单靠比特币 我是如何在27岁赚到一个亿的?

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  原标题:单靠比特币,我是如何27岁赚到一个亿的? 来源:显微故事


Just over 27 years old, William's been in his first half of retirement.


At the end of 2019, William returned from Shenzhen to live in a common but visible apartment.

  所谓FIRE(Financial Independence and Retiring Early),意思是财务独立、提前退休。

The term FIRE means financial independence and early retirement.


FIRE youths also refer to the youths of fire, which are broken down into fat, poor, coffee-café, and coastal fires because of the different ways in which they are chosen. Fertilizers are easy, and post-retirement savings are increasing through investment and financial management; poor fires lead extremely simple lives; coffee-cafés are working only part-time; and coastal fires are earning enough money, sometimes part-time.


William is a veritable “fire”. Now, his biggest worry is not to buy a house, not to be a 996 or a loathsome leader, but only to be “wed by his parents”.


Every day, fans leave a message under Twitter asking him, "Does your parents get married today? If you answer yes, there will be dozens of praises immediately. In 2020, William Chen's tweets were viewed 230 million times.


It's the digital currency trading platform OKEx that ignites this fat fire.


Four years ago, when William graduated, he entered the circle of coins, and that same year he met the Bitcoin Cattle, which directly increased his assets by thirty or forty times.


In the middle, he also experienced the valley and suffered huge losses, but he survived. In early 2019, when the Bitcoin deal warmed, William Chan suddenly found out that he had become the leader of a virtual currency investment.


"Strong," in the currency circle, William is famous for "Death Pods," saving, not investing, moving bricks, not being a boss. Too many people ask, "What makes William Chan a billion?"


“Be confident, remain calm, as it is now, and it's easy to triple assets every year.” As William Chen said.


Here's the real story about this young FIRE: .

  文 | 唐山

Vincent. Tangshan.

  编辑 | 卓然

I'm sorry. I'm sorry. I'm sorry.


{\bord0\shad0\alphaH3D}The parents loaned me $200,000 to invest {\/strang}


Six months I've lost 100,000.


The first barrel of gold I used to invest was a loan from a bank that my parents gave me for $200,000.


They think, at most a year, I'm going to be educated, paid off, and I'm going back to work. But I didn't realize that it was this money that made me one hundred thousand dollars a day and that I became an early-retired FIRE youth.


In 2016, I graduated from Applied Physics at Xiamen University.


I didn't choose this profession because of how much I love physics, and it's simply because my grades are average. This one has a strong emphasis on mathematics, and now I want to come, which may have laid some foundation for my future investment.


I've been a very independent person for years. I've been admiring "work for no use," and I've been talking to students all day about working for no purpose, no future, and I'd rather do something for myself.


But I can't tell myself what I can do. Like all young people who dream of dreams, who have no room for blood, I dare to try anything.


I started a business, and with another classmate, I convinced a Quanzhou boss to invest in our take-out fruit APP. But this product quickly collapsed after a year because of the small number of users, the limited range of deliveries to schools, and our lack of commitment.


I also went to


I've already paid half the $200,000 that Mom and Dad gave me for less than six months of graduation.


Maybe it's the first-born calf who's not afraid of the tiger, and I'm not too hard hit to find the rest of the $100,000.


That's when Bitcoin started to fire and Shenzhen started to pop miners.


Mining is one way of obtaining bitcoin, but mining with a common computer may not have been able to dig one in 10 years, a virtual multi-computer machine that digs at the same time, is much more efficient, consumes an amazing amount of electricity, and some can burn more than 1,000 degrees of electricity every quarter.


I don't know bitcoin, and I don't know what it's about. It's just watching people play, and I play with them. And I thought, whatever it is, it's worth more than electricity.


That's it. I'm the first step in the circle.


In 2016, the mine was cheaper, with only 3,000 more than one, and I quickly fired 30,000 dollars. Even so, I was able to dig for 1 to 2 months. Bitcoin was a fixed sum, with 21 million legends, and later, the mine became more difficult to dig, and after 2018, the money from the mine would be very low.


