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NFT is what? #xff1f; endorphins? #xff1f; the bitter one...

NFT = Non-Fungible Token = 非同质化代币
FT = Fungible Token = 同质化代币
UTXO = Unspent Transaction Output——未花费的交易输出
token = 通证,一般用来比喻货币

NFT & #61; & #61; unsynchronized indents
FT & #61; Fungible Token & #61;
UTXO & #61; Unspent Transport Output - unspented transactions
token & #61; general #xff0c; generic currency


There may be some knowledge of NFT. The ring product in the area of block chains & #xff0c; NFT has been receiving attention and love since 2017 for encryption cats. At that time , the public chain market did not have a very good product & #xff0c; but a fashioned encrypted cat & #xff08; xff09, as shown in the figure below; xff08; xff0c as of February 13, 2023; 520.43 xff09; ffff0c; this means that an NFT encrypted cat can sell US$ 9122.58 million.

[外链图片转存失败,源站可能有防盗链机制,建议将图片保存下来直接上传(img-BNssHXqJ-1676306246423)(C:\Users\dtwang\AppData\Roaming\Typora	ypora-user-images\image-20230213225722756.png)]

 [Foreign-chain photo transfer failed, the source station may have a anti-piracy chain mechanism, it is recommended that pictures be kept for direct uploading (img-BNssHXqJ-1676626423) (C:\Users\dtwang\AppData\Roaming\Typora ypora-user-images\image-20230213225722756.png)]


It is now 2023 xff0c; the NFT market has not disappeared xff0c as many people have predicted in the past; instead, it has introduced a growing number of products xff0c; these include the famous CryptoPunk( the famous pixel drawing art xff0c; figure I xff09; BAYCff08; the twitter head of the library encrypted ape xff0c; figure II xff09 below; et cetera. xff0c; an increasing number of game companies have started to use NFT to upscale their game chain xff0c; concepts such as GameFi xff0c; making the game tradable and permanent. xff0c; what exactly is NFT xff1f; next step by step.




To understand this concept xff0c; to begin with, we need to know what a homogenous token is xff0c; one of the famous examples is the bitcoin that you are very familiar with.


比特币。作为区块链技术的第一个应用,无论在任何讨论区块链的话题时,似乎都无法避免提及比特币。比特币被定义为“点对点的电子现金系统”,是定义在比特币区块链上的一种货币。在这里使用“货币”而不是“代币”的原因是,“代币”这个名词更多地指的是在以太坊上运行智能合约(一段运作在以太坊系统上的代码)而创建的货币。比特币的创建是由挖矿(是指大家计算一个数学难题,获取提交记账权利的过程)活动产生的,矿工在挖到对应区块后,会在区块的第一笔Transaction(交易)中生成对应数量的UTXO(Unspent Transaction Output——未花费的交易输出)来代表比特币的产生。在比特币中,UTXO是一种货币形式,可以理解为现实中的纸币。一个账户的所有UTXO的数量总和在一起就是该账户的余额。每一笔UTXO都有一个唯一编号(使用交易hash + index-第几个输出来确定——比特币的每一笔转账被称为交易,交易有输入和输出,其中输入和输出都有序号标识,类似于数组的下标),它类似现实中每张100元人民币都有自己的唯一编号。比特币正是通过这种模式来实现转账的溯源。下图是一个简单的使用比特币系统进行转账的例子,从左到右,首先由一个5BTC(比特币的代称)的交易输入,得到一个[4BTC, 1BTC]的UTXO列表,其中输出的1BTC的序号为1,它可以使用[Transaction1(交易1) + index_1]来唯一标识。而在经过Transaction3(交易3)之后,由于它被用做交易输入(in),在交易结束之后,会被打上标记证明这笔钱已经被消费掉了。用生活的例子来看,比特币的交易方式与现金机会一致,只有不同的点在于,比特币每次消费一笔之后,会将这一笔打上消费标记,相当于撕毁这部分现实中的纸币,而创造新的交易输出(新的零钱纸币)。

