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更新时间 · 06:17:56 作者:链上矿工567


In 2020, the world had just experienced a sharp fall, including stock markets, exchange rates and currency markets.


Apart from the fact that the United States dollar has been rising, the market for encrypted digital money has not escaped.


After the collapse, the stable currency of the digital currency was again in trouble with the USDT.


Previously, according to CCN, with USDT prices falling from US$ 1 to US$ 0.98 or about 2 per cent, the past week saw a similar increase in Bitfinex's premium on Bitfinex.


And just today USDT has been devalued by 5 per cent, and even some other exchanges have fallen by $0.90 and other digital currencies have burst.


Why is the market like this?


Investors in some of the encrypted currencies indicated that the decline in the prices of USDT could be attributed to three factors:

1、交易员转向接受审计和监管的替代品,比如Gemini USD和Pax。

1. Dealers shift to audited and regulated alternatives, such as Gemini USDD and Pax.


2. Dealers sell USDT to purchase encrypted currency.

3、关于Tether LLC获得的银行服务的担忧。而理论上,交易员可以通过在Bitfinex上出售比特币和以太坊等加密货币来利用Bitfinex的加密货币溢价。但是,由于该平台上的存款被暂停,交易员只能以USDT出售。但在Bitfinex进行套利交易的交易员必须考虑USDT的短期价格趋势,因为USDT存在继续跌破0.98美元关口的风险。

But, because deposits on this platform are suspended, traders can only sell in USDT. But traders doing arbitrage in Bitfinex must take into account short-term price trends in USDT, as there is a risk that USDT will continue to break down the US$0.98 threshold.


Now it's 0.98 and it's 0.95 and it's 0.90 and it's probably 0.80 and even 0.50 in the future. You'll say it's nothing in the crypto-money market.


, however, the USDT is not the same, it's the stable currency, it's the dollar 1:1.


If you see that the dollar in your hand is less and less, then you're confident that your confidence in the USDT is falling more and more, and that's just the beginning.


The market has been showing signs for a few days, and the USDT has been devalued by 5% against the United States dollar.


Don't look down on that 5%, but the assets of all the investors holding the USDT are shrinking by 5%. If you compare to the USDT premium, I'm afraid it's gone by more than 10%.


When Eth fell, someone who seemed smart replaced him with a USDT, in fact, did you switch to a USDT or more than 10% cut.


The theory was that USDT was a digital currency converted to the equivalent of United States dollars and served only as a connector between an encrypted currency and a French currency.


It is one of the means used by virtual money investors to purchase other virtual currencies on the exchange, currently worth more than RMB 17 billion per day, the largest volume of transactions in addition to Bitcoins.


If it's just a connector, there's nothing wrong with it.


But the USDT interest groups and distribution mechanisms that are at stake are seriously problematic.


Once on 24 January, an anonymous report referred to the USDT, alleging that the USDT was suspected of having had indiscriminate effects and that it was secretly pulling up the Bitcoin price.


This would seriously shake confidence in investment, which is more important than anything in the investment market.


Meanwhile, USDT prices in the Korean market have fallen by a dollar.


Just now, the depreciation of the USDT seems familiar again.


While trust is not easily built up in currency circles, the USDT runs the risk of engraved collapse.


It's very important for USDT to have confidence.


The USDTD question of confidence is a food-like bug, which is so terrible that he needs special attention from the public that he cannot ignore, but the public sometimes ignores it and sometimes cares very much about it, and such a time bomb is buried.


The USDT is a “stabilized currency” anchored in United States dollars by Tether on OmniLayer in Bitcoin.

Tether公司号称每发行1 USDT,他们的银行账户里会至少储备一美元。时至今日,USDT的市值已经26亿美元了。然而Tether不曾公布过可信的验资审计报告,无法证明账上有足够的储备金。用户甚至无法直接在Tether官网拿回法币,只能通过他们的合作商家兑换或场外交易。

The Tether company claims that at least one dollar is set aside in its bank account for each USDT issue. To date, the market value of the USDT has been $2.6 billion. However, Tether has not published a credible audit report to prove that there are sufficient reserves on the account.


While the currency circle continues to question Tether's reserves, several large exchanges and payment service providers accept USDT.


In the past, the prices of the USDT have been really tight on the dollar, with minimal volatility and a sense of security for all.


But in the past, it was a cow. What about a bear in the past?


