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  微博,即微型博客(micro-bloging),是 Web 3.0新兴起的一类开放互联网社交服务,是一种可以即时发布消息的类似博客的系统,它最大的特点就是集成化和开放化,你可以通过你的手机、IM软件(gtalk、MSN、QQ、skype)和外部API接口等途径向你的微博客发布消息。

Weibo, the micro-blogging, is a new type of open Internet social service from Web 3.0, a similar blog system that can deliver news instantaneously. Its greatest feature is integration and openness, and you can send news to your microblogs through your mobile phone, IM software (gtalk, MSN, QQ, skype) and external API interfaces.


Another feature of microblogs is this & ldquao; & & rdquao; word, the general message can only be a speech, and microblogging platforms like Twitter can send 140 characters at a time.

  国际上最知名的微博网站是 Twitter,目前 Twitter 的独立访问用户已达3200万,超过 Digg、LinkedIn 等网站,美国总统奥巴马、美国白宫、FBI、Google、HTC、DELL、福布斯、通用汽车等很多国际知名个人和组织在 Twitter 上进行营销和与用户交互。

The most well-known Twitter site in the world is Twitter, which currently has 32 million independent users, exceeding websites such as Digg, LinkedIn, and many internationally recognized individuals and organizations such as US President Barack Obama, the White House, the FBI, Google, HTC, DELL, Forbes, General Motors, etc. are marketing on Twitter and interacting with users.

  7月6日,英国《每日电讯报》报道,Twit-ter一词已经获得学术界认可,将被收录在30周年版的《柯林斯英文词典》中。在这部词典中,Twitter一词将有名词和动词两种词性。“你几乎每天都能看到与Twitter有关的消息和文章。”《柯林斯英文词典》主编Elaine Higgleton说。

On July 6, the British Daily Telegraph reported that the term Twit-ter had been endorsed by the academic community and would be included in the 30th-year edition of the English Dictionary of Collins. In this dictionary, the word Twitter would have both nouns and verbs. & ldquo; you could see Twitter-related news and articles almost every day.


Weibo sites in the country include rice, what to do, mumbling, tweaking, tweaking, tweaking, tweaking, and so on.



Use of statistics


Three words, live records, outcry, sun, and Twitter links mobile communication networks to the Internet. This compares with the length of traditional blogs.


In a big story, the word limit on microblogging makes it easier for users to become a multi-productivity blog publisher. According to data from the famous traffic statistics website ALEXA, Twitter has received almost 20 million hits per day, ranking 15 in the United States, the United Kingdom, Canada, etc., and about 140 in China.


“ after rains & rdquo; trends such as “ rice & rdquo; web, & & & rdquo; tweak & & rdquo; web, & & & & rdquo; muck & & & rdquo; web. The main advantage of the country's Twitter site is that it supports Chinese and binds it to a domestic mobile communication service provider. Users can update individual microblogs via wireless and wired channels. With a large user base, the speed of updating the information on the first page of the microblog is calculated in seconds.


There are no authoritative statistics on the number of users of microblogging in China, but industry estimates that the total number of users is unlikely to exceed 100,000, with at most tens of thousands of people active. This figure is insignificant compared to the 1.3 billion people in China who use microblogging as the most powerful & ldquo; & rdquo; he is one of the Internet users who records, mainly, the quickness of his development and the influence of his users. In the United States, users record, through microblogging, the points of personal life, the only words of thought; Chinese users focus on the elite: IT industry, media practitioners.


The microblogging case


Qian Jian Jianxing was stabbed and shot on the news live.

  2009年2月14日下午,著名博客钱烈宪在一场演讲会后被歹徒刺伤,紧急送往医院。几个小时内,各家媒体的新闻记者闻讯赶到北京朝阳医院。 等待的记者、钱烈宪的家人和朋友挤满了医院的走廊。有的人注意到,当中有几个人不断低头发送短信,但没有人意识到他们在做什么。直到半小时后一位记者向自己远在广州的编辑电话讲述现场状况时,编辑说:“我都知道了,这里一直有人在‘直播’最新的进展。” 钱烈宪事件是微博(微型博客)在中国使用状况的一个缩影。当天晚上,名为“doubleleaf”和 “zuola”的两位Tw itter用户,通过手机短信在Tw itter“滚动播出”了近三十条微博,报告钱烈宪在医院的情况。

In the afternoon of 14 February 2009, a famous blogger, Jian Jing Jianxing, was stabbed and sent urgently to the hospital after a speech. Within a few hours, journalists from various media reported to the hospital in Beijing. The waiting journalists, Jian Jing Jian Jing and his family and friends were crowded with the hospital corridor. Some people noticed that several of them kept sending messages down their heads, but no one was aware of what they were doing. Until half an hour later, a journalist told his editor in Guangzhou about the situation: “ I knew that there had been people there at ‘ live ’ recent developments.

