Lina's latest developments?
今天,Linea 在我们迈向更具可扩展性的以太坊之路上达到了一个重要的里程碑——我们已经开始推出 zkEVM 汇总网络的主网 alpha 版本。
Today, Linea has reached an important milestone on our road to a more scalable Etheria -- we have started launching the alpha version of the main network of zkEVM aggregation networks.
这一里程碑是在成功的测试网阶段之后实现的,该阶段有550 万个独特的钱包提交了超过4600 万笔交易,使 Linea 成为 Goerli 上最大、增长最快的项目之一。本周,Linea 将开始招募其启动合作伙伴,然后在 ETHCC 期间广泛开放该网络。
This milestone was achieved after the successful testing of the network, where 5.5 million unique wallets submitted more than 46 million transactions, making Linea one of the largest and fastest growing projects on Goerli. This week, Linea will start recruiting its start-up partners and then make the network widely available during the ETHCC period.
Linea 将零知识证明的强大功能与完整的以太坊虚拟机 (EVM) 等效性相结合,允许构建者创建可扩展的去中心化应用程序 (dapp) 或迁移现有应用程序,而无需更改代码或重写智能合约。
Linea combines the robust functionality of zero knowledge with the full Ether Virtual Machine (EVM) equivalency to allow builders to create scalable decentralised applications (dapp) or migrate existing applications without changing codes or rewriting smart contracts.
为了交付主网 alpha,Linea 团队对zkEVM架构的关键组件进行了开发、测试和原型设计。这些变化显着改善了网络的性能、用户体验、交易成本,反映了我们坚定不移地致力于构建最具可扩展性、高效、安全和用户友好的以太坊第 2 层 (L2) rollup。
In order to deliver alpha, the Linea team developed, tested and prototyped key components of the ZKEVM architecture. These changes significantly improved the performance of the network, user experience, transaction costs, reflecting our unwavering commitment to building the most scalable, efficient, secure and user-friendly Ether 2 floor (L2).
Linea 与超过 100 个合作伙伴组成的不断发展的生态系统一起推出,使用户、构建者和开发人员能够构建新一代可扩展的以太坊 dapp。alpha 版本提供更快的吞吐量,并且交易费用比以太坊第 1 层 (L1) 低 15 倍。此外,该版本还可以与MetaMask进行更深入的集成,MetaMask 计划向用户提供 Linea,以使用其受欢迎的 Portfolio 中的 Bridge、Swap 和 Buy 功能。
Linea is launched with a growing ecosystem of more than 100 partners to enable users, builders and developers to build a new generation of scalable Etheria dapp. The alpha version provides faster throughput and transaction costs are 15 times lower than those of the Etherium 1 (L1). In addition, the version can be integrated more deeply with MetaMask, which plans to provide users with Linea to use its popular Birdge, Swap and Buy functions in Portfolio.
随着合作伙伴本周开始迁移到 alpha 版本,他们将解锁一系列新的可扩展 dapp,从游戏和身份到去中心化社交网络和 NFT。
As partners begin to migrate to the Alpha version this week, they will unlock a series of new scalable dapps, from games and identities to decentralised social networks and NFTs.
Lina Project Understanding
Linea has a strong background, and behind it is developed by the ConsenSys team, one of the ecological cornerstones of Eth, which has a rich history of block chain development, as well as the actual operator behind well-known block chain projects, such well-known projects as metamask, infura, truffle, which are technology development teams known to everyone in the encryption community.
Linea 是一种 zk-rollup,由ConsenSys R&D设计并由 ConsenSys运营。它允许开发者部署任何智能合约,使用任何工具,并像在以太坊上构建一样进行开发。对于用户来说,这使得以太坊的体验和安全保证成为可能,但交易成本更低。
Linea is a zk-rollup, designed by ConsenSys R&D and operated by ConsenSys. It allows developers to deploy any smart contracts, use any tools, and develop as they do at the Etherm. For users, this makes the experience and security of Taitau possible, but with lower transaction costs.

