比特币支付使用是否合法? | 未央网

资讯 2024-07-01 阅读:20 评论:0



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This paper provides a brief analysis of whether Bitcoin can be used as a tool of payment and what legal risks it may have in its use.


Bitcoin, the most trusted decentralised digital currency, has begun to be accepted more and more abroad as a tool for payment. So is it legal to use bitcoin to pay in our country? Let us try a brief analysis of this.


According to our law, the renminbi is the only legal currency in the country and has an irreplaceable role in the instruments of payment.


(i) Bitcoin is a virtual commodity


In December 2013, the People's Bank of China, the Ministry of Industry and Informatics, the Silver Supervisory Board, the Securities Supervisory Board and the Insurance Supervisory Board jointly issued a Notice on Protection against the Risk of Bitcoin, stating that “bitcoin has four main characteristics: lack of a centralized issuer, limited volume, geographical restrictions on its use, and anonymity.” Although Bitcoin is referred to as a `currency', it is not a currency of real significance because it is not issued by the monetary authorities, but because it does not have legal and mandatory monetary attributes. By its nature, Bitcoin should be a specific virtual commodity, not legally equivalent to money, and cannot and should not be used as a currency in the market.”


, therefore, legally speaking, Bitcoin is not a currency, much less a legal currency, but a virtual commodity.


(b>) (ii) The renminbi is a statutory payment tool


Our RMB Regulations state that “the legal currency of our country is the RMB, which shall be used to pay all public and private debts in the territory of the People's Republic of China and shall not be refused by any establishment or individual”; and that “no unit or individual shall print or issue in exchange for the circulation of the RMB on the market”.


The Notice on Protection against the Risk of Bitcoin also provides that “at this stage, financial institutions and payment agencies shall not price Bitcoin for products or services, buy or sell bitcoins as a central counterpart, shall not cover bitcoins-related insurance operations or include bitcoins in insurance liability, and shall not directly or indirectly provide customers with other bitcoins-related services, including: provision of services such as Bitcoin registration, transactions, settlement, settlement, etc. to customers; acceptance of bitcoins or use of bitcoins as a payment settlement tool; exchange services between bitcoins and renminbis and foreign currencies; operation of bitcoins storage, trusteeship, mortgages, etc.; issuance of bitcoins-related financial products; use of bitcoins as the subject of investments such as trusts, funds, etc.”


Therefore, in our country, the renminbi is a statutory payment instrument and there are no other statutory payment instruments.


Perhaps some would say that, while Bitcoin is not a legal currency, it is a “virtual commodity” and an asset of exchange value, which is used as a non-monetary asset, and is it feasible to use it? We believe that, given the current legal environment, it is highly likely to give rise to related legal risks, as analysed below.


(b> (i) Activating an Anti-Terrorist Financing Investigation against Money Laundering


According to our Anti-Money Laundering Act, “anti-money laundering shall mean the taking of relevant measures in accordance with the provisions of this Act with a view to preventing the laundering of proceeds of crime and their origin and nature through various means, such as concealment, concealment of drug offences, organized crime of a criminal nature, terrorist offences, smuggling offences, corruption and bribery offences, offences against the order of financial administration, financial fraud offences, etc.”.


With regard to money-laundering, the Circular on Protection against the Risk of Bitcoin also provides that “Internet stations providing services such as Bitcoin registration, transactions, etc. shall effectively fulfil their anti-money-laundering obligations, identify users, require users to register using a real name, register names, identity card numbers, etc. Financial institutions, payment agencies, and Internet stations providing services such as Bitcoin registration, transactions, etc. shall immediately report suspicious transactions related to Bitcoin and other virtual goods to the China Anti-Money Laundering Monitoring and Analysis Centre and cooperate with the anti-money-laundering investigation activities of the People's Bank of China.


(b) > Due to the current degree of anonymity and cross-borderity of Bitcoin, the use of Bitcoin to make payments is easy to induce money-laundering investigations. Here we briefly remind that after a bank card suspected of having been frozen as a result of a Bitcoin transaction, the user should contact the bank as soon as possible, identify the unit in charge of the case, then intervene in person or commission a lawyer to explain the case to the relevant unit and provide favourable evidence for prompt unfreezing.


(b) (ii) Initiating financial accounting and tax violations


Our Companies Act provides that “the company shall establish its own financial and accounting system in accordance with the laws, administrative regulations and the financial sector of the State Council.” The Enterprise Accounting Standards state that “business accountants shall be measured in monetary terms.” Although, theoretically, Bitcoin may be regarded as a non-monetary asset, i.e. an asset other than a monetary asset, there are no comparable criteria for measuring whether it is commercially substantial, i.e. future cash flows, etc., and how its fair value is measured, it will be difficult to meet business accounting standards by using Bitcoin, and it is likely to be considered an accounting irregularity such as “a casual change in accounting treatment”.


The Accounting Act provides that “the people's finance departments at or above the county level shall order a correction of the limitation period and shall be liable to a fine of not less than 3000 yuan and not more than 50,000 yuan for each unit; the directors and other persons directly responsible for them shall be liable to a fine not less than 20,000 yuan and that persons who belong to the State shall also be subject to administrative sanctions, in accordance with the law, by their own units or related units:... (v) arbitrarily changing the accounting treatment; (vi) inconsistently preparing financial accounting reports to different users of accounting information; (vii) failure to use the prescribed accounting records or to record local currency;” in serious circumstances, there may also be criminal liability.


At the same time, our Tax Administration Act provides that “the taxpayer, the withholding obligor, in accordance with the relevant laws, administrative regulations and the rules of the fiscal and tax authorities of the Council of State, shall maintain a book of accounts, which shall be accounted for on the basis of legal and valid documents.” Thus, if it is found to be suspected of tax evasion, it may be subject to investigation by the tax authorities.


(b) is therefore at present liable to trigger financial accounting and tax irregularities if the business uses bitcoins for sales or financial transactions. (Kingchen and Da's law firm?)








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