#bitcoin. The first application of the block chain technology xff0c; xff0c, regardless of the topic of the block chain under discussion; xff0c; it seems impossible to avoid mentioning bitcoin. Bitcoin is defined as the “point-to-point electronic cash system” xff0c; it is defined as a currency in the Bitcoin block chain. The reason for using the word “currency” instead of “indial” is xff0c; the term “indial” refers more to the operation of the smart contract xff08 in the pit; a code xff0 in the pit system n; a currency created by xff08; xff0; #ff#jux p p

同时,比特币被认为是一种同质化的货币,尽管每个比特币的UTXO(未使用的交易输出)都有唯一的编号。这是因为在现实中,每个比特币的价值都是等价的。例如,如果Alice和Bob都拥有一个比特币,那么他们在比特币区块链上能做的事情是一致的,他们的购买力是相同的。这与现实世界中的货币类似,例如每张100元的现金虽然有不同的编号,但是它们的购买力是相同的,任何商家在收款时都不会指定编号来接受付款。下面图是一个简单的例子,当Alice持有[Transcation1(交易1), index_0]唯一标识的价值1BTC的UTXO,和Bob持有[Transcation2(交易2), index_1]标识的1BTC的UTXO同时去老王家的🍕披萨店买披萨的时候。老王除非有特殊的数字爱好,不然两人能买到的披萨数量应该是一样的。

At the same time xff0c; Bitcoin is considered to be a homogenous currency xff0c; although each bitcoin's UTXOxff08; unused transaction output xff09; has the only number. This is because in reality xff0c; each bitcoin's value is equal. For example xff0c; if Alice and Bob both have a bitcoin xff0c; if they can do the same on the bitcoin chain xff0c; their purchasing power is the same. This is similar to the currency in the real world xff0c; for example, every 100 dollar of cash xff0c; but their purchasing power is the same xff0c; no merchant can assign a number to be paid #ff0; #kfffffx1 of #Buff1; ktr; ktr; kkträktr; kffx1 of Tr; ktr.


Equivalent value of the same number of BTC xff0c after explaining bitcoin's creation and cost. It also shows that bitcoin itself is a homogenous currency xff0c; then we further explain another homogenous currency xff0c; and the chain of blocks known as Bitcoin — in the original currency of the Taiku




xff0c; now xff0c; now xff0c; let's focus first on the currency of the xff08; we've talked about Bitcoin in the form of UTXO #xff0c; the balance of an account is calculated by combining all UTXO xff0c; the balance of xff0; the amount of cf0; the amount of cf0; the amount of xxx; xxxxxx; the number of items of #ffp#09; the number of items of items of #ff#ff; the number of items of items of #ff #09; the number of items of items of items of #ff #09; the number of items of items of items of items of xxx; the number of items of items of #fff; the number of items of items of items of #ff #ff; the number of items of items of items of items of #fff; the #ffffffffffffx; the number of items of items of items of items of items of items of items of items of items of items of items of items of items of items of items of items of items of items of items of items of items of items of items of items of items of items.

从上面的转账过程,我们不难看出,Ether也是一种同质化代币,比比特币更彻底地同质化了。在以太坊中,每个ether都没有唯一编号,每个ether都是完全相同的,没有任何区别。以微信支付为例,其零钱中的每一元钱都没有任何区别,每次支付时,我们甚至不知道哪一元钱会被花费。(在比特币中,由于UTXO都有唯一编号[交易hash + 序号index],因此我们可以知道花费的是哪笔钱。)

From the above transfer process xff0c; we can easily see that xff0c; Ether is also a homogenous token xff0c; more homogenous than bitcoin. In the courthouse xff0c; there is no single number for each other xff0c; each other is identical xff0c; there is no difference. The example of micro-payment is xff0c; there is no difference in every dollar of its pocket xff0c; xff0c; we don't even know which dollar is spent each time. xff08; xffff0c in bitco; because UTXO has the only number [traffash & #43; serial index] #xff0c; we can therefore know which amount is spent.


