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Web3.0,又称Web3(下文我们都用Web3来代替Web3.0),是以太坊联合创始人、Polkadot创建者Gavin Wood在2014年提出的。

Web3.0, also known as Web3 (we all replace Web3.0 with Web3.0 below), was proposed in 2014 by Gavin Wood, the co-founder of the Taiku Consortium and founder of Polkadot.

注:Polkadot 是协议的一种:是将多个专用区块链连接到一个统一网络中的下一代区块链协议,协议就是基于共识的一组约定。如怎么样建立连接、怎么样互相识别等。

Note: Polkadot is one of the protocols: a protocol linking multiple dedicated block chains to the next generation of block chains in a unified network, which is a consensus-based set of agreements. For example, how to connect, how to identify each other.

从概念理解上,Web3代表互联网的下一个时代,互联网形态向着更民主的范式转变,Web3源于人们对当今互联网价值的态度的转变: 互联网巨头控制着互联网和所有人的数据,Web3代表着,很多人出现了想创造一个真正“集体所有”互联网的想法。

In conceptual terms, Web3 represents the next era of the Internet, with its shape shifting towards a more democratic paradigm, and Web3 stems from a shift in attitudes towards the value of the Internet today: Internet giants control the Internet and data for all, and Web3 represents the idea that many people have come up with the idea of creating a real & ldquao; collective ownership & & rdquao; the Internet.


Every change in the shape of the Internet will have a great impact on the world, and the last major impact on society (Web 2.0) has given rise to a group of businesses that have changed the way in which human life and information interact.


Economically, the development of the Internet Web 2.0 has contributed to economic globalization and the emergence of e-commerce, and of Internet technology, both of which have profoundly affected the world. We can see that the value of the S&P 500 technology plate has doubled (in 2017, 2018, and 2019), and that today S&T shares account for about 25% of the S&P 500 index.


In social terms, the term & & & & & & & quo has a new meaning than it was 20 years ago: the young social start-up companies that are catching up with the Web 2.0 era, Facebook, Google, instagram and Twitter are gradually becoming giants.

从政治上,拿Facebook举例 ,互联网寡头的存在煽动而非客观的算法推荐已成为常态,甚至影响了美国大选。

Politically, with Facebook as an example, Internet oligarchism has become the norm, rather than the recommendation of objective algorithms, and even influenced United States elections.


The changing patterns of the Internet and the emergence of new paradigms had had an impact on the world many times, and it was essential to focus on the future of the Internet.


In 2020, especially this year (end of 2021), the concept and doctrine of Web3 was rapidly gaining ground, mainly because of the promotion of the encrypt currency circles and of well-known foreign venture capital (e.g., A16Z), which will be followed by some entrepreneurship.

上图为A16Z的Crpto Portofolio图:来源 A16Z

Crpto Portofolio from A16Z: Source A16Z


To further understand the meaning of Web3.0, we should start with Web1.0.


In the 1970s, at the height of the US-Soviet Cold War, the US had a central computer to control nuclear weapons. The US government feared that an attack could paralyse the computer system and prevent them from reacting.

后来,1989年,Tim Berners Lee写下了名为Information Management: A Proposal的论文,将“网络”描绘成一个通过超文本链接相互连接的信息系统网络(2019年,互联网30岁生日之际,Tim Berners Lee也表示,他对互联网近年来的发展方向感到不满)。

Subsequently, in 1989, Tim Berners Lee wrote a paper entitled Information Management: A Proposal, which will “ the network & rdquo; and is portrayed as an information system network connected by hyperlinks (2019, on the 30th birthday of the Internet, Tim Berners Lee also expressed his dissatisfaction with the way the Internet has evolved in recent years).


Tim Berners Lee,2016年获得图灵奖,现在是麻省理工学院教授

Tim Berners Lee, who won the Turing Award in 2016, is now Professor at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology.

Mosaic和Microsoft Internet Explorer的浏览器把Web带给了主流受众,大家开始冲浪了,网页设计较为原始,我们用拨号连接和电话线上网,通常下载一张照片就需要很长的时间。

Mosaic and Microsoft Internet Explorer browsers brought Web to the mainstream audience, and everyone started surfing. Web design was primitive. We used dial-up connections and telephone lines to access the Internet, usually for a long time to download a photograph.