  “doubleleaf”甚至直接打车到医院进行“现场直播”。“手术床进入,马上要做手术”、“目测,来了大约20人探望”、“手术结束,已回病房,血压正常,意识清醒”……每一条不超过四十字,第一时间将正在发生的事情传播了出去。“doubleleaf”还用手机拍下钱烈宪病房的照片上传到 Twitter. 在北京的各个角落乃至广州上海,关心此事的人纷纷上Tw itter,还有人转载到各个论坛和博客。在第二天新闻媒体报道见报之前,信息早已传播开来。

& & & & & & & & & rdquao; & & & & & & & & ; & & & & & & & ; & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & ; & & & & & & & & & & & & & & ; & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & ; & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & ; & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & ; & & & & ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; & ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; & ; ; ; ; ; ; & ; ; ; ; ; ; & ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; & ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; & & & & ; ; ; ; ; ; ;

  奥巴马的Tw itter秘笈

Obama's Tw itster Secret.

  11月大选之前,奥巴马开辟了T wtter账户,并进行了超过250次更新。一位选民的发言记录显示:“今天发现希拉里和奥巴马都上T wtter呢,赶紧follow了一下。结果两分钟后我就被奥巴马follow了,让我大感意外。再看希拉里的,则没有动静。”

Before the November elections, Obama opened the Twtter account and updated it more than 250 times. According to a voter's statement: & ldquao; today he found that Hilary and Obama were on Twtter, and quickly followed. Two minutes later, I was surprised that Obama followed. And looking at Hilary, there was no movement.

  在投票日,奥巴马的Twitter新增了2865名关注者,总共达到118107名,而麦凯恩的Twitter总共只有微不足道的4942名关注者。 研究者认为,奥巴马的技巧高明表现在他“关注”的人始终超过了关注他的人。到大选结束时他关注的对象超过 13万,关注他的人接近13万。对照希拉里的Tw tter就能看到,有五千多人关注她,但她关注的对象是0,“对希拉里,Twitter只是一个信息发布平台,而不是交流工具,或者说,她并不关心那些关注她的人。”这使她丧失了亲民的机会。

On polling day, Obama’s Twitter added 2,865 followers, a total of 11,107, while McCain’s Twitter has a total of 4,942 followers. Researchers argue that Obama’s skill manifests itself in his & ldquo; focus on ” and always outnumbers those who care about him. By the end of the election, he was more than 130,000, and his attention was close to 130,000.


The cause of the fire.


I'm getting tired of putting on a long piece of text.


On the one hand, people & & ldquo; lazy & rdquo; on the other hand, people are tired of using these vivid, concise words to express what is needed in life, and the concept of blogs has been popular for some time, but others are finding a lot of shortcomings. For example, writing large pieces of articles is more difficult, little pieces lack content, it is not easy to fit into the subject of blogs, so microblogs become popular, which provides a better way to communicate with friends, because it is obvious that Email and QQQ, MSN groups are not good enough. Microblogs are faster, easier, and simpler, and you can pass through any mobile work wherever you want.


Many mobile platforms, such as mobile phones, QQQ, MSN, etc., are updated.


♪ The desire to burn ♪


& & & ldquo; I know an ugly girl who's got a lot of energy with money. & & & & & & & quo; a girl whose ideas are never consistent & & & & & quo; & & & & & & ; & & & & & & & ; if the car doesn't have air conditioning, it's hot and I can't get it burned. & & & & & & & & & & & & & & ; & & & R & & & & ; & & R & & & & & ; &, & & & & ; ;, & ; & ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; and ; and ; ; and ; and ; and ; and ; and ; ; and ; and ; and ; and ; ; and ; and ; and ; and ; and ; and ; and ; and ; and ; and ; and ; and ; and ; ; and ; and ; and ; and ; and ; and ; and ; and ; and ; and ; and ; and ; and ; and ; and ; and ; and ; and ; and ; and ; and ; ; and ; and ; and ; and ; and ; and ; and ; and ; and ; and ; and ; and ; and ; and ; and ; and ; and ; and ; and ; and ; and ; and ; and ; and ; and ; and ; and ; and ; and ; and ; and ; and ; and ; and ;


New means of image marketing


Blogs are now too popular, especially for people in the entertainment industry, and if they have not yet been created, it would be too bad for this brokerage company. But blogs are not well suited to be a fan group, and it would be more appropriate for registered, active, registered and identified microblogs to join the fan group through “ and & & & rdquo; & & & & & & & & & ; & & & & & ; fly & rdquao; and to join the fan group.




Microblogs are more rooted and widely distributed on multiple platforms, such as desktops, browsers, mobile terminals, with multiple business models co-existing, or the possibility of creating multiple vertical subdivisions. But either business model should be independent of the characteristics and basic functions of the user’s experience.


