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Bitcoin is just a scene of the application of block chain technology.


In today’s world, where the Internet has transformed the world, we now have efficient communication networks that support the flow of information, e-commerce across time and space, including mobile socialization, entertainment, and new media that we use every day. But in the age of the Internet, there are actually three problems that have not been addressed well: privacy security, counterfeiting, and the high cost of trust.


According to Zou, an expert from the China-Kojiang Block Chain Industries Alliance, privacy security issues on the Internet, such as viruses, hacker attacks on the Internet, can easily take a heavy toll; fraud, forgery, etc., are now commonplace, making counterfeits easier and, ultimately, the absence of good mechanisms to prevent forgery and tampering on the Internet. And the high cost of trust-building and maintenance is also a burden on the Internet.


The Internet usually addresses issues of trust and security through centralized institutions, such as payment treasures, which build trust through centralized institutions, but which are often vulnerable and vulnerable to attack, with a single point of failure. Moreover, there are risks to the fairness, objectivity, and independence of centralized institutions.


From the point of view of computer science, “trust” is an indication of the probability of a subjective expectation that a competitor will be able to perform. For example, on some power platforms, how do we see an unknown competitor is a subjective expectation that confidence-building on the Internet is often based on a record of the counterparty’s past or a public comment that generates so-called credibility to give a counter-dealer the probability of performing, such as a credit rating of a treasure-hunting, and so on, all of these are models of confidence-building on the Internet.


However, the record of the past does not represent what will happen in the future, and there are no effective measures on the Internet to prevent billing, such as traditional financial institutions'rating of credit risk, most of which build trust in a similar way or judge trust, thus limiting confidence-building on the Internet.


In a real society, banks act as credit guarantees, banks, payment treasures, etc., as credit intermediaries, and we, the general public, pay for this huge credit cost — and that is why the financial sector is the most profitable industry, and the profits of the ants with payment treasures are so amazing.


Can you not use a credit endorsement from a central institution like a bank? Tell you, that's impossible until the block chain technology comes along.


The block chain technology was born out of the “go to the centre”, and the core of the block chain technology was to replace the “centre” with the “package of individuals”.


The core of block chain technology is to record data and contracts along time-axis, which can only be read and written, and cannot be modified and deleted. At the application level, the three main advantages of the block chain are security, transparency and efficiency, which in particular help to regulate the development of Internet finance, as well as to promote access to and innovation in the goods-networking and shared economy. In capital markets, the introduction of distributed databases and smart contracts can also significantly reduce manual checks and save financial institutions costs.


The Internet, as a network for the transmission of information, is difficult to secure the safe transmission of values, while the block chain solves the “double flower” problem, allowing it to transmit both information and value, so that the block chain is considered a “value Internet.” Moreover, the “smart contract” of the block chain solves the problem of inconsistency between promises and delivery, so, as an emerging technological architecture, block chain technology solves three key issues that the Internet has not been able to address, and is a powerful instrument for building a good faith system.


According to Zou, applying block chain technology to real life can create a decentralised trust mechanism, that is to say, using block chain technology, you can leapfrog banks without paying for treasures and build trust between the parties to the transaction at low cost and efficiently.


how the block chain was created


The destabilizing nature of block chain technology is that it can build a decentralised trust mechanism. That is, using block chain technology, it can leapfrog banks without paying for treasures, and it can create trust between the parties to the transaction at low cost and efficiently.


According to Zou, an expert from the China-Kojiang Block Chain Industry Union, the block chain is generated by the demand-driven nature of the Internet, which is not satisfied with its information transfer function.


When humans enter the age of an information society, economic activity gradually shifts to the line, and online economic activity requires support from online payments. The online payments are made mainly through electronic money. Common electronic currencies, including credit cards, bank savings cards, prepaid cards, third-party payments, etc., are used in different contexts and have different advantages and disadvantages. For example, credit cards have high credit risk, non-noonyy, and high costs; bank savings cards have non-noonyy and a small range of disadvantages; prepaid cards are used mainly under the line and are less secure; third-party payments, such as micro-mails, payment treasures, etc., are very easy to use, but the disadvantages are also non-nomous, and it is more important that third-party institutions have access to information about our transactions. Cash, as an independent currency, can be paid without reliance on third-party institutions, and it is therefore easy and anonymous, but cannot be used for line-line transactions.


