have to be absorbed slowly over time.

同样以GTX 1060 为例,正常一颗芯片到工厂拿货价格约400元,加上外壳、PCB板各方面成本,成本价基本在700-750元左右,现在许多二手渠道的显卡价格,也已经在这个区间。“现在的显卡价格已经接近冰点”,温洪表示。

Also, in the case of TTX 1060  for example, the normal price of a chip to a factory to take delivery is about $400, plus the cost of the shell, the PCB plate, in all its aspects, at a cost of around $700-750, and the price of many of the second-hand channels' cards is now in this zone. & ldquao; now the price of the cards is close to the ice & rdquao; Wenhong indicates.


Of course, even if prices are so low, market digestion will not be able to digest these second-hand cards in the short term. Wenhong predicts that a card will have a useful life of about 5— within 10 years, without new mining opportunities or other major market breakthroughs, the market will be able to digest the existing cards for more than three years.


The best time to get back to work?


In the Ethio Bar, in order to stabilize the downward trend in card prices, some miners have begun to send a message calling on other miners to jointly maintain the price system and avoid low-price dumping leading to a vicious fall in card prices.

挖矿时代终结!海量矿卡流入闲鱼 等等党黎明将至?


The miners’ call revealed the failure behind the card price reduction. So, behind the frequency price reduction, is it a good time for consumers to choose a low price to hoard? Maybe, not all.


Senior digital figures say to & & & & ldquo; for non-senior players and most consumers, it's not really worth the card, and the regular computer's own card is enough to support a lot of games, video content use needs. & & & & rdquao;


For some of the more senior game players and video workers, it may be best to choose some of the most recent products on the market.


According to Choon Yong, some of the poor miners are now renovating and buying their trained mine cards to consumers on the grounds that they are not distributing new products, but also ensuring that there are no problems during the shelf period, which has disrupted some of the card markets & “ if they do not buy new ones, consumers are likely to buy products that they do not want.

而在9月20日晚间,英伟达GTC大会期间,英伟达创始人兼CEO黄仁勋发布了GeForce RTX 4090以及GeForce RTX 4080的12GB和16GB版本三款新品。新品的发布,让本就竞争激励的显卡市场,变得更加拥挤了。

And on the evening of September 20th, during the meeting of the GTC in Yveida, the founder of Yvesta and CEO Wong In-hoon released three new pieces, 12GB and 16GB versions of GeForce RTX 4090 and GeForce RTX 4080. The release of the new items made the card market for competition incentives more crowded.


There is always a new visible card coming into the market, and the influx of new products is weakening and weakening the functions of previous generations, as well as the price advantage. For consumers, perhaps holding money in their hands, rational consumption is always the right choice.

RTX 4090显卡PCB揭秘:23相供电史无前例 电源压力降低  宪瑞 08:08:25

NVIDIA日前发布了新一代的RTX 4090/4080显卡,升级Ada Lovelace架构及台积电4nm工艺,还有全新的RTX光追架构及DLSS 3新技术,游戏性能最高4倍上代显卡。

NVIDIA has recently released a new generation of RTX 4090/4080 cards to upgrade the Ada Lovelace architecture and power generation 4nm processes, as well as a new RTX-ray tracking architecture and new DLSS 3 technologies, with up to four times the performance of the game.

这一次NVIDIA照例推出了RTX 4090 Founders Edition,也就是NVIDIA官方版的显卡,只不过规模比之前的大多了,达到了3.5插槽厚度。

This time, as usual, NVIDIA has launched RTX 4090 Foundations Edition, an official NVIDIA card, which is only larger than before, reaching 3.5 slot thickness.

RTX 4090显卡PCB揭秘:23相供电史无前例 电源压力降低

此外,NVIDIA日前又进一步介绍了RTX 4090显卡的PCB,整个设计跟之前的RTX 3090 Ti差不多,供电设计尤其豪华,配备了公版卡中史无前例的23相供电,其中GPU核心供电20相,显存供电3相。

In addition, NVIDIA recently introduced the PCB of RTX 4090, which is similar to the previous RTX 3090 Ti, with a particularly luxurious supply design, RTX 4090显卡PCB揭秘:23相供电史无前例 电源压力降低

RTX 4090显卡PCB揭秘:23相供电史无前例 电源压力降低

RTX 4090显卡PCB揭秘:23相供电史无前例 电源压力降低

Zen5推倒重来、Zen6设计中 AMD积极筹备3nm、2nm工艺  宪瑞 07:33:16

AMD即将开卖的锐龙7000处理器升级了5nm Zen4架构,接下来的工作都是市场营销的了,开发团队会转向未来的Zen5、Zen6架构,AMD CEO苏姿丰也在为未来的产品做准备,很快会与台积电讨论3nm、2nm产能的问题。

The AMD's upcoming 7000 Dragon processor has been upgraded to the 5nm Zen4 structure, followed by marketing. The development team will move to the future Zen5, Zen6 structure. AMD CEO Soozifon is also preparing for future products and will soon discuss 3nm and 2nm capacity with the station.

据报道,AMD CEO苏姿丰及多位高管将在9月底到11月初拜访合作伙伴,主要会见的都是芯片制造、封装及PC厂商,其中一个重点对象就是台积电,苏姿丰会跟台积电联席CEO魏哲家进行讨论。

It has been reported that AMD CEO Suzheng and several executives will visit their partners between the end of September and the beginning of November, mainly with chip manufacturers, seals and PC manufacturers. One of the main targets will be a build-up of electricity, and Sozhefu will discuss it with the CEO Weizher family.


Specific cooperation details are not available for publication, but Digitimes states that strang > is primarily about future process cooperation, which includes N3Ps, N2, i.e. the 3nm, 2nm process on a battery.


The 2nm process for power generation will not be produced until 2025, the first of which must be an apple factory, and the AMD will be able to use an estimated 2nm until 2026 or even after, but the large CPU development cycle is usually more than three years, and the AMD is not too early to discuss the 2nm process.

Zen5推倒重来、Zen6设计中 AMD积极筹备3nm、2nm工艺

根据AMD的路线图,Zen4之后的Zen5架构已经在设计中,会在2024年推出,有Zen5、Zen5 V-Cache、Zen5c三种架构变种,初期使用4nm工艺,后期还会升级3nm工艺。

According to the AMD road map, the Zen5 architecture after Zen4 is being designed and will be rolled out in 2024. has three structural variants: Zen5, Zen5 V-Cache, Zen5c, using the 4nm process initially, and the 3nm process later.


In addition, AMD mentioned that the Zen5 architecture would be built from scratch, continuing to expand performance and energy efficiency lead levels for a broader work load, meaning that the architecture would be reversed, with higher IPC performance improvements compared to Zen4.


As for the 2nm process node, the AMD should be a Zen6 structure by then, and the AMD official road map does not have a Zen6 shadow

Zen5推倒重来、Zen6设计中 AMD积极筹备3nm、2nm工艺

华为打造“全球一张网”:覆盖170+国家和地区 50ms低延迟  随心 07:28:49


China launched its first global tour for the All Connect General Assembly, 2022, officially inaugurated on 21 September in Bangkok, Thailand.


At the conference, China published & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & &, & & & & & & & & &, & & & & & & & &.


Zhang & ldquo; now we're planning globally to deploy more green smart cloud data centres & rdquo; 华为打造“全球一张网”:覆盖170+国家和地区 50ms低延迟

苹果14弱爆!华为Mate 50最高端版土豪 一个壳999元起  雪花 07:26:35

对于华为来说,Mate 50系列是他们当下最高端旗舰,而机型中又以保时捷版最顶级,就算不加价买得起的也都是土豪...

For Hua, the Mate 50 series is their top flagship, and the Porsche version is the best, even if it's not affordable...

到底Mate50 RS保时捷版有多土豪呢,其实从官方的定价就可以看出来12999元,同时相应的官方配件也不便宜,不过对于能买的起这个手机的人来说,这个价格还是能接受的吧。

The Mate50 RS Porsche version is expensive, as can be seen from the official pricing of 12999 dollars, and the corresponding official fittings are not cheap, but it is acceptable to anyone who can buy this phone.

苹果14弱爆!华为Mate 50最高端版土豪 一个壳999元起

苹果14弱爆!华为Mate 50最高端版土豪 一个壳999元起

从官网显示看,华为Mate50 RS保时捷设计真皮智能视窗保护套售价1999元、真皮保护套售价999元,当然了这些配件背部都有显著的保时捷设计标注。

According to the official network, China designed the Mate50 RS Porsche for a real-skin smart window protection package for 1999 and a real-skin protection package for 999 dollars, although all of the accessories have significant Porsche design signs on their backs.

