链上大师数据周报3.28-Week 13

资讯 2024-07-16 阅读:22 评论:0



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For encryption assets, the market is experiencing a strong small upturn in

作为市值最大的加密资产——BTC,连续6天攀升,周涨幅达到了13.53%,其在3月25日短暂地上探45,000美元,或与「俄罗斯杜马能源委员主席帕维尔·扎瓦尔尼(Pavel Zavalny)表示俄罗斯愿意接受BTC作为其自然资源出口的支付方式」有关。

As the most market-valued encrypted asset — BTC, climbed for six consecutive days, with a weekly increase of 13.53 per cent , which briefly visited $45,000 on 25 March, or related to the expression by the President of the Russian Duma Energy Commission, Pavel Zavalny, of Russia's willingness to accept BTC as the mode of payment for its natural resource exports .

另外,金融机构持续进入加密资产领域。高盛周一宣布与Galaxy Digital进行了首笔加密资产期权交易。周二,全球最大的对冲基金桥水正计划支持一家外部加密投资基金。

In addition, financial institutions continue to enter encryption assets. Goldman Sachs > announces its first stake deal with Galaxy Digital on Monday. Tuesday,


On the previous Sunday, BTC had increased by 5.19 per cent and eventually received US$ 46,857, although that figure was still below its threshold of US$ 47,753 at the beginning of the year.

另外BTC的「看涨势头」也与Luna Foundation Guard有关,号称「促进真正去中心化经济」的非营利组织,LFG在过去的一段时间里一直在疯狂囤积BTC,链上数据显示其已持有27,784.96枚BTC,当前价值13.03亿美元。

In addition, BTC's “watching the momentum” is related to the non-profit organization


As of the writing, LFG's with close to $590 million USDT and nearly $399 million USDC, which means that LFG still has enough bullets to buy BTC.


At the same time, there has been an extensive rise in the US share, ranging from 1.79% to 1.98% and 0.31%, respectively. It should be noted that the next week is important because it means the end of the quarter.

1. 比特币价格突破47,000美元,市值重回8,000亿美元


Last week, the unit price of Bitcoin rose by 8.52 per cent, the price went over $47,000, the market value of `strange' was restored by $800 billion in mid-week, reaching three months of high


As a result of the increase in Bitcoin prices, its market performance rose in 2022. The data show that, in the current global asset class, Bitcoin’s performance at the beginning of the year to date has been 1.91%, and that is better than the six US science and technology champions of the PHP 500 Index and the FAAMNG.


By contrast, a month ago, Bitcoin was ranked first in the bottom of the range of 21.98% of global asset performance. But after the conflict in Russia and Ukraine, Bitcoin gradually emerged from a downward spiral and began to slowly recover its lost ground.

2. 交易所余量持续走低


As investors turn to optimism about the long-term value of the bitcoins they hold, more bitcoins are transferred out of the exchange and may be transferred to cold wallets.


Net traffic from the exchange shows a significant decline in BTC transfers to the exchange, and BTC transfers out of more exchanges at


3. LFG持续增持BTC,价值逾13亿美元

Terra生态发展组织Luna Foundation Guard(LFG)目前已持有27,784.96枚BTC,当前价值13.03亿美元。一个月前(2月28日)该地址持有比特币9564.05枚,日均购买650.74枚。

The Terra Ecodeveloping Organization Luna Foundation Guard (LFG) currently holds 27,784.96 BTCs and currently worth $1.303 billion .

据此前报道,今年2月下旬, Luna Foundation Guard宣布完成10亿美元融资,以建立以BTC计价的去中心化UST外汇储备。本轮融资通过场外销售LUNA代币完成,由Jump Crypto和三箭资本领投,Republic Capital、GSR、Tribe Capital、DeFiance Capital等参投。

As previously reported, in late February, Luna Foundation Guard announced the completion of $1 billion in financing to establish decentralised UST foreign exchange reserves at BTC prices. This round of financing was done through off-site sale of LUNA tokens, with Jump Crypto and Tri-arrow capital in the form of contributions from Republic Capital, GSR, Tribe Capital, and DeFiance Capital.


1. 以太坊市值超过沃尔玛、三星


As a result of the overall recovery in the encryption market, ETH broke the $3,000 mark last Tuesday and received $3,170 on Sunday, bringing the weekly increase of



With ETH crossing 3,000, its total market value has risen sharply, surpassing some of the world's leading businesses, such as Wal-Mart and Sam-Sung.

