如今Web经过30多年的发展,正处在从Web 2.0向Web 3.0演进的重要时点。关于Web时代这个提法,Web 1.0的中心思想是“阅览信息”,Web 2.0的中心思想是“用户互动”,Web 3.0的中心思想是“个体拥有”。
Now, after more than 30 years of development, Web is at an important point in its evolution from Web 2.0 to Web 3.0. With regard to the reference to the Web era, Web 1.0's central idea is “read information”, Web 2.0's central idea is “user interaction”, and Web 3.0's central idea is “individual ownership”.

Web 3.0关键技术
Web 3.0 Key Technologies
Web 3.0是现代科学技术的集大成者,是未来互联网产业发展的必然趋势。多项突破性技术支撑着向Web 3.0的过渡,推动其重塑数字格局的潜力。
Web 3.0 is the confluence of modern science and technology and the inevitable trend in the future development of the Internet industry. A number of breakthrough technologies support the transition to Web 3.0 and drive its potential to reshape digital patterns.
1、去中心化和区块链:区块链技术处于Web 3.0的最前沿。其透明和防篡改的性质使其成为在数字领域建立信任的强大工具。去中心化应用(dApp)和智能合约允许直接点对点交易并消除中介机构,正在彻底改变金融交易。
1. Decentralization and block chains: Block chain technology is at the cutting edge of Web 3.0. Its transparent and anti-frozen nature makes it a powerful tool for building trust in the digital field.
Artificial intelligence (AI) and machine learning: Artificial intelligence is the driving force for processing and analysing large amounts of data, translating them into personalized content delivery and predictive insights. A virtual assistant, driven by artificial intelligence, enhances user experience by understanding content and intent, leading to more intuitive interaction.
3、物联网(IoT):将物联网设备集成到Web 3.0中,增强了实时信息收集和交互。这使得智能家居、互联医疗设备和高效智能城市的发展成为可能,展示了Web 3.0的真正潜力。
3. IOT: Integrating the devices into Web 3.0 enhances real-time information gathering and interaction. This makes it possible to develop smart homes, interconnected medical equipment and efficient smart cities and demonstrates the real potential of Web 3.0.
综合来看,Web 3.0将是一场基础性的技术变革,主要涵盖产业互联网、芯片、人工智能、云计算、区块链、大数据、密码技术、虚拟现实、生物工程等各类前沿技术。有人认为这种根本性的转变可能需要25-30年时间,但也有人认为,转变已经开始。
Taken together, Web 3.0 will be a fundamental technological change, covering a variety of cutting-edge technologies, such as industrial Internet, chip, artificial intelligence, cloud computing, block chains, big data, cryptography, virtual reality, and bioengineering. Some argue that this fundamental shift may take 25-30 years, but others that it has already begun.