Now, when you think about making money, it really takes days to get on the right foot, and your wealth goes up with it. If I graduate two years later, or meet Bitcoin two years later, maybe that's not the way it is right now.


After a while, I looked for a suitable contract trading platform and, after assessing the volume of the contract, the depth of the transaction and the technical aspects of the contract, chose the best performer, OKEx, and put the seized bitcoin on it.


I didn't realize that these things that can't be seen and touched could turn into real gold and silver. When you see the money, it's like there's something irritating to me, and it kind of ignites my desire to keep investing.


That's how I swapped the $100,000 left over from Mom and Dad's loan into bitcoin.


{\bord0\shad0\alphaH3D}I'm going crazy as soon as I'm in currency.


"Strong" came into the currency and found out that the world was full of ghosts and snakes.


There are a lot of big gods on OKEx who have been in the circle since 2013, and a lot of people who have lost their lives to hundreds of millions. It's a big incentive for a man who's just graduated and hasn't been in a formal job, as if you were talking with them and smelled money.


But public opinion in the outside world has been skeptical. The mainstream investment community has always thought of Bitcoin as a bubble, feeling that it will break up sooner or later.


However, on May 12, 2017, nearly 100 countries around the world using Microsoft systems were hit simultaneously by either WannaCry (meaning to cry) or WannaDecryptor (meaning to unlock) computer viruses, using at least 45,000 computers. At that time, hackers promised to unlock the victims, but only Bitcoin.


And I thought, "If it's a bubble, why would hackers want it?" And that's stronger than I thought in bitcoin.

图 | Wannacry病毒界面图 | Wannacry病毒界面



I was hiding around talking about starting a business, and I thought that bitcoin was my style.


In order to understand the bitcoin investments, I began to fill up all the knowledge related to the block chain, adding countless virtual money investment pools, listening to the "teachers" and "cows" buying and buying.


In 2017, it was a virtual-currency bull market, making money for every kind of virtual currency, choosing one, even an air currency, a mountain coin, throwing tens of thousands, waking up and finding it ten times higher.


It was crazy, and 200 or 300 times the price of the tavern in one year. Because the wind was out of the way, lots of hot money went to virtual money, and some famous windstormers followed it.


My life is so easy, I don't spend much money, I throw it back in as soon as I make money. To record my investment and profits, I made a public number, and it sounded good, and not a few articles climbed to 100,000.


In less than a year, at the end of 2017, my assets totalled $34 million. At the end of the year, I raised half a million dollars, paid off money owed to my parents, and bought an Audi A4.


When I came back for the Spring Festival, my old friends and classmates heard that I was doing well and asked: "How should I play virtual coins?"


And I'm drifting away, feeling like I can't do anything. Soon, reality made me fall in love.


The young man's money came too fast.


Sooner or later something will happen


When I earned three million, I began to wonder how to make more money faster and more efficiently and look at virtual currencies other than Bitcoin.


The young people's money comes too quickly, and something big will happen sooner or later.


My first follower came from listening to people at random, and ended up as a pickle. When the Algo market was hot, it was the first time that a virtual currency was issued, the Chamber of Commerce financed the market, and the small slobs could be offered.

  我听别人介绍,跟风投了几个项目,结果马上就成了“被收割的韭菜”——代投人却跑路了,我损失了20个以太坊,按照当时的价格换算,相当于20万人民币 。

I was told that I had a few projects with the wind, and it turned out to be a “harvested pickle” — I lost 20 Etherias, equivalent to 200,000 yuan at that price.


It's useless to call the police because it's difficult to file a case because there's no documentation. Although I'm in the middle of a group of defenders who have already disappeared, no real punishment can be found, except for a talk and a relief.


And I reassured myself that I had earned money in the currency by trust, and even if I had been deceived, it would have been one of the costs.


In the future, it is decided not to trust others to cast these “air coins”, but Bitcoin remains confident.


I didn't realize that the second follower would be here soon, and this time I didn't trust anyone, but the whole virtual currency, Bear City, came.


In 2017, more and more people made virtual money and various “air coins” appeared in the market, and I implicitly felt that the market was a little out of order, but the money ran out of control.