2. 以太坊2.0总质押数超过1,076万枚ETH,难度炸弹或于6月启动


As at 27 March, the total number of pledges in Ethio 2.0 amounted to 10,764,626, representing 9.11 per cent of the total amount in circulation.


上周六,以太坊开发者Tim Beiko发布了最新核心开发者会议内容,包括难度炸弹、「上海」升级、以太坊执行层工作进展以及一项针对客户端开发人员的Protocol Guild计划。

Last Saturday, Ether Developer Tim Beiko released the latest core developer conference, including the hard bomb, the Shanghai upgrade, the progress of Ether Implementation Level and a Protocol Guid project for client developers.


The "Shanghai" upgrade was drafted as the next upgrade for Etheria, including the EVM upgrade, the activation of beacon chain withdrawals, the reduction of Layer2 costs, and other minor upgrades. Currently, the Ether enforcement level work is well under way, and the next step is to coordinate the EL+CL upgrade process.

3. Vitalik提出新的分片建议:EIP-4844

以太坊创始人Vitalik Buterin在推特上分享了Proto-danksharding的想法,即专注于EVM无法执行的blob携带交易的数据验证场景。Proto-danksharding将取代danksharding,这是一种分片技术,其中只有一个提议者选择进入这个或那个槽的所有交易和所有数据,而不是为每个分片选择一个单独的提议者。

Vitalik Buterin, the founder of the family, shared on Twitter Proto-danksharding’s idea of focusing on the data validation scene for transactions carried by blob that could not be executed by the EVM. Proto-danksharding will replace danksharding, a segmented technology in which only one proposer chooses to enter all transactions and all data in one slot or another, rather than choosing a single proposer for each segment.


The proposed solution could be an ad hoc variant, because it includes the implementation of a number of fragment technology. At the same time, it leads to an increase in the use of data, because it requires a larger block size. The founder of the Tails proposed the automatic deletion of blob data every 30 days in order to prevent the network from requiring too much data and memory storage.


The DeFi agreements in the top three lockdowns this week were Curve ($18.67 billion), Lido ($17.67 billion), Maker ($16.78 billion) and TVL change rates of -0.53 per cent, +117.20 per cent and +6.74 per cent, respectively, for the last seven days.


The top three TVL increases were Olympus (1329 per cent), Lido (17 per cent) and Solo.top (41 per cent).


1. Lido DAO已销毁DeFiance Capital创始人被盗Lido Token

DeFiance Capital 创始人 Arthur 此前资产被盗事件中,其另一只包含约 390 万枚 Lido Token 的热钱包同样被盗。DeFiance Capital 一位名为「jacob.defiance」的代表在 Lido DAO 社区发布治理提案,建议销毁被盗钱包中正在质押的 Lido Token,并将它们铸造到由 DeFiance Capital 控制的新钱包中。

The founder of Defiance Capital, Arthur, also stole another of his hot wallets, which contained about 3.9 million Lido Token’s. A representative of DeFiance Capital, “jacob.defiance”, issued a governance proposal in the Lido Dao community to destroy Lido Token, whose stolen wallet was being pledged, and to forge them into a new wallet controlled by DeFiance Capital.

目前,该提案已投票通过,被盗钱包中正在质押的3,691,500个 Lido Token 被全部销毁。

At present, the proposal has been voted in favour of the destruction of 3,691,500 Lido Token in the stolen wallet of


2. 波卡DeFi协议Equilibrium赢得波卡第12次平行链插槽拍卖

波卡 DeFi 项目 Equilibrium 宣布赢得波卡第 12 次拍卖,Equilibrium 计划在 6 月前启动现货与借贷市场。

The Poca DeFi project Equilibrum announced winning the 12th auction in Poca, and Equilibrum planned to launch the spot and loan market by June.

Equilibrium 旨在解决市场过于分散的问题,希望通过组合去中心化的流动性池满足用户所有 DeFi 需求,并将启用具有内置合成资产的跨链贷款,以及先进的价格发现和救助金机制以确保最大的流动性。

Equilibrum aims to address the problem of excessive market fragmentation, with the hope that user-owned DeFi needs will be met through a combination of decentralized liquidity pools, and that cross-link lending with built-in synthetic assets, as well as advanced price discovery and rescue mechanisms, will be activated to ensure maximum liquidity.



