词汇 Glossary | 定义 Definitions |
交易 Transactions | 对区块链进行状态更改的最小操作单元。通常表现为普通转帐以及智能合约调用。 Minimum operating unit for a condition change in the block chain. Usually it is a general transfer and a smart contract call. |
区块(创世区块、普通区块、配置区块、当前区块) Blocks (inventive blocks, ordinary blocks, configured blocks, current blocks) | 区块链中的最小确认单元,由零个或多个交易组成,一个区块中的交易要么全部生效,要么全部不生效。创世区块:区块链上第一个区块,确定分配规则、共识算法等系统级别的参数。配置区块:需要升级区块链系统级配置时,通过配置区块生效。 The minimum identification unit in the block chain consists of zero or more transactions, and all transactions in a block are or are not effective. Inventive blocks: the first block in the block chain, parameters for determining system levels such as allocation rules, consensus algorithms, etc. Configure blocks: when upgrading the system level configuration of the block chain is required, it is effective through the configuration of blocks. |
账本 Books | 存储区块数据、交易数据。 Stores block data, transaction data. |
UTXO | 一种余额记账方式。用于存储账号的余额数据。 An account for the balance. The balance data for the account number is stored. |
区块链 Block Chain | 由若干个区块组成的DAG。从数据结构上来说,区块链就是一个DAG。 DAG, which consists of several blocks. The block chain is a DAG in terms of the structure of the data. |
系统链 System Chains | 区块链网络中的第一条区块链实例。 An example of the first block chain in the block chain network. |
平行链 Parallel chains | 从系统链衍生出来的子链,解决扩展性问题。 Subchains derived from the chain of systems address the problem of expansion. |
跨链 Crossing the chain. | 不同的区块链之间的通信操作,目的是实现区块链世界的价值互连,解决扩展性问题。 Communication operations between the different block chains are aimed at achieving value interconnectivity in the block chain world and addressing the issue of expansion. |
账号(用户账号、合约账号) Accounts (user accounts, contractual accounts) | 一种本地或自定义权限的链上标识符。本地标识符称为用户账号,通常分配一个公钥和一个私钥;自定义权限的链上标识符称为合约账号,通常分配一个或多个密钥或多个账号。 A chain identifier for local or custom permissions. The local identifier is called a user account, usually assigning a public key and a private key; the custom permissions chain identifier is called a contractual account, usually assigning one or more keys or accounts. |
密钥对(公钥、私钥) Key pair (public, private) | 私钥以及由私钥生成的对应的公钥。私钥通常用于签名,公钥通常用于验证。 Private keys and the corresponding public keys generated by private keys. Private keys are usually used for signing, and public keys are usually used for authentication. |
地址 Address | 与用户数据挂钩的最小单元。地址可以是合约账号,也可以是由公钥生成的一个长度为33的字符串。 The minimum unit that is linked to the user data. An address can be a contractual account or a 33-length string generated by a public key. |
签名(普通签名、多重签名) Signature (general, multiple) | 利用密码学哈希函数单向不可逆、抗碰撞特性,进行身份确认的一种机制。 A mechanism for identification using the cryptography Hashi function is a single-way irreversible, collision-resistant feature. |
共识 Consensus | 一种确认区块中交易集正确性以及交易上链顺序的机制。 A mechanism to confirm the correctness of the transaction set in blocks and the order of the transactions in the upper chain. |
委托权益证明 Certificate of trust entitlement | 一种共识算法,通过选举出区块链网络中有限节点作为代表并轮流出块记账。 A consensus algorithm represents and rotates the accounts through the election of limited nodes in the block chain network. |
智能合约(系统级、用户合约) Smart contracts (system-level, user-contract) | 一个由计算机处理、可执行合约条款的交易协议,其总体目标是满足协议既定的条件,例如支付、抵押、保密协议。 A computer-processed transaction agreement with enforceable contractual terms has the overall objective of meeting the terms of the agreement, such as payment, collateral, confidentiality agreements. |
权限(许可) Permissions (permitted) | 一种安全机制,通过评估签名权限来验证一个或一组操作是否被正确授权。 A security mechanism to verify the correct authorization of one or a group of operations by assessing signature authority. |
虚拟机 Virtual machine | 智能合约的运行环境。通常包括合约上下文管理。 A smart contract operating environment. Usually includes contract context management. |
最长链 Maximum chain | 区块链中高度最大的分支。 The largest branch of the block chain. |
DAG | 有向无环图。 There's no ring map. |
双重消费 Dual consumption | 同一份数据同时消费多次。 The same data is consumed several times at the same time. |
最终一致性 Final coherence | 存在某个时刻,整个系统达成一致状态。区块链满足最终一致性。 There is a moment when the system agrees on the status. The block chain meets the ultimate consistency. |
发起人 Launcher | 发起交易的账号,通常为用户账号或合约账号。 The account number for which the transaction is initiated is usually the user account or contractual account number. |
见证人 Witness | 当选为当前周期内出块节点。 Elected to appear in block nodes in the current cycle. |
节点 Nodes | 区块链网络中的一个节点。 is a node in the block chain network. |
周期(Epoch) Period (Epoch) | 在委托权益证明共识算法中,一轮出块时间为一个周期。 In the trust equity certificate consensus algorithm, a block of time is created as a cycle. |
提案 Proposals | 一种区块链系统级配置进行升级的机制。 A mechanism for upgrading block chain system-level configurations. |
查询 Query | 对区块链中的数据按照key进行查询。 The data in the block chain are checked according to the key. |
对等网络 Reciprocal network | 网络中的节点直接互联并交互信息,不需要借助第三方。 Nodes in the network are directly connected and interactive, without recourse to third parties. |
拜占庭(拜占庭问题、拜占庭容错) Byzantium (question of Byzantine, Byzantine misbehaviour) | 拜占庭问题:在一个需要共识系统中,由于作恶节点导致的问题。拜占庭容错:在一个需要共识系统中,即使出现作恶节点也能保证系统正常运转的能力。 The Byzantine problem: In a system that requires consensus, it is a problem caused by a node of malpractice. Byzantine is wrong: in a system that requires consensus, the ability of the system to function properly is guaranteed by the presence of nodes of malfeasance. |
状态转移系统 Status Transfer System | 一个维护状态变化的系统。区块链通常被认为是一种状态转移系统,其中的状态通常包括账本、余额、合约数据。 A system to maintain a change in state. Block chains are usually considered to be a state transfer system in which the status usually includes account books, balances, contractual data. |
读写集 Book of Reading and Writing | 用于支持智能合约并发执行的一种技术。 A technology used to support intelligent contracts and implement them. |
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