先導計劃啟動 「數碼港元」研六大範疇應用場景

资讯 2024-07-11 阅读:20 评论:0



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◆ 金管局昨舉行「數碼港元」先導計劃啟動儀式,16間來自金融、支付和科技界的入選公司的高層代表出席活動。(香港文匯報記者曾興偉 攝)

(香港文匯報記者 馬翠媚)在數字經濟洪流下,「數碼港元」先導計劃正式啟動。香港金管局昨公布,有16間入選公司將於年內進行首輪共14項試驗,以深入研究數碼港元在六大範疇的潛在應用場景,包括全面支付、可編程支付、離線支付、代幣化存款、第三代互聯網(Web3)交易結算,及代幣化資產結算,局方將於11月舉行的香港金融科技周上分享有關先導計劃試點項目的主要經驗。不過就推出時間表方面,金管局強調未決定會否或何時推出數碼港元。業界指出,數碼港元在金融監管方面有其重要意義,惟由於目前電子支付已十分成熟,在零售層面需要證明其更方便好用。

Hong Kong's Hong Kong Monetary Authority announced yesterday that 16 participating companies will be conducting a first round of 14 tests in the course of the year to study the potential applications of the digital Hong Kong dollar in six major cases, including full payments, programmable payments, offline payments, currency deposits, third-generation transactions on the Web, and dollarized assets. In November, however, the Hong Kong Financial Science and Technology Week, where Hong Kong will be held, will share the main experience of the pilot projects.


The Director-General of the King's Administration has stated that although the gold administration has not decided whether or when to launch a digital Hong Kong dollar, the launch of the digital Hong Kong dollar pilot scheme is a good opportunity for the gold administration and industry to work together to explore new practices and prepare for the possible future introduction of digital Hong Kong dollars. He believes that under the pilot scheme, new examples have been proposed and suggested by different companies to show the public how the central bank's digital currency (CBDC) offers new possibilities, and how the potential of the digital Hong Kong dollar can benefit Hong Kong and business.




In June 2021, the Hong Kong Authority launched a digital Hong Kong dollar project to study the feasibility of issuing CBDC (e-HKD) on the retail level in Hong Kong, and subsequently launched a digital Hong Kong dollar pilot scheme under track 2 in November last year, inviting the industry to submit proposals on the potential use of digit Hong Kong dollars to address existing pains. The Vice-President of the Hong Kong Authority, Li Da Chi, evaluated the application of the pilot scheme on the basis of five standards, including whether the scheme would focus on Hong Kong, create new frontiers, focus on clients, prepare for preparedness and legal conformity, and after the election, there will be 14 tests after the 16 companies have finally entered the pilot scheme.


16間入選公司的高層代表昨出席了先導計劃的啟動儀式,而入選的參與者,除了滙豐、中銀、渣打、建行亞洲、工銀亞洲、ZA Bank等銀行業之外,儲值支付工具營辦商AlipayHK、Tap & Go ,以至兩大國際信用卡機構Visa、萬事達,甚至是全球第三大加密貨幣瑞波幣(XRP)營運商Ripple Labs都有參與。而Ripple Labs將與富邦將試驗代幣化資產結算項目。

The top representatives of the 16 selected companies attended the launch ceremony of the pilot project yesterday, and the participants in the campaign, with the exception of Ripple Labs, the world’s third largest encrypted currency, with the participation of Ripple Labs, the bankers who are going to test the accounting for dollarized assets by Ripple Labs and the wealthy countries.

將與各方緊密合作 監察進度

will work closely with all parties to monitor progress .


The Authority will work closely with different stakeholders in its pilot program, and will conduct a series of tests to explore digital Hong Kong dollars applications and related implementation and design, and will learn from the results of each test to improve the way that it may be realized. The Bureau expects to share the experience gained from the test with the public during the November Hong Kong Financial Science and Technology Week, but the reality of the experiment will change over time, and the Bureau will work closely with the selected companies in the coming months to test and monitor its progress.

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The first round of .


