比特幣鏈上的NFT 的狂熱仍在繼續,2023年3月7日Yuga Labs 比特幣NFT 系列“TwelveFold”順利完成拍賣,最高出價為7.1159 枚BTC,拍賣產生了735.7 BTC(約合1,650 萬美元) 。
The heat of NFT on the bits chain continues, with Yuga Labs' NFT series “TwelveFold” successfully completed the auction on 7 March 2023, with a maximum bid of 7.1159 BTCs, resulting in 735.7 BTCs (approximately $16.5 million).
隨著錢包和市場基礎設施的完善,比特幣NFT(關於比特幣的基礎知識請參考鏈接: https://www.odaily.news/post/5185585)市場潛力巨大,下文收集了一些最有趣(和最具潛力)的BTC NFT項目,以供用戶投資參考和學習研究。
With the completion of the wallet and market infrastructure, Bitcoin NFT (for basic knowledge about Bitcoins, see link: Yuga Labs 比特幣NFT 系列“TwelveFold”包含300 件限量版生成藝術作品,每件都刻在比特幣區塊鏈上;每件NFT 作品都是12 x 12 網格,結合3D 圖形和手繪特徵,由Yuga Labs 內部藝術團隊設計和創作。 288 件作品順利參與了拍賣,剩餘12 件暫被保留用於未來捐助或慈善事。 The Yuga Labs bitcoin NFT series “TwelveFold” contains 300 limited editions of the production of works of art, each carved on a bitcoin chain; each piece of NFT is 12 x 12 grids, combining 3D graphics and hand-painting features, designed and written by Yuga Labs’ inner team of artists. 288 works were successfully auctioned, and the remaining 12 were temporarily retained for future donations or charitable purposes. Yuga Labs 成立於2021 年,最初是由4 個人組成的小團隊發起的,如今已達到數億美元的交易額。 Yuga Labs 是NFT 界的標竿典範,尤其BAYC NFT 系列取得了巨大成功,該團隊已成為加密行業內家喻戶曉的名字。 Yuga Labs 認為人們目前在元宇宙Web3.0 中仍處於非常早期的時期,所以將自己比喻為像早期人猿一樣,並以人猿為自己的NFT 頭像。 Yuga Labs was founded in 2021, originally by a group of four individuals, and has now reached hundreds of millions of dollars. Yuga Labs is a landmark for the NFT community, especially the BayC NFT series, which has become a well-known name for the encryption industry. Ordinals Punks ,是在比特幣的前650個銘文中鑄造的PFP藏品,2023年2月1日凌晨4點開啟鑄造,用時一天鑄造完成,鑄造價格為0.01枚比特幣。 Ordinal Punks 是向CryptoPunks 致敬的僅有100個比特幣NFT 的獨家收藏,Crypto Punks 是最初始的以太坊NFT 系列之一。 Ordinals Punks, a PFP collection made in the first 650 notes of Bitcoins, opened at 4 a.m. on 1 February 2023 and made at a price of 0.01 bitels in one day. Ordinal Punks is an exclusive collection of only 100 bitcoins of NFTs, and Crypto Punks is one of the first NT series in the Pacific. Ordinal Punks的NFT是192×192 像素的圖像,這些圖像是由匿名的Web3 創建者FlowStay 使用開源算法生成的。截至目前,Ordinal Punk 的最低出價為3.7 BTC,而最受歡迎的Ordinal Punk 78 的最高要價為50 BTC。 NFT知名社區用戶dingaling在2月9日以15.2枚比特幣(折合211枚以太坊)購買了Punk 27 (inscription #444)、Punk 48 (ins #483)、Punk 73 (ins #599)、Punk 80 (ins #606)、Punk 88 (ins #614)、Punk 91 (ins #617)、Punk 92 (ins #618)共7款Ordinal Punks藏品,並表示每個銘文序號背後有真正的時刻。 To date, the lowest bid for Ordinal Punk is 3.7 BTC, while the most popular, ordinal Punk 78, has a maximum demand of 50 BTC. NFT renowned community users, Dingaling, bought 15.2 bits (211 pieces of Insta) on 9 February, Punk 92 (ins #618) for 7 Ordinal Punks, indicating that each of them had a real time. Taproot Wizards 是比特幣鏈上獨一無二的Ordinal 系列,該項目的標語是“讓比特幣再次變得神奇”。該系列由獨立的Web3 開發人員Udi Wertheimer 創建,由刻在比特幣鏈上的手繪NFT 巫師組成,從Inscription 652 開始。該系列中的第一個Ordinal 以比特幣歷史上最大的區塊和交易而聞名,高達4MB。 Discord 上的法師ID 驗證頁面只確認了其中六個,包括銘文1107、1383、2637 和2625。 