By the 1980’s, many people abroad began to seek to replace cash with encrypted currency and introduced products similar to electronic cash, but ultimately failed. Three reasons were: e-cash dependency mechanisms to prevent “double flowers”; so-called “double flowers” were fraudulent practices in which the same cash was consumed twice or more times; e-cash did not support individual payments; and e-cash was less active in the use of e-cash by banks and traders, who used credit cards more frequently.


In the context of the 2008 economic crisis in the United States, a number of countries followed a monetary easing policy to stimulate the economy. A paper on Bitcoin was published by a p2P e-cash system, with a p2P equivalent e-cash system that wanted to find e-cash that could be paid online and that could meet the requirements of ease, anonymity, etc., without centralizing institutions, and that such e-cash design had to guarantee that inflation would not occur; the Bitcoin e-cash system went online on 3 January 2009. Bitcoin, as an electronic cash system, was characterized by not relying on banks, but by individual-to-person transactions, and its half-nosity, which made it possible to deal without identity certification.


It is the bitcoin, whose price surges and falls, that activates the concept of the block chain, because the bitcoin, achieved by the block chain, is a decentralized, distributed accounting system that records all transactions on the whole web, the process of which is commonly referred to as “mining”, the process of which is referred to as “miners”, the process of recording which is referred to as “miners”, the right to record each transaction is ultimately confirmed by the first person to be counted on the net only and is rewarded — a certain amount of bitcoin — in a way that provides full web recognition and oversight, and that the transaction history is retroactive, unalterable, genuinely complete and fair.


how the block chain works


The block chain is now the technology of greatest interest in the area of global innovation, and the founder of the Genuine Fund, Xiaoping Xiaoping, has even elaborated on the importance of keeping up with the revolution in the block chain with the words “the happy, the dead”.


The scene where block chain technology is most well-known is the virtual currency represented by bitcoin. In the eight years that Bitcoin has gone by, bitcoin has been relatively stable, and the distribution, circulation, trading, and payment of virtual currency without the owner or the person who actually controls it is a more successful block chain application.


Indeed, since its inception, block chain technology has been applied from digital virtual currency to every industry in society and has begun to show its value as a “building trust.” Professor Choi Wedd, at the Faculty of Computers of Beijing University of Aeronautics and Astronautics, said that block chain technology can create a very rich supply of services and products, and Bitcoin is just the tip of the iceberg in the vast space of application of the block chain.


At present, block chain technology can cover virtually all areas of finance, with hundreds of applications based on digital money block chain software. Outside the country, digital assets based on block chain technical support are being developed, created, and tested, such as Nasdak’s smart stock, which does not require an exchange, a clearing firm, or even a brokerage company, on which six companies are currently experimenting with automated transactions and settlements.


The energy sector can also be automatically executed and traded through smart contracts based on specific conditions, which will appear more frequently in the future, including household power generation, the sale of electricity, the purchase of electricity records, and the payment of electricity grids. In a neighborhood in Brooklyn, some neighbourhoods use solar power, and they can buy and sell each other, and trade through a platform in the chain.


Markets for carbon trading can also use block chain techniques to improve transparency and fairness, and avoid double counting, which was a problem that used to be easy for carbon trading. In addition, block chain technologies can also be used for land titling and for some of the trans-shipments of land.


In education, there are also prospects for extensive application of block chains, such as the simplification of the steps required to verify educational qualifications, the elimination of unnecessary paperwork to a large extent, and the perception that the absence of future entity paper certificates to certify individual qualifications will make the current lengthy process easier.


Several of the country's major Internet giants have already invested in the use of block chain technology, such as Tetsu, which has been self-researched since two years ago, and have now entered the commercial application phase in a number of areas, including finance, public goods, legal affairs and logistics; Ali has applied block chain technology in a number of areas, such as positive traceability, medical care and public goods; and 100-degree, Kyoutung, Mi and Hua, among other well-known domestic enterprises, have, without exception, deployed the block chain.


Fan Ling Jun, Director of Strategic Research at the Institute of Computing Technology of the Chinese Academy of Sciences, said that the future block chain would surely become the infrastructure of the new generation of the Internet, as would the application of ecology based on the block chain, like today's “Internet+”, the concept of “block chain+” would explode globally. The block chain + energy, block chain + education, block chain + health, block chain + automobile, and even block chain + data.

  基于区块链的应用,今后将无处不在。本报记者 蔡文清

Based on the application of the block chain, it will be everywhere in the future.






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