Generates a variety of new practices
Web 3.0被视为新一代可信的价值互联网,将引发互联网商业模式的变革。Web 1.0时代,互联网盈利靠的是“流量为王”。Web 2.0通过互联网平台实现供需均衡,打造出“平台经济”模式。Web 3.0由于数据归用户,将构建一个用户共创共建、共享共治的新型互联网经济系统,从而催生更多新业态。
Web 3.0 is seen as a new generation of credible value Internet, which will trigger changes in the Internet business model. In Web 1.0, Internet profits were made by “flow is the king”. Web 2.0 provides a balance of supply and demand through Internet platforms and creates a “platform economy” model. Web 3.0, as data are returned to users, will create a new, common and shared Internet economic system that will generate new business patterns.
Web 3.0上将建立一套新的数字版权体系。内容创作者可以将作品记录在区块链上,形成非同质化数字资产凭证(NFT)。Web 3.0与金融业务结合将产生“去中心化金融”(DeFi)。在该场景下,平台之间基于互信的协议更侧重于对产品服务、价值创新的追求,推动数字资产的自由流通。
A new digital copyright system will be set up at the beginning of the Web 3.0. Content creators can record their work on the block chain and form a non-congenital digital asset certificate (NFT). The combination of Web 3.0 and financial operations will result in “decentralized finance” (DeFi). In this scenario, the platform’s agreements based on mutual trust focus more on the quest for product services and value innovations and promote the free flow of digital assets.
更重要的是,Web 3.0让“元宇宙”从概念走向现实。Web 3.0将物理层、数字信息层、空间交互层结合在一起,叠加AR/VR、5G、边缘计算、云计算、AI、图像渲染等新一代信息技术,能打造“全息互联网”,为用户提供高度的交互性和沉浸式感受。
More importantly, Web 3.0 allows the metacosystem to move from concept to reality. Web 3.0 combines the physics layer, the digital information layer, the space interactive layer, and superimposes the new generation of information technologies, such as AR/VR, 5G, margin computing, cloud computing, AI, image rendering, to create the holographic Internet, providing users with a high degree of interaction and immersion.
微美全息蓄势待发探索Web 3.0领域应用
Micro-American holoscope ready to explore Web 3.0 applications
Web 3.0将改变的不仅是人们生活、商业和交易方式,还将诞生下一代改变世界的龙头企业。截止目前,已经有一众互联网、科技企业纷纷布局,其中,微美全息(NASDAQ:WIMI)专注以人工智能、区块链和5G作为技术的引擎,在这个全球竞争的舞台上,积极拥抱互联网3.0,探索创新发展道路,改变大众的生活方式和商业运行模式,开展全新的互联网时代探索。
Web 3.0 will change not only people’s ways of living, business, and trading, but also the next generation of leading businesses that will change the world. To date, there has been a proliferation of Internet, technological, and technological enterprises, with NASDAQ: WIMI focusing on artificial intelligence, block chains, and 5G as the engine of technology, actively embracing the Internet 3.0 in this global arena of competition, exploring innovative development paths, changing the way the public lives and business operate, and exploring a new Internet era.
据了解,微美全息一直是以探讨全球新兴技术和可持续发展创新与应用而著称,致力探索数字化战略转型,共同促进全球前沿技术交流和创新实践。Web 3.0标志着由区块链、人工智能和物联网等技术驱动的过渡时代的到来,而微美全息基于行业和发展的契机和挑战,取得一项突破性的技术——基于区块链的物联网去中心化动态授权技术,助力物联网动态安全的访问控制引领Web 3.0智能安全的未来。
Web 3.0 marks the dawn of an era of technology-driven transition, such as block chains, artificial intelligence, and physical networking, which is based on industry and development opportunities and challenges, and acquires a breakthrough technology – a block-based network of things to centralize dynamic empowerment technologies, and a dynamic and secure access to power network to control the future of Web 3.0 smart security.

随着Web 3.0发展成为一个智能、集成的系统,应对挑战和释放潜力对于塑造信息、技术和人类互动的未来至关重要。微美全息基于区块链的物联网去中心化动态授权技术利用了区块链的去中心化特性、智能合约、ABAC模型等关键技术,从而创造了一个更加安全、灵活和动态的授权机制。这项技术的逻辑架构将物联网网络授权从传统的集中式模式转向了更为安全和可控的分布式模式。
As Web 3.0 evolves into an intelligent, integrated system, addressing challenges and unleashing potential is essential to shaping the future of information, technology, and human interaction. Micro-American alluvial connectivity decentralizing dynamic empowerment technologies take advantage of key technologies such as the decentralised characteristics of block chains, smart contracts, and ABC models, thus creating a more secure, flexible and dynamic authorization mechanism.
Concluding remarks
虽然目前的Web 3.0距离互联网用户的日常生活还有一段路要走,但Web 3.0所能带来的美好未来、给互联网用户带来的安全与便捷,确实值得憧憬。站在这个新的数字前沿的风口浪尖时,区块链是数字经济的基础设施之一,同时亦是实现Web 3.0的重要技术支撑,微美全息积极拥抱Web 3.0技术有望改变新的联系、协作和创新方式,让它产生更多价值。总之,Web3.0概念的内涵和外延还在不断丰富和拓展,不妨相信企业必能抓住和用好这一重大历史机遇,谱写经济高质量发展的新篇章。
While there is still a way to go from the current Web 3.0 to the daily lives of Internet users, the promise of a better future that Web 3.0 can bring and the security and ease that we can bring to Internet users is truly promising. At the tip of this new digital frontier, the block chain is one of the infrastructure of the digital economy, and it is important to achieve Web 3.0 technological support, and the all-American embrace of Web 3.0 technology is expected to change new ways of linking, collaborating and innovation, making it more valuable. In sum, the content and outreach of the Web3.0 concept is still growing.
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