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{\bord0\shad0\alphaH3D}Collage mining


focuses on IPFS distributed storage technology


Deepening the value of IPFS distributed storage for future applications, working on a new-generation Internet WEB 3.0, layout of the IPFS storage track, focusing on high-quality development, taking stock of the data age, casting the top service provider of the entire industry chain, winning the future of digital assets.


What's an IPFS?


Inter Planetary File System
一个面向全球的点对点的分布式文件储存系统 wwwipfs. ai

InterPlanetary File System
Interstellar filesystem
A distributed file storage system for global point-to-points wwwipfs.ai

星际文件系统IPFS( Interp lanetary File Systen)是一个面对全球的、点对点的分布式版本文件系统,目标是为了补充(甚至是取代)目前统治互联网的超文本传输协议(HTTP),将所有具有相同文件系统的计算设备连接在一起。原理用基于内容的地址替代基于域名的地址,也就是用户寻找的不是某个地址而是储存在某个地方的内容,不需要验证发送者的身份,而只需要验证内容的哈希,通过这样可以让网页的速度更快、更安全、更方便。IPFS领头八大投资机构:红杉资本、YC孵化器、安德森·霍洛维茨基金、斯坦福大学、文克莱沃斯兄弟基金、DCG集团、创始人俱乐部、联合广场风投。

The interplanetary file system IPFS is a global, point-to-point distributed version of the file system with the objective of supplementing (or even replacing) the current Internet-controlled hypertext transfer protocol (HTTP) and connecting all computing devices with the same file system. The rationale is to replace the domain-based address with an content-based address, i.e., the user is looking not for an address but for content stored in a given location and does not need to verify the identity of the sender, but rather for Hasi, which will make the web site faster, safer and easier. The eight largest IPFS-led investment institutions: Redwood Capital, YC Incubator, Anderson Horowitz Foundation, Stanford University, Venkleworth Brothers Fund, DCG Group, Founder Club, Union Square Wind.

? ? ? ?什么是FIL?

♪ What's FIL?



IPFS incentive layer


, based on the IPFS bottom protocol, built a decentralised market on IPFS?

Filecoin和IPFS是互补协议,两者均由 Protocol Labs创建。IPFS允许网络中的参与者互相储存,索取和传输可验证的数据。IPFS是开源的,可以被免费下载和使用,井且已经被大量的团队使用。运用IPFS,各个节点可存储它们认为重要的数据;却没有一种方法以激励更多的人加入网络或存储特定数据,为了解决这一关键问題, Filecoin的设计皆在提供一个持久的数据存储系统,在 Filecoin的激励结构下,客户付费以在特定的冗余和可用性水平上存储数据,矿工通过不断地存储数据并以加密方式证明数据存储来获得付款和奖励。简而言之:IPFS按内容寻址并使其移动;Filecoin就是缺失的激励机制。

Filecoin and IPFS are complementary agreements, both created by Protocol Labs. IPFS allows participants in the network to store each other and to request and transmit verifiable data. IPFS is open-sourced, can be downloaded and used free of charge, and is already used by a large number of teams. Using IPFS, nodes can store what they consider important data; there is no way to motivate more people to join the network or store specific data; in order to address this critical issue, Filecoin is designed to provide a durable data storage system, and under the incentive structure of Filecoin, customers pay to store data at a given level of redundancy and availability, and miners receive payments and rewards by continuously storing data and authenticating data storage.

? ? ? ?IPFS未来前景价值

♪ The value of the future future of IPFS ♪ ♪ the value of the future. ♪


国外的云盘 DropBox 目前估值约在 100 亿美金左右。美国 45 家云服务上市企业,总市值近 2 千亿美元,平均市值达 16 亿美元。而整个云服务市场的份额大约在 10000 亿美金左右。IPFS还没上主网,市值已经达到 25 亿美金。而IPFS 要做的事情不是仅仅一个云储存这么简单。IPFS 的终极目标是颠覆 HTTP协议。所以, IPFS 极有可能成为下一个千亿美金级别的项目,而IPFS生态将达到万亿美金规模。

The U.S. 45 cloud services listed, with a total market value of nearly $200 billion and an average market value of $1.6 billion. The share of the entire cloud service market is about $1000 billion. IPFS is not on the main network, and its market value is $2.5 billion. And IPFS is not just a cloud storage. The ultimate goal of IPFS is to subvert the HTTP agreement. So, IPFS is likely to be the next $100 billion class, while IPFS ecology will reach $100 billion.


? IPFS mining principles



Storage Miners?


通过完成扇区的数据封装,产生或增长算力,并消耗 GAS 费。这就是大家常说的「密封」。

对存储矿工来说,带宽的要求不高,但要求硬盘每天24h 保证能够访问,即 24h 不断电。

After the storage space user submits the storage order, the order is placed on the chain to the storage miners, who are required to provide the size of the storage according to the order, securing a certain amount of Filecoin (the pledge currency) in order to receive the order.

generates or increases arithmetic by completing sector data encapsulation, and consumes GAS fees. This is what you often call "sealed."
>br> is not a high bandwidth requirement for the storage miners, but requires a hard disk 24h a day to guarantee access, i.e. 24h continuous electricity.