Features of Web1.0

开源:所有人都可以在Web1.0基础上自由构建,这就产生了在车库里的谷歌,为今天这些互联网巨头的企业成果创造了可能。如果Web是私有的,是不可能的。但是Web 1.0是只读的。这意味着,每千名浏览Web的用户中,只有少数人具备发布内容的技术技能:只有早期的程序员,可以把网页内容展示给大家,小白用户可以看,但是很难发布内容。

Open source: All people can build freely on Web1.0, which creates Google in the garage, making it possible for these Internet giants to do business today. If Web is privately owned, it is impossible. But Web 1.0 is read-only. This means that only a few of every thousand users who visit Web have the technical skills to publish content: only early programmers can show content to everyone, white users can read it, but it is difficult to publish it.


> Question of Web1.0


Web1.0 is based on an open, decentralized and community-managed agreement. It is a read-only network where users are unable to interact with the content of the pages in the Web1.0 era (seeable and non-interactive). And, as the number of users increases, web1.0 issues are increasing.

(上列文字,主要根据谷歌的产品设计师Tony Aubé 在WAQ2019上演讲的文字版整理,摘自技术琐话-2020-08-26翻译)

(The above-listed text is based mainly on Google's product designer Tony Aubé the text of the presentation at WAQ2019, extracted from technical triads -2020-08-26 translation)


Web 2.0 (the network we currently use) was created primarily to overcome the Web1.0 constraint, the main advantage of Web 2.0 compared to Web1.0 is that users can interact with the network. Web 2.0 starts, both white users and technocrats, to publish content online.


As a result, social networks have emerged: community and applications, including social networks and forums, have emerged (Facebook, YouTube and Twitter were initially simple ways for everyone to create their own Web), and these Apps have encouraged collaboration and information exchange, but have been centralized by Internet giants, with Google, Amazon and Facebook almost entirely controlling Web 2.0.

有趣的是,就像2021年,我们在这里热火朝天地讨论Web3.0一样;十余年前的2009年,Tim O'Reilly和John Battelle讨论了Web 2.0五年来的发展。

Interestingly, as in 2021, we were here to talk about Web3.0; more than a decade ago, in 2009, Tim O'Reilly and John Battelle discussed how Web had developed over the past five years.


What was the specific context?


The collapse of the Internet bubble in the autumn of 2001 marked a turning point: the role of the Internet was perceived by many as being exaggerated, but the technological revolution was characterized by the initial burst of the bubble and the continued subversion that followed (which remains the case today).


Subversiveness and instability usually mark a technology that is ready to rise to the stage of history, during which bubbles and powerlesss will be washed out, and true success will be the existence of power. Between chaos, subversion, and bubbles, people begin to understand the difference between the two.

“Web 2.0”的概念始于O'Reilly一次会议上的头脑风暴:网络先锋和O'Reilly副总裁Dale Dougherty指出,尽管互联网泡沫破了,但是网络不会“崩溃”,而会更加重要,很多优秀的新应用和网站一定会层出不穷。更重要的是,那些在互联网泡沫破灭中幸存下来的公司,似乎都有一些共同点。互联网络公司的大规模倒闭是否标志着网络的某种转折点?“Web 2.0”的提出也许是有意义的?Web 2.0大会就这样诞生了。

& & & & & & & & & Web 2.0 & rdquo; the concept began with a brainstorm at an O'Reilly conference: Net Pioneer and O'Reilly Vice President Dale Dougherty pointed out that, despite the bursting of the Internet bubble, the network would not & & & & & & & & & & & &, and that it would be even more important, and many of the best new applications and websites would come out. More importantly, companies that survived the collapse of the Internet bubbles seem to have something in common. Does the massive collapse of Internet companies mark a turning point in the network? & & & & & & & web 2.0 & rdquao; and it might be meaningful? That's how the Web 2.0 Conference was born.

当然,哪怕是在Web2.0提出之后,尽管在谷歌的引用次数超过950万。但是人们对于Web 2.0的含义仍然存在着巨大的分歧(和今天大家对Web3.0的态度很相似),有人说Web2.0是毫无意义的营销概念,而另一些人则接受它,认为它是全新的智慧。

Of course, even after Web 2.0 was proposed, even though Google was quoted more than 9.5 million times. But there are still huge differences about the meaning of Web 2.0 (which is very similar to today’s attitude towards Web3.0), with some saying that Web 2.0 is a meaningless marketing concept, while others accept it as an entirely new wisdom.