Easy: Civilians are like Shakespeare.


On microblogs, the 140-word restriction has brought civilians and Shakespeare to the same level, which has led to a large number of original content being produced in an explosive fashion. Dr. Li Song believes that the emergence of microblogging is a landmark and truly marks the advent of a personal Internet age. The advent of blogs has taken a significant step forward in social media on the Internet, and public figures are beginning to build their own online image. However, the image on blogs is still a post-glossive performance, and the creation of text requires a full logic, so that the workload is a heavy burden on bloggers.


Intimacy: strengthening relationships with family and friends


Intimacy is another of Weibo’s charms, and one Tweet is like someone you're concerned about saying a word to you, and he's gone. This person is your choice. You can see what he's doing for 24 hours. You can understand his intellectual tendencies and read the links he provides. And the chef says that this is Weibo & mdash; & mdash; the medium has not changed, but the information organization model has changed from the way people use it. The credibility of the virtual world is a question that arises from the birth of the Internet.


Original: Each person can give his or her own news.

  很多微博客网站现在的即时通讯功能非常强大,通过QQ和MSN直接书写,在没有网络的地方,只要有手机也可即时更新自己的内容,哪怕你就在事发现场。比如,最近爱上“微博”的李小姐在中央大街咖啡厅看书, 忽然看到大街对面是自己认识的一对“地下情侣”。于是她马上用手机拍摄下来,发到自己的微博客上,在第一时间引起朋友圈子内的一片轰动。她非常为自己超具现场感的狗仔精神而欢喜,也因此更爱“微博”。

Many microblogging sites are now very powerful in instantaneous communication, writing directly through QQ and MSN, and where there is no Internet, you can update your content as soon as you have a cell phone, even if you are in the scene. For example, Ms. Lee, who recently fell in love with “ Weibo & & rdquo; who read at the Café on Central Street, suddenly saw the street as a pair of & ldquo; an underground couple & & rdquo; so she immediately filmed her own microblog on her cell phone, and started to stir up the circle of friends at the very first time. She was very happy for her super-fielded dog, and therefore more in love with & & ldquao; Webbo & & rdquao;


Instantity: access and communication & & ldquao; super fresh & rdquao; information's fastest tool

  当谷歌服务在中国被封两个小时的那个晚上,在北京一家境外新闻机构工作的小郑(化名)亲身感受到微型博客Twitter的力量。上个月24日,小郑与一些同行外出用晚餐。回到家后习惯性地上网登陆Twitter,发现谷歌出事的话题炸开了锅,在他数百名关注对象的发言中,骂声响彻不绝。测试并验证消息属实后,他立即向单位汇报,在新闻网站发表即时消息,并动手撰写新闻。小郑注册成为Twitter账户只有一个多月时间,这是Twitter第一次让他获得即时新闻提示。新闻事件发展与信息传播几乎无间隔的同步演进,众人目光与议论紧跟着事件的节奏,让他深切感觉到这个平台对于提供突发事件信息的特殊优势。两小时后解封的消息,小郑同样从Twitter获得。网络人尤其关心网络事,上个月,有关工信部要求所有电脑预装绿坝过滤软件、政府打击网络低俗等网络新闻接连不断,网上的讨论也最多、最快。 不光是网络世界的动态,地方骚乱的信息,往往也只需要有个现场目击者在网上留言,有人用手机拍了现场画面放上网,再被某个Twitter用户找到并Tweet上链接,这个信息旋即在网络世界里飞快流传。 7月5日,中国新疆发生多年最严重的流血暴动,Twitter的优势再次发挥得淋漓尽致。当官方媒体的报道只有寥寥几行字的时候,网友自发收集到的照片、手机拍下的视频、事件过程记录已经在网上狂转。 不消说,小郑成了Twitter的追随者。他后来发现,有关Twitter的实时特点,美国业界专家有一个形象化的形容,叫“超级新鲜”(Super fresh)。 这个以一只蓝色小鸟为符号,英语名称念起来状如叽叽喳喳鸟叫声的网上微博组群,最近在中国声名大噪。颇具影响力的《南方人物周刊》7月第一期刊登了 Twitter专题,将Twitter以及仿Twitter设立的国内微博网站“饭否”等称为“新闻爆料站”、“民间意见集散地”。 Twitter是获取与传达新鲜资讯最快工具。

When Google services were closed in China for two hours, he immediately reported to the unit that the news was published on a news site outside Beijing, and wrote the news first-hand. On 24th of last month, Little Chung and some of his colleagues went out to dinner. When they returned to their homes, they made a customary access to Twitter, and found that the topic of Google was blown up in hundreds of statements of concern. When the news was authentic, he immediately reported to the unit that the news was published on the news site and that the news was written on the news.