The Chief Financial Science and Technology Director of the Hong Kong Authority said that the selection company could use the "digital Hong Kong dollar" sandbox provided by the gold authority as a technical platform and obtain practical experience on the implementation and design of the "digital Hong Kong dollar" and that the selection company had the right to choose whether to use the "digital Hong Kong dollar" sandbox, but he mentioned that some of the selected banks themselves had a robust technology platform, so that some of the participants might or might not choose to take over the gold management agency's sandbox. He added that, in addition to the 14 tests conducted in the first round, there would be more tests in the future or with industry as a result of the evolution of the code, among other things.


Although the gold authority has not yet decided whether or when to launch a digital port dollar, Zhou Man is suggesting that the pilot plan will continue, that the first two tracks will be reviewed in the future and that more comprehensive deployments will be possible depending on the international situation, the speed of the country’s introduction of a digital currency, etc. Li Da Chi added that if, in the course of the project, there is a scenario in which to use the digital port dollar and there is a real need to use it, the agency will study whether to introduce the digital port margin, and that it will take into account risks such as the effects of law, supervision, policy, financial stability, privacy, Internet security, etc. He argues that the gold authority will only make a decision whether to introduce the digital port margin when the terms are ripe.

入選公司談應用 探索新消費支付模式

(香港文匯報記者 蔡競文)金管局昨日啟動「數碼港元」先導計劃,有16間來自金融、支付和科技界的入選公司將於今年內進行首輪試驗,深入研究「數碼港元」在六個範疇的潛在用例,包括全面支付、可編程支付、離線支付、代幣化存款、第三代互聯網(Web3)交易結算和代幣化資產結算。

(Hong Kong Times Reporter Tsai) The Hong Kong Monetary Authority launched the Digital Hong Kong Dollars initiative yesterday, and 16 selected companies from the financial, payment and technological communities will conduct their first round of tests in the course of the year to study the potential of the Digital Hong Kong dollar in six cases, including full payments, programmable payments, offline payments, currency deposits, and Web3 transactions and monetization.


Ripple Fu State case: real estate monetization

其中,企業級區塊鏈、加密貨幣方案企業Ripple及富邦銀行房地產代幣化案例獲選為首批數碼港元先導計劃案例,Ripple中央銀行事務及CBDC副總裁James Wallis表示,Ripple的使用案例結合數碼港元、代幣化房地產及金融借貸協議,採用與XRP Ledger(XRPL)相同的科技,在私用和安全的賬本系統上運行,將為香港市民提供現實世界資產代幣化的服務,該集團的整合方案將成為業內首個放售房地產資產的案例。XRPL是指一種開源、節能及去中心化的區塊鏈,現已持續運作超過十年。

Among them, the business sector chain, the encrypt currency program, and the company Ripple and the Fu State Bank real estate monetization case were selected as the first digital Hong Kong dollar pilot cases, and the Ripple Central Bank and the CBDC Vice-President James Wallis said that the company’s integration programme would be the first sale of real-time real estate assets in Hong Kong, using the same technology as the XRP Ledger (XRPL), which is an open-source, efficient, and centralized chain that has been operating for more than a decade.


Sino-Chinese: Renovating traditional pre-costing mode


The Chinese and Chinese Vice-President and CEO of Hong Kong stated that the company’s digital Hong Kong dollar application scenario would address the pain of the retail industry in Hong Kong, innovate the traditional membership pre-paid consumption model, create a firewall between customer reserves and business owners, increase customer confidence in pre-paid costs, and reduce the technical complexity of the use of pre-paid charges by businesses.


: Verifying reduced transaction costs


According to the Hong Kong Regional Executive Director, Lin Wailong, in the coming months, one of the two projects is to work with the University to develop and test a digital Hong Kong dollar to pay for the environment in the University, to test the potential benefits of digital Hong Kong dollars in reducing the transaction costs for businesses and consumers, and to give the clients a better chance of doing so through the award of prizes in due course. The other project is to work with Visa to model bank deposits in a simulatory currency.