像许多重要的概念一样,Web 2.0没有一个明确边界,而是有一个有力核心,可以把Web 2.0想象成一套原则和实践。

Like many important concepts, Web 2.0 does not have a clear boundary, but has a strong core that can imagine Web 2.0 as a set of principles and practices.

在2004年10月举行的首届Web 2.0会议上,列出了一套初步原则。第一条是“网络作为平台”。在当时,Web1.0时代的当红炸子鸡网景公司和微软Battle后倒闭。更重要的是,最初的两个Web 1.0时代典范,DoubleClick和Akamai,其实都是将网络作为平台的先驱。

At the first Web 2.0 meeting, held in October 2004, a preliminary set of principles was set out. The first was “ the network served as a platform & & rdquo; at the time, the red fried chicken view company and Microsoft Battle closed down in the Web1.0 era. More importantly, the first two Web 1.0 models, DoubleClick and Akamai, were in fact pioneers of the platform.


Although it is often not thought to be “ web services & & rdquo; in fact, advertising services are the first widely deployed network service and the first widely deployed & & & & & & & & & & & & & & ; specifically, each of the advertising banners at the time was provided as a seamless collaboration between two websites, distributing a comprehensive page to readers on another computer. Akamai also uses the network as a platform to create a transparent buffer and content distribution network at a deeper level of stacking to ease bandwidth congestion.

就是这些时代先驱者提供了先行的案例,后进者面对同一问题的解决方案才可以更进一步,对新平台的性质有了更深的理解。DoubleClick和Akamai都是Web 2.0的先驱,但我们也可以看到,通过接受更多的Web 2.0设计模式,有可能实现更多的可能性。

It is the pioneers of these times who provide the first cases, and the latter who face the same problem to go further and have a deeper understanding of the nature of the new platform. DoubleClick and Akamai are the pioneers of Web 2.0, but we can also see that by accepting more Web 2.0 design models, more possibilities are possible.


We use a table to say:


As the age evolved, Web 2.0 also emerged with a number of problems that created the prerequisites for discussing and exploring Web3.0.


The early Internet, with its highly exploratory nature, has been explored, sealed, and commercialized by former technological pioneers. Over time, the Internet has had many negative effects, although it has maintained what is known as & ldquao; freedom & rdquao.


Take a scenario: in our lives, if we want to buy a train or a plane ticket, all our searches are recorded, sold, data may be manipulated, and in turn influence us. The Internet was characterized by the democratization of information, but today it is becoming increasingly unreliable and, in some cases, harmful.


Fake news caused economic losses of more than $70 billion in 2019, and will only grow worse in the future. The spread of false negative news stories is six times faster than true news stories, a trend that has a very serious negative impact.


This presents an opportunity for the creation of Web3.0.

正如Web2的诞生一样,Web3的到来,寄予着人们想要解决目前互联网存在的问题的希望。Web3也被称为语义网(Semantic Web ),因为通过促进对用户元数据的解释,Web3可以提供一个更加个性化的界面。承诺将隐私和数字身份还给用户,同时由于NFTs和dApps,实现了新的互动水平。区块链技术在Web3中汇集了Web1和Web2的精华。

As with the birth of Web2, Web3 has come with the hope that people will try to solve the current Internet problem. Web3 is also known as Semantic Web, because by promoting the interpretation of user metadata, Web3 can provide a more personal interface. We promise to return privacy and digital identity to users, with new levels of interaction achieved by NFTs and dapps. Block chain technology brings together Web1 and Web2 in Web3.


What's semantic?


Semantic networks, in short, are intelligent networks that not only understand terms and concepts, but also the logical relationship between them, making communication more efficient and valuable.


A use scene: Semantic networks that judge by semantics and make communication between people and computers accessible. It's like a giant brain, highly intelligent and well coordinated.


For example, when you go through the news, SLN can label every news article and describe in detail what is the author, what is the guide and what is the title; if you enter &ldquao in the search engine; &rdquao in old-fashioned works & & rdquao; you can easily find old-fashioned works rather than articles about him. SLN is a more personal network, and you can give it a high degree of trust that helps you filter out what you don't like, making the network more like your own network.