After talking about Etheria's original ingenuity, #xff0c; we've entered the last part of the homogenizing “demonstration” — ERC20 and #xff0c; it's a contractual code deployed on Ether — a non-stop program.



#xff0c for people who have not touched Ether; it may be confusing to see the word ERC20. #xff0c; what does ERC20 mean? #xff1f;


First of all, xff0c; we need to start with the contract at the Etheria. When we introduce Ether, we mention xff0c; Ether is a decentralised contractual system. To understand this concept xff0c; we need to know the following two points first.


The first point is xff0c; Bitcoin is a decentralised monetary system. The modern society is a legal society xff0c; it is also a central society xff0c; each of our financial transactions is almost complete through financial institutions xff08; of course xff0c; except for bank notes xff09; for example, our bank transfers xff08; figure xff09; xff0c; we need banks to execute transfers xff0c; if the bank freezes our accounts xff0c; we cannot complete transfers. The central problem here is xff0c; our financial property rights are in our hands xff0c; but our use is restricted by centralized financial institutions xff08; of course, most of the restrictions are for user property security and macroeconomic risk control xff09;


comparisonbr/> Bitcoin appeared to break the situation xff0c; it used a decentralised xff08; p2p network xff09; currency system xff08; upper map xff0c; capable of making transfers anywhere in the world xff0c; no financial institution xff0c; allowing users to have property rights in its own hands. The basic technology used by Bitcoins is a worldwide maintained account xff08; sector chain xff09; xfff0; fffffn; no single section can alter the account book xff0c; thus achieving a robust, borderless currency system 08; at least 09 nxffff;


The second problem to solve is that the contract xff1a; Ether is an upgraded version of Bitcoin xff0c; therefore, it is already a decentralised monetary system. But xff0c; apart from money xff0c; contracts in the real world also have central problems. The contract is essentially a contract between two or more parties and a contract xff0c; all parties are required to comply. xff0c; the actual contract breakdown is very common xff0c; supervision by a third party notarized institution is required. But xff0c; like the monetary system xff0c; vice versa; vice versa; thus xff0c; how the taupule is centralized, non-changeable and enforced.

了解了这些前置知识后,我们来解释ERC20是什么。ERC(Ethereum Request for Comments)是以太坊项目的编程规范,而20是它的编号。因此,ERC20本质上是以太坊推荐的一种编程规范,是一个合约接口规范。它实现了一个类似于以太币的账户模型,使得许多项目能够发布自己的货币。实际上,ERC20合约非常简单,其基本的数据结构只有两个map,具体可以看下面的例子。

After learning about these pre-sessions, xff0c; let's explain what the ERC20 is. ERC( Etheum Request for Comments) programmed in the Tails project xff0c; and 20 is its number. So xff0c; ERC20 is essentially a programming norm recommended by the Tails xff0c; it is a contractual interface norm. It achieves an account model similar to xff0c; it enables many projects to publish their currency. In fact, xff0c; the ERC20 contract is very simple xff0c; its basic data structure is only two mapxff0c; see the following examples.


让我们通过一个生活中的例子来解释ERC20代币合约中的数据结构。假设我们使用微信支付,第一个数据结构 balances 存储的是我们的钱包里有多少余额,而第二个数据结构 allowance 类似于亲属卡,其中第一个地址是我们的钱包地址,第二个地址可能是孩子、父母等角色。我们每个月通过限定亲属卡的数额,便可以实现让亲人使用我们的钱来支付的需求。

Let us explain the data structure of the ERC20 in a living example. Let us assume that we pay & #xff0c using micro-mail; that the first data structure is stored in our wallet & #xff0c; and that the second data structure is similar to the relative card & #xff0c; the first address is our wallet address & #xff0c; the second address is probably the role of the child, the parents, and so on.