昨天开卖后,Mate 50 RS保时捷版本是最先被抢完的,有不少网友爆料称,有不少黄牛已经开始对Mate 50 RS保时捷下手了,最高能加价8000元左右,买家达到了19999元,甚至更高。

After yesterday's sale, the Mate 50 RS Porsche version was the first to be stolen, with a lot of Internet friends saying that a lot of cows have already started working on the Mate 50 RS Porsche, up to about $8,000, and the buyers have reached about $199 or even higher.

苹果14弱爆!华为Mate 50最高端版土豪 一个壳999元起

中兴与运营商合推5G新通话:4K高清视频 自带“主叫名片”  随心 07:15:11


Voice calls, as a basic feature of mobile technology, have made it easier from the outset, but at the same time, the general public has gradually been subjected to a single voice function.


In order to change the status quo, which is limited to single audio calls, voice calls are being improved and upgraded, from normal to high-resolution voice, and from single audio to high-resolution video synchronization.


To meet people's multidimensionality and diversity of communication, Communications and Operators jointly launched a new 5G call operation, which provides a full, visual and interactive talk experience.


5G new call home & & ldquao; name card & rdquao; business:


Before you can answer the phone, the user can transmit to the person called identity information, the purpose of the call, location information and the importance of the call via the IMS data channel, and present it on the cell phone through words, pictures, videos, etc. This makes it possible to get a clear picture of the main information on the phone, so as to decide whether or not to connect it.

中兴与运营商合推5G新通话:4K高清视频 自带“主叫名片”


To a certain extent, the distress of fraudulent harassment calls is greatly mitigated and important calls are not missed. Moreover, calls to clients are not expected to be rejected as harassment calls.


Smart valet


Upgrades the traditional voice navigation to a visual interactive menu. When a user calls a customer service, the service menu is pushed to the user on the side of the network via the IMS data channel, and the user can access the corresponding submenu by clicking on the menu button and doing business without having to listen to a long voice menu introduction.

中兴与运营商合推5G新通话:4K高清视频 自带“主叫名片”


During the call, the parties interact by sending pictures, videos, HTMLs, etc., as well as by clicking, tagging, and signing.

中兴与运营商合推5G新通话:4K高清视频 自带“主叫名片”




An interesting, personalized content, such as text, animation, emoticons, short videos or HTML5 pages, can be sent to each other in video calls for better communication, and emotional satisfaction can be obtained from both sides.

中兴与运营商合推5G新通话:4K高清视频 自带“主叫名片”


Simultaneous interpretation


When it comes to foreign calls, it is painful to say, to communicate completely and to make people mad, while 5G new calls & & ldquao; simultaneous interpretation & rdquao; and business, which allows users to obtain in real time the ease of inter-linguistic translations and captioning displays, while opening their minds to high-profile video conversations, in real time.

中兴与运营商合推5G新通话:4K高清视频 自带“主叫名片”


Content Sharing


Audio, video, photo, location, text, etc. can be shared with each other during the call, helping to communicate with both parties in a more diverse way.

中兴与运营商合推5G新通话:4K高清视频 自带“主叫名片”


Screen Sharing


The end interface or camera of the caller can be shared in real time with the other party to help the parties understand more intuitively what is difficult to express orally.

中兴与运营商合推5G新通话:4K高清视频 自带“主叫名片”


Remote Instruction


In life, because of a lack of expertise or skills, we are often unable to handle a minor problem or failure on our own, so we wait for maintenance personnel. Remotely directing operations can dynamically mark the location that needs to be handled on video conversations, allowing users to locate quickly and manage the failure themselves.

中兴与运营商合推5G新通话:4K高清视频 自带“主叫名片”


Electronic whiteboard


Allowing both parties to speak together in mobile & ldquao; whiteboard & rdquao; graffiti or rubbing on to facilitate discussion and communication and a business experience of face-to-face discussions.

中兴与运营商合推5G新通话:4K高清视频 自带“主叫名片”


In addition, 5G new calls support high-quality videos such as 720P/108P/2K/4K, typical business functions such as high-visibility access, high-quality video service, etc. In the near future, 5G new calls will provide better immersion interactive sensory experiences in combination with technologies such as AI/AR/VR.

锐龙7000略逊一筹 13代酷睿DDR5内存冲到6800MHz  宪瑞 07:08:48


Between the end of this month and October, AMD and intel will be listed on the market for 7000 and 13-generation Creature Processors, with not only good performance and robustness, but also increased support for the DDR5 memory, as well as the increasing frequency of support, with 13 generations of Creature Packages even supporting the ultra-high frequency of DDR 5-6800.


The AMD and Intel processors defaultly supported DDR5 with low frequencies, 12 generations of cool wisdom chose the most conservative DCR 5-4800 last year, 7,000 of the AMD dragons are now DDR 5-5200, and 13 generations of cool wisdom are starting with DDR 5-5600.


However, the above frequency is only the platform's basic plate and certainly not enough for high play. From the information available, the 7000 X670 series of Xheadboards can support the DR5-6400 memory, with the best-performing dessert frequency being the DR5-6000.


The 13-generation cool-wise and accompanied Z790, with a higher frequency limit, 锐龙7000略逊一筹 13代酷睿DDR5内存冲到6800MHz

联想要普及酷睿i9:小新Pro14/Pro16新增i9-12900H版本  随心 07:01:45

联想中国官微放出预告称,将推出新款小新Pro 16 2022酷睿版和新款小新Pro 14 2022酷睿版,均搭载酷睿i9-12900H处理器。

We'd like to hear from Chinese officials that the new Pro 16,2022 and the new Pro 14,2022 Pro 12,900H will be launched with a new Pro 16,2022.


You know, Cool Wiesi 9-1290H is designed using a 14 core 20-line design with a smart frequency as high as 5.0 GHz, which is usually only visible in the playbook.

联想小新Pro 16 2022酷睿版于今年5月发布,共两个配置:

Synthetic Pro 16 2022 was released in May this year with two configurations:

Core i5-12500H/16GB/512GB/2.5K 120Hz,售价5499元;Core i7-12700H/16GB/512GB/2.5K 120Hz,售价6499元。

Core i5-12500H/16GB/512GB/2.5K 120Hz for 5499; Core i7-1270H/16GB/512GB/2.5K 120Hz for 6499.

联想小新Pro 16 2022款全系采用120Hz低蓝光高刷屏,支持5ms(GtG)“电竞级”响应时间。其分辨率2560x1600,16:10比例,350nit亮度,100%sRGB高色域,DC调光无频闪。

Lesser Pro 16 2022 is based on a 120 Hz low-blue brush screen, which supports 5ms (GtG)“ electric & rdquo; response time. Its resolution is 2560 x 1600, 16:10, 350 nit brightness, 100% sRGB high-colour domain, DC FM no flash.

75Wh大电池,支持PD大功率充电,接口也非常丰富,配雷电4接口,双USB-A接口、HDMI 2.0接口,支持4K@60Hz输出。

75Wh Large Batteries to support PD high power charge and a very rich interface with Thunderlink 4 interfaces, two USB-A interfaces, HDMI 2.0 interfaces to support 4K@60Hz output.

联想小新Pro 14 2022酷睿版于今年8月发布,同样i7-12700H/i5-12500H处理器两种配置,价格分别为6499元、5999元。

A new version of Pro 14,2022 was released in August of this year, with the same configuration as the I7-127000H/i5-12500H processor at a cost of $6,499 and $5999 respectively.


苹果故意的?iOS 16升级后翻车:iPhone 13等续航崩了 让你换新的节奏  雪花 06:55:41

苹果故意的吗,不少iPhone 13等老用户升级iOS 16后表示,自己手机的续航崩了,这是要比他们换新的节奏吗?

Apple did it on purpose? A lot of iPhone 13 and old users upgraded iOS 16 and said, "Is this a new rhythm?"

据外媒报道称,有不少iPhone用户在苹果官方论坛、社交平台等发声,表示自己的升级iOS 16后,续航非常的糟糕,这其中的机型有iPhone 13、iPhone 12等老款。

According to external media reports, a number of iPhone users, including iPhones and iPhone 12 old ones, continued their flight very badly after saying that they had been upgraded to iOS 16.

对于这件事,苹果方面表示,在iOS 16中为键盘启用触觉反馈可能会消耗电量,因此遇到电池耗尽的用户可以尝试将其关闭。

On this matter, Apple indicated that the use of tactile feedback for keyboards in iOS 16 could consume electricity, and therefore users with depleted batteries could try to shut it down.

苹果故意的?iOS 16升级后翻车:iPhone 13等续航崩了 让你换新的节奏


In addition to the above, the slow search performance of Spotlight is also a focus for users, and Apple acknowledges the problem and emphasizes that it will be addressed in a follow-up update.