To give you a clearer understanding of Web3.0, we're going to use the community as an example.

按照以太坊的定义:Web2 指的是我们如今众所周知的互联网版本。具体指的是,通过个人数据和信息交换来提供服务互联网公司。在以太坊的范畴内,Web3指的是在区块链上运行的去中心应用程序。所有用户都可以参与构建/使用这些App,个人数据却不需要被出卖。

By definition: Web2 is the version of the Internet that we know about today. Specifically, we mean the Internet company that provides services through the exchange of personal data and information. In the context of Etheria, Web3 refers to go-to-centre applications that run on block chains. All users can participate in the construction/use of these Apps, without having to sell their personal data.


Because of the decentralised nature of the district, many Web3 engineers chose to develop dapps (dapp is D+app, d is the initial letter of the English word decentralization, and the word translates Chinese is decentralized, or dapp is a decentralized application), and everyone on the network has the right to use Web3 services. There is no mechanism to prevent users from using Web3 and payments are made mainly through the original coins embedded in the chamber.


Because of its Turing integrity, at Etheria all needs can be met by code and programming.


What's Turing's integrity?


It's perfect, and it's simple: there's no excuse to say that it's not working, so let's say, like, one car, one engine, no steering wheel. So we're going straight, we can't turn around, so we can't go anywhere. But if we have a steering wheel, we can go anywhere.


Turing is here primarily about the ability of the block chain to run a code that is developed in advanced languages and can be qualified to judge, or even have a circular function called & ldquao; Turing is perfect & rdquao;

为了更清晰地对Web3的技术层面进行解释,我们来看一下Web3 Foundation对Web3技术栈的解释:

In order to explain the technical aspects of Web3 more clearly, let's look at the Web3 Foundation's explanation of the Web3 Technical Lodge:



As shown in the figure above:


L4: At the top of the technology store, the participants are mainly ordinary users (as is the case today at the front end of the browser and on the web), where users can interact with individual or multiple block chains (applications, etc.).


The protocol's extended user interface (“ &rdquao like a browser) is a program that the user uses to interact directly with the block chain without having to know how to program and achieve details: in the cases of Status, Metamask or MyCrypto.


L3: A layer of human readable languages and libraries, where developers and programmers can make appropriate abstraction and develop programs. This layer includes API and language for scalable protocols: there are various languages that can be used to develop applications such as Solidity and Vyper (Ethereum), Plutus (Cardano) and Rust (Substrate).


In addition, there are various frameworks that make it easier for programming to interact with block chains, such as ethers.js, web3.js and oo7.js.


L2: This level enhances the L1 level of capability: to perform upgrades, encrypt messages, distributional calculations, etc.

状态通道(State channels):区块链通过让节点在链外相互通信,通过在主链上“打开”和“关闭”通道,只写初始和最终结果,而不是在链上记录每个状态转换,从而提高可扩展性的一种方式。例子包括比特币的Lightning Network 和以太坊的Raiden Network

State channels: Block chains communicate with each other outside the chain by allowing nodes to communicate with each other through “ opening &rdquao; and &ldquao; closing ” passages that write only initial and final results, rather than recording changes in each state on the chain, thus enhancing scalability. Examples include Lighting Network in Bitcoin and Raiden Network in Etheria.

Plasma协议:Plasma是通过创建区块链的“树”来提高可扩展性的另一种方式,主链是树的根,而“子”区块链尽可能少地与更高级别的链互动。例子包括Loom的PlasmaChain和OmigeGO Plasma。Encrypted storage,就是加密存储 。使用密码学对数据进行数学加密和解密,包括静态(即存储在特定的计算机上)和动态(即从一台计算机传输到另一台)。例如:静态指的是存储加密,动态指的是传输加密(HTTPS就是一种传输加密)。

Plasma protocol: Plasma is a & ldquo; tree & & rdquo; another way to increase scalability by creating block chains, where the main chain is the root of a tree and & ldquo; sub & & rdquo; block chains interact as little as possible with higher chains. Examples include Plasma Chain and OmigiGO Plasma in Loom. Encrypted store is encryption. The cryptography of data includes static (i.e. storage on a particular computer) and dynamic (i.e. transmission from one computer to another). For example, static means storage encryption, and dynamic means transmission encryption (HTPS is a transfer encryption).

