什么是Web 3.0?为什么Web3.0很重要?

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如果说Web 2.0是用户广泛地参与到网络互动中,那么Web 3.0则是智能机器广泛参与到网络过程中来。在Web 3.0广泛的智能机器加持下,未来所有的社会活动、商业活动,每个人的日常生活,都将发生深刻的改变,大量的新事物和新模式将会诞生,大量新的商业机会将会涌现。本文就此进行了详解,一起来看看吧。

If Web 2.0 is a wide participation of users in network interactions, Web 3.0 is a broad participation of smart machines in the network process. With Web 3.0 a wide range of smart machines, all future social and commercial activities, every person's daily life, will change profoundly, a lot of new things and models will emerge, and a lot of new business opportunities will emerge.

什么技术使超过30亿人在每天80%的清醒时间受益?网络 2.0。

What technology benefits more than 3 billion people at 80% of the sober time per day? Network 2.0.

Web 2.0由O’Reilly和其他人在1999年至2004年间创造,它将世界从为信息消费而设计的静态桌面网页,从昂贵的服务器到交互式体验和用户生成的内容,为我们带来了Uber,AirBnB,Facebook和Instagram。Web 2.0的兴起很大程度上是由三个核心创新层推动的:移动、社交和云。

Web 2.0, created between 1999 and 2004 by O'Reilly and others, brought the world from static desktop pages designed for information consumption, from expensive servers to interactive experiences and user-generated content, to Uber, AirBnB, Facebook and Instagram. The rise of Web 2.0 was largely driven by three core layers of innovation: mobility, socialization and clouds.

随着2007年iPhone的推出,移动互联网接入极大地拓宽了用户群和Web的使用:我们从每天在家的台式机上拨号上网几个小时转变为”始终连接”状态 – Web浏览器,移动应用程序和个人通知现在都在每个人的口袋里。

With the launch of iPhone in 2007, has greatly expanded the user base and Web: we have moved from dialling on our desktops every day for a few hours to "always connected" status — Web browsers, mobile applications and personal notices are now in everyone's pockets.


Before Friendster, MySpace and Facebook in 2004, the Internet was largely a dark and anonymous place. These social networks tricked users into good behavior and content generation, including recommendations and recommendations: to convince us to share photographs online with specific groups of friends; to entrust our house on AirBnB to unknown travellers; and even to board a stranger's car with Uber.


Clouds commercialize the production and maintenance of Internet pages and applications: New cloud providers aggregate and improve bulk-produced personal computer hardware in a large number of data centres around the world. Companies can move from pre-purchase and maintenance of their own expensive dedicated infrastructure to rental of storage, computing capabilities and management tools anywhere. Millions of entrepreneurship experiments can benefit from low-cost resources, which expand with business growth.

虽然Web 2.0浪潮仍在结出硕果,但我们也看到,互联网应用程序的下一个重大范式转变(逻辑上称为Web 3.0)出现了第一批增长。尽管看起来难以置信,但Web 3.0(最初由Web的原始发明者Tim Berners-Lee创造的语义Web)是一种更根本的破坏,随着时间的推移,它将把迄今为止的一切都抛在脑后。这是开放、无信任和无许可网络的飞跃。

While the wave of Web 2.0 is still bearing fruit, we also see that the next major paradigm shift in Internet applications (logically known as Web 3.0) has seen its first increase. Although it seems incredible, Web 3.0 (the semantic Web, originally created by Web’s original inventor Tim Berners-Lee) is a more fundamental damage that, over time, will put everything to the back of its head. This is the leap of an open, untrustworthy and unlicensed network .


is open , as they are built by open-source software built by an open and accessible community of developers and implemented in full view of the world.


has no trust because the network itself allows participants to interact publicly or privately without trusted third parties.


does not require permission , since any person, including users and suppliers, may participate without the authorization of the regulatory body.