综合来看,下一版本的iOS 16更新还要解决的问题有,iPhone 14系列在第三方App启用相机后,出现的抖动情况,以及烦人的复制粘贴提示,iMessage和FaceTime激活问题等。

Taken together, the next version of iOS 16 updates will address issues such as the iPhone 14 series of vibrations after the third party App activates the camera, and the annoying copy paste tips, iMessage and FaceTime activation issues.


Have you encountered any of the above-mentioned problems? You're welcome to follow the feedback.

苹果故意的?iOS 16升级后翻车:iPhone 13等续航崩了 让你换新的节奏

NVIDIA买不成的ARM三星也要买 掌门人下月将与软银洽谈收购  宪瑞 06:51:56


NVIDIA, which announced a $40 billion acquisition of ARM in 2020, was forced to abandon the acquisition after more than a year of pressure, although ARM is still a luxuries, following rumours that Samsung was going to buy ARM, and the leader, Lee, now says that he will meet next month with Silver and Silver Master Sun Jian to discuss the acquisition.


Lee visited the United Kingdom, Japan, shortly before the visit to the United Kingdom to seek support for South Korea in seeking a World Expo in Busan, but several Korean media outlets have indicated that the purpose of his trip was to discuss the possibility of acquiring ARM.


But the death of the Queen of England changed his schedule.


now says that the President of the Soft Silver Bank and CEO Sun Jing Jing may visit Seoul next month, and that it may discuss the acquisition of ARM.


ARM was created in the United Kingdom, and currently the vast majority of global mobile processors use ARM-authorized architecture/command sets, including apples, high connectivity, UNDG and Samsung itself, using ARM-based technical authorizations.


In 2016, Japan’s silver and silver acquired ARM for $32 billion, and in 2020, NVIDIA announced a $40 billion buyout of ARM,


NVIDIA did not buy ARM and Samsung was lucky to do so, but Samsung did not mention in detail their plans to acquire ARM, which is now only a preliminary discussion, and the acquisition of ARM continues to face many uncertainties.

NVIDIA买不成的ARM三星也要买 掌门人下月将与软银洽谈收购

百度糯米死了 我很怀念6块6的电影票  随心 06:36:52

“因公司业务调整,百度糯米 App 将停止服务与运营。百度糯米 App 将从应用商店进行下架,预计将于 2022 年 12 月正式停止相关服务。”

& ldquo; 100 degrees of platinum App will cease service and operation as a result of company business adjustments. 100 degrees of platinum App will be set aside from the application store and is expected to officially cease service in December 2022. & rdquo;

百度糯米死了 我很怀念6块6的电影票

只用了短短 50 个字,12 年的百度糯米就这样和大家说了再见。

It took only 50 words, 12 years of millimeter to say good-bye.


When you read the news, you're all in a cross-section:


Some feel that 100 degrees of rice has been missing from public view for a long time, and probably many people have never heard of 100 degrees of rice.

百度糯米死了 我很怀念6块6的电影票


Some of them saw the news and found out that they had been using 100 degrees of rice for a long time.

百度糯米死了 我很怀念6块6的电影票


The same type of APP is more than enough now, according to some of the online users, and there are not much difference between thorium and thorium.

百度糯米死了 我很怀念6块6的电影票


For a lot of younger, older friends, who have never heard of 100 degrees of rice, it may actually be a lot of people, but for us, it's a memory of our time.

6 块 6 的电影票,二三十块吃一顿烤肉,十几块在 KTV 唱到嗓子哑。。。好时候真是让我们赶上了。

Six dollars for a movie ticket, twenty bucks for a barbecue, ten bucks for a dumb voice in KTV. Good time to catch up.

百度糯米死了 我很怀念6块6的电影票

要给大家说清楚糯米,得从 2010 年那场轰轰烈烈的“千团大战”聊起。

Let's get to the point where we'll start with the huge & & & & & & & & &, the battles in 2010 & & & &, talking.

早在 2008 年时,美国出现了一家名为 Groupon 的初创公司。

As early as 2008, there was a start-up company called Groupon in the United States.

这个公司模式很简单,每天发起一个拼单,里面会有一个本地商家的优惠券,然后价格比正常消费便宜 2-3 成,感兴趣的人可以参加活动购买优惠券,只要参与人数达到预期(成团),拼团的人就都能用券消费。

The company model is simple: each day a list of local business coupons is launched, and the price is two to three times cheaper than normal consumption, and interested people can take part in the purchase of coupons, so long as the number of participants meets expectations (groups), the people of the group can consume the coupons.

百度糯米死了 我很怀念6块6的电影票

这个如今看起来甚至有些原始的模式,在当时可是媒体关注、资本追逐、万众参与的绝对市场宠儿,Groupon 被福布斯称为史上发展最快的公司。

This looks even primitive today, when media attention, capital pursuit, popular participation in the absolute market, Groupon was described by Forbes as the fastest-growing company in history.

大火的 Groupon 模式自然也成了国内很多人模仿的对象,最早开抄的就是美团,但在美团之后,大家一股脑地蜂拥进场,全国上下一年里出现了 5000 多家团购网站。

The fire's Groupon model naturally became the object of many people in the country, the first to be copied was the American Regiment, but after the United States Regiment, there was a rush of brains and over 5,000 groups buying websites in the country the following year.

百度糯米死了 我很怀念6块6的电影票


From a variety of physical commodity groups to an offline service group, almost all of the places where everybody spends money have access to the platform.

大概也就比美团晚 3 个月,人人公司就上线了我们今天的主角糯米网,当时的糯米网背靠还算大树的人人网,日子也算顺风顺水。

About three months later than the American Corps, everyone's company got on the line to our main star, the rice net, which was a tree-based network, and it was a smooth day.

2011 年 5 月 5 日,人人公司正式在纽约证券交易所挂牌,上市的资产中包括社交网站人人网、团购网站糯米网以及人人游戏等,这样一来,糯米网还成了国内首家“上市”的团购网站。

On May 5, 2011, the Company for All was officially listed on the New York Stock Exchange, and the listed assets included social networking for all, group buying of web sites for sorghum and games for all, thus making it the country's first & ldquo; listed & rdquo; and group buying website.

百度糯米死了 我很怀念6块6的电影票


Although the small days of the rice net are not bad, the outside & & & & & & & & & & ; it's called a fire.

12 年后的今天,大家可能对这场激烈大战记忆模糊了,但它们为了抢占市场的套路,大家肯定不陌生。

Twelve years later, the memory of this fierce war may be blurred, but they are certainly not new to us in order to take advantage of the market.


Educating audiences and promoting product influence through massive advertising and push; diagnosing rivals with high pay; and attracting users and businesses to burn-out subsidies.


This combination of fists can be said to have been seen over and over the next 10 years.

百度糯米死了 我很怀念6块6的电影票


But the problem is also obvious: it's expensive, it's extremely expensive.


The next player needs constant financing to keep himself alive. As long as he survives, the winner is the winner, and the burner is forced to quit and die.

等到了 2013 年,大浪淘沙,还活跃在场上的团购平台,只剩美团、大众点评和糯米网了。

By 2013, there was a wave of sand and an active shopping platform on the scene, with only the United States, public opinion and rice nets left.

百度糯米死了 我很怀念6块6的电影票


There is a difference between the gold masters and the Americans and the general opinion, and the rice of everyone's time is about & & & & dquo; the enemy is besieged and I am not doing anything wrong & & rdquo;

据说,早期糯米对商家审核的人员投入只有 30 人,而同时期美团审核人员高达 180 人。

Only 30 people were said to have been involved in the examination of businesses at an early stage, while 180 were said to have been cleared by the United States Regiment during the same period.


It may be the same habit of not throwing gold in the ground, allowing the rice to succeed in a thousand battles and wait for its own moment of glory.

2014 年,百度全资收购了糯米,在拿到弹药后的百度糯米一下子就硬气起来了,团队飞速发展。

In 2014, 100 degrees of full money was spent on the purchase of rice, and when the ammunition was taken, the 100 degrees of rice became hard and the team moved fast.

当年百度糯米的日活用户足足翻了一番,还学天猫双 11 的套路,凭空造出了一个“女生节”。

The number of daily users of 100 degrees of rice doubled in size in the same year, and a & ldquao; girls'festival & & rdquao;

百度糯米死了 我很怀念6块6的电影票

2015 年 7 月的“暑期狂欢趴”活动上,百度糯米单日流水冲破 3.5 亿,相比上年翻了 15 倍。

July 2015 & ldquao; Summer Carnival & rdquao; 100 degrees of perm3 day water burst 350 million, a 15-fold increase over the previous year.