Taproot Wizards is the unique Ordinal series on the Bitcoin chain, the title of which is "Let the Bitcoins become magic again." The series was created by the independent Web3 developer Udi Wertheimer, a group of hand-made NFT wizards engraved on the Bitcoat chain, starting with Inscription 652. The first Ordinal in the series was 4MB, famous for its largest sections and transactions in Bitcoast history. The Master ID on Discord identified only six of them, including 1107, 1383, 2637 and 2625. Bitcoin Rocks 是一個NFT 系列,靈感來自早期的以太坊NFT 收藏項目之一,即Ether Rocks。 Bitcoin Rocks 的創造者ordrocks 在Inscription 71 鑄造了該系列中的第一塊岩石,以紀念Ether Rocks 系列中的第一塊岩石。 Bitcoin Rocks is an NFT series inspired by one of Ether Rocks, one of the early Ether's NFT collections. Bitcoin Rocks' creators, Ordrocks, in Inscription 71, molten the first rock in the series to remember the first rock in the Ether Rocks series. Bitcoin Rocks 也是只有100個,其中一些NFT 的上市價格高達1,000 BTC/13,858 ETH(超過 2200 萬美元)。 Bitcoin Rocks is also 100, and some of these NFTs have a market price of up to 1,000 BTC/13,858 ETH (over $22 million). 最高Inscription 943,總共10個NFT,軟件工程師Jason Rosenstein 已將Cyber Pepes 寫入比特幣區塊鏈。 Cyber Pepes 是流行的Pepe 的迭代版本,Pepe 是廣為流傳的悲傷青蛙模因中的主角。 Highest Inscription 943, with a total of 10 NFTs, software engineer Jason Rosenstein has written Cyber Pepes into a bitcoin chain. Cyber Pepes is an iterative version of the popular Pepe, and Pepe is the leading player in the widespread flow of sad frogs. 最高Inscription 1103,總共69個NFT,該項目主要是參與眾籌活動,該活動籌集資金,以構建第一個以比特幣序數為重點的錢包。 Ordinal Bulls 是第二個系列。 Highest Inscription 1103, a total of 69 NFTs, was mainly involved in public fund-raising, which raised funds to construct the first bag with a bit order. Ordinal Bulls is the second series. 最高Inscription 1505,總共12個NFT,該項目是唯一一個低於10000 銘文高度的專注於音頻Ordinals NFT 系列。這個Ordinals 系列是以太坊區塊鏈上Grand Rising 音樂NFT 的延伸。 Highest Inscription 1505, 12 NFTs in total, is the only audio-focused Ordinals NFT series of less than 10,000 scripts. This Ordinals series is an extension of the Grand Rising Music NFT chain in the neighborhood. 最高Inscription 1971,總共21 個NFT,Ordrothkos 是一個銘刻在比特幣區塊鏈上的美術收藏品,供應量極其有限。這也是唯一一個10,000 銘文以下GIF 動畫的Ordinals NFT 系列。 Highest Inscription 1971, 21 NFTs, Ordrothkos, is an art collection engraved on the chain of bitcoins, with a very limited supply. This is also the only organinals NFT series that has been animated by the GIF below 10,000 scripts. 最高Inscription 2189,總共69個NFT,該系列NFT包含像素化藝術作品,展示佩佩穿著許多不同服裝的原始悲傷青蛙模因角色。這些Ordinals 的所有者已經在創建包含此系列中的Pepes NFT 的擴展內容。 Highest Inscription 2189, a total of 69 NFTs, contains pixelized art in the NFT series, displaying original sad frog role models wearing many different costumes. The owners of these Ordinals are already in the process of creating an extension of the Pepes NFT in the series. 最高Inscription 2405,總共50個NFT,該項目是第一個用3D 藝術刻在比特幣區塊鏈上的Ordinals NFT 系列。該系列基於這樣一個主題:Ordinals NFT 將消耗越來越多的已開採比特幣區塊空間。 Highest Inscription 2405, with 50 NFTs in total, is the first series of Ordinals NFTs engraved on the chain of the Bitcoins with 3D art. The series is based on the theme: Ordinals NFTs will consume more and more of the space in the opened bitcoins. 