Heavy computation,就是重型计算:可以理解为如果需要进行大量的计算,例如在数组中推送大量的对象 提供一种方法,允许计算分散在许多计算机中,并证明计算是正确进行的。这方面的例子包括以太坊的Golem和TrueBit。

Heavy computation is a heavy calculation: it is understood to provide a way of allowing the calculation to be spread across many computers, if a lot of calculations are required, for example, to be sent to large numbers of objects in arrays, and to prove that the calculation is being done correctly. Examples include Golem and TrueBit in Taiku.

Distributed secret management 分布式秘密管理 : 允许信息只被授权方访问,包括复杂的场景,如 “解密此信息需要所有六个签名者使用他们的密钥”或“7个签名者中的任何5个必须同意”等等。

Distributed secret management: Allow information to be accessed only by authorized parties, including complex scenes such as & ldquo; decrypting this information requires all six signatories to use their key & rdquao; or & & ldquao; any five of the seven signatories must agree & rdquao; etc.

Oracles: 将链外数据(如天气结果或股票价格)注入区块链的一种方式,一般供智能合约使用。

Oracles: One way to inject extra-chain data (e.g. weather results or stock prices) into block chains, generally for smart contracts.


L1: This layer provides the capacity to distribute and interact data.


Zero/low confidence interactive agreements: describe how the different nodes interact and trust the calculations and information from each node. Most encrypted currencies, such as Bitcoin and ZCash, meet the definition of the zero/low confidence interactive agreement - they describe the rules to be followed for the node to participate in the agreement.


Data distribution protocols: agreements that describe how data are distributed and exchanged between the various nodes of the decentralised system. Examples include IPFS, Swarm, and BigchainDB.


Simultaneous data public/sub-information transfer: describes how data not intended for permanent storage (e.g. state updates) are communicated and how nodes are made aware of their existence. Examples include Whisper and Matrix.


L0: This layer provides data distribution and interactive capabilities.


Zero/low confidence interactive agreements: describe how the different nodes interact and trust the calculations and information from each node. Most encrypted currencies, such as Bitcoin and ZCash, meet the definition of the zero/low confidence interactive agreement and describe the rules to be followed in the node participation agreement.

点对点互联网覆盖协议 (Peer-to-peer, p2p):一个允许节点以分散的方式进行通信的网络套件。

Point-to-point Internet Coverage Protocol (Peer-to-peer, p2p): a network package that allows nodes to communicate in a decentralized manner.

平台中立的计算描述语言(Platform-neutral computation description language) :一种在不同物理平台(架构、操作系统等)上执行相同程序的方式。例子包括EVM(以太坊)、UTXOs(比特币)和Wasm。

The platform’s neutral computational description language (Platform-neutral interpretation language) is a way of implementing the same procedures on different physical platforms (structure, operating systems, etc.). Examples include EVM, UTXOs (bitcoin) and Wasm.


As shown in the figure above, these infrastructure layers together construct an agreed world on the platform, and the specifics of each of the modules in the Web3 world are discussed below, as well as the exact companies that are doing these things:


For any type of decentralised communication, business, or collaboration, a reliable identification system is required: the most basic method is to link an identity to an address or a public/private key in an open, secure chain of blocks such as Bitcoin or Tai Chamber. These addresses can choose to add additional information (e.g. images), which is what we call NFT or tokens.


However, there are two main challenges:


1) These address strings are long.


2) Identity is safe, but it exists on the block chain, and data transfer costs on the block chain are extremely high. Projects such as ENS and Handshake aim to solve identification problems through their own databases, linking BTC or ETH addresses to human readable names, and building a decentralised DNS. Meanwhile, developers of the Flash Network ecosystem are working to link identities to nodes of the second layer, which are built on the secure chain of blocks such as Bitcoin. In projects such as Sphinx, end users can do so without knowledge of the lightning network.


While it is not yet clear how to authenticate identity, one possible way to do so is to access networks that will be brokered by holding specific digital bearer assets/NFT/private keys, which will have a variety of interesting implications for future user experiences, from Internet mega-certification to future NFT certification. It is conceivable, for example, that a specific photo token will be needed to access a fun chat room.


