
资讯 2024-07-01 阅读:20 评论:0



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Have you ever had that feeling, like being on a crazy roller coaster, whose heart beats like a drum every time you go up and down? If you're concerned about bitcoin's exchange rate against the dollar, believe that this “heart rate acceleration” has become commonplace. This is the number of “heaviness” in the monetary world, which, with its unpredictable volatility, is always holding the nerves of global investors? Today, we look at this “currency scene” between bitcoin and dollar, and see what the points of interest are in this confrontation between numbers and banknotes.


1. 暴涨暴跌的常态:比特币兑美元的汇率犹如脱缰野马,时而直冲云霄,时而跌入谷底。短短数月内,价格可能翻倍甚至数倍,亦有可能腰斩再腰斩。这种极端的波动性,让投资者们在“一夜暴富”与“一夕破产”间反复横跳,个中滋味,唯有亲历者方能体会。

In a few months, prices may double or even double, and they may be recapitulated. This extreme volatility allows investors to leapfrog between “one-night wealth” and “one-night bankruptcy” and “one-night bankruptcy” – a feeling that can only be felt by a relative.

2. 市场情绪主导:比特币汇率的涨跌往往与市场情绪息息相关。一则利好消息可能引发“买买买”热潮,推动汇率飙升;而一次监管政策变动,又可能导致恐慌性抛售,汇率瞬间“瀑布式下跌”。这种“人心所向,胜于利刃”的现象,在比特币市场体现得淋漓尽致。

Market sentiment dominates: Bitcoin exchange rate rises and falls are often associated with market sentiment. A good news of interest could trigger a “buy-and-buy” surge, and a regulatory policy shift could lead to a panic sale and an “fall in the waterfall” of the exchange rate.

3. 技术分析与基本面并重:尽管比特币缺乏传统意义上的基本面数据,但技术分析在预测其汇率走势中仍占据重要地位。从K线图、MACD到RSI,各类指标成为投资者判断买卖时机的“指南针”。同时,矿工成本、网络活跃度等“非典型基本面”因素也被纳入考量,共同描绘出比特币汇率的复杂图景。

Technical analysis goes hand in hand with fundamentals: Despite the lack of basic data in the traditional sense of Bitcoin, technical analysis plays an important role in predicting the evolution of its exchange rate. From K-line maps, MACD to RSI, various indicators have become the “guide” for investors to judge the timing of trading. At the same time, “atypical fundamentals” factors such as the cost of miners, network activity, etc., have also been taken into account and a complex picture of the Bitcoin exchange rate has been drawn together.

1. 政策法规:各国对加密货币的态度及监管政策,无疑是对比特币汇率产生重大影响的“风向标”。从中国全面禁止加密货币交易,到美国SEC对比特币ETF的审批进展,每一次政策变动都可能引发市场剧烈震动,使比特币汇率如“惊弓之鸟”般上下翻飞。

Policy regulation: The attitude and regulatory policies of countries with respect to encrypted currencies are undoubtedly “windwards” that have a significant impact on the exchange rate of the bitcoin. From China's total ban on encrypted currency transactions, to the progress of the approval of the United States SEC’s bitcoin ETF, every policy change could trigger a strong market shock, causing the bitcoin exchange rate to roll up and down like a “breathing bird”.

2. 巨头动向:科技巨头、金融机构乃至知名投资人的涉足或退出,都会对市场信心产生深远影响。特斯拉CEO埃隆·马斯克的一条推文,就曾让比特币汇率瞬间上演“冰火两重天”。这些“大鳄”们的言行,无疑是比特币汇率波动的“催化剂”。

Giant movements: The presence or withdrawal of technological giants, financial institutions, and even prominent investors will have far-reaching implications for market confidence. A tweet by Tesla CEOELON MASK has given Bitcoin an instant “two days of ice fires.” The words and actions of these “gators” are undoubtedly “catalysts” of Bitcoin exchange rate fluctuations.

3. 全球经济环境:宏观经济环境的变迁,如利率调整、通胀预期、地缘政治风险等,也会间接作用于比特币汇率。在避险需求升温时,比特币可能被视为“数字黄金”,汇率随之攀升;而在经济衰退预期下,投资者可能转向现金为王,导致比特币汇率承压。

The global economic environment: Changes in the macroeconomic environment, such as interest rate adjustments, inflation expectations, geopolitical risks, etc., can also have an indirect effect on the Bitcoin exchange rate. When hedge demand warms, Bitcoin may be regarded as “digit gold” and the exchange rate rises with it; while the recession is expected, investors may turn to cash to king, leading to currency exchange rate pressure.

1. 机构接纳度提升:随着摩根大通、PayPal等传统金融机构开始提供比特币相关服务,以及MicroStrategy等上市公司大举购入比特币作为储备资产,比特币正逐渐获得主流认可。这预示着未来比特币兑美元汇率有望在更多“正规军”入场的支撑下,实现更稳健的增长。

Increased institutional acceptance: Bitcoin is becoming mainstream as traditional financial institutions such as Morgan Chase and PayPal begin to provide Bitcoin-related services, and as listed companies such as MicroStrategy purchase bitcoin into reserve assets. This augurs well for a more robust growth in the future of the Bitcoin against the United States dollar, supported by more “regular army” entry.

2. 技术创新与生态发展:从Layer 2扩容方案的落地,到DeFi、NFT等新兴领域的崛起,比特币生态持续繁荣,为汇率长期走强提供了坚实基础。然而,技术路线的分歧、安全问题的隐忧也可能带来短期波动,投资者需保持警惕。

2. Technological innovation and ecological development: From the landing of the Layer 2 expansion programme to the rise of emerging areas such as DeFi and NFT, the continued ecological boom in Bitcoin provides a solid basis for long-term strengthening of the exchange rate. However, differences in technology routes, security concerns, can also lead to short-term fluctuations, and investors need to be vigilant.

3. 监管不确定性:全球对于加密货币的监管框架仍在构建之中,未来可能出现更为严格的法规制约。这不仅可能直接影响比特币的市场需求,也可能引发市场对其他潜在风险的担忧,从而对汇率构成压力。

Regulatory uncertainty: The global regulatory framework for encrypted currencies is still being constructed, and more stringent regulatory constraints may arise in the future, which may not only directly affect the market demand for Bitcoin, but may also raise market concerns about other potential risks, thus putting pressure on exchange rates.


Overall, Bitcoin’s exchange rate against the United States dollar is moving like a convoluted scene, with sudden surges and drops, and complex market games. For investors, understanding and coping with these factors will enable them to position themselves in this “digital feast” and to take advantage of the wind and laugh at the “sea of coins.”




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