Last week, NFT recorded a weekly turnover of $648 million , a slight decrease of 2.37 per cent from the previous week of $664 million . The average daily volume of transactions was 60 million, an increase of 12.34 per cent from the previous week of 534,000. The average value of single NFT transactions amounted to $1,551.87 per day, compared with the previous week of $1,817.77, a decrease of 14.63 per cent.



In order of volume, the top five rankings for the last seven days were: Azuki ($4,673.26 million), BayC ($4,171.72 million), MAYC ($3,589.05 million), (B)APETAVERSE ($17.2444 million) and muri ($13,79.17 million).


1. Azuki近7日交易量突破4,600万美元,超越BAYC位居第一

近7日,Azuki交易额达到了4,673.26万美元,7日交易数为792,7日交易均价为59,005.80美元。Azuki NFT总交易额达到了4.87亿美元,当前的地板价为15.7 ETH。

On the last seven days, Azuki's transaction amounted to US$4673.26 million and the current floor price is 15.7 ETH.

链上数据显示,NFT收藏家dingaling通过NFT聚合交易平台Gem买入总价值约100 ETH的Azuki NFT,共计7枚,其中6个在LooksRare成交,1个在OpenSea成交。

The data on the chain show that NFT collector dingaling purchased Azuki NFT, with a total value of about 100 ETH, through the NFT trading platform Gem, for a total of seven items, six at LooksRare and one at OpenSea.


此外,0xwave.eth花费52.52 ETH买入4枚Azuki NFT、pyeongyang.eth花费58.87 ETH买入4枚Azuki NFT。另有两个匿名巨鲸账户分别买入14枚和11枚Azuki系列NFT。

In addition, 0xwave.eth purchased four Azuki NFT, pyeongyang.eth, and four Azuki NFT. Two anonymous whale accounts bought 14 and 11 Azuki series NFT, respectively.

周日消息,神鱼(discusfish.eth)通过Gem平台以374.90 ETH的价格集中购买了20枚Azuki,之后该地址分别以57.72 ETH、37.97 ETH的价格购买总计5枚Azuki NFT。

Sunday news indicates that the fish (discusfish.eth) purchased a total of 20 Azukis at a price of 374.90 ETH from Gem platform, after which the address purchased a total of 5 Azuki NFTs at a price of 57.72 ETH and 37.97 ETH, respectively.


2. BAYC周交易额下滑近60%,近7日平均交易价115.15 ETH


Last week, BayC had a weekly turnover of $41.72 million, down by nearly 60 per cent from $104 million the previous week.


BAYC sent an official communication indicating that the latest peripheral commodities of the BYAC and MAYC series of NFT would be sold at 0:00 (HKT) on 29 March and would only be paid by ApeCoin (APE).

与此同时,说唱歌手Snoop Dogg发布了以 ApeCoin (APE) 和Bored Ape Yacht Club (BAYC) 为主题的音乐NFT,也仅支持$APE支付。

At the same time, rapper Snoop Dogg published a musical NFT on the theme ApeCoin (APE) and Bored Ape Yacht Club (BAYC) and supported only $APE payments.

美国银行 (Bank of America) 市场部主管以103.9 ETH 买入Bored Ape Yacht Club#4097,并称美国银行正在密切关注NFT领域。

The head of the Bank of America Market Department purchased the Bored Ape Yacht Club #4097 with 103.9 ETH and stated that the Bank of America was following the NFT area closely.

1. 市场资讯


With respect to market news, the United States Department of the Treasury reports that the legal currency still accounts for the majority of financial crimes; that the New Zealand Bank has successfully forged the Australian dollar stabilizer, A$DC, as the first Australian bank to forge digital assets linked to the country's currency; that the European Union will test block-chain-based stock, bond and fund transactions; that the head of the French anti-money-laundering agency has indicated in Parliament that encrypted money is used to finance terrorism and child pornography and that anonymous transactions should be terminated; that the ; and that the former Polychain partner has launched $125 million encrypted winding fund dao5.


With regard to the policy , the Chairman of the Russian Duma Energy Commission: is willing to accept Bitcoin as a mode of payment for the export of natural resources ; the Governor of Florida, United States, has indicated that the State will accept Bitcoin as a tax; and Indian will enter into force on 1 April through encrypted tax legislation .


In terms of , the downward pressure on the encryption market is still dominated by Asia; LFG's Bitcoin reserve wallet now holds over $1.1 billion BTC ; and a new sub-section proposal is put forward by Taiwan V: EIP-4844.