ERC20 contracts have achieved such a set of currency interface agreements & #xff0c; common currencies include USDT, USDC and UNI & #xff0c; these currencies can be circulated and transferred on the Taiwan platform as if they were decentralized.

如果我们深入探讨这个协议,我们会发现,它和Ether本身的协议非常类似,都采用了记账模式中的 Balance,因此每个token的使用价值也是一样的,所以这些token也是同质化的。

If we look into this agreement in depth xff0c; we find xff0c; it's very similar to Ether's own xff0c; Balance, in the accounting mode is used; thus, the usage value of each token is the same xff0c; so these tokens are homogenous.



After the above example xff0c; it is believed that the meaning of FT( homogenization xff09; is understood. Its core concept can be summarized as xff1a;

  • 每一笔钱在用户或商家的认知中没有区别,其购买力和使用价值是相同的。


We call such currency or token FT& #xff08; homogenization & #xff09; currency or token.


同质化代币通常用于构建货币体系,作为支付和流通手段。比特币和以太坊原生代币是常见的例子,用于支付各自区块链上的交易费用(称为 gas fee,是以太坊合约执行的计价单位)。ERC20代币是一种在以太坊上发布的可编程代币,由于其代码可编程性非常强,因此在 ICO 等模式下得到广泛使用。不过,ICO 本身是违法的,大家不应该轻易尝试。

Homogenization is usually used to construct monetary systems & #xff0c; as a means of payment and circulation. Bitcoin and Etherkos are common examples & #xff0c; to pay transaction costs on the respective block chains & #xff08; known as gassee, units of valorization executed under the Tairas contract & #xff09; ERC20 is a programmable proxy issued in the Tails & #xff0c; because its code can be programmed very well xff0c; therefore it is widely used in ICO and so on. But xff0c; ICO itself is illegal xff0c; it should not be easily attempted.


By understanding the NF indic & #xff0c; we can easily understand the concept of NFT. The essence of NFT is that each is unique & #xff0c; unlike other indicia & #xff0c; cannot be exchanged for equal value & #xff0c; nor does it have the same purchasing power or value measure. & #xff0c; how to achieve NFT & #xff1f; and xff0c; and where the value of NFT is represented.



When talking about NFT & #xff0c; I have to mention the ETC 721 agreement. It's like the Ether's ERC 20 & #xff0c; it's a programming code for extension & #xff0c; the contractual standard used to achieve NFT. As we said before & #xff0c; the essence of NFT is that each currency is price-neutral xff0c; then how to achieve each one is unique xff1f;


It may be easy to think of xff1a; assign a single number to each indentation xff0c; e.g. xff0c from 1 onwards; number 43; xff0c from each new issue; so that each indent has a unique serial number xff0c; thus distinguishing between different indents. This is indeed the NFT’s realization xff0c; it is also the core idea of the ERC721 agreement. This is the difference between xff0c; the core data structure of the ERC721 agreement is several simple maps xff08; Mapxff09;



Although ERC721 allows each currency to have a single serial number through TokenId's design xff0c; this does not solve a core issue xff1a; how to ensure that the value of each is different. This is the core and value of NFT. We know xff0c; if there is only one TokenId xff0c; then the above-mentioned bitcoin UTXO has the same effect xff0c; then why do we think that bitcoin is homogenous xff1f; because there is no other difference in real value xff0c; so that each dollar is unique.