最高Inscription 3646,總共100個NFT,該項目是刻在比特幣區塊鏈上的最暢銷的Ordinals NFT 之一。該系列的靈感來自以太坊上的Pudgy Penguins NFT 系列,但沒有官方隸屬關係。本藏品目前P2P二次交易最多。 The highest level of Inscription 3646, with 100 NFTs, is one of the best-selling Ordinals NFTs engraved on the Bit currency chain. The sense of the series comes from the Pudgy Penguins NFT series in Etheria, but there is no official slave relationship. Chainspace 是一個基於比特幣網絡協議Ordinals 的NFT 項目,包括800 個存儲在比特幣網絡中的視頻渲染應用,你可以用它來自拍,使用預設的、代表不同加密社區美學風格的濾鏡,生成自拍版的gm 表情符號,進行身份表達和社區互動。 Chainspace 同時存在於以太坊網絡上,具體來說,800 個Chainspace 入口(Portal)銘刻在比特幣網絡中,起始於Inscription 10,004,然後通過tokenURI 從BTC 映射至ETH 中。不涉及AWS, IPFS 和Arweave,是一個2純鏈上項目,它跨越以太坊和比特幣網絡,並且可在以太坊和比特幣網絡中轉移。 2 月17 日,Chainspace 進行了初始發行,780 枚Chainspace 在不足一分鐘的時間內售罄,剩餘20 枚稱作是超入口(X-Portals)的NFT,將在未來通過拍賣(18 枚將被用於拍賣)和贈送(2 枚將作為禮物贈送給Loot 發起人Dom)進行分配。 Chainspace is an NFT project based on the Bitcoin Internet agreement Ordinals, which includes 800 tags stored in the Bitcoin network, which you can use to film, use default screens representing the aesthetic style of different encrypted communities, generate self-programmed gm emoticons, and interact with communities. Chainspace also exists on the TOBNET network, specifically 800 chainspace portals engraved in the Bitcoin network, starting with Inscription 10,004, and then, via Tokenuri, from BTC to ETH. Without referring to AWS, IPFS and Arweave, it is a two-package project, which, in turn, will sell an additional eight-minute version of the D.C.P.A., which will be used to sell an additional eight-minute version of the D.O.S. 作為首個雙鏈結構的NFT,Chainspace 特殊之處在於充分利用了目前階段的可用資源和基礎設施,在初始發行和交易增長上取得了不錯的成效。 The NFT, Chainspace, the first two-chain structure, is unique in making full use of the available resources and infrastructure of the current phase, with good results in initial launch and trade growth. Timechain Collectibles 是21 個比特幣NFT系列,展示了不同形式的時計,例如古代日曆、懷錶、賽博朋克手錶等。該藏品於2023 年1 月30 日銘刻,所有作品都鑄造成一個塊,並帶有從356 到377 的連續銘文編號。 Inscription 356 處的創世紀銘文錨定了整個系列。該系列中的稀有程度各不相同,其中一些作品比其他作品更稀有。該項目的Discord 是舉行NFT 拍賣的地方。 NFT 之一,Inscription 364,也被稱為Timechain Collectible #6,售價為3.08 BTC(67,000 美元)。 Timescales, such as ancient calendars, watchwatches, Cyberbonk watch, etc., were displayed in the 21 Bitcoins NFT series. The collection was written on 30 January 2023, and all works were molten with serial symbols from 356 to 377. Inscription 356 sets out the entire series. It is rare in the series, some of which are more rare than others. Discord is the place where the NFT is being sold. One of the NFTs, Inscription 364, also known as Timechin Collectile #6, sold at 3.08 BTC ($67,000). Ordinal Loops NFT系列是比特幣序數中編號最低的一些,因其在比特幣鏈上的低編號銘文而備受追捧,從銘文452 開始該系列中的第一批NFT 代表了該項目當前的敘事章節,稱為“不要法定貨幣”。其拍賣價格對象0 的價格為0.272 BTC,對象1 的價格為0.570 BTC,對象2 的價格為0.800 BTC,對象3 的價格為4.178 BTC。 The Ordinal Loops NFT series is some of the lowest in the Bits series, and is well received for its low numbering on the Bits chain. The first NFT in the series, starting with 452, represents the former chapter of the item, called “Do not want the legal currency.” The price of the auction price is 0.272 BTC for 0, 0.570 BTC for 1 BTC, 0.800 BTC for 2 BTC, and 4.178 BTC for 3. 