In fact, the price of USDT, which appears to be unsurprising, hides under the price line a time bomb that could explode at any moment, if anything less than an incident at the door.

由于USDT交易并不需要严格的KYC身份验证,容易被用于洗钱,所以Tether公司很难找到稳定的银行合作伙伴,确保法币与USDT之间的互换。自从去年Wells Fargo银行要求台湾合作行切断与Tether的业务往来之后,Tether对储备金的去向讳莫如深。

Since USDT transactions do not require rigorous KYC identification and are easily used for money-laundering, it is difficult for Tether to find stable banking partners to ensure a swap between French and USDT. Since last year, when Wells Fargo asked Taiwan’s cooperation bank to cut off business with Tether, Tether has kept his reserves hidden.

种种迹象表明他们的主要资金被转移到了位于波多黎各的Noble Bank。据Bloomberg 10月初的报,这家Noble Bank已经丢失了Tether、Bitfinex等重要客户,面临着巨大财务危机,正在寻求买家接盘。

There are indications that their main funds have been transferred to the Puerto Rico-based Noble Bank. According to Bloomberg in early October, this Noble Bank has lost important clients, such as Tether and Bitfinex, and is facing a huge financial crisis and is seeking a buyout.


The whereabouts of Tether's funds are trapped in a deeper mystery.


A segment of the relationship between Tether and traditional financial institutions gives rise to growing doubts.


The exchange-rate base of


According to Bloomberg, USDT would soon lose its value if the authorities were to look for any evidence of Tether's wrongdoing or if the users lost confidence in Tether's ability to redeem his encrypted currency at $1.


But there is only time to prove that the recent decline in USDT prices was only a temporary event or the beginning of a major event.


Once public confidence in the USDT can be fully restored to the dollar, it triggers a run-off and accelerates the collapse of the USDT credit system.


believes that today everyone has seen the market react.


Then the stable currency is no longer stable, but becomes a time bomb in a currency ring.



It is believed that there have been questions in the market about what Tether is doing, and last year an old cat sent an article saying that the USDT is a castle on the dunes. The old cat team is investigating the USDT, and the results of the investigation describe the USDT in a shocking way.


At the end of the article, the old cat asked where Bitcoin and its encrypted digital money market would go if the USDT crashed.


What we really care about is whether the USDT has become a tool for Teda's cabbage, or whether the company actually uses the distribution of USDT to cut the cabbage?


In the past, Teda had merely taken advantage of most people's ignorance of financial markets, while catching up with a wave of bulls and cruising herbs.


1. Issuance of USDT to boost the price of the currency and exchange the glove cash 2. Issuance of USDT in exchange for other currencies to press down the price of the currency and to make futures more profitable and to lower the price at a stage floor price and then repeat the last step, a cycle in which the entire market is completely controlled by its air currency USDT.


The USDT has been recognized by the mainstream digital currency exchange and has begun to circulate, especially now that many of the domestic money-spillers are out-of-the-place in order to buy USDT and then choose to use USDT to purchase other digital currencies.


The USDT is now ranked eighth in the market value of over US$ 26, ironically ahead of many public chains.


In addition to maintaining its own stability in exchange for the United States dollar, the cattle market USDT can also serve as a safe haven for market fluctuations.


Many of the smart people in the currency circle, in the hard sense of money, especially some of the short-line masters, quickly swap the digital currency back to the USDT when the market is at risk, and then fall to the bottom of the USDT.


Tether promised that USDT holders would be able to return the equivalent of the United States dollar after certification and payment of 5 per cent of the fee, which was the profit of Tedda.


There are also, of course, interest on bank deposits.


5 per cent of the charges, interest on bank deposits, but these are rife with windfalls in currency circles.


Things aren't that simple.


In the currency circle, the questioning of the USDT has never been broken and has a long history.


There is even an independent investigation account for Tether called “Bitfinex'ed”.


He was the first to cast doubt that the USDT could be not only an “air currency” but also a front-runner of the Bitcoin price.


The head of Tether is also a CEO of iFinex, a British Virgin Islands financial technology company, and iFinex is the parent of Bitfinex, one of the world's three digital currency exchanges.


In other words, there is an indisputable nepotism between USDT and Bitfinex, “even the exchange Bitfinex may control the distribution of USDT.” Intra-industry challenge.


We believe in a company that is not transparent and can operate in a dark box, so that USDT is less reliable than banknotes issued by many countries, and when we buy decentralized bitcoins, we buy a centralized USDT first.