: Businesses can award government grants


The Bank’s Managing Director and Chief Executive Officer, Ying Yin, noted that the bank’s digital Hong Kong dollar examples include the issuance of programmable coins and the development of digital Hong Kong dollar wallets, and that it will test two applications to provide businesses and government or public institutions with seamless, fast and personalized programming and payment experiences, such as the Merchant’s Merchant’s Merchant’s Award Scheme, which can issue earmarked coupons directly to target clients through electronic wallets and receive money. In addition, the government or public sector can use this example to provide citizens with financial assistance, and to assign costs and expiry dates to reduce administrative time and transaction costs.


Asian Development Bank: Increased Premium Management


The Vice-President of the Asian Development Bank, Chen Liming, stated that the Bank’s application was mainly to use the programmable features of digital Hong Kong dollars to address the current lack of management of the funds forecasted by clients in the context of pre-paid services and the difficulty of securing personal rights by deploying smart contracts.


(香港文匯報記者 馬翠媚)數碼港元作為應用區塊鏈技術的法定貨幣,從大的方面而言,其具有與目前各種支付平台更易連接、更高效進行跨境支付、降低結算成本等等便利營商的好處外,也有助打擊洗錢、金融詐騙等犯罪活動,同時並防範人們使用無監管的去中心化的加密貨幣所帶來的監管及金融風險。不過,作為普羅市民,大家可能更關注其日後應用及對市民帶來哪些實惠方便的作用。

The digital Hong Kong Dollar (HKDR) is used as a statutory currency for supply chain technology, which, in large part, has the advantage of facilitating businesses such as easier access to current payment platforms, more efficient cross-border payments, lower accounting costs, etc., as well as helping to combat money laundering, financial fraud, etc., and also to prevent surveillance and financial risks associated with the use of unsupervised de-centralized encrypted currency. But, as a citizen, it is possible to focus more on the benefits and benefits that they can bring to citizens.


The Hong Kong Fund's Vice-President and Co-Director of the Department of Research believes that Hong Kong's electronics payments are mature and must be ink in their functionality if they are to be used by the public, so that the public understands why the digital Hong Kong dollar is better than the traditional Hong Kong currency, and suggests that the authorities can first begin with simple, day-to-day use, so that citizens can take as much of the government's subsidies, transportation costs, water and coal bills as they can. He also suggests that further use of the digital port margin to recognize green debts, silver debts, and medical insurance claims would definitely increase the penetration of the digital port bill.



He also believes that, in the light of the wide and diverse manner in which Hong Kong is currently paying, the digitized Hong Kong dollars may not have a significant impact on consumption patterns in the short term, but he believes that the use of digitized Hong Kong dollars for cross-border trade and investment in central bankables will make the transactions more seamless, simple and fast and will help strengthen Hong Kong’s position as a trading and investment centre for Asia. He also believes that the central bank’s digitized currency, such as the digit Hong Kong dollars, will become a major application of the sector chain technology, and that the central bank, particularly the People’s Bank of China and the Hong Kong Monetary Authority, is leading the new technology application.


As Hong Kong’s retail payment industry has flourished, it will depend to a large extent on whether it can make payments more efficient, convenient, and open new business opportunities.


explores whether digital port dollars can be more efficient

余偉文又透露,局方在過去兩年進行了兩輪市場諮詢, 總體而言,受訪者支持數碼港元計劃,並認為數碼港元有潛力在支持數字經濟同時提高支付速度和效率,他又指數碼港元不是僅僅是一個技術項目,其實施將對與法律、監管、政策、金融穩定、隱私、網絡安全以及與現有支付方式的交互等領域相關的廣泛問題產生深遠影響。

In the last two years, the Agency has conducted two rounds of market consultations, and in general, interviewees have supported the digital port dollar scheme and argued that the digital port dollar has the potential to increase the speed and efficiency of payments while supporting the digital economy. He also noted that the digital port dollar is not just a technical project, but that it will have a profound impact on broader issues related to areas such as law, supervision, policy, financial stability, privacy, cyber security, and interaction with existing payment methods.


He also revealed that the Authority would set up an expert group to promote cooperation between the Government, industry and the academic community in the study of central bank codes (CBDCs) and would be composed of top academics from local universities, who would be in regular contact with members of expert groups to explore key policy and technical issues surrounding central bank codes, such as privacy guarantees, Internet security and interconnectivity.

責任編輯: 文劼



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