加密藝術家Ripcache(twitter: https://twitter.com/ripcache)最近首次涉足比特幣Ordinals 世界,收集了四件向《降世神通:最後的氣宗》致敬的藝術作品。每件藝術作品都以四種元素之一命名:火、水、土和空氣。 Encrypted artist Ripcache (twitter: Ordinals for the first time, collecting four pieces of art to pay tribute to The Gods: The Last Air. Each piece of art is named after one of four elements: fire, water, earth, and air. 該系列起始於Inscription 26,663,這件藝術品引起了動畫系列粉絲和加密藝術社區的興趣。鑑於《降世神通:最後的氣宗》的流行以及收集稀有和獨特NFT 的日益增長的趨勢,預計這些作品將受到高度追捧。 The series began with Inscription 26,663 and attracted the interest of animated series of fans and the community of encrypt art. These works are expected to be highly appreciated in light of the popular nature of The Episode: The Last Gas and the growing trend of collecting rare and unique NFTs. Bitcoin Shrooms 是從Inscription 19 開始刻在比特幣鏈上的各種蘑菇設計的NFT系列。該系列被認為是比特幣上最早的序數之一,其中一些甚至早於流行的Bitcoin Rocks 集合。這些蘑菇NFT 的初始組以這樣一種方式排列,即拼出短語“The Shrooms R Coming”。 Bitcoin Shrooms is an NFT series designed from the Inscription 19 on various mushrooms in the Bit currency chain. The series is considered to be one of the oldest numbers on the bitcoin, some of which are even pre-popular Bitcoin Rocks. The initial grouping of these mushrooms NFTs is arranged in such a way as to spell out the short phrase “The Shrooms R Coming”. Bitcoin Shrooms 項目背後的團隊仍然不為人知,並且尚未拍賣或出售任何NFT。該項目的Discord 目前已關閉,但預計很快就會開放,收藏家可以期待在這些獨特而稀有的NFT 上市後可能獲得其中之一。 The team behind the Bitcoin Shrooms project is still unknown and has not been auctioned or sold any NFT. Discord is currently closed, but is expected to open soon, and collectors can expect one of these unique and rare NFTs to be marketed. The Shadow Hats系列NFT,從 Inscription 957 被銘刻在比特幣鏈上。這些NFT 的特點是戴著帽子籠罩在陰影中的神秘人物。尚未售出任何The Shadow Hats,而且該項目仍然相對安靜,創作者或社區成員的更新很少。 The Shadow Hats series of NFTs, engraved on the Bit currency chain from Incription 957. These NFTs are special features of mysterious people covered in shadows with hats. No The Shadow Hats has been sold, and the project is still quiet, with few updates from creators or community members. 該系列由一個名叫Dan 的人在比特幣鏈上創建(Inscription 953)。 Dan的創作主題常常圍繞著存在主義、哲學沉思和Irreverent Musings (不知如何翻譯)。一個名為“我存在過”的Inscription 661收藏,其包含丹對想像中的未來外星人或人工智能聽眾自傳式說話的淒美聲音錄音。另一個名為“ Hard Pills to Swallow ,”的收藏包括一系列標題為“Your Unrequited Love”和“Your Insignificance.” 的序曲。 The series was created by an individual named Dan on the Bit currency chain (Inscription 953). Dan’s theme is often surrounded by presenceism, philosophical meditation and Irreverent Musings (however translated). A collection called “I exist” of Inscription 661, which includes Dan’s voice of an imaginary future alien or artificial intelligence listener’s self-proclaimed voice. The other name is HardPilolls to Swallow, and includes a series of Yourquiances and Loves. 一組名為Toruses 的神秘NFT 首次出現在Inscription 341 的比特幣區塊鏈上。這些神秘物體具有獨特的顏色和設計。儘管存在大量的Toruses,但關於它們的起源或創造者的信息卻很少。 