Bitcoin's followers don't believe in central central banks. Do they believe in an extremely central USDT?


Also, the distribution of USDT has expanded at an alarming rate, which has outpaced market growth and even has been controlled by USDT itself.


In November 2016, USDT was issued at $6.9 million. At present, USDT is issued at a market value of more than $2.6 billion. In 15 months, it has increased nearly 300 times.


“Did Tether really deposit a $2.6 billion bond in the bank?” Seeing the speed of this surge, a lot of questioning began to emerge in the industry.


Tether's official claims that he did, but did not provide sufficient evidence.


And the only piece of evidence that's kind of sprung up is a microblog.


On 19 January, Dodo Cho Dong, who traded outside of Bitcoin, China, posted a photo on Weibo, attesting to the existence of over $3 billion in deposits in the dollar accounts of Tether and Bitfinex, “all excepted rumours”.


Zhao Dong himself is a shareholder of Bitfinex and a stakeholder.


Today, Zhao Dong, one of the shareholders of Bitfinex, said, “Stop asking me what happened to usdt, and according to Bitfinex himself, wedt is fine, but I can't guarantee Bitfinex, and I'm just tending to believe Bitfinex. We're going to make an out-of-the-counter transaction, and we're just going to take the risks and earn the money we deserve at the market price.” ()


Another interesting detail is that the distribution of USDT is highly correlated with the price of bitcoins.


According to the anonymous investigation report, between 29 March 2017 and 4 January 2018, a total of 91 additional USDTs were issued.


The 48.8 per cent surge in bitcoin prices occurred within two hours of the increase in the USDT to Bitfinex wallets.


In total, eight more times since 2018, the more markets fall, and this is the crypto-currency chips that Tedda uses in exchange for USDT.



泰达选择将币价打压至屡创新低,廉价收回市场上总数有限的BTC 、ETH,因为其控制了整个市场交易量第二的代币,同时操控了该代币与其他主流币之间的汇率。

Teda opted to push the currency price to a low level of innovation and to recover BTC and ETH at a cheap cost, as it controlled the second-largest currency in the market as a whole, while at the same time controlling the exchange rate between the currency and other mainstream currencies.


On the other hand, the cow market USDT is suspected of maliciously pulling up the price of bitcoin and selling arbitrage to some bitcoin sellers.


It has begun to be questioned that the USDT may purchase a large amount of bitcoin “store” after it has increased itself and willfully raise bitcoin.


A world that sets prices through digital coins cannot, I fear, be handed over to a company at any time.

26亿流动 USDT,Tether 账上有那么多钱吗?存在哪里?谁来审计?

USDT, Tether. Where does it exist? Who's going to audit it?


Although Tedda used to make a third-party audit public, it repeatedly postponed a third-party audit.


The image of Tether was further damaged by the sudden cancellation eight months after the announcement of cooperation with the Friedman audit firm. The explanation given by Tether for the cancellation was very vague, referring only to what appeared to be a somewhat ambiguous interpretation of “auditing too much” and “pressure from the United States banking industry”.


What the hell is Teth hiding?

从换手率和流通率来看,目前 USDT 流通的货币已经快撑不住币市的快速发展了,那么 Tether 团队肯定是要增发新的USDT才能满足市场的需求。

In terms of exchange rates and circulation rates, the currency currently in circulation in USDT is no longer able to sustain the rapid development of the currency market, so the Tether team will certainly have to add new USDTs to meet market demand.

按照 Tether 的承诺,每增发1个 USDT,就会往银行存 1 美元。在初期交易量不算大的时候,几百万、几千万的美元可以通过投资人、众筹等途径获得,但是按照现在的规模,最少都要发行上亿枚USDT,这些钱从哪来?存在哪?

In accordance with Tether's commitment, for every additional USDT, a dollar is deposited into the bank. At a time when the initial volume of transactions is not large, millions of dollars and tens of millions of dollars can be obtained through investors and public fund-raising, but on the current scale, at least hundreds of millions of USDTs have to be issued. Where does that come from?

目前 Tether 已经关闭了注册通道,也就意味着新的用户不能再通过使用借记卡、信用卡等方式往里面充值换取 USDT。

Currently, Tether has closed the registration channel, which means that new users can no longer use debit cards, credit cards, etc. in exchange for USDT.