Another possible social consequence of this decentralised identity service is that humans are allowed to experiment more with the concepts of “ self & & rdquo; you know, humans are currently experimenting with & & & & & & rdquo; traditional mapping is dependent on surnames and identity cards, but these are rather random markings before the advent of the Internet, just as we as humans are changing, and so can our selective identity now, with many choosing to use different pseudonyms for different intellectual and economic purposes.


The ability to compute or execute any kind of smart contract universally will also be agreed. The main candidate for computers in the Web3 world is Taiwan, because of the large-scale developers’ network effect.

这种去中心化智能合约的使用案例:第一个主要的产品市场契合点是建立一个开放的的金融系统(通常被称为DeFi)。或许下一波浪潮将围绕着创建其他各种开放的、无许可的企业和人类组织,更常见的是被称为DAO或分布式自治组织。这种DAO可能看起来像更开放的公司结构,有选举产生的经理、董事会和报告(例如,见Yearn Finance最近在Github上的季度报告)。

Perhaps the next wave will revolve around the creation of other open, unlicensed businesses and human organizations, more commonly known as DAO or distributed self-governing organizations. The DAO may look like a more open corporate structure, with elected managers, boards and reports (see, for example, the recent quarterly report of Yearn Finance at Github).


Another more radical method of decentralizing calculations comes from a project to rebuild the entire calculator: so far, projects like Urbit:


1) Personal server, which can be hosted locally or on cloudy ends;

2)一个完全重写的操作系统,旨在从根本上简化目前的代码臃肿,创始人极其有争议:是个超级Nerd,以及似乎是从《Magic: The Gathering.》中借来的命名惯例,该项目已经引发了它的困惑和争议,但社区的目标和决心(它现在已经有将近20年的历史)是相当令人印象深刻的。

2) A fully rewritten operating system designed to radically simplify the current swollen code, the founder of which was extremely controversial: a superNerd, and what appears to have been borrowed from Magic: The Gathing. The project has given rise to confusion and controversy, but the goals and resolve of the community, which now has almost 20 years of history, are quite impressive.

Web 3原语(primitives)之间会有相当多的重叠。例如,Urbit正试图建立一个全新的计算机和网络通信协议类型。其他项目只是专注于p2p通信方面,以促进消息和社交媒体等核心应用。

For example, Urbit is trying to create a new type of computer and network communication protocol. Other projects focus only on p2p communications to promote core applications such as news and social media.

目前最知名的可能是Mastodon(使用Activity Pub协议),它拥有超过200万用户,最近似乎吸引了一大片比特币Twitter。Mastodon有一个用户友好的界面,但并不像许多其他协议那样是去中心化的。它使用一个联合模型,不同的网络参与者要么是服务器,要么是客户端,但不能同时是。因此,服务器可以运行它喜欢的任何版本的Mastodon,但连接到该服务器的客户仍然受控制它的人的支配。对于大多数用户来说,手动迁移是不容易的。

Perhaps the most well-known is Mastodon, which has more than 2 million users and recently seems to attract a large bitcoin Twitter. Mastodon has a user-friendly interface, but it is not centralized as many other agreements do. It uses a joint model where different network participants are either servers or clients, but not at the same time. So the server can run any version of Mastodon that it likes, but customers connected to the server are still at the disposal of the people who control it.

另一个竞争模式是Scuttlebutt,使用了一个p2p流言协议(p2p gossip protocol ),在这里,网络中的每台计算机既是客户端又是服务器,因此可以将信息转达给其他可信的节点,而不需要呼唤任何中心化实体。这种架构看起来非常棒,但可扩展性方面仍有问题,还处于早期。

Another model of competition is Scuttlebutt, which uses a p2p gossip protocol (p2p Gossip protocol), where each computer in the network is both a client and a server, so that information can be transmitted to other credible nodes without calling any centralized entity. The architecture looks great, but there are problems with expansion and is still at an early stage.


Meanwhile, projects like Maskbook are adopting a Trojan horse approach: instead of building a new social network from scratch, users are asked to enhance their experiences on existing social networks, such as Twitter and Facebook. By simply downloading a browser extension, users can selectively encrypt information and link posts to other web3 applications, such as Uniswap or SuperRare, to encrypt currency or NFT transactions in post posts.


