
资讯 2024-06-27 阅读:21 评论:0



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Currently, information technology, represented by block chains, industrial Internet, artificial intelligence and 5G, is developing rapidly, and the integration of science and technology with the economy has brought about significant changes and progress in the economy and society.


In the face of the new international situation and international competition patterns, in October this year, the Central Political Bureau of the Chinese Communist Party, for its eighteenth time, studied the current state and trends in the technological development of the block chain. This has provided an impetus for accelerating technological and industrial innovation in the block chain and has also strengthened confidence in China’s well-documented digital economy.

当前,通证数字经济迅速发展,但从全社会的观念革新到技术落地,以及去中心化和监管的平衡等问题,仍需要各界在实践中不断探索。2019年12月21日, “2019中国通证数字经济峰会”在北京召开。峰会以“数字经济时代的机遇与思考”为主题,深入讨论数字经济时代背景下区块链技术、通证的变革意义与创新应用,并就如何更好服务国家战略与实体经济,为推动中国经济社会高质量发展集思广益,建言献策。

At present, the mediocre digital economy is growing rapidly, but issues ranging from social conceptual innovation to technologicalization and decentralisation and regulatory balance still need to be explored continuously in practice. On 21 December 2019, the China Translator Digital Economy Summit was held in Beijing. The Summit focused on the theme “Opportunities and reflections in the digital economy era” and discussed in depth the implications and innovative applications of block-link technologies, translators and innovations in the context of the digital economy, and how to better serve the national strategy and the real economy in order to generate ideas and ideas for high-quality economic development in China.


Status of Development of Block Chains


As defined in the White Paper on Block Chains (2019) issued by the China Institute for Information and Communications Research, the block chain is a method of shared maintenance that uses cryptography to secure transmissions and access and is capable of achieving consistent data storage, difficult to tamper with, and anti-deposit accounting techniques, also known as distributed bookkeeping techniques.


Since 2016, when the “block chain” was first included in our 13th Five-Year Information Plan, the heat of the block chain and the digital economy has remained high, becoming a recognized “block chain year” in 2016. In 2018, the Central Economic Work Conference emphasized the acceleration of 5G commerce, the strengthening of new infrastructure such as artificial intelligence, the industrial Internet, and physical networking, and, for the first time in 2019, the need for a vigorous digital economy; over the past four years, the technology of the block chain and the digital economy has continued to evolve and its practical applications have grown.


Indeed, scholars have summarized the application of the block chain as “five, six, six, six.” Five existing areas of the block chain include digital finance, physical networking, smart manufacturing, supply chain finance and digital asset trading; six development directions include basic research, coordinated closing, standardized research, industrial development, industrial ecology and talent-building; five important roles are to promote data sharing, optimize business processes, reduce operating costs, enhance synergies and build credible systems; and six applications are finance, the digital economy, livelihoods, intelligent cities, connectivity and e-government.


The sector chain-related industries have already covered a wide range of aspects, and the block chain+ has developed many applications, but the block chain is not a panacea, which industries are not suitable and which industries are not. Which direction is the easiest to reach if the block chain is to achieve large-scale applications? (Hong Kong) The founder of Digital Dynamics Ltd. and the co-chair of the Hong Kong Block Chain Association have argued that in industries and industries where production factors are highly digitized, it is possible to achieve block chain applications in the first batch, such as finance, games, government finance, etc.


In his view, while the current concept of block chains is numerous, they are actually part of the “block chain application” and few land-fall projects. Whether it is a large marketed miner, or an existing centralized exchange, it is essentially not an enterprise applying a block chain.


Compliance guidelines address the question of whether there are real legal persons, how anonymity is regulated by the Government, whether Token (passport) can be fired and whether it can lead to capital flight.


The principle of non-alternativeity refers to the question of whether block chain applications are genuinely distributed bookkeeping, whether smart contracts have been used and whether value chain shifts have been achieved


The implementability guidelines are intended to measure whether the factors of production are digital enough, how much demand is generated, and the combination application landscape of the Internet.


The efficiency guideline refers to whether the relevant application can reduce operating costs through smart contracts, whether transaction costs can be reduced through creation, and where the benefits are.


Translator Digital Economy and Industrial Innovation Development in China


Confidence is the problem that the block chain focuses on, and the solution is different from the previous technology. The block chain has created a new computing paradigm and collaborative model for building trust at low cost in an untrustworthy competitive environment, with its unique confidence-building mechanism, which has allowed penetrating regulation and confidence-building to be passed down step by step, bringing with it innovative business models and applications for digital economy applications.


The chain of blocks offers a valuable opportunity for innovation in China’s industrial development. The Chief Technical Officer of State Indigen Control (Hainnan) Technology Ltd., Li Jinjun, argues that it can be understood from both a technical and an economic perspective. He says: “Technology, the chain of blocks brings a credible network, which is realized by a high degree of credibility, security, and easy to share.


On 20 December, the spokesman for the National People’s Congress’s Legal and Technical Commission, Mr. Yu, stated at a press conference that China would be preparing the Personal Information Protection Act, the Data Security Act, and so forth next year. The introduction of those laws had greatly facilitated the use of data and made the chain of blocks more useful. China, for its part, pointed out that “the block chain provides a model and innovative ground for business development in all walks of life in the digital economy and can help to solve security problems, develop new business models and promote the digitalization of the industry.”


Risk prevention, regulation and response


Block chain technology poses new problems and challenges for governance due to its inherent characteristics, such as decentralization, difficulty of manipulation and self-incentives.


With regard to the risks of block chain technology, the Director of the Digital Economy Department of the Institute of Policy and Economic Research of China, Sun Ke, argued: “One is that decentralized distributional shared books raise the problem of fragmentation of governance subjects. The second is that automated smart contracts raise questions about their legal validity. The third is the problem of data privacy and content governance caused by the unmanageable characteristics of block chains. The fourth is the problem of financial governance caused by incentive mechanisms and digital assets.” In addition to the above, the block chain has its own technological risks, such as the central paradox, the risk of key loss, etc., and the risks of integration, such as economic and social risks, and the risk of financial integration.


Given the risks associated with block chain technology and the digital economy, how to better regulate and respond to them is an urgent problem. In response, the Deputy Minister for Innovation and Development Studies of the Development Research Centre of the State Council said, “The overall regulatory direction is still to promote a ‘discovery of the economy’, with a cautious balance of inclusion in the virtual economy. At the legal level, the situation with respect to the economic development of translator can be incorporated into the existing legal framework, and even the law can be changed; the second is the chain of governance, incorporating legal provisions into smart contracts.”


Sun Ke also suggested: “Technology should be pursued in a multi-pronged manner, with the aim of strengthening research on key technologies and developing talent and standards; applications should be explored to accelerate industry applications and guide the real landing of applications; and the regulatory dimension, in the near future, should combine prudential and inclusive regulation to protect against potential risks.”


(Edit: Cho)




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