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Statement: This evaluation is intended for information purposes only, and any investment action based on this evaluation has nothing to do with the evaluation.

Statement: the contents of this assessment are for reference only. Any investment behavior made according to the contents of this assessment is not related to the contents of this assessment. The project is risky and the investment must be prudent.

在区块链的所要改变和颠覆的行业蓝图中,金融行业首当其冲成为最适合的“风水宝地”。阿波罗Asproex打造的Open Finance开放式金融生态系统,正在成为继DeFi(去中心化金融)之后更加开放、包容、互通、人人可收益的下一代区块链金融生态体系。

Among the industrial blueprints for the transformation and subversion of the block chain, the financial sector bears the brunt of the most appropriate “windstones.” The Open Financial Ecosystem of Open Finance, built by Apollo Asproex, is becoming the next generation of financial ecosystems that are more open, inclusive, interoperable and profitable to all after DeFi (decentralized finance).


The open financial platform created by ASPROEX, whether it be individual investors, institutional investor financiers, entrepreneurs, issuers of assets, liquidity providers, and all participants in all segments of the financial market, can be seamlessly connected to the Open Financial Platform in Apollo and become users, participants and co-builders of the overall ecology of the platform.


Moon is the gateway to Apollo’s open financial ecology and the single most important underlying ecological encryption asset. Moon builds the vast eco-scenario landscape of Apollo, becomes the source of blood flowing through the “pulses” of the entire Apollo ecology, and distributes mining plates, incubating businesses and STOs, digital banks, digital contracts, spot exchanges around open financial platforms, and assigns Moon as a contributor to Apollo’s ecology on the basis of “calculation mining”.


The essence of finance is the circulation of values, the core of block-chain technology is the transmission of values, the essential demand for finance coincides with the pains that the block-chain can address, and finance will gradually move towards an era of decentralization.


In recent years, the global market value of digital currencies has accelerated. At the end of 2017, a full outbreak of digital currencies began, with total market value soaring from $17.9 billion in January to a peak of $813.8 billion in 2018, an increase of 4446%.

2018年8月,去中心金融“DeFi”概念被首次提出。据统计,DeFi的发展速度惊人,从其诞生之初仅一年多时间,上千个项目已经投入运行。摩根大通的JPM Coin、EOS系DeFi入场、 Coinbase投资DeFi生态,一时间风头无两。

In August 2018, the concept of “DeFi” for central finance was first introduced. According to statistics, DeFi has been growing at an alarming pace, with thousands of projects already operational since its inception.

但DeFi依然存在问题,其底层是去中心化原生虚拟资产,然而在世界金融体系中,去中心化原生虚拟资产所占比例极低,无法形成大规模效应,对现实世界中的庞大的传统金融资产束手无策。阿波罗生态提出的Open Finance打造了新一代金融应用场景,将传统中心化实际资产引入到虚拟世界当中,是虚实两个平行世界的交互接口。

DeFi, however, remains a problem, with decentralized virtual assets at the bottom, yet in the world’s financial system, decentralized virtual assets are extremely low, unable to produce large-scale effects, and have no power over the vast traditional financial assets of the real world. The Apollo Ecology initiative, Open Finance, has created a new generation of financial applications, bringing traditional centralized real assets into the virtual world, is an interface between the two virtual parallel worlds.




“The future destabilizing of existing exchange patterns must not be the current one, but the new one.” Despite being at the top of the gold stream in the block chain, there is a fear that they will be destroyed and replaced.

阿波罗生态提出的Open Finance不是弯道超车,而是换道超车。今年3 月,加密货币市场的剧烈下跌和以太坊网络的异常堵塞,引起了DeFi多米诺式的反应,整个DeFi市场的锁仓价值缩水近一半。

The Open Finance, proposed by Apollo Ecology, is not an overturn, but an alternative. In March of this year, the sharp decline in the encrypt currency market and the unusual congestion of the Etherno network triggered a DeFi domino-style reaction, with the value of the lockup in the entire DeFi market shrinking by almost half.


While the giants of the exchanges, including the turkey, the OKEx and the currency, are stepping up their own decentralized exchanges, the open financial ecology has become the “new infrastructure” of the next generation of block chains and finance, “new runways” that are incomparable in ecological dimensions.


Moon has not only the function of a platform currency, but also the central key to “open finance”, which, when it is fully allocated, will activate the bottom-of-the-prime infrastructure chain for open finance, and Moon will map the financial public chain in its original form, simultaneously opening the system of consensus on algorithms in the chain and gradually implementing the decentralizing financial path.