In 2018, the virtual currency suddenly fell by almost no warning, with many of the virtual currency falling directly to zero, even bitcoin falling from $20,000 to $3,000 — 85 per cent of the market value disappeared — and the K-line map of the virtual currency fell down almost without any rebound.

 图 | 2018-2020年比特币行情走势 图 | 2018-2020年比特币行情走势



When I came home in the spring of 2018, I had to laugh at my old classmates, saying that I didn't lose much, but in fact I had less than a million assets in my hands.


By the end of the year, I swapped the rest of the virtual currency into bitcoin. I thought that bitcoin would be halved every four years, with less bitcoin added, less than economic growth, and that bitcoin's unit price would certainly rise.


I think it's not going to last two years, until I'm cut by half by 2020. I quit all the bitcoin investments, and I don't really update my numbers, and at the same time, I'm going to go crazy, and I'm going to get a job while I'm in Bear City.


In March 2019, Bitcoin suddenly started pulling again and the whole line continued to rise.


I was looking for a job, and suddenly I saw a show, and I stopped dropping my resume, and I focused again on the Bitcoin investment.


But it is not surprising that all the great gods with millions of assets and millions of dollars of returns have disappeared, that even my old fans on Twitter, 99.9 per cent on the public sign, and that sending messages is a response from a new group of fans.


Currency circles are so cruel and metabolic. As the market warms, it suddenly turns out that I'm the head opinion leader of virtual money investment.


In 2019, my microblogging added 100,000 more powder.


{\bord0\shad0\alphaH3D}Someone's worth a billion.


> >........................................................................................................


Why are these big ones missing? Mostly because they play futures and leverage in Bear City.

 图 | 比特币合约用户收益率 图 | 比特币合约用户收益率



These were the ones who despised me the most — caught in bitcoin, not traded and not speculative — and, in their view, I did not have the ability to maximize the benefits.


I've actually tried futures once. In 2018, I looked at the market as bad as I thought, and I was anxious to recover a little bit of the cost, and I started making other virtual coins.


One of them, I see, has been falling, buying it to go down without thinking too much, leveraging it. After a few minutes without thinking, its price suddenly went up, and when I quit, it fell back.


When you look back at the K-line watch, there's a needle in it, like you're trying to blow me up.


I lost 340,000 dollars in this operation, although not much, to remind me in a timely fashion of the need to restrain myself from gambling.


I am not a gambler, and I do not have the sense of smell needed to make a transaction: one is premonition before fluctuations occur, and the other is a quick response when fluctuations occur.


It seems to me that the investment strategies advocated by the Grand Nationals are not the ability, but the gambling.


I'm not speculating, but it's also because I'm born out of bad luck, whether I get a big prize, a small prize, never won, not even a scratch.


Ten dealrs, nine eventually die.


The bet will make you lose your pants in the cow. Last year, at Bitcoin, an online friend paid $20 million for futures.


Later, the media revealed that he had chosen a three-member group to commit suicide because the debt could not be repaid.


In the currency circles, there are too many tragedies like this.


Why is it so dramatic? Because virtual currency is highly leveraged, like bitcoin, up to 100 times more. A lot of new recruits buy 0.5 bitcoins, plus 20 times more leverage, and there's a slight price volatility, and he pays for clean “shocks”, which is more exciting than riding a roller coaster.

图 | 全网爆仓量  图 | 全网爆仓量


Added to this are virtual money trading platforms, which, in the event of surges and collapses, are easy to block, leading you to miss the best trading time and, in serious cases, even to wear a warehouse. Even worse, using the name of the exchange as a “pig-killer” of a bad nature, with problems such as malicious wire-wiring, eating a guest's plate, not being able to raise a dollar for profit, and so on.


Although I have also emptied a 100-fold value-added virtual currency, I do not regret it because I “cannot earn money beyond my knowledge”.


Every penny that a man earns is a realization of the knowledge of the world, and every penny that is lost is a deficiency in the perception of the world.


