On April 22, Beijing , PPAINET launched a new book on economic trends in the Internet industry, The Industrial Block Chain. The book is written by the Senior Executive Vice-President, and the Managing Director of the Clouds and Wisdom Group, Xu Xiaoxing and Cao Jianfeng Institute, an expert from the industry, Mon Iwai, from theory to landing, and provides an in-depth reading of the map of the industrial block chain and predicting future trends in technology development in the industrial block chain.
The Chair and Chief Executive Officer of the Board of Directors sequenced the book, noting in the sequence that the industry Internet refers not only to previously used information resource networks, but also to computing resource networks that are flexible in handling large volumes of data at any time or place, as well as trust resource networks that allow for deep-sharing and collaboration.
Block chain supports the value of data elements
The digital economy changed our lives. In 2019, the size of our digital economy was 31.3 trillion yuan, or about one third of GDP, making it one of the fastest digital economies in the world. Data connectivity and sharing were typical features of it, and data assets were defined as the new dynamics of the digital economy.
In its preamble, Matilten proposes that block chains, using technologies such as cryptography, consensus algorithms, and distributed storage, combine a new way of sharing data, allowing the entire system to reduce information asymmetries and thus promote new mechanisms of trust through measures such as open transparency of data, non-false change and collective maintenance. This helps to make the new production element of “data” more rationally mobile and configured to serve the economy and society.
由此可见,区块链的一个重要价值,是它能够有力支持数据成为新的生产要素。区块链成为数据生产要素化和数据资产化的理想支撑平台。 过去一年,越来越多的企业“上云”。从“连接”到“链接”,区块链与云计算、5G通信、人工智能等信息技术有机地融合起来,共同构成数字经济和智慧社会的重要基础设施。这些新型基础设施,深刻地影响和重塑经济金融组织和社会治理模式。
During the past year, an increasing number of businesses have been “upward clouds” – from “connection” to “links” – and the organic integration of block chains with information technology such as cloud computing, 5G communications, and artificial intelligence, which together constitute an important infrastructure for a digital economy and an intelligent society. These new types of infrastructure profoundly influence and reshape economic and financial organization and social governance models.
Industrial block chains can be deeply integrated into traditional industries
The industry Internet, which is one of the important pathways for upgrading the digital transformation of traditional enterprises, has become a key entry point for the industrial landscape of block-chain technology, through a network of computing resources that can be flexible at any time and in any place for large-scale data, and a network of trust resources that allow deep-sharing and collaboration.
In 2019, the Institute issued a White Paper on the Tweeting Block Chain, which for the first time provided ideas and reflections on the industrial block chain, showing how it works and results in integrating the block chain with the industry. In the process of integrating the block chain with the industrial Internet, the block chain technology extends from a single digital currency application to a variety of industries, with the objective of streamlining processes and reducing costs by promoting multi-stakeholder trust in traditional industries, thus addressing real problems in the real economy.
In the book " Industrial Block Chains ", the author argues that block chains can be deeply integrated into traditional industries, that issues such as trust and automation in the process of industrial upgrading can greatly enhance traditional industrial upgrading, such as sharing and re-engineering, re-engaging trust relationships, improving industrial efficiency and providing systemic support for the upgrading of economic and social transformations.
数据要素生产时代来临后,产业区块链,更成为了实体行业换道超车的重要技术机遇。 正如经济学家、数字资产研究院学术与技术委员会主席朱嘉明教授在推荐序中所说,2020 年将是区块链与产业结合的重要年份,一个产业区块链化和区块链产业化驱动的未来正悄然来临。
With the advent of the age of data-factor production, the industrial block chain has become an important technological opportunity for the real industry to switch lanes. As Professor Zhu Jiamin, the economist and Chair of the Academic and Technical Committee of the Institute of Digital Assets, said in the recommended sequence, 2020 will be an important year for the integration of the block chain with the industry, and the future, driven by a chain of industrial blocks and a chain of industrialization, is fast approaching.
The real economy is the roots, the block chain technology is the leaves, and only if the roots are strong can the leaves be better used for photo-cooperative purposes and produce better fruits. An attempt is made in the Industrial Block Chain book to explore the current global trends in block chain technology and the potential for industrial landings, both as a summary of past attempts and as a start to future exploration.
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