Many of these communications may eventually occur on the lightning network above Bitcoin.

我们需要存储Web3所有数据,而Arweave、Filecoin/IPFS, Sia, Storj,四个项目都是专注这一块的。Filecoin、Sia和Storj就像存储行业的AirBnB,目标是建立网络,激励来自世界各地的硬盘所有者(从业余爱好者到专业人士),让他们在尽可能多的正常运行时间内使用其多余的存储容量。他们使用类似于AWS、GCP或Azure等传统云存储供应商的限时支付模式。

We need to store all of Web3 data, and Arweave, Filecoin/IPFS, Sia, Storaj, four projects are focused on this. Filecoin, Sia, and Stordj are like AirBnB in the storage industry. The goal is to create networks that motivate hard disk owners (from amateurs to professionals) from around the world to use their excess storage capacity during as many normal working hours as possible. They use time-limited payment models similar to traditional cloud storage providers like AWS, GCP or Azure.


Their biggest difference is:


1) It is not easy to be examined;


2 (theoretically) at lower cost.


However, there are doubts about long-term cost-effectiveness. The project shows that Filecoin currently offers storage options more than five times cheaper than AWS. But, as the project begins to gain more adoption, it is hard to believe that it will not become a competition, and companies like Amazon and Google have larger spoils to build more and better data centres, or even subsidize the cost of their products, but time will eventually prove these things.


Arweave took a completely different path: it promised “ permanent storage ” i.e. a fee-paying, permanent access. The project was designed to achieve this by means of a new mechanism designed to “ access proof ” (PoA) to use elements of random X work certificates and storage certificates to motivate each node in the network to store the entire collective database as much as possible. The advance payment was actually a donation that covered storage costs indefinitely (or as long as the cost of hard disk space continued to fall). Arweave had worked with organizations such as the Internet Archives to back up all their data and was also storing copies of other block chains, such as Solana.


If permanent storage works, then you can imagine that it is very valuable for the developers who want to permanently store their guidelines and data for their applications. So, given the state of the elements, how far are we from creating a truly decentralized Internet? It's relatively mature in terms of encrypting money/value. For communication, identity, storage and computing, we seem to be approaching, but we are not ready to be adopted by the mainstream.

目前越来越多的狂热者开始关注这些应用,风投和资本涌入,但是这里最大的风险仍然存在:目前正处于Web3泡沫的开始,主要是为5-10年后的主流采用逐渐奠定基础。由于现在互联网的存在,所有的技术趋势都在加速发展(这在很大程度上要归功于我们现有的互联网),所以也可能看到未来1-3年内出现Big Player。

A growing number of fanatics are now focusing on these applications, windfalls, and capital inflows, but the greatest risks remain: we are now at the beginning of the Web3 bubble, mainly to lay the groundwork for a gradual adoption of the mainstream five to ten years later. With the Internet now in place, all technological trends are accelerating, thanks in large part to our existing Internet, and it is possible to see Big Player emerge in the next one to three years.


The characteristics of Web3 facilitate the emergence of Web3 on the premise that this is a more & & & & & & & & smart Internet where users can search closer to natural languages.


As rules and web content become more relevant, user-searched information will become more direct.

1. 用户历史记录记录。

1. Records of user history.

  • 导航频率
  • 网络访问量
  • 搜索类型
  • 实施活动
  • 在线购买情况

2. 网站会分析数据和用户行为。

2. The website analyses data and user behaviour.

3. 网络的个性化(每个独立的用户各有不同)。

3. Individualization of the network (differing from individual users).

4. Web3.0技术的发展。

4. Development of Web3.0 technology.

包括语言、智能程序、人工智能辅助和语义学。RDF: tools such as RDF Schema and OWL allow adding meaning to pages and is one of the essential technologies of the Semantic Web.

RDF: tools such as RDF Schema and OWL allading means to pages and is one of the oral technologies of the Security Web.


Artificial intelligence: The new knowledge can be derived from different sources of knowledge by adding the computing treatment component to technology 3.0.


COM: The website is ambitious and hopes to be the largest free global database in the world.

