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加密货币自 2008 年问世以来已经走过了漫长的道路。自从比特币的巨大推出以来,它仍然是最受欢迎的加密和区块链网络,这个行业变得更加复杂。所有在区块链上启动的交易都必须记录和转录,确保它们在区块链网络的分类账上得到验证。

Encrypted money has come a long way since its inception in 2008. Since the huge introduction of Bitcoin, it has remained the most popular network of encryption and block chains, and the industry has become more complex.


Currently, block chain ecosystems can validate their new transactions in a variety of ways. The two most popular consensus mechanisms are known as workload certificates and certificates of interest. The former are used by systems such as Bitcoin, while the latter are used by other well-known businesses in the industry, such as Ether.

在这些共识机制中,工作量证明已成为加密货币挖掘过程的代名词。在本文中,我们将深入探讨这种做法,解释什么是加密挖矿,为什么它对所有人来说都是区块链生态系统的重要组成部分,以及像 Metatime 这样的公司如何随着时间的推移使这种共识模型更加高效。

In these consensus mechanisms, the workload has proven to be a noun for the encrypt currency mining process. In this paper, we will explore this approach in depth, explaining why it is an important part of the block chain ecosystem for all, and how companies like Metatime can make this consensus model more efficient over time.


Let's get started.

与挖矿相关的最常见的加密货币是比特币,它是第一个使用 POW 共识机制的加密货币。以比特币为例,挖矿是产生新的比特币货币并进入全球流通的过程。虽然这个过程确实指的是提取的概念,但“挖矿”这个词实际上与生产新比特币时发生的复杂过程有更多关系。

The most common cryptic currency associated with mining is Bitcoin, which is the first encrypted currency to use the POW consensus mechanism. In Bitcoin, for example, mining is the process of generating new bitcoin currency and entering global circulation.


In this context, mining is the process by which computers solve increasingly complex mathematical problems. When computers can complete their set-up problems, they will release the next bitcoin block and restart the process. Not only has the next information block been created on the block chain ecosystem, but the total amount of money in circulation has also been increased.


The first mining computer that solves the equation is the one that gets a bitcoin reward. Most of the time, it's actually not a person. On the contrary, many users from all over the world come together to share the powerful functions of their equipment.


Each time a transaction is made on any block chain system, it enters a long series of other transactions that are awaiting certification. In the excavation workload certification system, the process of digging new blocks is the way to verify the transaction. Miners are paid not only for finding more bitcoins, but also for validating the transaction and contributing to the continued work of the network of particular blocks.


Certification of transactions is essential in any financial system. If there is no need to ensure that every transaction is honest, the fraud of the whole block chain system is easy. If, for example, people send transactions in currencies that they do not currently have, there is no piece of certification, nothing prevents them from profiting from these fraudulent claims.

矿工支撑着区块链工作量证明生态系统,确保它们能够顺利运行。由于比特币的价格很高,从超过 65,000 美元的高位到目前的 20,000 美元左右不等,矿工参与其中的动力很大。

The miners support the block chain by proving the ecosystem and ensuring that it works well. Miners are heavily motivated to participate, given the high price of Bitcoin, which ranges from over $65,000 to the current level of $20,000.


Bitcoin miners need only an encrypted wallet, mining software and mining hardware (a powerful computer) to begin, which has led many people around the world to turn to this to earn some additional income.


Under such fierce competition, crypto-currency mining has become almost parallel to traditional data centres, creating a huge dedicated computer facility dedicated to bitcoin mining.


The prevalence of encrypt currency mining is often directly related to the current price of Bitcoin itself. Although Bitcoin is a generic currency that returns from mining, it is also an indicator of market volatility across the industry.


With the powerful role of Bitcoin, encrypted money mining will remain a welcome activity as long as the main currency continues to be preserved. Even if Russia and China prohibit encrypted currency mining, these centres soon re-emerge in these areas.

也就是说,一些公司正在提供参与加密货币挖矿的替代方法,这更有利于稳定的长期生态系统。例如,Metatime 提供 MetaMining,这是一种 Proof of Meta 共识机制。这采用混合方法进行挖掘,允许区块链生态系统访问更多样化的去中心化结构。

In other words, some companies are offering alternatives to participate in encrypt currency mining, which is more conducive to a stable long-term ecosystem. Metatime, for example, provides MetaMining, a Proof of Meta consensus mechanism. This uses a mixed approach to excavation, allowing block-chain ecosystems to access more diverse decentralized structures.

对于用户和区块链生态系统而言,这是一种更有效的挖矿操作方法。随着全球生态系统试图扩大规模和发展,MetaMining 简化流程的能力只会有助于进一步加快区块链世界的发展。

This is a more effective method of mining for users and block chain ecosystems. As global ecosystems attempt to scale up and develop, the capacity of MetaMining to simplify processes can only help to further accelerate the development of the block chain world.

加密货币挖掘是人们获得加密货币的主要方式之一,可以追溯到比特币网络的基础。尽管现在有其他几种共识机制,但比特币对 POW 的使用确保了加密货币挖矿将始终有一个强大的市场。

Encrypted currency excavation is one of the main ways in which people get access to encrypted money, dating back to the basis of the Bitcoin network. Despite several other consensus mechanisms, Bitcoin’s use of Pow ensures that encrypted money mining will always have a strong market.

随着这个行业的不断扩大,像 Metatime 这样的参与者正在确保进入加密货币挖掘比以往任何时候都容易。随着可访问性的增加,帮助维持区块链生态系统的矿工数量也将增加。随着这些项目的开展,加密货币挖矿行业的前景非常光明。

As the industry expands, participants like Metatime are ensuring that it is easier than ever before to access encrypted currency excavations. As accessibility increases, so will the number of miners helping to maintain block-chain ecosystems.


This paper is from the Internet and does not represent a scientific and technological position for the future. If it is reproduced, please indicate where it is from: https://accesspath.com/tech/582265/




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