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Bitcoin is both the sum of xff0c, which constitutes the basic concepts and technologies of the digital monetary system; and the currency unit in which participants in the Bitcoin network store and transmit. On the Internet xff0c; Bitcoin users communicate mainly through bitcoin protocols xff0c; and, of course, other transmission networks can be used. Bitcoin stands as open source software xff0c; they can run xff0c on various types of computing equipment; includes laptop computers and smart phones xff0c; thus making bitco more widely available.


Users can do the same thing as traditional currencies by making Bitcoin transfers via the Internet xff0c; including buying and selling goods xff0c; sending money to another person or institution xff0c; or lending. Bitcoin can buy and sell on a professional exchange or exchange other currencies. xff0c; Bitcoin is, in a sense, the perfect currency on the Internet xff0c; he is fast xff0c; he is safe xfff0c; and he is borderless.


Unlike traditional currencies xff0c; Bitcoin is completely virtual xff0c; there are no physical coins xff0c; even it is not simple xff08; for example, bank Kari's deposit balance is simple digitized xff09; xff0c; bitcoin is implicit in transfers between the sender and the recipient. In Bitcoin network xff0c; users use their own keys to prove their ownership of the currency xff0c; users use keys to sign transactions to unlock bitcoins xff0c; and consume bitcoin by transferring it to new owners.


Bitcoin is a distributed point-to-point system xff0c; therefore xff0c; there is no “centre” server or control node. Bitcoin can be created through a process known as “mining”; xff0c; xff08 involves a competitive search for a mathematical problem by miners in the process of packing bitcoin transactions xff08; xff08; xff09; xff08; any participant in the Bitcoin network xff08; xff08; xff09; xff0c; can be a miner ; xff0c; xff08; xff09; trading average of 10 minutes xffc; the position of miners has been verified for the last 10 minutes xff08; #xff08; packaged into a block #xff09; nx0 Central Bank; and obtained an entirely new incentive to dig and distribute xxppv; kpppppppppppppppppppppppppppppt; and kppppppppppppppppppppppfffffff; kpppppppppppppppppppppppppppppt.fff; fffff....pppppppppppppp.x.x.fffffffft.........


The Bitcoin agreement includes built-in algorithms & #xff0c; the mining capacity to coordinate the entire network. The difficulty of mining is based on how many miners & #xff08; and how many computes & #xff09; dynamic adjustment & #xff0c for participation in mining; ensuring that miners can successfully dig on average every 10 minutes. The Bitcoin agreement also provides for halving the number of new bitcoins issued every four years xff0c; limiting the total number of bitcoins issued to less than 21 million. Thus, the number of bitcoins available is a very predictable curve xff0c; close to 21 million by 2140.


In other words, xff0c; Bitcoin is also an innovative adjective for integrating bitcoin protocols, point-to-point networks and distribution calculations xff0c; Bitcoin currency is only the first application of this innovation. Bitcoin’s decades-long research on cryptography and distribution systems xff0c; and combines four unique and powerful key innovation points. The four innovations include xff1a; xff08, a decentralized point-to-point network; xff09, a workload proof algorithm xff09; a public transaction ledger xff08; a block chain xff09; a set of rules for independent verification of currency transactions and distribution xff08; a consensus rule #xff09; a mechanism for achieving consensus on effective block chains through a global centralization #xff08; xff09, a developers’s #xffc; I will consider Bitcoin as an Internet #xff0c; a network for dissemination value #0xff09, a much to ensure less visible ownership of the assets; #xff.


The emergence of digitally useful currencies before Bitcoin is closely linked to developments in cryptology. When digital currencies are used to trade goods and services xff0c; people naturally have some fundamental doubts. There are three basic problems when anyone accepts digital currencies xff1a;


How do I know this money is real? #xff0c; not fake #xff1f;


How do I determine that this digital currency can only be spent once xff08; also known as “double payments” or “double flowers” xff09; xff1f;


How can I be sure that no one can claim that this money belongs to them and not to me?


Paper money issuers struggle with counterfeit money through the use of increasingly sophisticated paper and printing techniques. The real currency easily solves the problem of double payment xff0c; because the same currency cannot be found in two places at once. Of course xff0c; traditional currency is often stored and transmitted digitally. In these cases xff0c; false money and double payment problems are through central authorities xff08; for example, central banks xff09; clearing all electronic transactions xff0c; central authorities have a global circulation of money information. Digital currency xff0c; cryptography is the basis for safeguarding user ownership. Specifically, xff0c; encrypted digital signatures enable users to sign digital assets or transactions to prove ownership of the asset.


When cryptography began to be understood and used more widely in the late 1980s xff0c; many researchers began to try to use encryption technology to construct digital currencies. These early digital money items issued digital currency xff0c; usually national coins or precious metals xff08; e.g. gold xff09; endorsements.


Although these early digital currencies work effectively xff0c; they are centralized xff0c; thus they are easily attacked by governments and hackers. Early digital money is used to centralize all transactions xff0c; as in the traditional banking system. Unfortunately xff0c; in most cases xff0c; these emerging digital currencies are the government’s concern xff0c; some eventually disappear xff0c; others are dissipated by the sudden clean-up of parent companies. To prevent intervention xff0c; both legitimate governments and criminals xff0c; a decentralised digital currency is needed to avoid a single attack point. Bitcoins is such a system xff0c; no central authority no point can be attacked or damaged.




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