in Chinese
以太币的中文名称是什么? What's the Chinese name for 以太币的中文名称为以太坊。 The Chinese name is
详细解答: 以太币(ETH)是一种加密货币,是基于以太坊区块链平台开发的。以太坊是一个开源的分布式区块链平台,用于构建和部署去中心化的应用程序。 Ether is an encrypted currency based on platform. Ether is an open source distributed block chain platform for building and deploying decentralised applications. 以太坊区块链由一个名为“以太坊虚拟机”(EVM)的虚拟机提供动力。EVM允许开发人员使用 Solidity 编程语言创建和部署智能合约。智能合约是存储在区块链上的程序,可自动执行预定义的协议。 EVM allows developers to create and deploy smart contracts using the Solidity programming language. Smart contracts are programs stored on the block chain and predefined protocols can be executed automatically. 以太币是用于支付以太坊区块链上交易费用的加密货币。它还可以作为一种投资工具进行交易或持有。 It can also be traded or held as an investment tool. 需要注意的是,“以太坊”和“以太币”这两个术语经常互换使用,但两者是有区别的。以太坊是一个平台,用于构建应用程序;而以太币是该平台的原生加密货币。 It is important to note that the terms “in the tata” and “in the tata coin” are often used interchangeably, but there is a difference between the two. The etha is a platform for building applications; and the ether is the original encrypted currency of the platform. 以上就是eth币中文名叫什么的详细内容,更多请关注php中文网其它相关文章! This is the details of Ethcoin's Chinese name. Please pay more attention to php's other relevant articles!
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