为了解决这个问题,我们需要思考如何将tokenid与一个独一无二的内容绑定,从而实现价值和唯一标识的绑定,进而实现非同质化的能力。在ERC721规范中,有一个名为 TokenURI 的函数,可以用来实现不同tokenid绑定的价值内容。

In order to solve this problem xff0c; we need to think about how to bind totokenid with a unique content xff0c; thus achieving value and unique identifier binding xff0c; and thus the ability to achieve non-homogenization. In the ERC721, xff0c; there is a function xff0c, called Tokenuri ; which can be used to achieve different tokenid binding values.



xff0c; we know that tokenid can bind the corresponding content xff0c; the ability to achieve non-homogenization as a unique sign. But the most easy option to imagine is to bind the backstage url to xff0c on tokenid xff0c; with a large amount of value xff0c; for example, hundreds of MB pictures, cool games or personal websites. However, xff0c; this actually makes no sense xff0c; the value of these URLs disappears as the backstage process changes.



This is also a very common idea in the current market. Usually & #xff0c; project parties use , Arweave, etc., to save data xff0c; then to put it on the chain for use. This is a simple introduction to the concept of decentralizing storage xff0c; its objective is to diffuse redundant storage xff0c; thus achieve permanent preservation of documents. #xff0c; use of tokenid to bind to a centralized url with a certain value xff0c; still depends on the degree of centralization.


除了绑定去中心化存储的 URL 外,还有一种更极端的方式可以保证 NFT 的价值,即将 NFT 的价值直接放到以太坊合约代码里面。正如我们之前所说,以太坊合约的特点是 “code is law”,发布到链上的合约将永远不会被更改。这意味着将 NFT 的价值直接放到合约代码中,可以更好地保证 NFT 的价值与其对应的 token ID 永久绑定在一起。例如著名的项目loot
现在我们已经了解了基本的 NFT 设计以及如何绑定价值。接下来,我们将讨论一个更为核心的问题:NFT 的优势是什么?

In addition to binding URL from centralized storage & #xff0c; there is a more extreme way to guarantee the value of NFT & #xff0c; to place NFT value directly in Ether's contract code. As we have said before & #xff0c; the features of the Tai's contract are “code is law” & #xff0c; the contracts published on the chain will never be changed. This means that the value of NFT will be placed directly into the contract code & #xff0c; to better guarantee that the value of NFT will be permanently tied to its corresponding to Token ID.




Compare xff0c with one example of life; xff0c; xff0c


We can explain by one example. Assuming that the author himself has an antique xff08; has a unique identifier xff0c; has no second xff09; xff0c; if it needs to be sold xff0c; usually has to go to auctions xff0c; after a lengthy auction process to sell it. xff0c; authors need to run around with antiques almost personally xff0c; visits to various buyers xff0c; and the smaller market for art xff0c; ordinary people have difficulty participating in it. xff0c; the mobility of antique art is very poor xff0c; this leads to many difficulties in trying to sell antiques.


By contrast, xff0c; if the author's collection is a NFT, he needs only xff08 in the NFT trading market; e.g. Opensea) just put on a list sale. There is no need to verify the authenticity of the collection xff08; because tokenid has been tied to his value through a smart contract xff09; xff0c; do not worry about problems of non-payment of goods that may be encountered at the time of the transaction xff08; smart contracts can enforce the transaction xff09;



“A little milk tea and milk tea for Man and Friends #xff0c; although the raw material is the same xff0c; the price is not consistent.”


Because NFT has features such as uniqueness & #xff0c; it can provide more visibility for the projects/products it promotes. Now & #xff0c; brands such as LV and Nike have been used for promotional purposes, such as NFT. While shoes and bags themselves are the same xff0c; but once they are scarce xff0c; and this scarcity can be proven xff0c; then their value will increase significantly.



I believe that a lot of people have been concerned about the recent fall in the market sales of snowstorms in China. This trend is actually a reflection of the founder of Etheria & #34; v #34; the original vision of Etheria & #xff0c; the placement of digital assets such as game props on decentralized platforms & #xff0c; and the permanent existence of these assets even if the game no longer exists xff0c; NFT and other technologies now make this vision a reality. & xff0c; games products can be fully traded and permanently preserved using NFT technology.