Layer 2DeFi方面,Polygon宣布推出Ethereum Adoption DAO,推动以太坊生态采用和实施新项目;跨链流动性聚合协议Via Protocol新增支持Optimism;Acala联合9个波卡平行链团队启动2.5亿美元的aUSD生态基金;波卡智能合约平台Edgeware公布2022年路线图,将完成EVM部署。

With regard to Layer 2 and DeFi, Polygon announced the launch of Etheum Adoption DAO to promote the adoption and implementation of new projects in Taiku ecology; Via Protocol, Trans-chain Mobility Consortization Agreement, which added support for Optim; Acala, which jointly launched a $250 million aUSD eco-fund with nine Boca parallel chain teams; and Edgeware, the Boca intelligent contract platform, which released a 2022 road map, which will complete the EVM deployment.

NFT方面,美国银行市场部主管以103.9 ETH买入BAYC#4097,并称美国银行正关注NFT领域;LINE将于4月13日上线NFT市场,并计划推出全球NFT平台“DOSI”;阿里上线国内最大数字藏品交易撮合平台;NFT头像项目Mfer交易额突破9000万美元;BYAC和MAYC系列NFT周边商品将于3月29日发售,仅接受APE支付;以V神为封面的《时代》杂志NFT已上线以太坊,并已上架OpenSea。

On the subject of NFT, the head of the United States Bank Market Department bought BAYC#4097 with 103.9 ETH and stated that the Bank of America was focusing on the NFT area; LINE would be on the Net market on 13 April and planned to launch the Global NFT platform “DOSI”; Ali's largest digital stocking matchmaking platform; the NFT headline project Mfer had reached $90 million; the commodities surrounding the BYAC and MAYC series of NFT would be sold on 29 March and would be paid only by APE; and the era magazine, under the cover of V God, had come online and had been placed on OpenSea.

2. 投融资

据不完全统计,上周共有27笔投融资事件。按融资规模大小排序,排名第一的是Yuga Labs,该公司以40亿美元估值完成4.5亿美元融资,也是截至目前NFT行业最大一笔融资,a16z领投,Google、Samsung、Adidas等参投。

According to incomplete statistics, last week there were 27 financing events. The top ranking by size of financing is Yuga Labs, where the company completed $4 billion worth of strong. It is also the largest fund available to date in the NFT industry, a16z, Google, Samsung, Adidas, etc.


The second financing is the one-stop fee payment platform Jeeves, completes 180 million dollars in round C financing . The company’s valuation quadrupled from $500 million to $2.1 billion.

比特币矿企Greenidge Generation完成1.08亿美元融资,斩获上周融资季军,为2022年的业务扩张提供资金。

The Bitcoin Mining Company Greenidge Generation completed the financing of $108 million to finance last week's financing seasons to finance the expansion of operations in 2022.

融资额排名第四的是板球NFT平台FanCraze,它完成了1亿美元A轮融资,Insight Partners领投,C罗也参与了投资。

The fourth largest source of financing was the cricket NFT platform FanCraze, which completed a $100 million round of financing , led by Insight Partners, in which Clau was also involved.

银行应用程序Dave的融资额排名并列第四,通过可转换票据(一种短期债务)获得风投基金FTX Ventures的1亿美元投资

Bank application Dave $100 million >/strange > investments from winding fund FTX Ventures via convertible instruments (a short-term debt)

3. 其他公链


The Avalanche Foundation and Web3 platform Op3n launched the $100 million Creator Fund; the USDC roll-out on the Avalanche chain passed $800 million, the total NFT transactions on the chain passed $200 million, and the total number of Tron

4. 链上安全

上周共发生4起链上安全事件。REALSWAK发生Rug Pull,损失达1300枚BNB;Maison Ghost Discord遭黑客攻击,约265枚NFT被转入黑客钱包;InuSaitama疑似遭遇套利攻击,损失约430枚ETH;Revest Finance遭受重入攻击,项目方已暂停RVST代币合约。

There were four security incidents in the chain of last week. Rug Pull in REALSWAK lost 1,300 BNBs; Mason Ghost Discord was hacked and some 265 NFTs were transferred to hacker wallets; Inu Saitama was suspected of having arbitrage attacks, resulting in the loss of about 430 ETHs; Revest Finance was re-attacked and the project party suspended the RVST currency contract.




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