5. 提供按需定制的网络个性化服务。

5. Provide customized web-based personalization services.

6. 平台和社交网络之间具备互操作性。

6. Interoperability between platforms and social networks.

7. 地理定位:可以知道用户在哪里。

7. Geolocation: it is possible to know where the user is.

8. 智能搜索:搜索时将不再出现成千上万的条目,网络将了解每个人,根据他们的搜索需求直接显示相关内容。

8. Smart search: tens of thousands of entries will no longer appear during the search, and the network will know everyone and show their contents directly according to their search needs.


At present, Web3 still has certain limitations:


The first is scalability, which needs to be improved. Specifically, because Web3 is decentralized, transactions there are relatively slow. In particular, changes in status, such as payments, need to be handled by miners and disseminated throughout the network because of the large number of nodes.

第二是用户体验问题:目前我们与Web3 App互动,还需要更多的教育过程和世界,特别是新的采用需要额外的步骤,这可能是目前广泛采用的障碍之一。

The second is the question of user experience: the current interaction between us and Web3 App and the need for more educational processes and the world, especially new adoptions, require additional steps, which may be one of the obstacles to the current widespread adoption.


The third is that the accessibility of Web3 is not sufficient and that most ordinary users are unable to access Web3 owing to the current lack of integration of Web3 and modern web browsers.


Fourth is the cost problem: due to the high cost, most successful Dapps have only a small fraction of the code on the block chain.



What are the examples of Web3 applications?


There are relatively few concrete examples, given that Web3 is more recent than the conceptual scope of DeFi. But, for example, just as finance has various applications, such as loans and loans, the Internet is made up of services and components.


But ISPs like T-Mobile and AT&T (Internet service providers) are committed, because of their monopoly, to fast-connect and then charge fees. By contrast, companies like Andrena and Althea can operate and be remunerated within a community network by creating a community network that bypasses Internet providers.

例如,业主可以投资一个Andrena热点,然后,所有租户都可以加入Andrena无线网络,租户根据数据和网络使用情况向房东付费。其他区块链网络,如Handshake以及Unstoppable Domains等公司,旨在使现有的域名系统(DNS)民主化,该系统将IP地址映射到等可读的地址。DNS由ICANN等组织控制,并拥有单方面的控制权。

For example, owners can invest in an Andrena hotspot, and then all tenants can join the Andrena Wireless Network, with tenants paying landlords for data and network usage. Other block chain networks, such as Handshake and Unstoppable Domains, are aimed at democratizing the existing domain name system (DNS), which maps IP addresses to readable addresses.


For individuals like us, data are hard to make profit. But it is easy to make a profit if many individuals have data sets in the hands of large groups. In the first half of 2020, Robinhood earned nearly $300 million by selling customer order flow data. Everyone knows the concept, and that's why Snapchat lost every year, but the investors know that the company has millions of Z-generation users, and that the potential value of these data is very high.

Ocean Protocol、Streamr和Numerai等组织正在构建协议,以实现开放的数据市场,任何人都可以分享他们的数据或将其货币化(出售以获得利润)。数据是我们去讨论如何在互联网上存储和转移价值的基本组成部分。数据商品化尚未实现,因为数据是孤立的、敏感的或专有的。

Organizations such as Ocean Protocol, Streamr and Numerai are building protocols to achieve an open data market in which anyone can share their data or monetize them (sale for profit). Data are the basic components of how we discuss the storage and transfer of values on the Internet. Data commodification has not yet taken place, because data are isolated, sensitive or proprietary.


The Web3 agreement provides the market with a means by which sensitive data can be shared, and proprietary data can be accurately priced and sold. Translating data into tangible data assets (such as tokens) will release value and develop a stronger data ecosystem.


Another key part of the data is the cross-server storage, which is largely controlled by a few large companies. Decentralized data storage and network hosting services such as Sia, Arweave and Filecoin are supporting the creation of new decentralized applications.


We use a lot of services, you may not realize. WIFI, position service (GPS), Bluetooth connection, information service (iOS, Android), video and audio stream (Youtube, Twitch, Spotify) and so on.


These applications are controlled by giants and, more importantly, the services and infrastructure used by these applications are centralized or controlled by a small number of large companies (e.g. Google, AWS, Microsoft). New protocols and companies, such as Helium (open wireless network), Foam (open location service), Livepeer (video switching and streaming media), Orchid (distribution and private





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