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After having been awarded 210,000 damages by the Haidian District People's Court in Beijing for violating the copyright of the Eastern IC image, 100 degrees officially went online yesterday (18 July) on an original photo service platform called & ldquo; Tutten & rdquo;


According to the presentation, totem was developed by a 100-degree search based on block chain technology, whose main role is — & mdash; and the use of block chain technology to construct a full-link copyright service platform covering photo production, title documentation, photo distribution, trade realization, tort monitoring, and rights-based services.


A few days ago, there was a verbal battle with the Eastern IC, calling the other one & & ldquo; blackmail & & rdquo; and the violator, who now shakes to become the copyright defender of the picture with the chain of arms. Undeniably, the 100-degree competition with the Eastern IC has touched the sensitive nerve of the entire copyright protection industry.


The application of block chains in the copyright industry has been expected because of their decentralized, non-manufacturing, and intelligent contracts. The truth of the block chain (ID:chaintruth) statistics show that there are well over 10 companies in the area of gold-digging + copyright, including high-tech, original block-link start-ups, Annie shares, Thunder, etc., and traditional Internet companies.


Does the big player's entrance make this field go faster?


Seventy-six graphs have been charged $210,000, triggering the copyright salivation.


The 100-degree and Oriental IC copyright battles began in the first half of 2017.


At the time of the interview, Eastern IC received & & ldquo; Stallion Communion & & rdquo; it said that at the same time it discovered a large number of unlicensed images from Eastern IC on the Hao 123 information channel within the 100-degree product of mobile phones. In early July 2017, Eastern IC started sending hundreds of emails about the violation of the 100-degree content.


In August 2017, Eastern IC formally indicted Hao123.


On 12 July this year, the Haidian District People's Court rendered its first instance judgement in the case, which lost 100 per cent of the case.


The Court ordered 100 per cent compensation for economic loss and reasonable expenses in the total amount of $214423, and the amount of compensation awarded in respect of a single tort image varied between $2,000 and $5,000.


However, on 13 July, 100-degree APP issued a public statement that allowed the copyright contest to blow up the pot in the copyright community.


In its statement, the Commission stated that, instead of reflecting the claim through formal means of complaint, it sought substantial compensation through legal proceedings in the form of & ldquao; photo copyright agency & Lsquao; extortion & rsquao; business model & rdquao; and that it expressed its strong opposition to such acts and appealed the first instance judgement in the case.


On 14 July, Eastern IC also issued a statement calling & & ldquo; the level of abuse without reflection is not worthy of respect & & rdquao; it considers that there is no respect for common sense, that articles are arrogant and that it is expected to continue to initiate rights proceedings on a 100-degree basis.


The challenge of protecting copyrights in pictures is a long-standing one.


Previously, the more well-known “ the big son & & rdquo; and the competition for copyright had also given rise to controversy. A company selling & & & & & & & & & image dolls, authorized by the big son company, was brought before a court by the big animator company and awarded $280,000 in the first instance.


In the light of all the arguments, the right to and protection of copyright is particularly urgent.


The chain of blocks with a time stamp function with immutable characteristics is considered to be & ldquao; medicine & rdquao;


Block chain enablement, copyright to start a hot earth.


100-degree & ldquao; Totem & rdquao; the public survey stage entered in April this year.



The copyright record system for 100-degree totem is described as providing a & ldquao with a clear time mark for the content work; proof of existence & & rdquao; which is understood as providing a proof of the existence of rights to the content copyright.


In addition to this, block chain technology has been applied in the 100-degree totem one-stop online rights system, which takes evidence of the violation on-line and records it in the block chain upon discovery of the violation.


On the other hand, online testing is carried out through artificial intelligence and big data technology, which is said to be “ thousands of pictures produce copyright monitoring reports & rdquao in the earliest two hours.


Combination of the industry shows that this is not the first block chain to copyright platforms.


In 2015, it was created as a block-link start-up company that applied the block chain to content copyright. It created the initials of the string as the only digital fingerprint (original DNA) on the whole web by making all the information that was contained in each original content into a string. After the original DNA-certified work, it will have & ldquo; authenticated ownership & & rdquo; and it will ensure that the original DNA engraved at the bottom of the work will be tested together.


But this technology does not in itself prove the originality of the work. In other words, the copying of the content published by the user on the platform will also get the exclusive original DNA, which can be recorded unaltered.


Since then, there has been a proliferation of business platforms based on block chain-based publishing and copyright protection platforms such as the Billion Books of the Block Chain and the Precious Technology of the Block Chain Copyright Recording Platform; on the other hand, copyrighters under the Annie stock label launched a digital copyright service based on block-chains in 2017; in April of this year, thunder also spreads the use of block technology in the field of copyright protection, and public chain research and development for copyright certification has been completed, and the next step is to set up a copyright trading platform.