当时以糯米为代表的 O2O 业务是百度的重中之重,李彦宏在 2015 年时曾放话:“砸 200 亿也得把糯米做好”。

O2O, which was represented by zirconium at the time, was the highest priority of 100 degrees, and Lee Yinghong said in 2015: & ldquao; hit 20 billion and have to make thorium & rdquao.


The ideal idea of Yinghong is to move away from homogenous behaviour such as breaking money and sending red bags and to use the 100-degree platform, using voice recognition, image recognition, artificial intelligence, etc., to get out of a & ldquao; Soft Avenue & & rdquao;


But in the end, it's the same as breaking money.

百度糯米死了 我很怀念6块6的电影票

但也就是在 2015 年,百度自身陷入舆论困境市值暴跌,烧钱游戏玩不动了。

But that's when, in 2015, 100 percent of the world's markets were in a state of public opinion, and the game of burning money was out of play.


What is more deadly is that this year, industry leaders and the public critics & & & & & & & & & & & & & &, successful, strewn American & & & & & & & & & Qu & & & & & & & &, have started to try to press 100 degrees of rice.


There are also problems within 100 degrees of rice when the external pressure mountain faces a large left-right deficit.

2016 年,百度内部掀起了“反腐风暴”,百度糯米地方分公司刷单骗补贴、虚假报销等乱象浮出水面,百度糯米负责人曾良在这次风波中被解聘。

In 2016, hundreds of internal & & ldquo; anti-corruption storm & & rdquao; and 100 degrees of local sub-branch fraud subsidies, false claims, etc. showed up, and 100 degrees of rice was dismissed from the wind wave.

百度糯米死了 我很怀念6块6的电影票

到了 2017 年,百度“拨乱反正”,将公司重心放到了人工智能领域,O2O 项目统统被扫地出门,外卖、电影两大块被分别出售,光杆司令百度糯米一转眼就成了昨日黄花。

By 2017, 100 degrees & ldquo; & & rdquao;,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,........................................................................................................................................................................................................


The hundreds of degrees of rice lost to finance quickly lost their market share, and the undervalued ones in companies were gradually marginalized by their incorporation into search firms.


Since then, there have been hundreds of news stories about the desire to sell rice, but no one has come to the table.


And then yesterday's announcement.

所以其实从 2017 年后,百度糯米已经实质性死亡,直到昨天,才正式盖棺罢了。

So since 2017, 100 degrees of rice has actually died, and it was only yesterday that the coffin was officially covered.


Seriously, if it wasn't for the news, I'd almost have forgotten the rice.


Now look back, the rice has become the gravestone of an era, and without a platform like the rice of that year, perhaps our generation would have spent more time on campus & ldquao; hardship & rdquao; some.

不过,虽然没了 6 块 6 的电影票,但现在是星期四了!

But it's Thursday, though, with six dollars and six dollars in tickets!

撰文:八戒   编辑:面线   美编:焕妍

Author: Eight Rings & nbsp; & nbsp; Editor: Face & nbsp; & nbsp; Editor: Yeon-yeon




Tiger Sniff: Disassemble mobile search and sorghum. What signals did the new 100-degree search company reveal?


Wireless: The United States was the biggest opponent in the past, and the Internet friend: it was still alive.


Some pictures are from the Internet.

黄仁勋亲口确认:SLI多卡技术彻底死亡!  上方文Q 01:02:06


SLI, CrossFire, used to be an exciting topic and a favorite of high-end players, fever-fever friends, but for technical and non-technical reasons such as efficiency, compatibility, etc., they have moved away from us.

在今天的一次媒体沟通会上,NVIDIA CEO黄仁勋确认,Ada RTX 40系列已经彻底移除了NVLink互连接口,这意味着永远告别了SLI。

At today's media conference, NVIDIA CEO Wong In-hoon confirmed that the Ada RTX 40 series has completely removed the NVLink interface, which means goodbye forever to SLI.

RTX 30系列也只有最高端的RTX 3090、RTX 3090 Ti上保留NVlink接口,但其实仅面向生产力创作和3D建模等专业应用,不再支持传统意义上的SLI,如今也几乎已没有游戏再支持SLI。

The RTX 30 series also has only the top RTX 3090, RTX 3090 Ti to maintain the NVlink interface, but it is only for professional applications such as productivity creation and 3D modelling, no longer supports SLI in the traditional sense, and there is almost no game to support SLI anymore.

这一次,RTX 40系列索性把NVLink物理接口都取消了,无疑意味着SLI的彻底死亡。

This time, the RTX 40 series removed all the NVLink physical interfaces, which undoubtedly meant the total death of SLI.

黄仁勋表示,之所以这么做,是需要将NVLink I/O资源用在其他地方,同时希望在有限的芯片面积内压榨出尽可能多的AI性能。

Wong In-hoon said that this was done by using NVLink I/O resources elsewhere, while hoping to squeeze as many AI performances as possible within a limited chip area.

有趣的是,黄仁勋还口误说,RTX 40系列支持PCIe 5.0。

Interestingly, Wong In-hoon was mistakenly saying that the RTX 40 series supports PCIe 5.0.

但随后,NVIDIA又澄清说就和RTX 3090 Ti一样,并不支持PCIe 5.0系统总线,仅支持PCIe 5.0供电规范。

NVIDIA then clarified that, like RTX 3090 Ti, it did not support the PCIE 5.0 bus and only the PCIe 5.0 electricity code.


《王者荣耀》S29新赛季今日开启 重点活动了解下  拾柒 00:50:32


The season of the King's Glory S29 will open on September 22, with an official announcement on the eve of the new season. Let's see if there's any new activity.

《王者荣耀》S29新赛季今日开启 重点活动了解下


12999元的RTX 4090终于来了!但这次 它连配角都算不上  上方文Q 00:43:54

如果说要给科技圈这段时间传播最多的小道消息排个名次,其中 iPhone 14 系列排第一,那么第二名肯定就是 RTX 40 系显卡了。

If you're going to give the largest amount of news to the tech community during this period, iPhone 14 in the first row, then the second place is definitely RTX 40.

就在北京时间 9 月 20 号晚上的NVIDIA GTC 大会上,老黄终于带着他的 40 系显卡登场了!

At the NVIDIA GTC conference on the night of September 20, Beijing time, Huang finally showed up with his 40th department!

12999元的RTX 4090终于来了!但这次 它连配角都算不上

但最让我没想到的是,显卡仅仅是这次 GTC 大会的小配角,只用了 20 分钟就讲完了。

But the last thing I'm surprised about is that the graphics card is just the little corner of this GTC conference, and it's only been 20 minutes.

剩下的一个多小时,只能用 “ 格局打开 ” 四个字来形容。

The remaining hour can only be described in four words using & & & ldquo; configuration to open & & rdquo;.

/ 第一部分:4090、Ada 架构以及 DLSS 3

/ Part I: 4090, Ada Architecture and DLSS 3

先来聊聊大家最关注的新显卡,这次共发布了三款显卡,分别是 RTX 4080 12GB 、RTX 4080 16GB 和 RTX 4090 ,售价分别为 7199 元、9499 元和 12999 元。

To start with the most interesting new cards, three cards were released: RTX 4080 12GB, RTX 4080 16GB and RTX 4090 for $7,199, $9,499 and 12999 respectively.


One word: expensive.

12999元的RTX 4090终于来了!但这次 它连配角都算不上

尤其是 12GB 版本的 4080 ,上一代 3080 的售价可是 5499 元,你这涨得是不是有点过分了啊。

Especially for the 12-GB version of 4080, the previous generation's 3080 was worth $5499, and you're up a little too much.

至于为啥这么贵,我们问了一下 NVIDIA,他们的回答是:4080 12GB 的性能是 3080 12GB 的 3 倍,再结合价格四舍五入算下来其实还便宜100美元。

As to why it's so expensive, we asked NVIDIA, and their answer was: strong>408012GB with 3 times as much performance as 3080,12GB, and it's actually $100 cheaper to round prices.

反正我是不太理解哪有这么比价格的,这么比的话苹果 M2 芯片岂不是可以卖个十几万。

Anyway, I don't understand the price, so much for apples M2 chips.

不过性能也确实是提升了,其中 4080 16GB 的游戏性能提升可以达到 3080 Ti 的 2 倍,4090 和 3090Ti 相比同样有 2 倍的提升。

However, performance has indeed been enhanced, with 4080 16GB having 2 times as much game performance as 3080 Ti, 4090 and 3090 Ti having the same 2 times as.

