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代理商是否需要申请办理营业执照 关于您提出的疑问,需要明确指出的是,作为代理商,同样必须依照法律规定取得相应的营业执照后方可开展业务活动。 未经批准而擅自经营的行为,将会面临来自工商行政管理部门的严厉制裁和惩罚。 在我国现行的《中华人民共和国公司法》中明确规定了,依照法定程序设立的公司,应当由公司登记管理机关向其颁发营业执照以示合法性。 营业执照上注明的签发日期即视为该公司正式成立之日。 法律依据: 《中华人民共和国公司法》第七条 依法设立的公司,由公司登记机关发给公司营业执照。公司营业执照签发日期为公司成立日期。 公司营业执照应当载明公司的名称、住所、注册资本、经营范围、法定代表人姓名等事项。 公司营业执照记载的事项发生变更的,公司应当依法办理变更登记,由公司登记机关换发营业执照。

Whether an agent needs to apply for a business licence xA; with regard to your questions, it should be made clear that, as an agent, it is also necessary to obtain the corresponding business licence in accordance with the law to carry out the business activity. xA; Act of the People’s Republic of China on Companies, article VII xA; Companies established by law, with the company’s registration office issuing the company’s business licence. The company’s business licence is issued on the company’s date of incorporation. xA; the company’s business licence shall state the company’s name, residence, registered capital, scope of operation, legal representative’s name, etc. xA; in the event of a change in the company’s business licence record, the company shall be registered by the company’s registration office in accordance with the law and change the company’s business licence. xA.



公司注销登记的办理流程 公司注销的详细流程,包括但不限于以下几个步骤: 清理和结算阶段: 在向相关部门提出公司注销手续请求之前,必须严格按照法律要求对企业进行清算,这其中涵盖终止其所有生产经营及销售活动、全面了结公司各项事务、解决所有尚未结束的民事诉讼案件以及清理债权权益和偿付债务义务以及分配剩余财产等等环节。 注销登记申请阶段: 在清理核算工作全部结束之后,就可以正式启动公司注销申请程序,在此期间,企业需要准备并且出具以下相关报告以备审查: 1.由公司清算小组组长或法定代表人签署的《公司注销登记申请书》; 2.清算成员《备案确认申请书》; 3.由法院出具的宣告破产裁判文书、政府监管机构发出的责令停业通知文件或者按照《公司法》公司内部章程所做出的决议; 4.经过股东大会或相关机关审核确认的清算报告; 5.已经在报纸上发布注销公告的报纸样张; 6.根据相关法律法规规定应当提交的其他必需文件。 【法律依据】《公司法》第一百八十八条明确规定,在公司清算工作彻底终结后,清算组需制作详尽的清算报告,并经由股东会会议、股东大会或者人民法院批准认可,然后将该报告交送公司注册主管机关,申请终止公司注册,同时发布公司宣告终止的公告。

The company's registration process xA; details of the company's write-off process, including, but not limited to, the following steps: xA; the liquidation and settlement phase: xA; prior to filing a request for a company's cancellation with the relevant sector, the enterprise must be liquidated in strict compliance with the law, which covers the closure of all its production and sales activities, the full closure of the company's affairs, the resolution of all pending civil actions, the settlement of all outstanding claims and liabilities and the distribution of surplus property. xA; the cancellation application phase: xA; the formal commencement of the company's cancellation application process after the completion of the clean-up of the accounting exercise, during which the enterprise is required to prepare and issue the following relevant report for review: xA; 1. The registration application signed by the head of the company's liquidation team or legal representative; xA; 2. The liquidation member's filing application; AxA; #6.