At a time when block chain technology as a whole was difficult to land, the copyright area became hot ground for block chain applications.


The logic behind digital record-keeping of block chains is that digital copyrights are generated through time stamping and block chain technology, and the flow of information is written into the block chain. Because of the technical characteristics of the block chain, the digital record-keeping on the chain and the credibility of the service are high.


It's a technical endorsement.


Could the technical endorsement replace the institutional endorsement?


One of the things that entrepreneurs who are copyrighted by block chains enjoy is that, on June 28, this year, the Hangzhou Internet Court publicly pronounced a dispute over violation of the right to disseminate information about their works. What is unique is that one of the compelling evidence in the case that the defendant’s violations were found to be true is electronic data based on block chain technology.


Since then, information has been widely disseminated on the legal effects of & & & & & & rdquo; the legal effects of the electronic data in the technical storage of the block chain have been confirmed.


Can the chain of blocks be certified as having legal effect? In other words, can the technical endorsement replace the institutional endorsement?


The President of the 500 Gold Research Institute, Shaw, told the truth about the block chain (ID:chaintruth), that the block chain plus copyright is more a function of recording information as evidence under certain conditions, &ldquao; ideally, these block chain copyright systems are connected to the copyright office system, allowing the data on the block chain copyright to be connected to the copyright authority. But such access is not currently easy to achieve. & & rdquao;


In the case of electronic record-keeping of this block chain technology, the accepted electronic copyright record-keeping is closely authenticated, and the third-party record-keeping platform, which provides automatic capture services, also needs to be looked at, and is not based solely on “ it is based on the decentralization of the block chain; it cannot be tampered with; and the technical characteristics of &rdquao; etc.


In Xiaoqiao’s view, copyright itself is an arrangement of a national system that requires the involvement of a third-party agency, “ if you can prove that copyright belongs to you, it also requires a decision by a third-party body. & & & rdquo; thus, the greatest role of the block chain in the copyright field is to provide evidence that is difficult to tamper with, & & ldquao; this technology reduces a lot of burden for third-party agencies in the determination of copyright, but it threatens intermediaries that serve copyright. & & rdquao;


This also means that even if the technical endorsement of the block chain is applied in the copyright area, it cannot replace the institutional endorsement function.

  但这并不会否认区块链技术在版权领域的应用潜力。四川省广播电视科研所朱静宁对区块链真相(ID : chaintruth)说,由于版权认证有现行的国家标准,如何确权并不完全由区块链决定,但区块链技术在版权交易领域的潜力却很大。

But this does not deny the potential of block chain technology in the copyright field. The Sichuan Radio and Television Research Institute, Chu Jingning, told the truth about the block chain (ID: Chaintruth), that since copyright certification has existing national standards, the determination of rights is not entirely determined by the block chain, but the potential of block chain technology in copyright trading is substantial.


He states that block chain technology protects the chain of authorization by allowing copyrights to be legitimately and reasonably used, “ that the chain of distribution of publications is long, that there are complex tenure situations, such as multiple registration and mutual authorization, and that if the chain of blocks is used as a credible mechanism for dealing with operations, it is also essentially the protection of property rights, not the content itself, but the chain of authorization; and & & rdquao;


The contest over block chain copyright is meant to be a traffic monopoly?


The block chain entrepreneur, Vian, stated that most block chain copyright products in the industry currently do not find mature profit models, and that reliance on copyright registration fees and trading commissions is more common. These methods make the project's own blood-producing capacity fragile.


In that case, why would so many chains of copyright companies ever appear?


And & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & ; & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & ; & & & & & & & & & ; & & & & & & & ; & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & &. & & & & & & & & & & & & & &. & & & & & & & &. & & & & & & & & &. &... & & & & & &.. & &. & &.... &..........................................................................................................


The reason for this is that when a block chain copyright platform is pre-positioned, the future can rely on a monopoly & ldquao; data on the chain & rdquao; and greater commercial value.


Earlier, the co-founder of the original project, Fanxi, in an interview with the media, also said that the ideal goal was to build a chain of media alliances & & ldquo; when enough B-end clients (media) joined the chain as nodes, their own credibility would be enhanced and much more could be done. & & rdquo;


When data build up to a certain level of magnitude, any person or unit wishing to obtain data from the members of the chain of alliances can submit its needs in the chain of alliances, where other nodes of the chain can provide feedback to them on the results of the requested requests, thereby separating the rights of use and ownership of the data.


Thus, the decentralized block chain technology, known as subversive, appears to be back on the old path of traffic and data accumulation in the practical application of copyright.


So, with the 100-degree entry of big players, will the BAT step-by-step story of start-ups in the Internet age be re-emerged in the area of block chains?




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