2017 年 3 月底,Tether 团队曾在官网公示过资金储备,当时账上有 4400 万美元,这也是 Tether 团队最后一次真正把财务信息对外公布的日子。

At the end of March 2017, the Tether team disclosed the fund reserve on the web, with $44 million on the books, which was the last time that the Tether team actually made the financial information public.

同年 4 月,因为财务虚假问题,Tether 公司设立在台湾地区的 3 个银行账号都被封禁,这部分钱可能永远都拿不回来了。这就导致 1:1 挂钩美元的说法开始不成立。

In April of the same year, three bank accounts set up by Tether in the Taiwan area were blocked because of financial fraud, and this part of the money may never come back. This led to the beginning of a dissipation of the 1:1 dollar peg.


Since then, virtual French-currency companies have been able to issue additional currency without regulation because of the lack of regulatory oversight over the deposit system and the use of deposits.

2017 年 11 月,《纽约时报》报道USDT 团队可能超发泰达币,并且用超发的泰达币来炒作比特币。

In November 2017, The New York Times reported that the USDT team might oversend tadco and make bitcoin out of oversold tadco.

与此同时在 Medium 出现了一个专门调查 USDT 的作者@bitfinexed来怼 Tether 和 Bitfinex 团队。在一篇文章中,bitfinexed 表示 Tether 和 Bitfinex 团队的对话录音显示这两方正在讨论银行诈骗、洗钱、甚至承认金融诈骗的行为。

At the same time, a special investigation of USDT author @bitfinexed came to Téter and Bitfinex. In an article, bitfinex said that Tether and Bitfinex were talking about bank fraud, money laundering, and even recognition of financial fraud.


The use of Shell's banks in the Taiwan region to set up corporate accounts for the transfer of funds and to do something to hide from their homes admitted to doing business on their own platforms.

Tether 官方也层表态,表示自己有钱存在银行,请投资者放心,但是却一直说空话拿不出有力的证据来支撑自己。

Tether also expressed the official view that he had money to own a bank and reassured investors, but said nothing to support himself with strong evidence.

然而 USDT 的中心化将带来和传统的中心化金融机构一样的问题,而且在没有监管机构对一个中心化的发币机构进行监管的前提下,超发、滥发、暗箱操作,完全不透明。壳公司、挤兑、提现困难。

However, the centralization of the USDT will raise the same problems as traditional central financial institutions, and, without the regulatory authority to regulate a centralized money-transfer agency, it will be inexcusable, abusive, clandestine, and completely opaque. Shell companies, run-off, and cash withdrawal difficulties.

因为 USDT 存在提现困难的问题,币圈已经开始避免从 Tether 提现,转而将手中的 USDT 购买其他货币后转换成其他监管不严的地区的美元,欧元等。

Because of the difficulties of the USDT, the currency circle has begun to avoid withdrawal from Tether and to convert the USDT in hand into dollars in other poorly regulated areas, euros, etc.


As a matter of fact, a lot of old pickles don't use USDT, and they just use the new pickles that came in last year.

据统计,ETH 钱包地址大户持仓数据,bitfinex钱包地址从7月的94万个,增加8月为止累计增加了34万个ETH,排名也从第六上升至第5位。

According to statistics, the ETH wallet addresses are large household holdings and the number of bitfinex wallets rose from 940,000 in July to a cumulative increase of 340,000 ETHs from 6th to 5th place in August.


Besides, the BTC's first-ranked wallet address is also the Bitfinex Exchange.


In a cycle where only dollars rise, the rest fall.


What do you mean, "strong" and "strong"? A little whiter, the USDT will fall.



Like all heroes are the product of the times, the USDT is the product of a special period.


In the past, many governments have taken severe measures to exchange digital currency and French currency, and the main power of direct exchange of legal currency (e.g., the United States dollar, the renminbi) and digital currency has been driven out of the field. The off-site transaction process is cumbersome and the premium is high.


So, the USDT pops up.


This is merely a theoretical and US dollar 1:1 moored digital currency, which was launched by Tether in conjunction with 2015.


How do we ensure that this anchor is valid?


Tether's approach is presumably based on Hong Kong's approach and follows a system of linkage exchange rates.


As with Hong Kong's linkage exchange rate, they were required to issue US dollar-backed US$, but the exchange rate was different. Hong Kong issued HK$ 7.84 as a guarantee, while Tether issued a US$ 1 guarantee.


Not what many domestic media have written about gold. We know that gold is a stock of gold, and Tether obviously does not have gold as a reserve, let alone claims to distribute USDT in gold.