Grass roots: a strong online voice union


The Internet has expanded China’s speech space and promoted the development of civic consciousness, a trend that has been articulated by national and international opinion. Webbo is part of the development of the Internet as a whole and the latest representative of the wave. Independent commentators and freelance authors, Jiang Maung Yung, have said that digital groups on the Internet are playing a role similar to those of civil society organizations, and that digital groups, such as different web groups, Twitter groups and others, have formed networks & ldquo; that the rhetoric coalition & & & rdquo; that they appear to be virtual and solid; that their statements are leading public opinion and shaping the setting of social issues; that, despite the fact that Internet users are all equal, the elites of the Internet are using more information, online opinion leaders with & & & & & & & & dquo; that they are exerting a huge influence on the general media; and that the traditional Chinese official messages and influences the popular network of China’s capital, which has blocked a large number of its capital, which has blocked the capital of its capital, the capital, which has become a part of its own citizens.

  国外也同样如此。最近一次令Twitter名声大噪的故事发生在伊朗大选期间。当穆萨维败选后,伊朗国内抗议活动高涨,政府封锁了YouTube、Facebook等网站。Twitter于是成为伊朗民众与外界沟通信息的主要渠道。他们利用 Twitter转发大量有关抗议活动的图片和消息,成为西方媒体获知伊朗国内状况的重要新闻来源。而相比之下,美国CNN (美国有线电视新闻网)、NBC(美国全国广播公司)等传统主流媒体显得无力而滞后。

Twitter has become the main channel for Iranians to communicate information with the outside world. Using Twitter, they are a major source of news for Western media about Iran’s internal situation.

  6月17日,由Twitter组织的一次“140字会议”在纽约召开,邀请了来自美国传统媒体的多位新闻从业者,探讨Twitter对新闻业的影响。这些人分别来自CNN、NBC、FOX NEWS(福克斯新闻)等美国主流媒体。在会上,CNN在伊朗事件中的表现遭到了炮轰。

On 17 June, a & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & @, organized by Twitter, held in New York, invited a number of journalists from traditional media in the United States to discuss the impact of Twitter on the press. These people came from mainstream media in the United States, such as CNN, NBC, FOX NEWS (Fox News).

  主持人罗伯特·斯考博咄咄逼人地发问:“当我想知道伊朗街头发生了什么的时候,我发现CNN上什么都没有。”“在那个时刻,CNN在哪里?” 来自CNN的瑞克·桑切斯回答他们其实就在伊朗:“我们的人当时就在现场看着事件发生,我们的记者还遭到催泪瓦斯。” 斯考博没有放松,继续追问:“为什么你们不把你们所经历和看到的故事告诉观众?”

The moderator, Robert & Middot; Scobo, was so aggressive that he asked: & ldquo; I found nothing on CNN when I wanted to know what was going on in the streets of Iran. & & & & &dquao; where was CNN at that time? & & & & rdquo; Rick & Middot from CNN; Sanchez replied that they were actually in Iran: & ldquao; our people were watching the incident and our journalists were also tear gas. & & & & & & & & skob did not relax and went on to ask: & & & & ldquao; why don't you tell the audience the stories you've seen and seen? & & & & rdquao;


The term Corey from NBC: & ldquo; some stories are important to ordinary people, but they are not reported. & & & & & &dquo; while we always emphasize the human aspect of news, in practice some truly personalized stories or fragments cannot access traditional media & & rdquo; & & ldquo; & social media will radically change our definition of media & & rdquo; and CNN’s tragic defeat forces traditional journalists to think about new responses.

  “在微博守候新闻的最新进展将是以后我们的共同体验。”当代艺术家欧宁是微博的忠实用户,他认为,微博体现了一种公民新闻,或者说社会化媒体的优势。每个人都是媒体,人人都可以成为新闻来源。“而且你可以得到个人化的报道角度和鲜活的现场感。” 传统媒体纷纷看到了微博的力量,将微博作为推广和沟通的平台。《纽约时报》在Twitter上的官方网站已经有90多万名关注者,《华尔街日报》也有5万名关注者。它们将新闻在Twitter上实时更新。在英国,134家一线杂志都开辟了twitter账号,其中《新科学家》、《NME》、《Dazed & Confused》等杂志的关注者都在2万以上。

& & & ldquo; The latest developments in Twitter watch news will be our shared experience. & & & & & rdquo; Contemporary Artist Euning is a faithful user of Weibo, who believes that Weibo represents a citizen news, or the advantage of socialized media. Everyone is the media, and everyone can be a source of news. & & & & & & & ; and you can get personalized coverage and live sense. & & & & & & live. & & rdquo; The traditional media are seeing the power of Weibo, using Weibo as a platform for outreach and communication. The New York Times has more than 900 followers on Twitter, and the Wall Street Journal has 50,000 followers. They update news on Twitter in real time.