In fact, xff0c; through the discussion above xff0c; we've learned a little bit about how to achieve the simplest NFT. Of course xff0c; this is only the foundation of NFT xff0c; NFT has a lot of in-depth directions xff0c; for example, xff0c, for example, ERC 1155 and the famous DID social agreement xff0c; I will also be involved in subsequent articles. However, xff0c; I'd rather like to explore the logic of NFT fumigation. xff0c; most people are just making and speculating NFT #xff0c; if we cannot properly understand the logic of #xff0c; may be affected by the scheme.


说到投机,我们不得不先介绍一下著名的始作俑者ICO。ICO全称为Initial Coin Offering,和IPO相呼应,IPO是上市公司售卖自己股票的表现,而ICO则是项目方售卖自己的代币的行为(ERC20代币)。ICO的骗局逻辑是:

Speaking of speculation xff0c; we have to first introduce the famous founder, ICO. The ICO is called Initial Coin Offering, and IPO echoes xff0c; IPO is the performance of listed companies in selling their shares xff0c; ICO is the act of selling their own tokens xff08; ERC20 Generation #xff09; ICO's swindle logic is xff1a;

  • 我要做一个东西,我将发一个self币,这个self币能够类似占有我的股份一样占有这个项目的利益划分权。
  • 我做的这个东西未来很多人会使用,因此self币具有极大的市场,未来我的币价会升高。
  • 因此,现在购买币来支持我完成这个东西,未来卖掉可以获利!


In essence xff0c; ICO uses users to fund future project expectations. But the ICO threshold is low xff0c; legal protection is weak xff0c; the vast majority of project participants do not actually work xff0c; rather, they run. Lack of legal protection xff0c; funds are not recoverable xff0c; resulting in a large number of users being deceived.


在讲解 ICO 的基本逻辑之后,我们来看看 NFT 的逻辑:

After explaining the basic logic of ICO #xff0c; let's see the logic of NFT #xff1a;

  • 我有一件独特的物品,我发行一个独一无二的 NFT 代币并宣布两者之间有某种联系。
  • 这个物品非常有价值,因此 NFT 代币会有极大的市场需求,因此我的 NFT 代币未来的价值会上涨。
  • 因此,现在购买 NFT 代币,未来出售将会获得盈利!

实际上,在比较 ICO 和 NFT 后,我们会发现:

xff0c; after comparing ICO with NFTxff0c; we'll find xff1a;

  • NFT 代币基于一个已经存在的物品,而 ICO 则是基于一个尚未存在的项目。
  • 两者都基于未来增值的前提。

事实上,这种逻辑在现实资本市场中也同样存在。如果我们想吹嘘某个尚未存在的东西,我们会说未来一定会出现,而且比现有的任何东西都更好(ICO 逻辑);而如果一个东西已经存在,我们会说这个东西非常珍贵,未来可能没有任何比它更好的(NFT 炒作逻辑)。这种逻辑并没有错,现实中的广告也常常如此。只是区块链中的代币和 NFT 使得这些逻辑变得更加复杂。

In fact xff0c; this logic also exists in real capital markets. If we want to brag about something that does not exist xff0c; we say that there will be xff0c in the future; and it's better than anything that exists xff08; ICO Logic xff09; xff1b; and if something already exists xff0c; we will say that it is very precious xff0c; there may not be any better xff08; NFT fumbling logic xff09; this logic is not wrong xff0c; it is often the same as advertising in reality.

区块链的去中心化使得几乎每个人都能参与市场,并让市场没有任何门槛。这使得市场变得更加活跃。然而,理性在市场上最终还是会占据主导地位。尽管 ICO 可以面向更多用户,但这并没有使得这个竞争激烈的市场具有化腐朽为神奇的能力。关键在于看项目方本身是否有实力、是否可靠。

The centralization of the block chain allows almost everyone to participate in the market xff0c; and leaves the market without any threshold. This makes the market more dynamic. However, xff0c; rationality will eventually dominate the market.