As a result, many people say that the distribution of USDT is no-cost for Tedda, that it's no matter how high the price of the currency is, that it's no-cost for Tedda, that they can play with the currency that supports the USDT deal, that the price of the currency is low, that the currency is crazy, and that the two methods of operation are different.


It's not an accurate statement, it's a fact that these people don't know what the USDT is doing.


As the subject of the release of USDT, Teda does not have a gold-based cash reserve, nor does it have the capacity of any country, since the printing of national currency is guaranteed by tax privileges, and it is clear that Tedda does not have such a capacity.


The media that say Tether issues USDTs are gold-based, they don't know anything about money, or they don't know what they don't.


Many believe that the company is now equivalent to the Fed, performing the same role as the central bank, and that he has an unlimited market position for the issuance of banknotes.


And then you trade these water-infested air coins for real silver and gold coins that have real market value, raise the market, drop it. It's also inaccurate to say that you overestimate Teda's company, overestimate the rivals that cut your pickles back and forth.


However, it is impossible for Teda to become a Fed and, in fact, a Fed. The Fed cannot be bankrupt. Is it not possible for Teda to be bankrupt?


Trusting that your heart already has the answer, it's a denial.


Teda does not play the role of the Fed, but it does the same function as Hong Kong’s Monetary Authority, which is much more vulnerable than the Fed.


The leader of the Nobel Prize for Economics, a famous currency master, once said that a pegged monetary authority system was not a reliable one.


He had said that even the dirtiest floating system was better than nailing it.


Historically, Hong Kong had not adopted a punctured monetary authority system, which had been in place in Chile, which had experienced severe inflation in the 1970s, but which had been followed suddenly by a system of United States dollar-based attention by the Chilean Ministry of Finance.


As a result, the inflation rate in Chile had dropped considerably, the country's economy had improved and employment had risen.


Unfortunately, however, in an attempt to contain inflation in the 1970s, US Federal Reserve Chairman Volcker introduced a policy of austerity, so that the Chilean peso, which was pegged at the dollar, became more expensive than the currencies of other countries. The Chilean economy was plunged into a severe recession and, under political pressure, the Chilean Minister of Finance, who had to resign with the exchange rate pegged, then Chile abandoned the system of pegged at the dollar and the country was destabilized.


Why, then, is it possible to keep an eye on the exchange rate system in Hong Kong, but not in Chile?


Since the Hong Kong Government can exchange the Hong Kong dollar and the United States dollar, HK$ 7.84 is just another name for US$ 1, and the Hong Kong Monetary Authority can always do so.


is no exception even to the financial crisis in South-East Asia.


If the Authority sees the dollar rise or the currency fall in the market, use the dollar in hand, buy it in the market, I buy it a lot, and the price of the dollar rises?


The reverse is the same: if I see the dollar falling, or the Hong Kong currency rising, it's the same thing, I sell the money in my hand in the market, I sell it a lot, and the Hong Kong currency falls back.


By keeping an eye on market prices and operating continuously in the market, the Hong Kong Monetary Authority is able to keep the exchange rate of the United States dollar and the Hong Kong currency nailed at the level of 1:7.8, which to date has been the level of exchange between the Hong Kong dollar and the United States dollar.


With regard to Hong Kong, we must say that the attack began with the attack on the Thai baht.


So how did Soros attack the baht to make money?


Soros first went to Thailand to buy the Thai baht in large quantities in the market and to buy the $40 billion Thai baht until there was not much Thai baht chips in the Thai market.


That's when I did the empty Thai baht on the futures market.


Soros sold my well-stocked Thai baht on the market.


As soon as the Gold Administration of Thailand saw it, the Thai baht had been smashed and the baht had fallen, buying the baht with the United States dollar reserves in its hands.


Soros continues to smash and the Thai Gold Authority continues to buy.


Soros broke $30 billion in the Thai baht, and the Thai Gold Authority ran out of dollars, with a total of $30 billion in reserves.


Soros continues to smash, sell and the Thai Gold Agency has no money to buy and no dollars in its hands.


The Thai baht fell, Thailand was defeated and the pegged exchange rate had to depreciate.


Soros made a lot of money in the futures market.


It was fun. Soros went to Malaysia again and made another wave.


Interestingly, the 92-year-old Mahadi, who is now the head of Malaysia, called Soros a bandit at the time. In Mahadi's eyes, Soros is probably the harvester of the USDT.


Malaysia is finished, followed by Indonesia and the Philippines.