  《南都周刊》在Twitter和饭否都开了官方账号,在饭否它一直排在关注度前五名之列,关注者高达2 万多人。《南都周刊》负责维护Twitter和饭否账号的杨海英告诉记者,“微博上信息来源渠道广泛,但信息的可靠性却很低;传统媒体提供的是经过审核的可靠的信息,这可作为微博信息来源的一个重要渠道。微博简便、快捷的信息发布与分享模式正好弥补了纸媒的劣势。”

Nandu Weekly has an official account on Twitter and rice, and it has been ranked among the top five on the list, with more than 20,000 followers. & & & & & ldquo, who defends Twitter and rice accounts, has told journalists that & & & ldquao; that there are a wide range of sources of information on microblogging, but the reliability of the information is low; and that traditional media provide verified and reliable information, which can be an important source of information for microblogging. & & rdquo;


Impact and value


The Internet puts pressure on official communication strategies

  官方对它是抱着“又爱又防”的心理。在引入中国后,互联网被当成现代化的代表符号之一被热情地追求,“ 中国网民人口世界第一”的论述里隐然含着中国比西方国家更早拥抱现代通讯科技的满足感。但另一方面,这个工具难以驯服的特质也日益让当局看到管控的难度。 中共中央宣传部部长刘云山不久前警告说:“互联互动、即时传播、共享共用的特征,使互联网的媒体功能日益凸显……如何积极利用、科学管理互联网,已成为重大而紧迫的课题。”

After the introduction of China, the Internet was enthusiastically pursued as one of the modern representative symbols & & & & & & & & & & & & &, which implies that China embraces modern communication technology earlier than Western countries. But, on the other hand, this tool’s immeasurable qualities are increasingly making control difficult for the authorities.

  针对这个“重大而紧迫”的课题,中国近年采取监督防堵与主动抢夺舆论话语权并进的软硬兼济法。在监督防堵的一面,中国投入大量人力财力,构建高度先进网络信息过滤系统(网民称之Great Fire Wall,即长城防火墙,有人认为是世界最先进的网络过滤系统),以过滤掉当局认为有害的境外信息。

In response to this & & & & ldquo; major and urgent & & & rdquo, China has recently adopted a soft and hard law that monitors blocking and actively usurps the voice of public opinion. On the side of surveillance, China has invested considerable human and financial resources in building a highly sophisticated network information filter system (Great Fire Wall, known as the Great Wall, which is considered to be the world’s most advanced network filtering system) to filter out information that the authorities consider to be harmful.


After the Xinjiang riots, for example, the government turned off Twitter, Facebook, and meals late last Monday evening, Tuesday evening, and Tuesday night. While online elites still have access to tools & ldquao; wall flip & rdquao; and online.


Officially, it has also recently eased the official media’s rhetoric in an attempt to enhance the authority and credibility of official sources of information in the eyes of the public and to compete for influence with online voices. In the event of an incident, the media have been given the lead in disseminating information to pre-empt speech, for example in the case of the Xinjiang riots, in which the government reports the death toll at noon the next day, and it is rare for news to broadcast live images of the riots.


From the Xinjiang events, official media and online voices & & & & & rdquo, the news of the Internet is still faster than official sources, although the official final release of authoritative data is still the information that everyone needs to rely on. But, on the other hand, on the 7 May Urumqihan demonstration, the official silence left the Internet elite in & & ldquo; the audience charisma & rdquao; and the winner, highlighting the inadequacy of traditional information channels.


The network provides a public platform for official, social, civil opinion leaders to interact with, detect, and even pull saws, in situations where access to political participation is extremely limited. Indeed, a strong popular voice and relative weakening of the government’s authority are inevitable consequences of modernization.


Some argue that & ldquo; that network development will lead to democracy & & rdquo; and that the judgement is overly optimistic, but at least it can be said that, with the online pull-saw of officials, citizens and civil opinion leaders, there will be a constant shift in borders and relationships between them, as well as the important role of the Internet in giving impetus to political reform and in advancing China's political development.


The rumour ends with the wise man.

  微博已经成为媒体获取信息的重要管道。新闻记者到这里来发现新闻源。7月2日,饭否上有饭友提供了一个网址 “美国国会公开议员收入了”,链接直接通到美国国会网站。三天后一条名为《美国会网上公示收支》的新闻才出现在中国各大媒体。依靠网友聚合的力量,饭否的消息远远比媒体超前。 NBC的柯里是从T w itter上获悉朝鲜发射导弹的消息。“我打开电视发现没有一个地方在报道这个事情。于是我立即跳起来,在Twitter上寻找可靠的消息源并即时写了报道。”

Weibo has become an important conduit for the media to access information. Journalists come here to find news sources. On July 2, they have a web site & ldquo; the U.S. Congressman's Open Council received & & & rdquao; the link went directly to the U.S. Congress website. Three days later, a news story called "America Online Publicity Billions" appeared in all major Chinese media.