12999元的RTX 4090终于来了!但这次 它连配角都算不上

而如果拿开了 DLSS 3 的 4090 和开了 DLSS 2 的 3090Ti 对比,性能可以直接提升 4 倍。

And if you take 4090 from DLSS3 and 3090 Ti from DLSS2, you can increase performance four times more directly.

DLSS 大家都很熟悉了,我们之前也讲过很多次,简单来讲就是可以提高你的游戏帧数,这一点在 DLSS 2 上面尤为明显。

We're all familiar with the DLSS, and we've talked about it many times before, and it's just that you can raise the number of games, which is particularly evident on the DLSS 2.

12999元的RTX 4090终于来了!但这次 它连配角都算不上

DLSS 3 更是强到变态,它可以让开启了极致光线追踪的 《 赛博朋克 2077 》 帧数从 24 帧飙到将近 100 帧!

DLSS 3 is even stronger than a pervert, and it allows for the opening of the extreme light track of Cyberbunk 2077 from 24 frames to nearly 100 frames!

12999元的RTX 4090终于来了!但这次 它连配角都算不上


I hear you're a card killer? Then I have to treat you today.

这也和 DLSS 3 的工作原理密不可分,如果说 DLSS 2 是降低渲染分辨率来提升性能提高帧数的话,那么 DLSS 3 则是直接在每一帧之间插帧。

is also inextricably linked to the DLSS 3  if the DLSS 2  is a lower renderer resolution to increase the number of frames, then the DLSS 3 is a frame inserted directly into each frame.

12999元的RTX 4090终于来了!但这次 它连配角都算不上

但 DLSS 2 也不会被抛弃,它仍然是 DLSS 3 的一部分,会继续迭代。

But the DLSS 2 will not be abandoned, it will still be part of the DLSS 3 and will continue to be repeated.

而且有一件事需要注意,DLSS 3 可以独立于游戏内容生成全新的帧,甚至可以借此来帮助提升 CPU 的性能。

And one thing that needs to be noted is that DLSS3 can generate a whole new frame independently of the content of the game, even to help improve the performance of the CPU.

再说的直白一点,如果游戏因为 CPU 性能受限,那么 4090 可以帮 CPU 计算超过它上限的帧率。

Again, if the game is limited by CPU performance, then 4090 can help CPU calculate frame rates above its ceiling.

不过已经买得起 4090 的人,还会买不起好的 CPU 吗?

But people who can afford 4090 can't afford a good CPU?

当然,这么强的算力不止有 DLSS 3 帮忙,这次的 40 系用上了新一代 Ada Lovelace 架构以及台积电 4N 定制工艺。

Of course, with more than the help of DLSS 3, this time 40 is using a new generation of Ada Lovelace architecture and a power 4N custom process.

12999元的RTX 4090终于来了!但这次 它连配角都算不上


The architecture was named after the programmer who had written the first program in the world, and she was the daughter of the English poet Byron.


Maybe that's the romance of a mechanic, but he's really crying to death.

在新工艺的加持下,RTX 4090 塞进了足足 760 亿个晶体管,同时采用了全新的 SM 多单元流处理器。

Under the new process, RTX 4090 was plugged into a sufficient 76 billion transistors with a new SM multi-unit flow processor.

12999元的RTX 4090终于来了!但这次 它连配角都算不上

这个处理器包含一个叫做着色器执行重排序 ( Shader Execution Reordering ) 的新技术,能够更好地利用 GPU 各项资源,将光追性能提高三倍。

The processor consists of a new technology called the Colorener Implementation Reordering & nbsp; Shader Exchange Reordering & nbsp; it allows better use of GPU resources and triples light pursuit performance.

12999元的RTX 4090终于来了!但这次 它连配角都算不上

除此之外,NVIDIA还搞了一款叫做 RTX Remix 的 MOD 软件。

Besides, NVIDIA has a MOD software called   RTX Remix 

12999元的RTX 4090终于来了!但这次 它连配角都算不上

它可以通过 AI 来帮助老游戏提升亿点点贴图清晰度。

It's an AI that helps the old game to improve the clarity of the dots.

12999元的RTX 4090终于来了!但这次 它连配角都算不上

然后一键打包成 MOD 上传,让玩家们手里的老游戏焕然一新。

Then a key is packaged into a MOD upload to rejuvenate the old game in the hands of the players.

这特么以后游戏厂家还高清重制个锤子了?这波简直要让每个人都能重制游戏啊。恐怕,卡普空将成为本次 GTC 大会最大输家。

"Strong" is going to make a damn hammer. It's going to make everybody replay the game. I'm afraid Capo is going to be the biggest loser at this GTC conference.

12999元的RTX 4090终于来了!但这次 它连配角都算不上


This time, the new card looks like it's pretty strong, but it's also expensive.

/ 第二部分:元宇宙、自动驾驶和 AI 

/Part II: Woncosmos, Autopilot and AI 


Did you start to get sleepy when you saw the title?


To tell you the truth, Tony started to stale when he saw the second half of it, even though it was a bit out of line.

不过咱们还是从相对来讲比较熟悉的 Omniverse 讲起,你可以把它看做是打造元宇宙的平台。

But we're still relatively familiar with & nbsp; Omniverse & nbsp; you can think of it as a platform for building the meta-cosmos.

12999元的RTX 4090终于来了!但这次 它连配角都算不上


It is both a database and a computing platform.

不过说是元宇宙,其实 Omniverse 相比之下要实用得多,因为它已经可以帮助人们在工作和生产方面提高效率了。

But it's a meta-cosmos, and it's actually much more practical, because it already helps people to improve their efficiency in work and production.

无论是开发游戏、生产汽车还是进行仓库管理,你都可以用 Omniverse 平台以及衍生出来的各种应用进行设计和模拟。

Whether you develop games, make cars or manage warehouses, you can use the Omniverse platform and derived applications for design and simulation.

12999元的RTX 4090终于来了!但这次 它连配角都算不上


For example, a project is carried out by people in different positions, teams or even at different times, who naturally use different software.

12999元的RTX 4090终于来了!但这次 它连配角都算不上

而 Omniverse 则可以完整保存并共享这些不同软件的数据,直接来一波交互式协作。

Omniverse, on the other hand, will be able to maintain and share the data of these different softwares in their entirety, with a direct wave of interactive collaboration.

12999元的RTX 4090终于来了!但这次 它连配角都算不上

这种协作适用于任何领域,比如视觉特效要用到的 Autodesk Maya 和 Adobe Substance 3D 、建筑行业的 SketchUp 和 CAD ,或者汽车行业要用到西门子和 Ansys 等公司的软件等等。

This collaboration applies in any field, such as Autodesk Maya and Adobe Substance 3D, SketchUp and CAD in the construction industry, or software for companies such as Siemens and Ansys in the automobile industry.

无论是渲染、物理模拟还是多人协作,Omniverse 都可以搞定。你甚至可以用 Omniverse 提前模拟 5G 信号基站的覆盖情况,来优化信号基站的布局。

Omniverse can handle it, whether it's a rendering, a physical simulation or a multiplicity of people. You can even use Omniverse to model the coverage of the 5G base station ahead of time to optimize the layout of the base station.

12999元的RTX 4090终于来了!但这次 它连配角都算不上

我看不懂,但我大受震撼。而 Omniverse 也只是这次大会的一部分,NVIDIA干脆直接把自动驾驶都搬上来了。

I don't get it, but I'm shocked. And Omniverse is just part of this convention, and NVIDIA just moved all the autopilots up.

12999元的RTX 4090终于来了!但这次 它连配角都算不上

自动驾驶基于一个新的计算平台 NVIDIA DRIVE Thor 打造,而从大会上面公布的视频来看,车辆不仅可以实现自动驾驶,也可以做到避让行人和并道等动作,整体看下来没啥毛病。

autopilots are based on a new computing platform & nbsp; NVIDIA DRIVE Thor  and, from the video published above the General Assembly, vehicles can be built not only to autopilot, but also to avoid passivity and parallel movements.

12999元的RTX 4090终于来了!但这次 它连配角都算不上

并且 Thor 不仅能负责计算自动驾驶系统的计算需求,还能同时负责中控台和辅助驾驶等工作,功能强大功耗又低。

Moreover, Thor is responsible not only for calculating the computational needs of the automated driving system, but also for the central control and auxiliary driving functions, which are both highly functional and low.

12999元的RTX 4090终于来了!但这次 它连配角都算不上

而首个搭载 Thor 的汽车品牌将会是吉利汽车旗下的极氪。

And the first car brand to carry Thor will be the kryptonite under the Jiri flag.

NVIDIA还专门为医疗影像和机器人开发了一个低延迟成像处理平台 Clara Holoscan ,并表示像西门子和奥林巴斯等品牌都将在这个平台上进行开发。

NVIDIA has also developed a platform for low-delay imaging processing for medical images and robots & nbsp; Clara Holoscan and has indicated that brands such as Siemens and Olympus will be developed on this platform.

