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《科创板日报》(上海,记者 陈默)讯,如果说2018年币圈的“黑马”是推出“交易挖矿”模式的FCoin,2019年的“黑马”则有些“毁三观”,因为它是以赤裸裸的“拉人头”上位。


There's a saying in the circle: "It's not the tea-painting project that's embarrassing to say it's selling."


Thanks to the project-side distribution, the MXC has risen rapidly through the online so-called “mode currency” and “flow currency”, with transaction fees rising more than 1,300 times in May this year compared to October last year.


So, what's with the tea, known as the Grand Casino? Who's driving the crazy money plate?

蹭热点上位 玩“模式币”走红

抹茶交易所自2018年4月成立以来不温不火,直到2019年初随着IEO(Initial Exchange Offering,首次交易所发行,实为交易所背书的变相ICO)兴起,找到了蹭热点的发财之道。

Since its establishment in April 2018, the tea-painting exchange has not been in a bad mood until early 2019, when the first ICO, endorsed by the exchange, emerged with the launch of the IEO.


In February of this year, IOU was launched with tea, declaring it a “periodic currency” and using the IEO project at the Big Exchange to steal money before our home, i.e., money that no one else had yet taken on their own platform, and to gamble ahead of the surge of the gun.


The real thing about making tea big is the Molotov cocktail.


Model currency, also known as “resilient currency”, uses the “resilient finance” model, whereby users deposit mainstream currency such as bitcoin and taetapan into a specified wallet in exchange for air currency of no bottom-line technical team and no real value.


Why do users trade real platinum for “air? They believe in the power of distribution. With the belief that the sooner they join, the more they pull their heads, the more they get resonance and the lower the cost, a large number of dangerous players join the game.


On February 23 of this year, VDS, a trade match between VDS/ETH, posted a peak of 5137% and 51% in two and a half months as of May 8. The opening fell unilaterally, and so far it has fallen by about 95% compared to the highest price.


It is worth noting that these prices were ETH, which itself increased by 15 per cent between 23 February and 8 May.


For example, VBT, which came online on May 12, rose by a maximum of 264% on 15-18 days. But it also flourished, and its demise was absent, and VBT was returned to its original shape for only three days, falling by about 90% compared to its maximum price, and by 73% compared to the opening price.


But the surge did not affect the rise of tea-painting, however. Under the influence of stars like VDS, tea-painting quickly became a red exchange, reaping huge flows.


In May of this year, fees for tea-painting amounted to US$ 3.4523 million, forcing first-line exchanges such as coins, OKEx, etc., up 862 times more than the US$ 4,000 in September of last year, and more than 1,300 times more than the lowest point in October of last year. In February-June, tea-painting platform money increased by more than 134 times the maximum in MX.

喊单社群人头攒动 半年吸粉50万

calls for a community head to save half a million dollars of powder for six months .


The Great Tea Casino was born and brought to the fore a large number of followers, such as Biki, a former co-founder of the Confederate and founder of the Golden Book, Dou, who invested in it, and also joined the war.


On 9 July, Goko.com went online to RS, with a maximum increase of about nine times on the first day of the opening, then there was no subsequent increase, and the currency is now zero.


On 28 August, BiKi went on line with NSC, which increased by more than 14 times the first day, reaching a peak of nearly $2.5 the following day, which was about 24 times higher than the opening price, and a 60 per cent drop on the third day, which has so far been 93 per cent lower than the maximum price.


Speaking of NSCs, the promotion team behind them said in early November, when they were interviewed by the Mars Economy: RX, NSCs, the first two projects of the “K-ONE Alliance” were hatched, up 96 times, and 25.6 times, respectively. The K-ONE Alliance is a coalition of early currency players, creative players, community bulls, God-level project operators, and inner media, designed to create a platform for a sustained doubling of wealth.


Since its establishment in May of this year, the K-ONE Alliance has more than 1,400 internal and 1,600 external communities and more than half a million community fans with radiation. Through community-based mechanisms, the Alliance has strengthened the glue and heat of its fans, providing constant heat and flow for its own incubation projects.


