Investments involve risks and good profits, but it would be a bit unconvincing if the loss of money was the result of a misdirection, especially when it comes to encrypt currency transactions, but there are many newcomers who have made common mistakes and lost a lot of money.
加密貨幣世界中擁有不同的公鏈(public blockchain)或稱作主網,我們在轉同一種幣時可以選用不同的主網網絡,一般常用的主網會是ERC20或是BEP20,我們需要確定在轉收幣時是用同一種主網,同時亦要確定接受的平台是支援該主網。
In the world of encrypted currency, which has different public chains or is known as the main network, we can choose different main networks when switching to the same currency, usually the most popular one being the ERC20 or the BEP20, and we need to be sure that the same main network is used when the currency is transferred, and that the platform we accept is to support the main network.
For example, I need to transfer BUSD from within the currency to the private wallet of MetaMask with BEP20, so I need to copy the BEP20 address of MetaMask and then turn around. If 在加密貨幣市場,你的錢包地址等於是你的銀行賬戶號碼,如果在轉幣時複製地址多了一個字或少了一個字,都會導致你的幣轉去了其他人的賬戶內,若真的轉錯地址,那十之八九是拿不回的,所以轉幣前,記得再三確認目標地址是否正確及完整。 At the encrypted currency market, your wallet is equivalent to your bank account number. If you copy one word or one word at the time of the currency transfer, it will lead to the transfer of your currency to the account of another person. If the address is actually wrong, it will not be taken back, so before transferring the money, make sure that the target address is correct and complete. 在申請冷錢包時,系統會隨機給用戶12組助記詞(Seed Phrase),讓用戶在忘記密碼時使用,網上存在很多假的加密貨幣交換平台,或假的官方宣傳,在交易時會彈出連結要求你輸入12個助記詞,如果你乖乖輸入,那任何人擁有這12個助記詞都可以控制你的錢包及轉走內裡的加密貨幣,緊記不要把Seed Phrase隨意給人,亦不要在任何有嫌疑的連結輸入Seed Phrase。 When applying for a cold wallet, the system will hand over 12 sets of assistive notes (Seed Phrase) to users whenever they forget the password, there will be a lot of fake encrypted currency exchange platforms on the Internet, or false official announcements, and there will be a link in the transaction requiring you to enter 12 assistive notes, such as Strong if you do so properly, so that anyone who has these 12 assistive notes can control your wallet and the encrypted currency in it , 如想投資加密貨幣,加入一些支援銀行轉賬及匯款的加密貨幣交易所就十分方便。入金過程簡單,只需幾個步驟就能成功入金,減低了操作失誤帶來的風險。 If you want to invest in encrypted currency, it is easy to join an encrypted currency exchange that supports bank transfers and transfers.認識加密貨幣
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