PolygonScan 是 Polygon 上的区块链浏览器,由 Etherscan 团队开发,用于记录 Polygon 生态系统上的交易详情,用户能够访问 Polygon 网络上公开共享的交易细节、跟踪交易并更深入地了解资产流向。
许多区块链协议,例如以太坊、Tron 和 Polygon 都有原生代币和交易记录,并能通过区块链浏览器查看。
Many block chain agreements, such as Ether, Tron and Polygon, have records of native currency and transactions and can be viewed through block chain browsers.
Block-chain browsers exist to store and record data related to any encrypted currency. They act as search engines (e.g. Google) to help users find information related to encrypted currency transactions.
Polygon 的原生代币是 Matic,Polygon 网络的崛起带火了 PolygonScan,使其成为最著名的区块链浏览器之一。
Polygon's original token is the rise of the Matic, Polygon network, which ignites PolygonScan, making it one of the most famous block chain browsers.
PolygonScan 允许用户访问 Polygon 生态系统上的活动详情,使用该软件的用户可访问在 Polygon 区块链网络上进行的交易记录,包括交易哈希、钱包地址、代币和价格等信息。
PolygonScan allows users to access the details of activities on the Polygon ecosystem. Users using the software have access to transaction records on the Polygon block chain network, including information on transactions such as Hashi, wallet addresses, tokens and prices.
此外,还可以在 PolygonScan 上执行的活动还包括搜索、API、分析以及 Dapps 创建。
In addition, activities that can also be carried out on PolygonScan include search, API, analysis and Dapps creation.
用户可搜索并查看有关 Polygon 网络上各个交易的详细信息,包括相关发送者、接收者、交易金额、时间戳等的信息。
Users can search and view detailed information about transactions on the Polygon network, including relevant senders, recipients, transaction amounts, time stampes, etc.
用户还可查看 Polygon 区块链中各个区块的交易详细信息。因此,用户可探索和访问生态系统中每个区块中包含的数据。
Users can also view details of the transactions of individual blocks in the Polygon block chain. Users can therefore explore and access the data contained in each block of the ecosystem.
Users can search for specific addresses on the Polygon network. These address can help you view the history of a particular wallet address or a smart contract. For users who want to monitor whales and how they buy tokens, this information may be needed when making investment decisions.
On the website, you can view popular accounts to see these addresses and see the value of tokens in wallets.
Users can access data related to tokens and smart contracts in the Polygon network, including information on currency balances, contract codes, etc.
它通常提供实时或近实时更新,允许用户查看 Polygon 网络上的最新交易和区块。
It usually provides real-time or near-real-time updates, allowing users to view the latest transactions and blocks on the Polygon network.
以下介绍了如何使用 Polygonscan 获取有关交易的详细信息的方法。
The following is a description of how Polygonscan can be used to obtain detailed information on transactions.
After a visit to the site, the site navigation bar will be seen first.
例如,你可以在主页查看 MATIC 的价格、市值、交易数量、最新区块和 Gas 价格。还有该代币的主页、区块链、代币、资源等部分。
For example, you can view the prices of the MATIC on the home page, the market value, the number of transactions, the most recent blocks and the price of the Gas.
假设你正在试着获取一些 Matic 代币,但几分钟后你的钱包地址仍未收到它们。发件人声称已发送,但你尚未在钱包中看到代币。加密货币到达不同的地址所需的时间各不相同,某些因素可能会导致延迟。
Suppose you're trying to get some Matic tokens, but after a few minutes your wallet address has still not been received. The sender claims to have sent them, but you haven't seen them in your wallet. The time it takes to encrypt the money to reach different addresses varies, and some factors may cause delays.
但是,通过在 Polygonscan 上跟踪交易,你可以验证发件人是否发起了交易,并且你能找出可能延迟你的代币到达你钱包地址的原因。
But by tracking the transaction on Polygonscan, you can verify whether the sender initiated the transaction and you can find out why it might delay your tokens from reaching your wallet address.
以下是如何使用钱包地址在 Polygonscan 上查找交易记录详情的步骤。
The following steps are taken to use the wallet address to find details of the transaction records on Polygoncan.
首先,复制你的钱包地址并粘贴到搜索栏中,搜索结果会提供有关钱包持有 MATIC 数量和价值的详细信息,还会显示所进行的交易记录,包括所使用的交易方法,以及每笔交易执行的区块以及交易发送的位置、收取的交易费用。
First, copy your wallet address and paste it to the search field. The search results will provide detailed information on the number and value of the wallets held in MATIC. It will also show the transaction records carried out, including the methods used, as well as the blocks in which each transaction is executed and the location where the transaction is sent, and the transaction fees charged.
If there is an error in any transaction, the information containing the error will be displayed.
You can also search blocks and search for details of transactions executed on each block, including transactions from the most recent to the previous. Under the block chain, click to see blocks, as shown in the figure below.
The browser draws detailed information on the most recent blocks to the old ones, as highlighted in the figure above, which uses the most recent blocks.
区块中的信息包括时间戳、交易数量、进行的合约内部交易、验证者、奖励、区块大小、gas费和限制。每个区块的平均构建时间为 2.1 秒。
Block information includes time stampes, number of transactions, intra-contract transactions, certifying officers, incentives, block size, gas fees and limits. The average build time per block is 2.1 seconds.
要查找 Polygon 网络上表现最好的帐户或地址,请单击区块链部分下的“顶级帐户”,如下所示。它将下拉显示最好的地址。
To find the best-performing account or address on the Polygon network, click the " top-level account " under the block chain section, as shown below. It will drop down to show the best address.
If you select a specific wallet address, you can find details of the balance, value, and tokens of the address.
By doing so, traders and investors can track large investors known as whales. The whales are encrypted currency holders with most of the tokens.
在主页的“代币”栏下,可以看到代币的列表,单击选择“按市值划分的 ERC-20 代币”。
Under the " Currency " column on the home page, a list of the tokens can be seen, and click to select the " ERC-20 tokens by market value ".
Here you can find details of their total supply, number of holders and completed transfers, contract addresses, official money websites and social media accounts.
You can also check the detailed transaction records of the transactions in the currency, as shown below.
Although Polygonscan is constructed by the same development team on the basis of the Ethercan framework and has similar functions, there are some differences.
主要的是他们的区块链网络不同:PolygonScan 在 Polygon 网络上运行,而 Etherscan 在以太坊网络上运行。
The main thing is that their block chain network is different: PolygonScan operates on the Polygon network, while Ethercan operates on the Etherno network.
此外,各自提供的功能是两者之间的另一个区别,由于 Etherscan 是在 Polygonscan 之前开发的,因此功能更加全面。
In addition, the functions provided by each are another difference between the two, as Ethercan was developed prior to Polygonscan and is therefore more comprehensive.
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