Then Soros decided to go north to Hong Kong to make a wave of money.


However, the Hong Kong Monetary Authority had enough dollars in its possession, and at that time Hong Kong had just returned, the mainland market had not yet been opened, and Hong Kong and mainland China had enough funds to fight Soros to guarantee the exchange of both the Hong Kong dollar and the United States dollar.


It's worth mentioning, why did Soros suddenly attack Thailand?


Because two of Soros' men at the time were Brazilian Fraga, and one was a New Zealander Jones who read about the 1996 analysis of the monetary policies of Chile and other countries, as written by two women economists, which seemed like a good look at the policy, would have become a time bomb at some point.


Most of the countries in South America mentioned in the reports of the two women economists were characterized by high inflation, high deficit rates and currency instability, with no mention of South-East Asian countries.


But the East Asian economies performed very well at that time, and the World Bank published a report on East Asian economic miracles, which were also questioned, of course, by the Nobel laureate in economics, Krugman, who referred to East Asian economies as unsustainable and unstable currencies.


As a result, two of Soros’s men, who were searching for a chance to sell a machine globally for a lifetime, came to Thailand in January 1997 for an investigation.


They found that the situation in Thailand was indeed the same as in countries in South America as in Chile. It could be done empty.


In their reports to Soros, they mentioned that the current Thailand-targeted exchange-rate regime was under pressure and could go to war.


So the two men suggested Soros as an empty Thai baht.


Soros then absorbed tens of billions of baht chips in the market and sold them empty.


Then the South-East Asian countries became dominoes, one by one. The pegged exchange rate system was a perfect storm time bomb.


It is worth mentioning that the same situation was subsequently experienced in Brazil in 1999, when Fraga was appointed President of the Central Bank by the Brazilian Government at risk.


There's nothing new under the sun.


It is the self-righteous view of many that, in many cases, linkages are different in many markets, and that all lock-in regimes are dangerous and a time bomb in future markets.


The USDT will not be an exception, not to mention a product of a special period.



The market's faith in Tether has been fading .


Currently, the prices of USDT on an off-site trading platform are creating new lows every day. At a time when markets burst, the off-site trade premium of USDT reached 20 per cent, and it is now starting to depreciate by 5 per cent, with the lowest falling by 0.9 dollars.


The USDT issued by Tether can't be “empty” and the Fed can be. It's just a small depreciation of the dollar, but Teda simply has nothing to convert.



The main routes of the run-off are the following:


At present, approximately 1.5% of the fees are lost, and the costs are likely to increase later.

2、在提供USD/USDT交易对的交易所(比如Kraken)换回美元。目前1 USDT能兑换大约0.985 USD,预计汇率会继续下跌。

2. Exchanges that offer USD/USDT transactions (e.g. Kraken) return to the United States dollar. Currently, 1 USDT is able to convert to about 0.985 USDD, and the exchange rate is expected to continue to decline.


3. Purchased other encrypted money on a digital currency exchange. This would drive the rise in prices in mainstream currencies, such as BTC, and further spread the price gap between BTC/USDT and BTC/USD transactions. Bitfinex and other exchanges, although marked by BTC/USD, actually account for USDT. That is why recently Bitfinex’s BTC unit price exceeded the Coinbase’s value of nearly $100 in support of real dollars, but actually has little scope for profit.


The ticking time bomb is ticking.


How do you choose to hold a USDT? In this big bear city, don't expect it to return to a dollar's height, or even over a dollar.

而BTC期货交易员要留心交易所的指数构成。比如Bitmex的最新比特币指数由Bitstamp、Coinbase Pro/GDAX、Kraken组成(权重相等),这三家都提供真美元交易,不会直接受USDT贬值的影响。而OKEX的BTC期货指数成分中有20%来自Bitfinex,所以做空交易会有更高风险。

BTC futures traders, for example, have to be careful of the index of the exchange. Bitmex’s latest bitcoin index is made up of Bitstamp, Coinbase Pro/GDAX, Kraken (equal weight), all of which offer real dollar transactions that are not directly affected by the depreciation of the USDT. And 20% of the BTC futures index component of OKEX comes from Bitfinex, so making empty transactions would be more risky.


Tether would sooner or later have lost faith in the USDT if it did not improve transparency in its operations. By that time, there would have been a huge, if not devastating, impact on exchanges such as Bitfinex, which depend on the USDT, triggering short-term instability in the entire digital currency market.

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