12999元的RTX 4090终于来了!但这次 它连配角都算不上


The two words that NVIDIA and the medical do not seem to have anything to do with you are now more closely connected.


But this part of Tony doesn't have much to say. The medical field is out of line.

除了上面提到的,还有各种各样的技术和硬件,比如开源 SDK RAPIDS、学习框架 NemoLLM、数字生物学框架 BioNeMo 和大型开源推理服务 Triton 等等,看得我头都大了。

In addition to the above, there are a variety of technologies and hardware, such as open source SDK RAPIDS, learning framework NemoLLM, digital biology framework BioNemo and large open source reasoning service Triton, and so on.

BioNeMo ▼

12999元的RTX 4090终于来了!但这次 它连配角都算不上


It's normal for friends not to hear about these things, because they're mostly business-oriented, and a lot of domestic companies show up at the launch.

比如微信就在使用 Merlin 端到端推荐系统,蔚来会使用 Triton 来测试自动驾驶模型,而美团也在用NVIDIA的图形神经网络框架等。

Micromails, for example, use Merlin end-to-end referral systems that use Triton to test autopilot models, while the Corps uses NVIDIA's graphical neural network framework, etc.

12999元的RTX 4090终于来了!但这次 它连配角都算不上


The companies you know are actually using NVIDIA technology.

整个大会看完之后,托尼算是知道为啥显卡只用了 20 分钟就急忙发完了,合着卖显卡也就图一乐,真要赚大钱还得看汽车。不只是汽车,还有元宇宙、医疗、仓库管理等多个领域,NVIDIA都有不同程度的技术涉猎。

After the entire congress, Tony knew why the cards had to go out in 20 minutes, selling them together would be a pleasure. Not only the cars, but the universe, medical care, warehouse management, and so on, NVIDIA had a different degree of technical involvement.

12999元的RTX 4090终于来了!但这次 它连配角都算不上

这次的 GTC 也让大家认识到了一个不同的NVIDIA,它不仅仅是臭打游戏的人眼里那个卖显卡的,人家的技术力可比显卡要深厚得多。

This time, the GTC also made you realize that there is a different NVIDIA, which is not just the one who sells the card in the eyes of the stinky gamer, who is much more skilled than the card.


That is why, at the beginning of my article, I said that the NVIDIA configuration was open and that the technologies mentioned at this Conference, at least for the time being, could make life and work easier for people.


While the attention will eventually return to the card, the amount of NVIDIA information in the technology section is a little big enough to absorb technology and friendship for a while.

女子购买iPhone 13多次出现闪屏:保修期内返厂被苹果判定擅自改装  拾柒 00:43:41


One month after the purchase of the new cell phone, a flash screen appeared, and problems persisted following the replacement of the screen, and the factory went back to repair the plant but decided to change it without permission, as was recently the case with Ms. Huang of Zhejiang.

据@1818黄金眼 消息,黄女士反映称,今年1月买了一部iPhone 13,结果2月份就出现了闪屏问题,随后她在苹果直营店为手机更换屏幕后问题消失,但后来又出现了闪屏的问题。

According to @1818 gold-eye news, Ms. Wong reported that strong's bought an iPhone 13 in January this year. As a result, there was a flash screen problem in February, and subsequently disappeared after she changed the screen for her mobile phone at the Apple Camp, but then a flash.

女子购买iPhone 13多次出现闪屏:保修期内返厂被苹果判定擅自改装


Ms. Huang stated that after the apples were sold on 1 March, the staff suggested that she change the screen first and that, as to why the screen was flashing, the staff claimed that it might be a screen issue without giving a specific reason.


更换屏幕后,这部iPhone 13又在今年5月和8月陆续出现闪屏问题,黄女士便在9月5日拿去检测,工作人员为其更换了屏幕并建议返厂维修。

Following the replacement of the screen, the iPhone 13 experienced a flash screen problem in May and August of this year, and Ms. Huang took it for testing on 5 September, for which the staff changed the screen and recommended returning to the factory for maintenance.


As a result, Ms. Huang returned her mobile phone to the plant for repair and received a summary of the product services from apples, which showed that &ldquao; the product was found to have a problem that was not mentioned in the original maintenance request and that was not covered by the warranty because of unauthorized modifications, &rdquao;


Ms. Huang wondered why there was no charge for the replacement of screens at Apple Camp on two occasions, on 1 March and 5 September, if there was no warranty for the unauthorized modification of her mobile phone.


The Apple official service says that 女子购买iPhone 13多次出现闪屏:保修期内返厂被苹果判定擅自改装

7999元 ROG游戏手机6天玑至尊版首销:跑分赢麻了  振亭 00:23:48


Today, the six-day version of the ROG game is officially marketed on the main platforms strong> for $799 (16GB+512GB). , while the six-day version of the ROG game is simultaneously sold, the sale price is $4599 (12GB+256GB).


Of these, the six-day version of ROG's mobile phone is the most powerful cell phone in history: 7999元 ROG游戏手机6天玑至尊版首销:跑分赢麻了


According to the information received, the six-day RG game cell phone is equipped with the 9000-plus bloodthirsty version, the 5-G chip that has so far been the strongest in UNDG, and the six-day RG game cell phone has become the most powerful cell phone in the year.

具体来说,联发科天玑9000+满血灰烬版CPU主频达到了史无前例的3.35GHz,比竞品使用的3.2GHz 天玑9000+更强。

Specifically, the United Nations Development Programme (UNDP) 9,000+ blood-filled CPU main frequency reached an unprecedented 3.35 GHz, stronger than the 3.2 GHz 9,000 + for the competition.


On the core configuration, the six-day RG game cell phone has a full screen of 6.78 inches, with a resolution of 2448× 1080, with 12 million pixel cameras in front, followed by 50 million cameras, 13 million ultra-wide angles and 5 million microwires, and a battery capacity of 6,000 mAH, supporting a wired flash of 65W.

另外,ROG游戏手机6天玑版采用了矩阵式液冷散热架构6.0,ROG游戏手机6天玑至尊版更是升级到了6.0 Plus版本。

In addition, the six-day version of the ROG game has been upgraded to the 6.0 Plus version using a matrix of liquid cold radiation structures 6.0 and the six-day version of the ROG game has been upgraded to the 6.0 Plus version.


The interior of the aircraft follows the RG's consistent multilayered evaporation structure, filled with 3,300 mg condensation material between the main plate and the RF plate, which can be further cooled by up to 10°C compared to other products.

7999元 ROG游戏手机6天玑至尊版首销:跑分赢麻了


老黄亮出“雷神”超级芯片!NVIDIA又领先了几光年  上方文Q 00:11:01


The year 2022 was another year in which NVIDIA ran at AI's accelerated calculators, further widening the gap between catchers and catchers.

先是今年3月发布了性能有数量级飞跃的Hopper架构GPU H100。今天,NVIDIA CEO黄仁勋在GTC 2022上宣布H100全面量产,但根据美国政府的最新规定,未经许可,NVIDIA不能出口、转让H100 GPU在中国市场上使用。

First, in March of this year, the Hopper architecture GPU H100 was launched. Today, NVIDIA CEO Wong Ying-hoon announced on GTC 2022 that H100 would be produced in full, but, according to the latest US government regulations, NVIDIA cannot export and transfer H100 GPU for use in the Chinese market without permission.

对此,黄仁勋在GTC 2022期间回应,NVIDIA会推出不受限制的替代版本。当然,即便在现在的限制下,NVIDIA广泛的产品线也能够满足客户的绝大多数的需求。

In response to this, during the GTC 2022 period, NVIDIA will introduce an unrestricted alternative. Of course, even now, NVIDIA's extensive product lines meet the vast majority of clients' needs.

不过,秋季GTC更值得关注的是史诗级的超级芯片DRIVE Thor(雷神),这款最新的超级计算机将于2025年上市,AI性能高达2000TOPS的DRIVE Thor SoC将可能变革智能汽车行业。




It seems that from cloud to edge, from real world to meta-cosmos, NVIDIA wants to keep the dust clean through innovation.


Historic car SoC Platform Thunder God >/strang


But as a leader, NVIDIA produced an amazing product, Thor, in 2022.


全新Thor超级芯片可提供每秒2,000万亿次浮点运算性能,取代了DRIVE发展路线图中的Atlan,能够与目前被用于量产汽车、可提供每秒254万亿次浮点运算性能的DRIVE Orin无缝衔接。

The new Thor superchip provides 20 trillion float-point operations per second, and replaces Atlan in the DRIVE development road map, and is capable of seamlessly linking to DRIVE Orin, which is currently used for volume-producing vehicles and provides 254 trillion float-point operations per second.