根据DeFi MarketCap数据显示,今年3月,全球DeFi代币排名前100的总市值为10亿美元,而到6月,这一数字变成20亿美元。截至6月15日,DeFi代币排名前100的总市值已升至23.16亿美元。

According to the DeFi MarketCap data, the global total market value of DeFi in the top 100 was $1 billion in March of this year, and by June it turned into $2 billion. As of 15 June, the total market value of DeFi in the top 100 has risen to $2.316 billion.


The market for loans based on smart contracts has surged because of the unattractiveness of Taiku and its subsidiary digital currency. According to coinmarkcap data, of the global mainstream digital currency, the DeFi concept section has 18 items with a market value of more than RMB 100 million, some 21 projects with a market value of more than 10 million, and the DeFi-related projects have 31, and the first is the SNX project.

根据Binance Research的数据,每月用户的数量很少,只有40000左右,其中90%使用的是去中心化交易所。以太坊仍然占据着主导地位,新记录不断被打破。目前,锁定在DeFi中的ETH数量达到了310万的历史新高,大约占总供应量的2.85%。

According to Binance Research, the number of users per month is low, at about 40,000, 90% of which are decentralized exchanges. The Etherms continue to dominate, and new records are being broken. Currently, the number of ETHs locked in DeFi is at 3.1 million, about 2.85% of the total supply.


EOS has been successful in attracting a certain category of dapps that do not require major decentralization or scrutiny, such as games and lottery dapps. However, the development of EOS for DeFi applications is quite limited. Despite many efforts in the EOS ecosystem, most of them are only slightly modified versions with their Ethio counterparts.


Asproex, as a breaker of the trading platform, unlike the traditional decentralized exchange, the Apollo Ecology covers a range of financial eco-applications, such as currency transactions, contracts, index certificates, digital mining and digital banking.


Starting with the Moon online transaction, the platform initiates open repurchases for the secondary market every seven days, at 30% of the full platform income (non-net profit) of the previous week. All of Moon's repurchases are destroyed. At the same time, Moon's mining extraction, using a more rapid production reduction mechanism with ecological comparisons of mineral coins, reduces production on average by about 20% per 100 days.

Asproex(阿波罗)管理层由行业精英、银行及上市公司高管和区块链技术团队组成。G.Machado作为Aspro Digital数字金融集团集团CEO是著名经济学家,曾在纽约、迈阿密、以及拉美的哥伦比亚、巴拿马等地区的银行系统中担任重要职位,同时擅长股票交易和外汇交易享誉金融资产管理领域,凭借30年金融系统从业经验,成为拉丁美洲和加勒比等地区银行领域的重要专家。

Asproex (Apolo) management is composed of industry elites, executives of banks and listed companies, and technical teams of block chains. G. Machado, the CEO of the Aspro Digital Digital Financial Group, is a leading economist who has held important positions in banking systems in New York, Miami, and in Latin America, Colombia, Panama, etc., as well as in the management of goodwill financial assets in stock exchanges and foreign exchange transactions. With 30 years of experience in the financial system, he has become an important expert in banking in Latin America and the Caribbean.




One billion dollars, never more.


Mining (cycle 600 days)


Monsignor Properties: Moon is the most important and only underlying encryption asset in the Apollo Open Financial Ecology, and possession of the Moon Express means becoming a member of the Apollo Open Financial Ecology. The Moon Express will have a rich use scenario, including, but not limited to, discounts on transaction fees, preferential requisitions for platform financial products, lending and contractual collateral, interest discounts, etc.

基本发行信息:Moon是全球首个以矿币形式发行的交易所平台币,总发行量10亿枚。所有的100%总量的Moon将以价值共识证明(Proof Of Value)的形式被所有阿波罗平台的用户共同挖出,预期20个月(600天)将所有10亿枚挖完。公司和基金会以及创世团队将不会有任何形式的预挖和提前分配。

Basic distribution information: Moon is the first exchange platform in the world to be issued in mineral currency, with a total circulation of 1 billion. All 100% of Moon will be co-excavated by all Apollo platform users in the form of Proof Of Value. It is expected that all billion pieces will be excavated in 20 months (600 days). Companies and foundations, as well as creation teams, will not have any form of predrawling and pre-distribution.


Typically, the platform has a short life cycle because it lacks its own blood-producing function, and a shortage of funds inevitably triggers a domino effect.