  然而,如何保证Twitter上信息的可靠性?这是微博最受到质疑的一个方面,也是传统媒体人士面临的问题。柯里指出,在使用微博作为信息来源时,“我必须非常小心,让自己不要被假消息误导”。 著名博客东东枪是饭否“第一男主角”,关注度排行第一。喜爱曲艺的他经常口吐妙语,偶尔开开玩笑。6月29 日,他随手在饭否上记了一句:“据传,A dobe公司即将推出Photoshop软件,官方中文译名———‘佛陀绣谱’”。第二天当东东枪再度上线时,发现“佛陀绣谱”成了饭否“热门话题”头一名。原本用的是“据传”,很多人一转载就变成了“已经宣布”。 “难道这玩意儿真有人相信?!以后还让不让人搞创作了?!”东东枪无奈之下只好澄清,自己不过是开了一个玩笑。

However, how to ensure the reliability of the information on Twitter? This is one of the most questionable aspects of Twitter and the problems faced by traditional media. Corey pointed out that when he used Twitter as a source of information, “ I had to be very careful not to be misled by false information; ” & & & & mdash; &mash; ‘ & Buddha ’ & & & rdquo; & A & D & L & L & L & ; & D & D ; & D & L & D; & D & L & D; & L & D; & L & D; & L & D; & L ; ; & D & D; & L; & D; & L; & D; & D; & D; & D; & D; & D; & D; & D; & D; and & D.

  在微博冒用名人名字的也不少见。谷歌全球副总裁、大中华区总裁李开复就曾遇到“李鬼”。他的英文名 “K aifulee”被人捷足先登,在Twitter开了账号,还用这个名字来发布消息,被许多媒体引用。李开复不得不与Twitter进行沟通,才拿回了Kaifulee的账号。为防止类似事情再发生,李开复在Twitter中发声明称,饭否、校内等地的李开复账号均属假冒。

Google’s Global Vice-President and President of the Great China District, Li Kaiqing, met with & ldquo; Li Chi & & rdquo; and his English name & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & @ & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & &

  众多的研究者指出,微博也是谣言的温床。Twitter上最多的就是关于明星的谣言。正在和胰脏癌对抗的好莱坞明星派屈克·史威兹,已经在Twitter上被传死了好几次,他必须不断出来澄清,告诉大家他还活着。 有时微博会成为诽谤或攻击他人的帮凶。美国女作家艾丽丝·霍夫曼使用Tw tter咒骂批评她的书评人希尔曼,不仅称对方是个白痴,而且在Twitter上公布了希尔曼的电话号码和电子邮箱,号召书迷群起而攻之。此事经媒体报道之后立即引发哗然,霍夫曼不得不关闭账号并道歉。《基督教科学箴言报》在评述此事时说:“霍夫曼没料到Twitter这样的社会化网络催生、培育、煽动起争议的火焰来会多么快。” 然而作家冉云飞的看法却不太一样,在他看来,微博上可能有这样的消息,也可能转那样的消息,看上去很矛盾,却能够培养一个人的判断力。“中国人在上过Tw itter、饭否、博客、BBS之后,他会逐渐形成自己的判断力,不再盲从某种权威提供的答案。不要害怕信息多,人的理性就是在信息的比较中产生的。”

The most popular rumours on Twitter are those about stars. The Hollywood star Patrick & Middot, who is fighting pancreatic cancer, has been on Twitter several times dead; and Schweez, who has had to come forward to clarify and tell everyone that he is still alive. Sometimes microblogging is an accomplice to defamation or assault.


More Unknown Value


On March 27, 2009, the Yulence Center for Contemporary Art. A conference called & ldquo; after 80 years of social space & rdquao was held here, under the auspices of Leung Wengdo, the 80th anniversary representative of the Angong, Chu Kaiti and Zhang Hsien.