对于为什么用Thor取代Atlan更改发展路线图,黄仁勋也做出了解释:“Atlan是已经商用的Orin的下一代产品,是几年前的项目,但因为出现了令人不可思议的Hopper、AdaGPU和Grace GPU,我们不愿意为此再等两年,于是决定用Thor取代Atlan,并集成了最新的技术,有了Thor超级芯片。”

Wong In-hoon also explained why he replaced Atlan with Thor to change the road map for development: and ldquao; Atlan was the next generation of Orin, already commercial, a project several years ago, but because of the incredible presence of Hopper, AdaGPU and Grace GPU, we did not want to wait for two more years to replace Atlan with Thor and to combine the latest technology with Thor superchip.

NVIDIAThor的强大之处在于,一个基于Thor芯片的系统可以完成所有工作的计算机取代目前汽车内的单独计算机,利用具有广泛隔离(包括 MIG)的功能安全设计技术来防止单独的任务相互干扰。

The strength of NVIDIAThor lies in the fact that a system based on the Thor chip can replace a single computer in a current vehicle with a single computer, using functional security design techniques with extensive isolation (including MIG) to prevent interference with separate tasks.


Currently, different computers are often required to support the implementation of active safety, parking, driver monitoring, camera rear-view mirrors, clustering and vehicle-borne information and entertainment systems in cars.


NVIDIA is leading the new future of autopilot, which is supported by the harmonization of software operating on a central computer and is improving over time.



According to Huang In-hoon, a system based on the Thor chip can concentrate all the functions of a smart car on a single AI computer, & & ldquao; centralized computing resources can reduce costs by hundreds of dollars & rdquao;

具体来看,DRIVE Thor平台集Hopper的Transformer Engine、基于Ada的GPU和Grace CPU于一身。

Specifically, the DRIVE Thor platform brings together Transformer Engineering of Hope, GPU based on Ada and Grace CPU.

基于新的架构和引擎,Thor芯片具有8位浮点 (FP8) 功能,凭借着8位浮点 (FP8) 的精度,Thor芯片为汽车引入了一种新的数据处理方式。

Based on the new architecture and engine, the Thor chip has eight floating points (FP8), and with the accuracy of the eight floating points (FP8), the Thor chip has introduced a new approach to data processing for cars.


In the traditional sense of , developers of AV (auto-pilot vehicles) analogue platforms need to move from 32 to 8 integer data formats, and the FP8 accuracy simplifys this transition by allowing developers to transmit data without sacrificing accuracy.


In addition, NVIDIA has launched the NVLink?C2C technology, which connects two Thor chips simultaneously, making two chips a single-discreet platform for a single operating system. NVLink?C2C has the advantage of sharing and dispatching, and it can use minimal computing costs for cross-link distribution.


In the light of the evolution of software to define automobiles, NVLink?C2C technology provides enough arithmetic redundancy for cars to ensure flexibility in software configuration, as well as arithmetical security for the future OTA for smart cars.


There are also Universal Edge AI programmes in the medical and industrial fields of


Smart cars are the hottest applications on the margins of AI, but the goal of NVIDIA is to promote AI applications in all peripheral applications.

GTC 2022上,NVIDIA推出了新的边缘AI计算平台IGX平台,IGX平台由NVIDIA IGX Orin超级计算机驱动,能更简便的为制造、物流、医疗等安全敏感行业带来了安全的工作环境。

On ITC 2022, NVIDIA launched a new marginal AI computing platform, IGX , which is driven by the NVIDIA IGX Orin supercomputer and can more easily provide a safe working environment for safe and sensitive industries such as manufacturing, logistics, medical care, etc.

NVIDIA IGX平台同时包含软件堆栈,可以针对不同的应用场景进行编程和配置,这些软件功能允许用户在仓库、手术室等需要人类与机器人协同工作的场景下提供主动安全用例。

The NVIDIA IGX platform, which also contains software stacks, can be programmed and configured for different application scenarios that allow users to provide active safety examples in such settings as warehouses, operating theatres, etc. where humans and robots are required to work together.


Wong In-hoon said, & ldquao; this will be the world's strongest, compact, energy-efficient AI supercomputer. & rdquao;

对于AI芯片而言,全栈软件的重要性更加突显。NVIDIA IGX平台也能够运行NVIDIA AI Enterprise软件,优化开发和部署人工智能工作流程并保证开发者能够顺利访问必要的人工智能框架和工具。

NVIDIA IGX is also able to run the NVIDIA AI Enterprise software, optimize the development and deployment of artificial intelligence workflows and ensure that developers have easy access to the necessary artificial intelligence frameworks and tools.


NVIDIA indicated that it would work with partners such as Canonical, Red Hat and SUSE to bring long-term all-out support to the IGX platform.

另外,用户可以通过NVIDIA Fleet Command在中央云部署安全的无线软件和系统更新,方便快捷地管理工业或医疗环境中的IGX平台。

In addition, users can quickly manage IGX platforms in an industrial or medical environment by deploying secure wireless software and system upgrades in central clouds through NVIDIA Fleet Company.


In the past, Edge AI used custom programs in manufacturing, logistics, etc., but these custom programs are often expensive and not universal and need to be built specifically for specific cases.


To enable AI to make better use of these areas, the IGX platform can provide programmed one-stop solutions, and NVDIA has launched an IGX one-stop solution for industry and medicine.

“随着人类与机器人的协作场景不断丰富,各行各业都在为机器人、人工智能和计算制定新的安全标准。”黄仁勋说,“NVIDIA IGX将帮助企业构建下一代由软件定义的工业和医疗设备,并在与人协作的环境中安全运行。”

& & ldquo; as humans and robotics interact with each other, industries are developing new safety standards for robots, artificial intelligence and computing. & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & NVIDIA IGX will help enterprises build the next generation of software-defined industrial and medical equipment and operate safely in a collaborative environment. & & & rdquao;


In the area of manufacturing and logistics, IGX can be used to build secure and reliable automated platforms, thereby improving human networking and productivity.


The current production robots have almost built-in reactive safety features, i.e., responding to security threats and events. For example, people walk into the robot's path, and robots slow down or stop.


The IGX platform allows for a higher level of safety in production , not only enhancing the existing reactive safety features of robots, but also using AI sensors to identify potential safety hazards and warn, thereby reducing accidents.


For example, when cameras in warehouses see people entering robotic paths, they can signal robots to change paths and avoid collisions, while alerting all workers and robots in the region.


According to the information received, NVIDIA has entered into a partnership with Siemens, a giant in the manufacturing field, to deploy the IGX platform on the edge.


In the medical field, IGX is able to address the numeracy requirements of clinical medical instruments such as sensors, surgical assistive robots, patient detection systems, etc.


IGX能够支持NVIDIA Clara Holoscan的运行,允许医疗设备开发人员连接边缘、本地和云服务,并快速的开发由软件定义的设备,将最新的AI成功直接带入手术室。

IGX can support the operation of NVIDIA Clara Holoscan, allowing medical equipment developers to connect to peripheral, local and cloud services, and rapidly developing software-defined equipment to bring the latest AI directly into the operating room.

NVIDIAIGX的医疗解决方案也已经有合作伙伴,三家领先的医疗设备初创公司Activ Surgical, Moon Surgical and Proximie与NVIDIA合作,使用在IGX上运行的NVIDIA Clara Holoscan计算平台为其手术机器人系统提供算力。

Medical solutions for NVIDIAIGX have also been partnered with three leading medical equipment start-ups, Activ Surgical, Moon Surgical and Proximie, in collaboration with NVIDIA, using the NVIDIA Clara Holoscan computing platform operating on IGX to provide arithmetic for their surgical robotic systems.

对于IGX在更广泛边缘AI场景的落地和应用,NVIDIA表示凌华科技、研华、Dedicated Computing、控创、丽台、MBX、Onyx、Portwell、Prodrive、Technologies和YUAN将率先为医疗设备行业构建基于NVIDIA IGX的产品。

With regard to the location and application of IGX on the wider margins of AI, NVIDIA suggests that the NVIDIA will take the lead in building NVIDIA IGX-based products for the medical equipment industry.

明年,NVIDIA将向开发者提供IGX Orin开发工具包,以让企业快速测试原型产品。每个套件都集成用于高性能AI计算的GPU与CPU以及NVIDIA ConnectX-7 SmartNIC,以提供低延迟、高安全性的网络。

Next year, NVIDIA will provide developers with the IGX Orin development toolkit, to enable firms to test prototype products quickly. Each package is integrated into GPU and CPU, calculated by the high performance AI, and NVIDIA ConnectX-7 SmartNIC, to provide a low-delay, high-security network.


