
资讯 2024-06-22 阅读:23 评论:0



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Friends who can enter the currency circle, first of all: we would like to congratulate you on entering a wealth fast lane, knowing how many people in the cattle market in 2017 have turned their dicks in a single year, and secondly, to remind you that you have entered a fast-shrugged meat grinder, a big bear market in 2018, and know that in this cruel market, there is a real risk of being eaten and left with bones, and that there are all kinds of frauds, such as money plates, waiting for you!



In view of this, I have summarized the experience of trading these few years into the currency circle and have condensed it into more than a dozen articles. I will use as short a text as possible to share with you the idea of trading, and I hope that it will help all my friends who enter the currency circle.


So, let's get into our first theme: What kind of preparation do I have to make before we really get into the money market?


Before I begin this topic, I would like to show you what the genius Livmore wrote in the opening of "Specific Handicrafts":


Speculation is the most fascinating game in the world. But it is not a game for fools, lazy people, and mindless people. It is not a game for fast-won adventurers. They are poor to die.


For years, when I was sitting alone at dinner, I had strangers come and ask me, after a moment of cold, "How can I make money in the market?" I didn't get tired of trying to explain earlier, hoping that it would be impractical to make money in the market quickly and easily, and that you would get into such trouble, or find a polite interface to get out of this dilemma. But in the years to come, I said, "I don't know."


It's hard to be patient with someone like that. First of all, it's not a compliment to a man who does a lot of scientific research on investment and speculation. It's fair if this outsider asks a lawyer or a surgeon: "How can I make quick money in the field of law or surgery? "


But I am sure that for a large group of people interested in equity market investment and speculation, if they had a guide to show them the right direction, they would be willing to work hard and research to get a reasonable return. That book was written for them.


Lifmore, a legend that every generation of gods can hardly ignore, Buffett, Soros, Petrinch and so on, and I personally, very much admire it as a spiritual mentor on the trade path. The opening phrase has almost been reversed. Yes, if we are to earn money in the trading market, especially in the currency circles, we must be psychologically prepared (I say only on the psychological level, as in the case of money-eating exchange information software and so on, you can do it yourself):


1, you have to face up to speculation:


In fact, finance is a very misleading market, and its greatest deception is that even a person who doesn't know anything has at least 50% chance of winning every transaction in this market. And that's why everyone in this market, even if they don't know anything, often feels like they're making money!


If you don't believe it, let's look at it a little bit: in all industries, professionals are needed, even if you're the farmer of the land, some expertise is needed, but only in the financial markets, part-timers, amateur players!


Whether it is a full-time transaction or a part-time operation, taking it seriously is the biggest prerequisite for us to enter the market.


2. You must be willing to learn some basic knowledge: You must read a few books related to transactions, because books are more systematic and do not just go to the Internet to find fragmented knowledge to learn (although this is a way of learning) and do not have to learn too much in depth and fascination!


The reason for this is that there is really no need to know too much about the currency and the factors that affect prices, and we don’t have to be experts on all sides. Moreover, we don’t have to be in the business of selling white powder.


But it's very necessary to learn the basics of knowledge, the basics, to guide your trade -- if you're going to be a lot longer, then you're going to slow it down in snow and snow, and you're going to brake it ahead, which is certainly better for driving!


Here, the focus is on two books: one referred to earlier in the book "Specific Handicrafts" and "Specific Memory", both of which are counted together, and the other, "The Sea Turtle Trades Act." These books, which are my casebooks, have been rewritten several times. If we are to make a deal, they must look at the concepts involved in these two books.


Personally, when I first entered the trading market, I read 25 books in a month, and basically all kinds of transactions were approached, and the idea of my whole deal was finally worked out. And it was guided by that thinking that the current system of quantitative trading software was developed.


3, participating in some sort of practice, passing through a pony bear once: says it's necessary to try water with a small amount of money, and it must be the entry of real silver.


Most stock analysts, in fact, are not able to pay their shares; the same goes for currency analysts, if not for so many public names now (historically proven that analysts are basically bullshit), many analysts are not in the business of themselves, and if they enter the market, they are not in the mood for analysis. As in the case of swimming, you have to go down a few times before you can learn to swim, or the more you have, the more you have, the more you will become, the more you will become a parrot on paper.


But don't worry. A lot of people say, "The first cow market is meant to be missed." Although it's not very pleasant, it's true for most people. It doesn't matter how much it costs to actually go through a cow bear.


4, with a steady off-the-shelf income. I think that in the trading market, no one dares to suggest that others enter directly on a full-time basis, but in the currency circle, there are so many, that they can only be sustained by a single income from investing in digital currency, which has to be said to be a little bit of a string.


In the trading market, mentalities are the first element, and it would be particularly difficult to exercise, and if you did, you could imagine the difficulty of maintaining a good mindset. So, anyway, I don't recommend that you come in full-time, part-time, use your spare time to comb your coins, and go through a cow bear quietly. In such a situation, we can be more stable, and the outcome is much better than your full-time deal.


Of course, don't forget number one: face up to the investment. Part-time work doesn't mean you don't care!




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