& ldquo; cook friend & rdquo; they send comments or questions on their cell phones or web pages, ask their guests in the field through the crostalk system. Leung Wendo first saw the powerful function of microblogging here. Onion: & ldquo; we explained to Leung Wendo slightly how it works, so he can use it in the afternoon. & & rdquao;


An audience from the scene or from miles away watching live webcasts is rolling on the big screen of the meeting site by asking questions about whether or not to eat. The moderator, Leung Mando, cannot help but wonder: &ldquao; &lsquao; &rsquao; how quickly. & & rdquao; questions are very sharp and sometimes embarrassing for speakers on the stage. & & & ldquao; XX guests say the same thing as mainstream media and do not see their views at all. & & rdquao;


One & ldquo in Shenzhen in January; Social Energy Forum & & rdquo; Onin also used the idea of microblogging whether to get an audience, “ the Chinese were not used to standing up in public but texting anonymously or under aliases was bold and crazy & & rdquao; Onin said that he had used rice four times to ask questions at the meeting, often causing embarrassment to speakers, which he thought was part of the value of microblogging, & & ldquao; could be de idolized and sanctified & rdquao;


O'Nein discovered microblogs, &ldquo, after two years of blogging; initially, he wanted to record and publish his own flashy things, because it was short, and it was easy to flash & rdquo;. Now we've become one of his leading sources of information, & & & & & & & rdquao ;, and there are many friends who have been able to communicate with him through meals and to provide information as one of his main channels of communication.

  “微博是个革命,它的应用价值还有很多未被挖掘出来”,欧宁认为,网民在使用过程中会出现自发的应用,这才是微博神奇的地方。 著名的语词专家黄集伟每个季度都会公布一次他搜集到的当下鲜活的语词。

& & ldquo; Weibo is a revolution, and its application has many unexplored & & rdquao; Onin believes that the spontaneous application of the Internet in its use is the wonder of Weibo. The famous linguist, Huang Wei, publishes his current and living words once every quarter.


And over the past six months, the number of new words has been growing, &ldquao; it's because of microblogging & rdquao;. The new languages collected from microblogging already account for more than half of his published vocabulary.

  “我是小三阳,有没什么办法可以转成小沈阳?”“倒霉是一种永远不会错过的运气。”黄集伟念着他从饭否上手抄下来的妙语,兴奋得难以自抑。“微博大量催生语录语文,且顺手培养出一大批语录体大师。” 黄集伟在自己博客上公布的“09年语文第二季”,内容全部来自饭否,并注明作者。为了收集尽可能多的妙语,黄集伟关注了两千多个饭友,MSN上的饭否机器人每秒钟闪动一次。“删掉谁呢?谁都可能是孔子。”他还在饭否上到处“闲逛”,希望发现更多有趣的语言。“微博正在创造一种简短而锐利的文本。当然它也有不好的一面,比如口水化,碎片化,扁平化。如果你想深入思考一个问题,当然不是来这里。”

& & & & ldquo; & & & ldquo; & bad luck is never missed. & & & & & redquao; & & Yellow Quino; he was so excited to read the wonderful words he had copied from his hands. & & & & & & & & & & ; & & & & ; & & & & & & & & ; & bad luck & bad luck & bad luck & bad luck & bad luck. & & & & & & & & redquao ; & & & & ; & & &, in order to collect as many wonderful words as possible, the MSN machine & machine twirls every second. & & ldquao;, &, you know, you can't think much of course.


Where's the profit point?


& & ldquo; becoming an Internet epidemic requires, first and foremost, a lot of human energy, although having a human face does not simply mean investment value. & & & & & & & & & & & & & ldquo, Director General of Waldun International, said that investment needs to take into account a number of factors, such as business models, their location in the Internet ecology, their potential for explosive growth, etc. & & rdquo; but what kind of Internet product, whether it is an Internet community, a blog or a microblog, should, when it becomes human, consider how to retain a user.


Wang Qi, the inventive investment manager, told CBN journalists that microblogging in the country is still at a time of accumulation and branding, and that it is still difficult to say exactly what the long-term growth potential of microblogging is, and it is even more difficult to answer the question of how microblogging is going to make money in the future.

  微型博客的用户在哪里?这是王琦一直在思考的问题之一,在中国,知道Twitter的人也许只有时尚一族,少数名人、记者、商人可能也会整天泡在 Twitter上,但它在中国其他人群中并不受欢迎,Twitter尚且如此,很难说预计其他“国产”微博的用户量会达到怎样的规模。

Where are the users of microblogs? This is one of Wang Qi’s constant questions: in China, people who know Twitter may only be fashionable, and a few celebrities, journalists, businessmen may spend all day on Twitter, but it is not popular among the rest of China’s population, and Twitter is still popular, and it is difficult to say what size the other & ldquo; national & rdquo; and weibo users are expected to reach.


The commercial model of microblogging is also a question that needs to be answered: from the point of view of advertising, blogs are very private, users do not like inserted advertising, and they are repulsive of the links that are deliberately placed by businesses. Wang Qi believes that even if advertising is successfully installed on microblogging, the users are not lost, but the effects of advertising are difficult to judge. There is no comprehensive tool to monitor the impact of advertising on blogs, and the user mentality is so subtle that it is related to the surrounding scene.


And Twitter’s start-up team has not developed a good profit model. From a general Internet analysis, Twitter can make a lot of profit, as can other websites. Advertisements with real-time search results? Google can use Twitter data to do this.