The ultimate result of these new open, untrusted and unlicensed networks is the possibility to coordinate and stimulate work, services, data and content providers, who are the disempowered context of many of the world's most daunting challenges, such as health, food, finance and sustainability.


Clouds commercialize the production and maintenance of Internet pages and applications: New cloud providers aggregate and improve bulk-produced personal computer hardware in a large number of data centres around the world. Companies can move from pre-purchase and maintenance of their own expensive dedicated infrastructure to rental of storage, computing capabilities and management tools anywhere. Millions of entrepreneurship experiments can benefit from low-cost resources, which expand with business growth.

虽然Web 2.0浪潮仍在结出硕果,但我们也看到,互联网应用程序的下一个重大范式转变(逻辑上称为Web 3.0)出现了第一批增长。尽管看起来难以置信,但Web 3.0(最初由Web的原始发明者Tim Berners-Lee创造的语义Web)是一种更根本的破坏,随着时间的推移,它将把迄今为止的一切都抛在脑后。这是开放、无信任和无许可网络的飞跃。

While the wave of Web 2.0 is still bearing fruit, we also see that the next major paradigm shift in Internet applications (logically known as Web 3.0) has seen its first increase. Although it seems incredible, Web 3.0 (the semantic Web, originally created by Web’s original inventor Tim Berners-Lee) is a more fundamental damage that, over time, will put everything to the back of its head. This is the leap of an open, untrustworthy and unlicensed network .


is open , as they are built by open-source software built by an open and accessible community of developers and implemented in full view of the world.


has no trust because the network itself allows participants to interact publicly or privately without trusted third parties.


does not require permission , since any person, including users and suppliers, may participate without the authorization of the regulatory body.


The ultimate result of these new open, untrusted and unlicensed networks is the possibility to coordinate and stimulate work, services, data and content providers, who are the disempowered context of many of the world's most daunting challenges, such as health, food, finance and sustainability.


It's enough for technology, but what impact does it have on individuals and society as a whole? How can this have a greater impact on our families, businesses, and governments than today's applications? Some say that making human beings unique is our ability to organize ourselves and pursue a common goal. So putting our thoughts back into time/history to determine the four main social and technological stages of human cooperation is very instructive:

村庄中,人们可以交易价值,信息和与他们已经知道的一小易对手合作 – 他们的交易对手受到地理接近和个人信任债券的限制。小规模意味着个人经常在社会中扮演多种角色,例如农民,消防员,战士和父亲。因此,交易的重点是粮食、安全和闲暇,除了基本上可以自给自足的家庭之外,几乎没有协调。

In the village of , people can trade value, information and work with a small rival they already know – their rivals are limited by geographical proximity and personal trust bonds. Smallness means that individuals often play multiple roles in society, such as farmers, firefighters, fighters and fathers. So the focus of the trade is on food, security and leisure, with little coordination except for households that are largely self-sufficient.


In urban cities, people can trade the value with them, and information and work have increased significantly. It is economically feasible to create new professional enterprises that account for the level of the business and rely on others to produce all the remaining goods and services needed by the urban population. While some geographical constraints remain, a more spatially competitive environment and higher population density lead to greater skill coordination among individuals.

Web 1.0和Web 2.0从根本上缩小了人们和企业通过受信任的中介机构与他们不一定知道的地理上分散的交易对手进行交易价值,信息和工作的延迟和成本。真正的全球业务开始形成,因为交易对手的范围扩大了几个数量级。

Web 1.0 and Web 2.0 radically reduce the value, delay and cost of people and businesses trading through trusted intermediaries with their geographically dispersed counterparts, not necessarily known to them. Real global business begins to take shape, as the range of counterparties expands to several orders of magnitude.


In essence, today's Internet allows for global coordination through a group of intermediaries to provide a digital social confidence layer for strangers: from Facebook to eBay and AirBnB. Unfortunately, we have become overly dependent on these platforms, and their users (whether individuals or businesses) are exposed to higher costs or platform risks (that is, the platform has the ability to destroy the business on which you operate).