At present, the K-ONE Alliance has established community hatching nodes in Shenzhen and Chengdu, followed by more hatching nodes in Wuhan, Shanghai, Beijing, Changsha, Xian, Hong Kong, Viet Nam and Singapore.


These statements also confirm the widespread claim that Shenzhen, the two cities with the biggest currency circulation, has recently been the subject of reports that there have been currency investors defending their rights in Shenzhen.


In fact, according to the daily Science Creation Journal, there are many outreach teams like the “K-ONE Alliance”, which even promote “skillers” in the right-to-manufacturing market as a propaganda peddling, without avoiding any mention of “selling”.

实体公司已注销 幕后老板以ICO起家



Why would a plate of money such as tea licking blood be able to shake the dead? Because it is hidden deep enough by those behind the scenes.


It has been reported by think tanks that a tea-painting employee revealed that there was an internal requirement to withhold one month's salary in the event that an employee leaked his or her office address.


New employee interviews are arranged outside the company, HR reports are given only at approximate addresses, no labour contracts are signed during the three-month trial period, there is no insurance premium, wages are paid in the virtual currency USDT, “so that no operating tax is paid, tea is a lot of money saved by the company's operating costs”.


According to the Daily News, many exchanges are sly, often registered outside the country, but the main team is in the country, and offices are never open to strangers and change places at regular intervals.


Despite this caution, there is a statement in the investigation that “crimes must be marked.” According to a number of journalists, the Sichuan Sioux City Technology Company was the main entity in Sichuan's tea exchange, and there were rumours that the person in charge had been summoned by the police.


The company was established in July 2018, with the registration authority, the Market Supervision Authority of Chengdu Highland District, with a statutory representative, Chen Long Jie, holding 80 per cent of the shares, and a further 20 per cent held by a natural person, Liu Hongjiang, without any other stake penetrating relationship.


In June of this year, the company had completed a summary write-off, but it had recently continued to issue recruitment information in Beijing.


Also in June, tea-painting announced the completion of the second round of strategic financing, involving the Waterwood Financial Science and Technology Fund.


In July, tea was again declared a personal strategic investment in Chai Wenwin, when the platform registered more than 2 million users, lived more than 200,000 days and traded more than $600 million a day.


The founder of the fact-finding show from Fujian had invested in several block-link projects, and according to industry sources, the tea-painting player was also Chen Jian of Fujian, engaged in ICO activities prior to the start-up of the tea-painting, and led users in ICO project financing through the website.

监管出手 业内大呼“94”又来了

Supervising "94" in the industry again


On 14 November, the Shanghai Joint Financial Stability Office and the Central Bank's Shanghai Headquarters Exchange Office jointly issued a circular on the introduction of virtual currency trading sites, which requires all districts of the city to tweak virtual currency transactions, ICOs and their promotion of current activities, to report immediately to Internet enterprises involved in related activities, and to urge them to withdraw.


After the document came out, people in the industry shouted "94" again. In fact, "94" was always there.


Since the 18th collective study of the Central Political Office, on 24 October, and in the face of the currency boom, the People's Daily, Gwang and others have repeatedly stressed that the use of the block chain is not for currency and that vigilance should be exercised against the virtual currency build-up under the guise of the block chain.


Reporters of the Daily News have also been informed by close access to regulators that the public security services, among others, are planning to centralize money drives and distribution activities in the currency ring.


On 8 November, the Financial Services Bureau of Dongjung City issued a risk note and reiterated the risk note on the risk of illegal fund-raising in the name of a “virtual currency” “block chain” issued jointly by the Central Bank and seven other ministries on 4 September 2017 and by the Superintendence of Silver Insurance and others on 24 August 2018.


However, it has been pointed out by industry observers that the regulation of the financial sector in our country is complicated by the fact that there is no single centralized sector for new types of investment, such as virtual currency, and by the fact that most of the projects are registered abroad and are promoted and traded online.


Previously, the staff of the local financial regulatory authority in Shenzhen City, in an interview with a journalist from the Daily News, also stated that “there is no direct counterpart to this section of the regulatory authority, which can report any damage to the public security organs if the person has been defrauded”.




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