  Twitter面临的一个风险是,通过让其他公司运作昂贵的、复杂或有风险的服务,使得本身价值得以释放。但也有人指出,如果Twitter可以让那些公司放弃这些成本高昂的服务,通过精简,将重点放在Twitter的核心区域,那么可以笑到最后。因为围绕 Twitter的整个生态圈已经建立起来,Twitter总有一天会发现新的庞大的收入来源。

Twitter is at risk of releasing its own value by allowing other companies to operate expensive, complex, or risky services. It has also been pointed out that if Twitter allows those companies to abandon these costly services, it can laugh to the end by streamlining and focusing on the core areas of Twitter.


Overview of the development of microblogging in China


The appearance of Twitter in 2006 introduced the world to a small world called Weibo. & ldquao from abroad; Big Red Purple & rdquao; and some people in the country.


Finally, I can't sit down.


In 2005, Wang Xing, who started the school network, set up the rice net in the second year after selling the business to Chikoko in 2006. Lee, who is also a skilled expert, also targeted the industry, and stunning the net quickly followed the meal.

  到了 2009年,曾创立讯龙、珍爱网的李松又带着嘀咕网杀入微博阵营。 前赴后继者络绎不绝。但事实证明,Twitter建立的“微型王国”不是在短时间内掘出黄金的浅矿,国内微博企业目前尚处于慢热的状态。

By 2009, Lee Song, who had created Tsinglong and Precious Networks, had been killed in the microblogging camp with his twigs. Followers to the site continued to follow.


According to the information received, there are currently only hundreds of thousands of users, processing tens of millions of messages per month. The country’s microblogging is focused on product adjustment and service improvement, and what they need most is how to survive on their own, before they can attract venture capital.


Domestic microblogging companies, without exception, have locked their role models on Twitter, which naturally attracts more domestic users than Twitter because it is a home-grown Chinese service with greater interconnectivity with other websites.


In his view, the trend towards Internetization and pan-mediaization has opened up the first generation of blogs, and the continued high penetration of the Internet and the current notion that media consumers are media producers have given rise to new platforms such as microblogging.


& & & ldquo; Weibo is a way of expressing people or businesses who want attention. & & & & rdquo; & & & & & & & & & & & & & &, & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & @ & & & & & @ & & & & @ & & & & @ & & & & & & & & & @ & & & & & @ @ @ & & @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @


The food network retains users in the renovation of products such as & & & & & & & ; & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & ; & & & & & & & & & &, & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & &, & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & &, & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & &, & & & & & & & & & & & / & & & & & & & & & & & ; & & & & & & / & & & & & & & ) ) ) & & ) & & & & / & & & & & & & & & ) & ) ) ) & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & ) ) & & & & & & & & & & &


Li Song said that there was a plug called & ldquao; & & rdquao; and that information could be synchronized on Twitter, on the inside of the school network, on twigs, on rice, on what to do, on the Happy Net, on the 51st, on the FriendFeed, on the inside, and on the occupied web sites.


On the other hand, the Q-Q-Team is a product that increases the stickyness of Q-Q-users and integrates their functions into products such as Q-Spatial.


Views of the parties


Some may lament that the information highway is being used to convey such boring news as what someone is eating.


Faced with this statement, microblogs have responded and often reverberate in their blogs: “ if you don't understand why working people like to talk about QQ in a fake machine, or when 30-year-old IT hangs on PSP fools, you must not understand why so many people like to report on Twitter that they have cornea and complain about the fat guy who sat in front of the cinema last night. & rdquao

  加州大学伯克利分校的社会学家克劳德费舍尔(Claude S. Fischer)也宽慰说,这种事情,电话当年也遇到过。他写的America Calling一书是一部有关美国电话的社会史。费舍尔说,电话最初被认为是用来干正经事的,但上世纪20年代的某个时候,美国电话电报公司 (AT&T)突然发现,“电话闲聊”是个赚钱的好法子。它随后开始鼓励人们有事没事就拿起电话拨打一气。

The socialist at the University of California at Berkeley, Claude S. Fischer, also comforted to say that this was a thing that happened to telephones. His book, America Calling, was a social history about American telephones. Fisher said that telephones were initially thought to be serious, but at some point in the 20th century, the American Telephone and Telegraph Company (AT&T) suddenly discovered, &ldquao; chatting & rdquao; it was a good way to make money. It then started to encourage people to pick up their phones when they had nothing to do.


Fischer said that like everyone, especially older people, he was shocked by the paucity of content that many networks communicate. & ldquo; if you look at the content of this information, you have to say what they really want to say. But psychologists might tell you that weibo users are interested in keeping in touch with each other rather than talking to each other, &dquo; Fisher said.




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