So xff0c; in such a market xff0c; if we want to be involved xff0c; then we need to be very careful xff0c; and we need to know whether an NFT is worth investing.


So how do we judge the value of NFTs & #xff1f;
we can no longer use ICOs to compare & #xff0c; after all, NFTs need to bind a valuable content through what has not yet appeared & #xff0c; ultimately, the value of ICO depends on whether the project party has the power to make the project. And the value of NFTs is whether the items tied behind them are really xff0c; they really have value.


From the basic point of view #xff0c; we can see the value of NFT in two ways

  • 共识层面:即有多少人会承认这个物品的价值。
  • 内置价值:构造NFT绑定的资产的成本有多高?不可复制程度、品牌版权等。


Ideas are always rich #xff0c; but reality is bitter #xff0c; although we can measure them in these two dimensions. But in many cases we can't really tell which is really valuable NFT.


First, at the consensus level, xff0c; because NFT has just entered the horizon xff0c; in fact, it is hard to say that every product is “highly accepted by the public” xff0c; for example, the famous SVG-NFT project Loot was very hot during the previous period xff0c; but not many people know it. Obviously xff0c; it doesn't make much sense if we use this indicator alone.


And the built-in value is the same xff0c; collectors will feel that their collections are of considerable value xff0c; they have huge cost barriers / rareness and non-repetition. And they all feel that these are reflected in the future price of the collections. They all feel that their NFTs are unique to Mona Lisa. But that is not the case; the waves of NFTs retreat.


So #xff0c; how do we judge the value of a collection from the NFT perspective?


First xff0c; from the consensus level xff0c; although we cannot estimate the future acceptance of NFTs xff0c; but it does not prevent us from assuming a future in which a NFT can be widely accepted xff0c; the acceptance of this thing by marking reality xff0c; although we do not know xff08; xff0c; xff0c; every NFT card released by NBA is independent xff09; xff0c; xff0c; xff0c; then xff0c; xff0c; even if NFT is widely accepted xff0c; I still do not think that NFT cards will be a collection for the general public.


Second xff0c; xff0c in terms of built-in value; we need to focus on whether NFT itself is strongly associated with the value of tied assets xff0c; e.g. xff0c; if the real estate office issues an NFT, says that each house corresponds to a unique NFTff0c; will you buy xff1f; may some partners buy xff0c; etc. #xff1f;


So the question we need to consider is: xff1a; is this NFT officially certified by the government department xff1f;
what is the NFT's interest in the property xff1f;
can I use this NFT in exchange for the right of residence/use of the house.
If I can't xff0c; then what is the value of this NFT to me xff1f; collection xff1f; looks good #xff1f;


From this example xff0c; we will find xff0c; xff08 if the value of the NFT is not strongly correlated with the value of the tied assets; owning the NFT, not necessarily owning the house xff09; xff0c; xff0c; and the value of the NFT will also be significantly reduced.


So from the top two, #xff0c; all NFTs in our market can be classified using the table below.



xff0c for investors; xff0c; xff0c for NFT products with a wide audience and high relevance; because of the advantages of high liquidity and value preservation xff0c; thus ensuring the security of funds.


What we need to avoid is products with little audience or low relevance. Such products tend to be a digital souvenir & #xff0c; there is virtually no circulation value or value guarantee. Basically, the NFT series that are currently distributed in all similar sites are of this kind...


The aim of this paper is to explain to readers the rationale behind NFT and the operating logic of the current market. For experts who know NFT, xff0c; articles may not be very valuable xff0c; these are very basic. However, xff0c; I would prefer to introduce this new product xff0c; and I would like to be able to provide some information on intrinsic value logic to those who make decisions in similar areas of investment xff0c; avoid being deceived.


Of course xff0c; there may be some bitcoin and some xff0c where the concept is not clearly expressed; but don't worry about xff0c; I will elaborate on these concepts in a series of subsequent articles.




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