80-fold performance enhancement with entry-level AI selling value of $199 from

2019年GTC,NVIDIA推出了售价99美元的机器人芯片Jetson Nano,给业界带来了新的选择,也将产品线拓展到了入门级AI。

In 2019, GTC, NVIDIA launched a 99-dollar robotic chip, Jetson Nano, giving industry new options and extending product lines to entry-level AI.

今天,黄仁勋带来了Jetson产品线的成员——Jetson Orin Nano系统级模块。值得注意的是,相较上一代Jetson Nano产品,Jetson Orin Nano性能达到上一代产品80倍,售价为199美元起,为入门级别AI和机器人技术树立了新标准,将于明年1月出货。

Today, Wong In-ho brought members of the Jetson product line & mdash; & mdash; Jetson Orin Nano system-level modules. Notably, compared to the previous generation of Jetson Nano products, Jetson Orin Nano's performance is 80 times higher than that of the previous generation, selling it at $199 and setting new standards for entry-level AI and robotic technology, which will be delivered next January.


推出的Orin Nano芯片是Jetson中尺寸最小的,但能够提供每秒10万亿次操作的AI性能。

The launch of Orin Nano's chip is the smallest of Jetson's sizes, but can provide AI performance for 10 trillion operations per second.

Jetson Orin采用了NVIDIA Ampere架构GPU、Arm架构的CPU,并支持下一代深度学习和视觉加速器、高速接口、高速内存带宽和多模式传感器。

Jetson Orin uses the NVIDIA Ampere architecture GPU, the Arm architecture CPU, and supports a generation of in-depth learning and visual accelerators, high-speed interfaces, high-speed memory bandwidth and multi-modal sensors.

Jetson Orin Nano将提供两个版本,高配版本具有8G内存,提供40TOPS算力,功率可在7W至15W之间配置,低配版本具有4G 内存,能够提供20TOPS算力,功率可低至5-10W。

Jason Orin Nano will provide two versions, a high-matching version with 8G memory, 40 TOPS numeracy, a power between 7W and 15W, a low-matching version with 4G memory, and a 20 TOPS numeracy with a power as low as 5-10 W.

Jetson Orin Nano的目标是让零售分析、工业质量控制等领域中使用入门级设备和应用程序的开发人员能够以更低的成本访问复杂的AI模型,这当然也需要生态的支持。

The objective of Jetson Orin Nano is to enable developers of entry-level equipment and applications in the areas of retail analysis, industrial quality control, etc., to access complex AI models at lower cost, which certainly also requires ecological support.


It is known that the `strung'/Jetson ecosystem is now developing rapidly, with more than 1 million developers, more than 6,000 clients, 2,000 start-up companies and 150 partners joining the ecosystem to date.

Jetson Orin也已经得到了佳能、约翰迪尔、微软Azure、泰瑞达、TK电梯等合作伙伴的支持。

Jetson Orin has also received support from partners such as Jeunesse, John Dheere, Microsoft Azure, Terida, and the TK elevator.

黄仁勋表示,Jetson Orin平台旨在解决最棘手的机器人挑战,并未超过700000名ROS开发人员带来加速计算。

According to Wong In-hoon, the Jason Orin platform, designed to address the most difficult robotic challenges, did not bring about accelerated calculations by more than 700,000 ROSS developers.


From the cloud to the edge, in the AI market, which NVIDIA touches, there is both a strong and constantly iterative hardware and a rich software ecology, and challengers are very difficult to succeed.

不到1天时间就有超10万人预约 小米Civi 2上架:高颜值  振亭 00:01:56

今日消息,小米宣布将于9月27日14点发布Civi 2,该机目前已在京东、天猫等平台上架接受预约。

Today's news is that Mi announced that Civ 2 will be released on September 27 at 14 p.m., and that the aircraft is currently on board platforms like Kyundong and Skycat.

不到一天时间,小米Civi 2预约总量突破了10万人,其中京东平台预约人数是9.6万人,天猫平台预约人数是0.7万人。

In less than a day, strong's millet Civi 2 totaled over 100,000, of which 96,000 were on the Kyoto platform and 0.7 million were on the Skycat platform.

不到1天时间就有超10万人预约 小米Civi 2上架:高颜值

该机主打高颜值和自拍,据小米产品经理胡馨心介绍,小米Civi 2背部的纹理采用环保的热压成型技术,将超精细的模具加热到800℃左右,在0.9兆帕的压力下,让背盖形成极具特色的裙摆压纹。

The owner of the machine plays high-flair and self-sculptures, using environmentally friendly heat-forming techniques for the texture of the back of Mi-Civi 2, strong' heats super fine molds to about 800°C, under 0.9 MPa pressure, to make the back cover a very distinctive dress-stamping.


Under the AG glass, millet uses 450nm ultra-white plating films as the base, while uses dress-dressed textures similar to presses, double-stereotyping designs, false textures, as if the luminum was moving when it was out of date.


This highly recognizable color is named & ldquo; the little white dress & rdquao; and the official fine texture is like a high-precision dress wrinkled and elegant.

除此之外,小米Civi 2采用OLED柔性屏,搭载高通骁龙7处理器,后置主摄为5000万像素,支持67W有线闪充。

In addition to this, Mi-Civi 2 uses OLED flexible screens with high-speed thorium 7 processors with a subsequent master intake of 50 million pixels, supporting 67W wired flash chargers.


Among them is the Tristar 4nm process, CPU is an A710 supernucle with a primary frequency of 2.4 GHz, three A710 with 2.36 GHz, and four A510 with 1.8 GHz. In the case of GPU, it is 20% higher than the 778 G with its graphics.

不到1天时间就有超10万人预约 小米Civi 2上架:高颜值

RTX 40 DLSS 3有望下放RTX 30/20老卡!但你不会想要的  上方文Q 00:02:00

RTX 40系列带来了全新的DLSS 3神经网络渲染技术,不同于前两代的超分辨率缩放,开创性的光学多帧生成,可以直接生成全新的完整帧画面,也就是插帧以提升性能,官方号称性能可提升多达4倍。

The RTX 40 series brings with it the new DLSS 3 neural network rendering technology , unlike the first two generations of ultra-resolution scaling, the pioneering optical multi-frame generation can directly generate a whole new picture, i.e. a frame inserted to enhance performance, which can be increased up to four times.

DLSS 3技术需要TX 40系列显卡、第四代Tensor Core张量核心、光流加速器(OFA)在硬件层面的配合支持,这些显然是RTX 30、RTX 20系列无法满足的。

The DLSS 3 technology requires the combined support of the TX 40 series, the fourth generation Tensor Core Core, and the Photostream Accelerator (OFA) at the hardware level, which are clearly unattainable from the RTX 30 and RTX 20 series.


However, there is hope.

NVIDIA应用深度学习研究副总裁Bryan Catanzaro表示,DLSS 3是应用深度学习研究团队成立以来最棒的成果,它依赖于光流加速器,速度更快,质量更高。

According to Bryan Catanzaro, Vice-President of NVIDIA Applied Deep Learning Studies, DLSS 3 is the best achievement since the inception of the Applied Deep Learning Research Team, relying on light flow accelerators, faster speed and higher quality.

有趣的是,他确认,光流加速器并非RTX 40 Ada架构新增加的,RTX 20 Turing、RTX 30 Ampere架构上其实都有,只是都不够强大,NVIDIA也从来有公开过,直到Ada架构上才大幅提升了速度和质量,可以满足DLSS 3的需要。

Interestingly, he confirmed that the RTX 40 Ada was not new to the RTX architecture, that the RTX 20 Turing, RTX 30 Ampere architecture was actually not strong enough, and that NVIDIA was never made public until Ada's structure significantly improved speed and quality to meet DLSS 3 needs.

如果在RTX 30/20系列上开启DLSS 3,玩家会发现相当卡顿,画质很糟,也无法提升帧率。

If the RTX 30/20 series starts with DLSS 3, the player will find that it's quite Caden, it's bad paint, it's not able to raise frame rates.

这意味着,RTX 30/20系列理论上完全可以打开DLSS 3,就像当初GTX 16系列虽然没有RTX硬件核心,也能支持光追,只是性能和质量都会非常差,不具备实用价值。

This means that the RTX 30/20 series is theoretically fully open to DLSS 3, just as the GTX 16 series, which had no RTX hardware core, could also support luminous pursuit, although performance and quality would be very poor and of no practical value.


It's up to NVIDIA to decide what to do.

RTX 40 DLSS 3有望下放RTX 30/20老卡!但你不会想要的

2022年09月22日  星期四
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