Users seem to have won Moon free of charge, but in fact behind each of the excavated Moons is supported by user fees, charging or other behaviors that add value and cash flow to the platform, so that the Moon that is mined is not a bubble, but rather a value measure that connects the user to the platform. Moon becomes a carrier of eco-value transfer and circulation. By generating value, the Moon, the platform destroys Moon, Moon, Moon, and Moon, by repurchase of income, raises the value of the platform, triggers more users to participate in the new Apollo plan, generating a greater network effect and continues to push Moon’s value up, thus completing the spiral’s upward value closure.


In the Apollo eco-tax system, when users dig up Moon, part of the excavated Moon is allocated to start-up teams and foundations in the form of taxes to support infrastructure development, incentives for new immigrants, eco-exploitation and risk protection in the new financial world of Apollo.


The “immigrant system” will effectively contribute to the virtuous development of the Apollo ecology, with community-led communities, through the establishment of competencies. In the Platform's tax component, which will be used to continue to provide feedback to communities and platforms, 24 per cent will be allocated to community incentives, and Moon's tax revenues will be distributed as follows:


Through the “tax system” the platform recovers 20 per cent of the Moon. Of the remaining 80 per cent, 40 per cent are free to move, 50 per cent enter the lockup mode, and the remaining 10 per cent goes into creative mobile pools.


Translator appreciation logic:


In addition to the use of Moon, which makes it valuable, the Apollo platform will devote 30 per cent of its entire platform (benefits from all financial products) to repurchase Moon and destroy it on a weekly basis on the secondary market.


The user digs out Moon, the platform will receive a portion of it by taxing it. The early tax rate is 20%, i.e. one Moon, 0.2 as platform tax, and 0.8 users hold it. The tax rate will decrease over time and with the reduction of total daily mining production.


This would directly give Moon the deflation mechanism and link Moon’s value to the entire platform’s cash flow, providing Moon with real value support. As a result of this underlying value, Moon can be the basis of a payment currency in a future open financial system, with an anchor of value.




The biggest highlight of Moon is the creative introduction of eco-passivation in the form of mineral coins, with any user having access to an open financial platform that is fair, equitable and free, maximizing the in-house dynamism of the user’s constant contribution to ecology and creating the Apollo Open Financial Ecology.


Although Moon is a functional translator, for most users, greater emphasis is placed on the investment value of Moon. Thus, “extreme deflation, a 100-day reduction in output” and “30 per cent fee for seven-day buy-backs” will be instrumental in the sound appreciation of Moon, which will be directly assigned to the Moon deflation mechanism and linked to the cash flow of the entire platform, providing Moon with real value support.


It is worth mentioning that this buy-back amount is a full platform, not merely a transaction fee, which includes revenues from all five sections of the Apollo Platform, including spot, contract, mining, index translator, digital banks.


Thus, Asproex Apollo buys back and destroys. At the same time, the “hard-top-a-day” mechanism in the Apollo ecology avoids, to a great extent, a sharp fall in the value of its currency as a result of second-tier market crashes.


Apollo Open Financial Migration System


Every user who owns Moon is a migrant from the New World of Apollo, who together build the New World Golden Open Financial Ecosystem.


The rights and interests of the Apollo immigrants are those of arithmetic acceleration, unlocking acceleration, preferential access to products, discounts on interest rates on financial products, bonds for contractual transactions, future expansion and distribution of taxes.


Depending on the level of immigration, Apollo’s new world’s elites and those above will be able to add value in mining operations. Because of the size of the Japanese currency, users with superior skills and above can reduce the weight of the arithmetic weight of ordinary migrants, resulting in lower daily mining output by ordinary users.


Unlocking speeds up. 50% of the daily mining stock received by users will be locked, the platform will be released in lined days depending on the class of immigrants, and users with superior immigration levels will speed up the release of locks.


The product has priority for use. The new product has pre-use and subscription rights, including index funds, options, cross-border derivatives, mineral plate cloud computing products, contracts, etc.


The interest rate on the financial product is discounted.


It is planned to introduce a bond for the future position of Moon as a derivative contract.


Future expansion. Users will have access to more ecological and application settings in a timely manner.


Tax distribution. All creative immigrants will have the right to offer and share shares in the Moon distribution of 24% of the decision-making tax for immigration and community incentives.


Step-by-step complex mining system


All users, including the platform itself, can only get the platform’s currency, Moon, through the platform’s real users, through various kinds of value behaviour contributions. The platform sets a hard-top ceiling on the daily amount of money produced, and sets numeric values for each.


Statement of looting: Six snapshots per account per day, with averages, will reach the above figure and will be able to obtain a corresponding amount of money.


