在谈论区块链技术时,经常会听到交易ID(Transaction ID)这个术语。那么,什么是区块链交易ID呢?本文将为您简单易懂地解释区块链交易ID是什么意思。
When you talk about block chain technology, you often hear the term TradeID. So, what's a block chain transaction ID? This paper will explain briefly what a block chain transaction ID means.
Block chain transaction ID is the only identifier for an exchange in a block chain network. In a block chain network, each transaction is assigned a unique transaction ID, which is used to identify the transaction only in the entire block chain network.
In short, the block chain transaction ID is like an identity card for a transaction to confirm and track the status and details of the transaction.

The block chain transaction ID plays an important role in the block chain network, mainly in the following areas:
1. 确认交易的唯一性:由于每笔交易都有唯一的交易ID,区块链网络可以通过交易ID来确认每笔交易的唯一性,避免重复交易的发生。
1. Recognition of the sole nature of the transaction: As each transaction has the only transaction ID, the block chain network can confirm the uniqueness of each transaction by transaction ID and avoid duplication of transactions.
2. 追踪交易的状态:通过交易ID,区块链网络可以追踪特定交易的状态。这意味着任何人都可以根据交易ID来查找相关的交易信息,包括交易的发起方、接收方、交易时间等。
2. Tracking the status of the transaction: Through the transaction ID, the block chain network can track the status of the particular transaction. This means that any person can find relevant transaction information based on the transaction ID, including the originator of the transaction, the recipient, the time of the transaction, etc.
3. 验证交易的有效性:每笔交易的交易ID都是由区块链网络根据一定的算法生成的,这确保了交易ID的唯一性和不可更改性。通过验证交易ID的有效性,可以确保交易没有被篡改或伪造。
3. Validation of transactions: The transaction ID for each transaction is generated by a block-chain network based on a certain algorithm, which ensures the uniqueness and immutableness of the transaction ID. Verification of the validity of the transaction ID ensures that the transaction is not altered or falsified.
4. 确认交易的完成:当一笔交易被网络中的节点确认并添加到区块中后,该交易的状态将被更新并与交易ID相关联。通过交易ID,可以确认一笔交易是否已经被成功加入到区块链的交易历史中。
4. Confirms the completion of a transaction: determines whether a transaction has been successfully added to the block chain in the history of the transaction when the transaction is confirmed by the node in the network and added to the block, the status of the transaction will be updated and linked to the transaction ID.
A block chain transaction ID usually requires a block chain browser. A block chain browser is a tool for viewing transaction information on a block chain that provides transaction ID and other information relevant to the transaction.
In order to obtain a block chain transaction ID, you can use specific block chain browsers, such as a bitcoin block chain browser, an Ether block chain browser, etc.. On a block chain browser, you can access the corresponding transaction ID by entering the relevant transaction information, such as a deal with Hashi.
Also, if you are the initiator or recipient of a transaction, the transaction ID will normally be displayed in your transaction log or wallet application.
Block chain transaction ID is the only identifier for a transaction in the block chain network. Its role includes confirming the uniqueness of the transaction, tracking the transaction status, validating the transaction and confirming the completion of the transaction.
Through the block chain transaction ID, we can make it easier to understand and track transaction information on the block chain, thereby enhancing the transparency and security of transactions.
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