A group of mysterious NFTs, known as Toruses, appeared for the first time on the Bitcoins chain of Inscription 341. These mysterious objects have unique colours and designs. Despite the existence of a large number of Toruses, there is little information about their origins or creators. NFT設計的就像金屬樂隊專輯封面,幾個黑色的M 形人物,創建從Inscription 294 開始。 Ornate Ms系列既神秘又有趣——到目前為止,項目背景仍未可知。 NFT is designed like the cover of the metal band, a few black M-shaped characters, starting with Inscription 294. The Ornate Ms series is both mysterious and interesting – so far, the background of the project is still unknown. 在比特幣上鑄造的第一NFT,Inscription 0,只是一個帶有白色標記的黑色頭骨。 The first NFT in Bitcoin, Incription 0, is just a black skull with a white mark. Squiggs 總供給53個,最高銘文: Inscription: #6613,Squiggs 的名字只有一個神秘的Twitter 個人名字,是一組53 個NFT系列,從銘文Inscription 開始。 Squiggs totals 53, with the highest title: Inscription: #6613, Squiggs has only one mysterious Twitter name, a group of 53 NFT series, starting with Inscription. 從Inscription 7596 開始鑄造,Insignia Art 是一個有趣的收藏系列,僅包含16 個比特幣NFT,根據其創建者的說法,它們代表“可組合的藝術原語”,將允許“在比特幣區塊鏈上快速復制、分發和使用Insignia”“rapid reproduction, distribution, and usage of Insignia on the Bitcoin blockchain.”。 Starting with Inscription 7596, Insignia Art is an interesting collection series of only 16 Bitcoins NFTs, which, according to their creators, represent the “combinable original of art”, which will allow “the quick copying, distribution and use of Insignia on the Bitcoin chain”. 從Inscription 20219 開始鑄造,由NFT 初創公司Metagood 推出的NFT 項目OnChainMonkey 也加入Ordinals 協議並在比特幣區塊鏈啟動“銘文”鑄造,目前其1 0000枚NFT 集合已全部上鍊。在團隊的Twitter 空間中,OCM 聲稱銘文的大小小於20,000 字節,並且只需幾美元即可創建。如果屬實,這可能是其他NFT的可擴展模型,可以在不阻塞網絡的情況下在比特幣上創建NFT。 Starting with Inscription 20219, the NFT project, UnChain Monkey, launched by the NFT startup Metagood, also joined the Ordinals agreement and started the "Word" molten in the Bit currency chain, where 10,000 NFTs are now fully chained. In the team's Twitter space, OCM claims that the text is less than 20,000 words, and that it can be created with only a few dollars. If it is true, it could be an extended model for other NFTs that can build NFTs without blocking the network, and can create NFTs on the Bitcoin without blocking the network. 叫Bitcoin Punks名字的有兩個NFT系列,都是與經典以太坊系列非常相似的衍生品。 The names of Bitcoin Punks are two NFT series, which are very similar to the classic Ethers series. 與Ordinal Punks 相比,上面第一個Bitcoin Punks 代表了對CryptoPunk 主題的不同看法。與Ordinals 系列相比,這100 個Punks 具有淺藍色背景,並具有更多樣的角色和表情。始於Inscription 18,他們的交易價格低至1 BTC,Bitcoin Punk #27 最近的售價為1.45 BTC。 Bitcoin Punk #4 目前掛牌出售,價格高達115 BTC。 Compared to Ordinal Punks, the first Bitcoin Punks above represents a different view of the CryptoPunk theme. These 100 Punks have a light blue background and have more characters and expressions than the Ordinals series. Starting with Inscription 18, their transaction price is as low as 1 BTC, Bitcoin Punk #27, with a recent sales price of 1.45 BTC. Bitcoin Punk #4 is now sold at 115 BTC. Second Bitcoin Punks 系列的主要區別在於它是10K PFP 系列收藏。