虽然今天的互动可能会神奇而可靠地在全球范围内发生,但它主要是2000亿美元的数字广告业务3,以”我们用户”为产品,为这台机器提供动力。现在人们也普遍认为,这些”后真相”世界的平台创造了回音室,其中未经过滤和无耻的民粹主义或确实谬误的主张回响和加强 – 有时会带来混乱的后果。

While today’s interaction may be magically and reliably global, it is mainly about 200 billion dollars in digital advertising, producing “We the Users” as the engine for this machine. It is now widely accepted that these platforms of the “post-truth” world have created echoes, with unfiltered and shameful populist or indeed false claims echoed and reinforced – sometimes with chaotic consequences.

通过Web 3.0,女性,男性,机器和企业将能够交易价值,信息,并与他们不认识或尚未明确信任的全球交易对手合作,而无需中介。Web3.0实现的最重要的发展是最大限度地减少了全球范围内协调所需的信任。这标志着朝着隐式信任网络所有组成部分的方向迈进,而不是需要明确信任每个人和/或寻求实现外部信任。

Through Web 3.0, women, men, machines and businesses will be able to trade values, information, and work with global traders with whom they do not know or do not have clear trust, without the need for intermediaries. The most important development achieved by Web3.0 is to minimize the trust needed for global coordination. This marks a move towards all components of hidden trust networks, rather than requiring explicit trust in everyone and/or seeking external trust.

Web 3.0将从根本上扩大人机交互的规模和范围,远远超过我们今天所能想象的。这些互动,从无缝支付到更丰富的信息流,再到可信的数据传输,随着潜在交易对手的大幅增加,将成为可能。Web 3.0将使我们能够与世界上任何个人或机器进行交互,而不必通过收费的中间商。这种转变将催生一波以前无法想象的全新浪潮:从全球合作社到分散的自治组织和自我主权的数据市场。

Web 3.0 will fundamentally expand the scale and scope of human interactions far beyond what we can imagine today. These interactions, from seamless payments to a richer flow of information to credible data transfers, will be possible as potential rivals increase significantly. Web 3.0 will allow us to interact with any individual or machine in the world, rather than through fee-based intermediaries. This shift will trigger a completely new wave that could not have been imagined before: from global cooperatives to decentralized autonomous organizations and self-sovereign data markets.


This is important because:

  • 通过去中介化行业,减少寻租的第三方并将这一价值直接返还给网络中的用户和供应商,社会可以提高效率。
  • 组织本质上可以通过其更具适应性的点对点通信和参与者之间的治理关系的新网格来更具弹性地进行更改。
  • 人类,企业和机器可以通过更多的隐私和安全保证共享更多数据
  • 我们可以通过几乎消除我们今天观察到的平台依赖风险来适应未来的创业和投资活动。
  • 我们可以通过使用可证明的数字稀缺性的数据和标记化的数字资产来拥有自己的数据和数字足迹
  • 通过对这些新的分散式情报系统的”现代相互”所有权和治理以及复杂和动态的经济激励措施,网络参与者可以合作解决以前棘手或”分散”的问题。

即将到来的Web 3.0浪潮远远超出了加密货币的初始用例。通过现在可能的丰富交互和全球可用的交易对手范围,Web 3.0将以加密方式将来自个人,公司和机器的数据与高效的机器学习算法连接起来,从而导致从根本上新市场和相关商业模式的兴起。结果类似于”重返地球村” – 每天沉浸在以人为本和高度个性化的互动中,我们曾经从中受益,但现在在全球范围内的互联网上提供,并支持越来越多的人类和机器技能专业化

Web 3.0 will connect data from individuals, companies, and machines with efficient machine learning algorithms in an encrypted way. The result is similar to “return to the global village” – we have benefited from a daily immersion in people-centred interactions and highly personalized interactions, but are now available on the global Internet and supports the growing specialization of human and machine skills .


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