The individual's total power is to add up the individual's capacity in all of the above actions:


Current processing fee + warehousing + login + share + new registration + autonomous registration +


== sync, corrected by elderman == @elder_man


The platform will receive the amount of Moon per factor based on the total daily full-on-the-net capacity of the current day, and then multiply it by the individual capacity of each client to arrive at the actual amount of money per user. For example, the total full-time capacity is 1 million on the day, 2 million on the day, and the total personal capacity of A users is 200, while the actual value of A users is 400 Moon on the day.


Decentralizing digital asset exchanges, building P2P trading markets using block chain technology, enabling users to hold their own private keys and digital monetary assets, and partially addressing the weaknesses of centralized exchanges.

大部分去中心化交易所会发行一种数字货币作为维持交易的燃料。去中心化交易所和开放协议有:以德(EtherDelta),DEW, BitShare, 路印(LRC)等。

Most decentralized exchanges issue a digital currency as a fuel to sustain transactions.


But decentralizing the exchange is poorly developed, and the blackout has led investors and projecters to lose confidence in the market’s “judges.” As a user-selection principle, it is fundamental to focus on the safety and control aspects of the exchange, transparent and verifiable data disclosure, and reliable technological updates, which are absolutely high-quality services that the exchange brings to its users.


The Asproex Apollo trading platform takes full account of the security, diversity and quality of the centralized exchange. It has always integrated the main elements into the operating philosophy of the platform, establishing a KYC certification system, placing wind control and user privacy at its core.


As the representative of the next generation of open financial ecology, Asproex Apollo has always placed the interests of users at the forefront as a core indicator of all ecological construction work, allowing users to have full security from selection to trust and from benefits to benefits.


The degree of innovation in the project and the difficulty of developing it are at an upper-middle level, mainly as a result of the relatively high degree of innovation in the design of the Moon Fluent Ecology, which is part of the project's financial ecology and community governance dimension, and the establishment of improved, standard-based, scientific, innovation-integrated ecological incentive standards and operating models for open finance.


The Apolo Open Financial Migration System and the step-by-step complex mining system fully reflect the platform's core idea of “making people work” and are in line with the idea of a decentralized exchange of “right to self-determination for all”.


The development of the public chain requires a certain period of time, including mainly the construction of codes and bottom structures, and the development of the DD decentralised identity solution involves the construction of digital asset security and the system of accounts, which is more difficult to develop.


ASPRO ChaIN, Open Financial Public Chain

ASPRO CHAIN的优越性在于是一条为开放式金融场景量身打造的底层基础设施公链,采用先进的共识机制和去中心化安全保证。

ASPRO CHAIN has the advantage of being a bottom infrastructure public chain tailored to the open financial landscape, using advanced consensus mechanisms and decentralised security assurances.

ASPRO CHAIN将在高安全性的基础上支持高吞吐量,保证金融场景下的高频链上交互得到满足。

ASPRO CHAIN will support high throughput on a high-security basis to ensure that interactions in the high-frequency chain in the financial landscape are met.

ASPRO CHAIN将提供完善的DID去中心化身份解决方案。公链上线后,阿波罗平台的所有用户将一键转换成 ASPRO CHAIN节点,拥有属于自己的私钥、地址管理系统和账户体系。

ASPRO CHAIN will provide a well-developed solution for the DD to centralize the identity. When the public chain is online, all users of the Apollo platform convert one key to ASPRO CHAIN node, with their own private keys, address management systems, and accounts systems.


Eco-application scenarios


In addition, Asproex Apollo, through the eco-passport Moon, provides an overall layout around open financial platforms for mining plates, business incubators, digital banks, entrepreneurship loans, flow operations and advertising services.


This item has not been made publicly available for the time being.



ASPRO CHAIN和现有的所有其他公链对比,将有巨大的先发优势:公链上线便可直接导入百万级用户,是目前用户社群和完善生态项目的所有其他公链都无法达到的高度。

ASPRO CHAIN, in contrast to all other public chains that exist, will have a significant pre-emptive advantage: it can be imported directly into millions of users on the line, at a level that cannot be reached by the current user community and by all other public chains of eco-improvement projects.


Innovative Financial Derivatives - Leverage ETT

Asproex的“杠杆ETT”是一种追踪标的资产每日收益率的一定倍数(3倍或-3倍)的交易型产品。在Asproex交易所中,用户可以用USDT来购买杠杆ETT,以BTC3倍看多产品为例,其英文名为BTC 3X Long(简写为BTC3XL),对BTC3倍看空产品,其英文名为BTC 3X Short,(简写BTC3XS)。

Asproex’s “leveraging ETT” is a trade-type product that tracks the target asset’s daily rate of return (three times or three times). In the Asproex exchange, users can purchase leverage ETT using USDT, for example, BTC’s three-fold view of many products in English, BTC 3X Long (in short, BTC3XL), and BTC’s three-fold view of empty products in English, BTC 3X Short (in short, BTC3XS).