它的銘刻時間也晚於100-piece Bitcoin Punks系列,其始於Inscription 5,530。該系列已經鑄造完成,人們開始買賣它們,一位朋克愛好者最近以3.25 BTC的價格收購了兩個外星人和六個猿朋克。 The main difference between the Second Bitcoin Punks series is that it is a collection of 10K PFP series. It is also made later than the 100-piece Bitcoin Punks series, starting with Inscription 5,530. The series has been molten, people are starting to buy them, and a punk lover recently bought two aliens and six ape punks at a price of 3.25 BTC. Ordinal Birds 是比特幣鏈上的一個衍生品系列,包含從Inscription 2, 728 開始的100 隻鳥類Ordinals 。該系列已經售罄,但該團隊仍在為創始人Kevin Rose 保留Birds #94、#96、#98 和#100 。 Ordinal Birds 進行了幾次OTC 銷售,銷售額從0.17 BTC到0.72 BTC不等。 The Ordinal Birds is a derivative series of 100 birds of Ordinals starting from Incription 2,728. The series has been sold out, but the team is still keeping Birds #94, #96, #98, and #100 for Kevin Rose, the founder. Ordinal Birds has made several sales of OTC, ranging from 0.17 BTC to 0.72 BTC. Bitcoin Orbs Ordinals 是第一個BTC鏈上Manifold NFT 版本, 只有那些在以太坊上持有和銷毀Bitcoin Orbs 版的人才能訪問這些。該系列由Joan Westenberg 創建,他計劃使該系列成為首批將Ordinals 與以太坊鏈連接起來的系列之一。 Bitcoin Orbs Ordinals is the first BTC version of Manfred NFT to be interviewed only by those who hold and destroy the Bitcoin Orbs version at Etheria. The series was created by Joan Westenberg, who plans to make it one of the first series to connect Ordinals with Ether. 從Inscription 9,978 開始,On The Edge Of Oblivion 將ETH NFT 與比特幣NFT 聯繫起來。共555 件作品。該NFT 在OpenSea 上的交易量相當可觀,達到1199 ETH,該系列的銷售數量達到了1158 筆。該項目由Web3 開發人員nullish 創建,NFT 的比特幣橋接目前正在該項目的Discord 上進行。 Starting with Inscription 9,978, On The Edge Of Oblivian linked ETH NFT to Bitcoin NFT. A total of 555 works were produced. The NFT's transactions on OpenSea were impressive, reaching 1199 ETH, and the number of sales in the series reached 1158. The project was created by Web3 developer nullish, and the NFT's Bitcod bridge is currently on the project's Discord. 從Inscription 38開始,Bitcoin Monkeys 由 2500 個獨特NFT組成的系列,其NFT 將作為Jungle Club 的會員通行證, 持有NFT的福利和獎勵隨著時間的推移增加。 Jungle Club有一個長期的藍圖,每隻Bitcoin Monkeys 都將授予項目路線圖上的一系列好處(某些特徵或稀有性可能會增加好處)。項目 路線圖將提供多種贈品和好處,以下內容可能會在選擇獲獎者時以不同的方式發揮作用. 1. OG猴子角色2. 猴子的罕見特徵3、Bitcoin Monkeys NFT持有數量。項目網址: https://bitcoinmonkeys.io/ ;Twitter: https://twitter.com/BTCMonkeys Starting with Inscription 38, Bitcoin Monkeys, a series of 2,500 unique NFTs, whose NFT will be used as a pass for Jungle Club members, holds benefits and rewards from the NFT over time. Jungle Club has a long-term blueprint, each Bitcoin Monkeys NFT will be awarded a series of benefits (some specials or rares may add benefits) on the project's road map. The road map will provide a variety of benefits and benefits that may be spread in different ways in selecting winners. 1. OG monkey role 2. Monkey's unique feature, Bitcoin Monkeys NFT holdings. 早期鑄造的NFT因其稀缺性或有不錯的潛力價值,前1000號銘文的NFT這有openordex匯集了它們的信息: https://openordex.org/collection?slug=under-1k。總之比特幣鏈上被鑄造的NFT(序列銘文)數量不斷增長,根據dune上的數據,截止2023年3月10日(北京時間8:30)超過386000個NFT(序列銘文)已經在比特幣區塊鏈上被鑄造。
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