
资讯 2024-07-12 阅读:16 评论:0



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来源:雪球App,作者: 钟本葱,(https://xueqiu.com/7452623971/159076323)


The 2020 block chain opens the door to the future digital society and the digital world. It opens the door to the future world of science and technology, allowing more people to enjoy digital wealth and the wealth of the chain. It is as important as Columbus’s discovery of the new continent, the human world will be ushered in by a wave of migration from the old world to the new world, markets are changing, missions are changing, and the vision is ahead of us that the Tianping Exchange, in keeping with the trends of science and technology, should emerge as a black horse in the sector of the chain.


The Sky Exchange, a global-based digital asset financial service provider dedicated to providing professional, safe, efficient and decentralised digital asset trading services to users, has developed an ecological layout in many areas around the globe that captures trends in the sector of block chains, with the goal of creating a third generation of digital asset exchanges that integrate the eco-system of internationalized transactions.

未来,天平数字资产交易所将领先区块链潮流成为行业的瞩目焦点,并进入全球TOP 10交易所行列,引领全球数字资产交易所的创新和升级,让数字资产在区块链世界中体现出更大的价值。

In the future, the Sky Digital Asset Exchange has made the leading block chain stream the focus of industry and has joined the global TOP 10 exchange to lead the innovation and upgrading of the Global Digital Asset Exchange to make digital assets more valuable in the block chain world.


With the rapid development of the block chain industry, Mr. Chengji, the founder of the deep-farming block chain industry, saw many possibilities for continuous virtuality and reality. Given his full confidence that the block chain will be an important enabler for future social development, and guided by policy and the wind, he has always had the goal of creating an all-industry ecology based on clusters of sector chains. In order to improve up-and-down layouts, Mr. Chengji created the Hua Hing chain and the Tianping Exchange.


The Hing chain is the only gateway to the ecologic functioning of the entire Hing chain, and will also be the same currency share as the GWIS. The stock listed in HHSIT can be nailed to digital assets, and the stock of listed companies will have a bottom value behind the stock.


The goal for the year 2020 is to build on the weaknesses of the industry, integrate its strengths, and build up its own platform value. Bring a dream team to the chain through digital money mechanisms. Help these teams through our entrepreneurial mechanisms and think tanks to achieve rapid success. Share the resources of the chain and truly realize the country's vision, for everyone, for me, for everyone, for warming up, for a wonderful dream!


In an effort to better convey the latest developments in the Hing chain to faithful users of the Hing chain, the Hing and Tianping Exchanges launched the National 100-city Ecoconsensus Conference, in a speech delivered at the meeting of the Chengzhou Station, the Director of the Hua Hing Hing Business School said that the medium-term goal of the Hing chain was to continue to refine the technological architecture and create a more valuable bottom chain, allowing individuals to demonstrate brand value through the Hing chain, economic value and social value, and the sharing of resources on the Hing and Hing platform. Everyone was the first beneficiary. The ultimate goal was to perfect brand value, international influence, and own a digital currency exchange.

1. 华兴链是有共同梦想的联合创始人合伙人共建,通过以太坊公链开发的侧链,秉承着区块链核心技术合约信息无法篡改,公正公平;财务公开,展规划公开,招揽各路英才在机制下共同打造。励志打造成区块链行业数字信用,金融行业的标杆型平台;

1. & nbsp; The Hing Chain is a partnership of co-founders of a common dream, built together through a side chain developed in the Taiwan public chain, in which the core technical contract information of the block chain cannot be tampered with and is just and fair; financial disclosure, open exhibition planning, which brings with it the best of ways to build under the mechanism. Momentum creates digital credit in the block chain industry financial sector .

2. 专注于帮扶实体结合区块链创业者初期发展企业公司,三农产品,旅游业,电商,教育,健康,金融板块;

2. & nbsp; focussing on the initial development of business companies, three agricultural products, tourism, electricity suppliers, education, health, financial sectors, in the context of supporting entity entrepreneurs in the block chain;

3. 华兴链初期规划,先把华兴链打造成行业当中名副其实的明星项目!得到大家的认可,让华兴链的信仰者用最小的投资,最短时间成就自己的梦想!

3. & nbsp; initial planning in the chain of booms, first to turn the chain into a veritable star project in the industry!


It's only just the beginning of the 100th century's journey, and with the fire forecast from Guangzhou Station and Chengzhou Station, Hua Hingsing chain is confident that it will do its best to rejuvenate the Chinese children! Next stop, Nan Chang-sang!




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