关于企业法人变更了,以前的合同还有效果吗的问题,华律网律师从法律角度分析如下: 企业变更法人,原合同继续有效。 合同满足一定条件就有效:具备下列条件的民事法律行为有效: (一)行为人具有相应的民事行为能力; (二)意思表示真实; (三)不违反法律、行政法规的强制性规定,不违背公序良俗。 《民法典》第五百三十二条 合同生效后,当事人不得因姓名、名称的变更或者法定代表人、负责人、承办人的变动而不履行合同义务。 《民法典》第一百四十三条 具备下列条件的民事法律行为有效: (一)行为人具有相应的民事行为能力; (二)意思表示真实; (三)不违反法律、行政法规的强制性规定,不违背公序良俗。

On the question of whether the previous contract had been changed by the legal person of the enterprise, the Legal Counsel of the Wallnet analysed from a legal point of view as follows: xD; xA; xA; the change of the legal person in the enterprise and the continuation of the original contract. xA; the contract is valid if the civil legal act has met certain conditions: (i) the perpetrator has the corresponding civil capacity; xA; (ii) the meaning is true; xA; (iii) the civil legal act is not contrary to the mandatory provisions of the law and administrative regulations and is not contrary to public order. xA; A; A; A; A; A; A; A not contrary to the provisions of the Civil Code.


1、公司的章程,如果是股东和注册资本的事项,有对外效力。 2、如果是公司的机构及其产生办法、职权、议事规则等事项,对外没有效力,只对公司、股东、董事、监事、高级管理人员具有约束力。 公司内部对代表人的权限限制不能对抗相对人。 《公司法》 第十一条,设立公司必须依法制定公司章程。公司章程对公司、股东、董事、监事、高级管理人员具有约束力。

1. The statutes of the company, if it is a matter of shareholders and registered capital, have external effects. xA;2 if it is an institution of the company and its method of creation, competence, rules of procedure, etc., they are not external, they are binding only on the company, shareholders, directors, supervisors, and senior managers. xA; limitations on the authority of representatives within the company cannot be made against the counterpart. xA; xA of the Companies Act; and Article 11, the incorporation of the company must be made in accordance with the law. The statutes of the company are binding on the company, shareholders, directors, supervisors, senior managers.


根据我国《公司法》规定,股东大会享有以下法定职权: 1. 确定公司的发展战略与投资方向; 2. 挑选并替换非职工代表担任的董事,同时决定其薪酬待遇; 3. 选拔并更换由股东代表担任的监事,同时决定其薪酬事宜; 4. 审查并批准董事会提交的工作报告; 5. 审查并批准监事会提交的工作报告; 6. 审查并批准公司的年度财务预算方案及决算方案; 7. 审查并批准公司的利润分配方案及弥补亏损方案; 8. 就公司增资或减资问题作出决策; 9. 就公司发行债券问题作出决策; 10. 就公司合并、分立、解散、清算或变更公司形式等重大事项作出决策; 11. 修订公司章程及其规定须经股东大会决定的事项。 【法律依据】 《公司法》第三十七条,股东大会行使下列职权: 1、决定公司的经营方针和投资计划。 2、选举和更换非由职工代表担任的董事,决定有关董事的报酬。 3、选举和更换由股东代表出任的监事,决定有关监事的报酬事项。 4、审议批准董事会的报告。 5、审议批准监事会的报告。 6、审议批准公司的年度财务预算方案、决算方案。 7、审议批准公司的利润分配方案和弥补亏损方案。 8、对公司增加或者减少注册资本做出决议。 9、对公司发行债券做出决议。 10、对公司合并、分立、解散、清算或者变更公司形式等事项做出决议。 11、修改公司章程,以及公司章程规定需由股东大会决定的事项。

Pursuant to our Companies Act, the Shareholder Assembly has the following statutory powers: xA; 1. To determine the development strategy and investment direction of the company; xA; 2. To select and replace directors who are not staff representatives, and to determine their remuneration; xA; 3. To select and replace supervisors who are representatives of shareholders, and to determine their remuneration; xA; 4. To review and approve the report on the work of the Board of Directors; XA; 5. To review and approve the report on the work of the Supervisory Board; xA; 6. To review and approve the annual financial budget programme of the company and the accounting programme of the company; xA; 7. To review and approve the profit distribution programme of the company and the loss compensation programme of the non-staff representatives of the company; A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A # #




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