Strength characteristics:


1. Openness and transparency

Asproex(阿波罗)「杠杆ETT」是由星耀协会发起,委托 DAOS Block(专业加密资产管理公司)进行管理,相对于市场上的「杠杆ETF」由是单个机构发起,始终无法避免一个潜在的「黑匣子风险」。然而由多方监管的「杠杆ETT」相比之下显得更专业,更透明,更安全。

Asproex (Apolo) Leveraging ETT, initiated by the Stargow Association, entrusted to DAOS Block (a professional encryption asset management firm) to manage, has always been unable to avoid a potential `black box risk' as opposed to a single agency in the market. However, the `leveraging ET', which is regulated by multiple parties, appears to be more professional, transparent and safer.


2. Rapid circulation


The ETT (indicator passivity) can be as mobile as the traditional Token in multiple exchanges or as more applications. After all, behind every ETT (indicator passer is not just a package of digital assets, but also a package of institutions’ credit endorsements.

注:活跃度为平台发布文章或者相关视频、微博内容等的数量。Google Trend活跃度满分为100,项目在澳大利亚地区热度值为100,全球平均搜索热度>50。

Note: The amount of activity is the number of articles published by the platform or related videos, tweets, etc. Google Trend is 100, the project has a heat value of 100 in Australia, and a global average search for heat > 50.




According to data from the Asproex Apollo Weibo Public Platform, in late August 2019, dozens of Asproex (Apolo) coalition communities were formed, including China Chung County, Wuhan, China South Shenzhen, Guangzhou, China East Shanghai, Hangzhou, China North Harbin, Huaxi Chengdu, Chongqing, Japan, and Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia.


On 15 September 2019, Asproex Dubai was launched, with over 100,000 registered users and 21 front-hand voucher agencies in the cooperative industry on the ground;


On 16 December 2019, the Asia-Pacific Operations Centre of Asproex Apollo, a Malaysian operations centre, was established, with over half a million registered users.


In particular, Asproex (Apolo) has a Caribbean-wide financial license plate (digital currency trading licence plate, digital banking licence plate, exchange licence plate, security plate, and voucher licence), the United States, Canada MSB, Australia’s DCE, and Estonia’s MTR license. “Conformity” will attract more attention from digital money fans and investors, with great potential for later development.


Asproex wind control


The strong banking industry behind Asproex conducts rigorous regulatory and project audits, not only seeking safe, stable and promising quality projects for all individual investors and investment institutions, but also protecting the market value management of micro, small and medium-sized enterprises (MSMEs) worldwide after they have been digitized, securing the funds of individual investors and investment institutions accordingly, and creating fair, open and transparent markets for business deals.


Asproex voucher system

Asproex(阿波罗) 的会员制券商体系是由各国合规金融机构组成,聚集了全球领先的证券经纪商、金融服务公司、做市商等,主要服务各机构全球的个人和项目用户。并且采用DAO原则,设置联盟规则,真正建立一个健壮的网络。这样体系的建立有利于降低成本,减少市场风险,更有利于全球数字金融网络形成。

Asproex’s membership system is made up of national compliance financial institutions, bringing together global leaders in securities brokers, financial service companies, market firms, etc., and serving mainly global individuals and project users. Using the DAO principle, coalition rules are put in place to create a truly robust network.


The US “Apollo” man-to-man’s approach to the moon has not only achieved America’s space ambitions, but has also moved the US to advance in cutting-edge science. Today, the “Apollo” of the block chain will set the stage for a new and open financial ecology in the post-DeFi era.


For the first time in history, the Apollo Exchange has broken the risk to single-currency holders of digital currency, breaking the vicious circle of permanent failure and breaking the ceiling in which digital currency coins are issued.


Asproex’s open financial ecology has enabled the platform to truly realize, in its physical and commercial dimensions, its vision of decentralised and equitable, fair, and efficient safety and security, while at the same time realizing the platform’s deep binding with users and its interests. As the platform’s financial derivative services continue to land, financial license plates are being acquired, and community consensus is growing, future development is desirable.


Statement: This paper is a subjective point of view and does not make any investment reference.


In summary, Moon has a total score of 7.31 and a rating of A, with a strong combined capacity.

本文来源: 金色财经 / 作者:ONETOP评级

Source: Gold Book / Author: ONETOP Rating




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