When wealth is greater than perception, society has 100 ways to harvest you until your knowledge matches your wealth. In other words, even if I capture that 100-fold value-added virtual coin and earn money, I will lose it in the future.


I've seen a lot of great gods make a lot of money on speculation all these years in the currency, and where did they go now?


In retrospect, no one makes a deal better than a dead man.


In the currency circles, there's a saying that, no matter how hard you try, it's hard to run past bitcoin. It means that the benefits of bitcoin rises are always greater than the returns on investment.


In 2021, the price of a bitcoin had reached $40,000, equivalent to a Tesla, which had risen 45 million times in 11 years. Was that not enough? Virtual money was a financial market in itself, financial speculation in financial markets, and I thought it was a little disconcerting.

 图 | 比特币市值超过4600亿美元,全球市值排名第11位 图 | 比特币市值超过4600亿美元,全球市值排名第11位


In my opinion, it's not business anymore, it's gambling. My operating principle is simple: to go to a casino, but to sell water at a casino, never to gamble.


Now that the cattle market is here, there are lots of coin rings, like this year’s Defi, the public chain, mining, and so on. But I am not going to spend too much time investing or moving bricks, either too high a threshold, too high a time cost, or the fact that most of the items on the market are conceptual, possibly negative, and the rate of return on the investment is going to be a waste of time.


So, at best, I'm going to go up to OKEx and see that the advantage of a centralized exchange is to sift the scattered items in the market and then go online, which is like making a difference that helps me become more efficient.




{\bord0\shad0\alphaH3D}There's no rush to get married.


In the long run, bitcoin is likely to continue to rise.


In the wake of the global epidemic, central banks are pouring water. More money, of course, crowds into virtual money markets.


The dollar's entry into the virtual currency market — the future direction of the virtual currency over the past 10 years — is a big deal — a ten-fold return is guaranteed.


So let’s not be confused by short-term fluctuations and do more low-cost, low-yielding things. For example, when there is a high volatility, the prices of different platforms are not synchronized, making a platform price difference, and waiting for it to rise.


The younger they are, the easier they are to succeed.

 图 | 生活中的威廉 图 | 生活中的威廉


Young people are more likely to accept virtual money. The main consumption of young people from early childhood is virtual, e.g. online charging, membership payments, etc.


Money's just a bunch of numbers for them. It's no different from Bitcoin.


But young people are also the most likely to be the basis for their heavy losses, precisely because they are unable to deal calmly with sudden ups and downs, and they can easily make a big mistake of gambling.


My advice for a new-timer is to pick up goods, pick up goods, pick up goods. Don't gamble, and lose at any time. People will go up at any moment, but the market will always reward calmers, and it will punish those who want to.


Even now that it is necessary to gain access to Bitcoin, there is a need for a reasonable assessment of the capacity of suitable trading platforms, especially wind control.


Over the years, I have used no fewer than 10 exchanges, and the criteria for a relatively responsible exchange are: hard technology, good trade depth, sound wind control systems, and responsible platforms.


I also often give exchange people some advice about changes. For example, OKEx recently measured a new feature called a single account, and users do not need to transfer funds and increase the use of funds, which is known as leading industries for at least a year.


The other guy gave me a simulation account ahead of time and asked me to look for bugs. Because of a lot of "sluts," OKEx gave me a "product experience officer" title.


I'm happy about this kind of exchange that can get positive feedback. From these, you can tell whether the hard and soft power of an exchange is going to cut vegetables or actually do something.


At the end of 2019, my assets were close to $100 million, and I joined FIRE youth. I made a decision -- to leave Shenzhen and move back to the Xia Gate. Anyway, I don't have to work, it doesn't matter where I live, and it's more comfortable to go back to Xiamen.

 图 | 区块链威廉的微博首页 图 | 区块链威廉的微博首页


Throughout 2020, my assets increased tenfold.


I'm 27 years old and I don't have any plans for the future. Parents are always pushing for marriage, and I'm probably going to do what they want to do.


I'm not that old. It's not too late to get married at 30.


(This paper is an introduction to the microcosm, which does not represent a microcosm, which requires careful investment and a reasonable assessment of risk)







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