The hypervelocity of 5G has brought human society to the age of a big data explosion, with 5G-year data = sum of the last 20 years! Data storage needs have surged! According to the authorities, the global data storage industry is expected to reach trillion dollars in size.



Retrieve Miner

检索需求者提交检索订单,全网检索矿工进行抢单,交付文件后获取 Filecoin。检索矿工无需抵押 Filecoin。

The searcher does not need to mortgage Filecoin.


For search miners, the net is fast, low-delayed and the mine is dynamic and stable.



Blast Gain?


根据你的有效算力占全网算力的比例,获取打包权。但获取打包权并不意味着一定能成功爆块,只有在30秒内完成 WinningPoSt 证明才能成功爆块。

那什么是 WinningPoSt 呢?WinningPoSt 是时空证明的一种,即为某矿工在获取打包权后,需要对该矿工节点的一个随机有效扇区进行验证,验证成功才算爆块。

In this phase, the computing power that we generate is decisive. When the storage order is complete, the copying certificate (storage certificate, search certificate) is generated, thus generating an effective calculation.
> gets the right to package, based on the ratio of your effective computing to the full network. But obtaining the packing rights does not mean that the block must be successful, but only if the WinningPost certificate is completed within 30 seconds.
> What is WinningPost? WinningPost is one of the time and space certificates, that is, when a miner acquires the right to package, it needs to be validated by a randomly valid fan at that miner's node to be successful.


? What conditions do IPFS need to dig?


IPFS storage incentive (mining) process requires hardware equipment + deposit currency + sealing GAS fees



{\bord0\shad0\alphaH3D}What's the matter with you?

IPFS挖矿需要质押FIL,因为 在存储空间需求者提交存储订单后,在链上将订单发至存储矿工,矿工需要根据订单提供存储的大小,先抵押一定的Filecoin(质押币)オ能接单。

IPFS mining requires a pledge of FIL because, after the storage space user submits the storage order, the order is placed on the chain to the storage miner, who is required to provide the size of the storage according to the order, first to charge a certain Filecoin (the pledge currency) to the order.



Geographic location, bandwidth and miner hardware


The IPFS miner layout generally selects the layout in the first line of cities, with a high demand for file data transmission; the wider the bandwidth, the faster the data are uploaded and downloaded; and the system assigns data storage needs to the most qualified miners on a priority basis based on distance and bandwidth.



hard disk size and running stability?


The essence of IPFS mining is a shared storage space, equivalent to a hard disk, the size of which determines the weight you occupy in this transmission network, the size of which needs to be matched to bandwidth in order to be stable.


? Is there a risk in IPFS mining?


The mining is legal and the key is the choice of the mining company!


First, it should be in possession of the certificates required to operate in addition to its business licence, such as the server qualification certificate, the IDC building qualification certificate, etc., which is the most basic proof of its legitimacy.


Second, the surveillance is now on the line, the data on mining machines is transparent, and the machines are clearly visible. If companies do not provide node numbers, do not grow in arithmetic, and only show numbers on apps, then they have to choose carefully.


Thirdly, it is important to guard against the use of funds trays under the banner of IPFS mining, which are not even clear about the concepts of IPFS and Filecoin, and which are used for so-called IPFS exchanges, IPFS coins, static gains and dynamic gains to collect pickles when the time comes.


Fourthly, the technical maintenance of mining companies, the use of IPFS mining mechanisms, the loss of data, the loss of arithmetic power, the production of FILs, and the more serious pledges of FILs, which are backed by the technology of Bosen technology behind the cloud mining industry, are subject to a penalty.


? Small mining techniques



Small miners, because of their small size and weak technology, have made it difficult for a period of time to achieve the supply side of unassisted orders, block wrappers and troubles, among other things, directly making it difficult for small-scale miners at this stage to obtain space incentives, indirectly causing the full network to grow too slowly, and indirectly, or to choose an untransparently funded mine.
>br> In this regard, miners should opt for hard-wired transport technology, and data transparency and security miners to undertake joint mining, such as cloud mining.


Bosson IPFS mining technology


Bosson Science and Technology, which is responsible for mining hardware equipment and technical maintenance, the customer is responsible for the FIL deposit and the GAS fee (540 days after the expiration of the contract) and Bossen Science is responsible for rolling out a pond each time, a main network node corresponds to a pond, and the customer's earnings = 50 per cent of the total value of the X pool X per cent of the total amount invested in the entire pool.

? ?联合挖矿预计收益

? ?


? Advantages of joint mining


technology support; new lows in the mining industry; transparent and fair data straight to the ponds; near-zero risk to customers; freedom of currency security


? Be courteous.

- 认购100FIL以下?

- subscribe to less than 100 FIL?


Sends CCR or FA robots for two months

- 认购100FIL以上?

- subscribe to 100 FILs or more?


Sends CCR or FA robots for five months


I'm a pot, an investment trip, like the sea, and I'd like to do that light, lead the way, take the wind and break the tide. If you're interested in digital money, you want to know about the quantitative transactions, find a pot, and let the bogus protect you.




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