ConsenSys 是一家以太坊和去中心化协议软件公司,使世界各地的开发人员、企业和人们能够构建下一代应用程序、启动现代金融基础设施并访问去中心化网络。ConsenSys 的产品套件由 Infura、Quorum、Codefi、MetaMask、MetaMask Institutional、Truffle、Dilince 和 NFT 平台组成,服务于数百万用户,支持客户基于区块链的数十亿次查询,并处理了数十亿美元的数字资产。
ConsenSys, an Ether and Decentralized protocol software company, enables developers, businesses and people around the world to build their next-generation applications, activate modern financial infrastructure, and access decentralised networks. ConsenSys’ product package consists of Infra, Quorum, Codefi, MetaMask, MetaMask Institute, Truffle, Dilince and NFT platforms, serving millions of users, supporting billions of queries based on block chains and disposing of billions of digital assets.
Linea's founding team.
Joseph Lubin 是 ConsenSys 创始人、以太坊联合创始人之一,致力于在以太坊基础上构建分布式 Web 3.0 基础设施。
Joseph Lubin, a founder of ConsenSys and a co-founder of Etheria, is committed to building a distributed Web 3.0 infrastructure based on Tails.
Phil Davis 是 ConsenSys 的首席财务官,负责监督 ConsenSys 的财务和会计职能,包括扩展公司开创性的财务战略。Davis 从 Afiniti 加入 ConsenSys,他是该公司的首席财务官。他带来了职业生涯早期的各种其他经验,包括高盛的投资银行业务、麦肯锡的战略和企业财务咨询,以及麻省理工学院媒体实验室和麻省理工学院林肯实验室的高级数据科学和算法设计经验。
Phil Davis is the Chief Financial Officer of ConsenSys and oversees the financial and accounting functions of ConsenSys, including the expansion of the company’s pioneering financial strategy. Davis joined ConsenSys from Afiniti, the company’s chief financial officer. He brings a variety of other experiences early in his career, including Goldman Sachs’ investment banking, McKenzie’s strategic and business financial advice, and advanced data science and algorithm design experience at the Media Laboratory at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology and the Lincoln Laboratory at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology.

Lina's technological advantages
1.采用zk-rollup 而不是 optimistic rollup。
1. Use zk-rollup instead of optimistic rollup.
2.它是EVM字节码等价的这允许完全 EVM 等价,不像之前的几个方案,它们是语言等价的,但不是字节码等价的。这里的额外好处是,由于 EVM 规范仍在不断发展,能够快速匹配不断变化的生态系统。
2. It is the EVM byte equivalent, which allows full EVM equivalents, unlike the previous ones, which are linguistic equivalents, but not byte equivalents. The added benefit here is that, as EVM norms continue to evolve, they can quickly match changing ecosystems.
3.Linea 将零知识证明的力量与完整的以太坊虚拟机 (EVM) 等效性相结合,允许构建者创建可扩展的 dapps 或迁移现有的 dapps,而无需更改代码或重写智能合约的麻烦。
3. Linea combines the power of zero knowledge with the full Ether Virtual Machine (EVM) equivalency by allowing builders to create scalable dapps or migrate existing dapps without the trouble of changing codes or rewriting smart contracts.

Linea Road Map
路线图目前分为五个阶段,团队打算与更广泛的 Linea 生态系统和社区合作按顺序交付。linea团队实现了完全等价的EVM,在未来也将完全实现linea的去中心化运营,让linea网络更加安全,可靠。
The road map is currently divided into five phases, and the team intends to deliver in sequence, in collaboration with the broader Linea ecosystem and communities. The linea team has achieved a fully equal EVM, which will also fully centralize the linea in the future, making the network safer and more reliable.
EVM 等价
EVM Equivalent
Launch of the Council
Open Source Stack
100% 覆盖率
100% coverage
Pluralism of the Council
Anti-censorship withdrawals
To centralize the operator.
Decentralized governance
Multiple attestants
Restricted governance

Linea Ecosystem
Linea is on the main web, and we have just counted about 200 projects that will be launched after the main web line, involving defi, nft, dex, gamefi, cross-link bridges, socialization, entertainment, etc., that are much more applied over linea than zks, Stark, and that are more expensive for other projects than linea to migrate. Today, a cross-link bridge above linea, Owlto, announces that there is no time-limited Gas to cross the chain, and it is now possible to look at ecosystem projects earlier and to screen some of the high-quality early projects, and there are many opportunities for the future.

Project financing context
Linea项目本身并没有融资信息,我们就看看技术开发团队ConsenSys 的融资与投资机构,目前ConsenSys融资成功7.75亿刀,估值为70亿刀,是名副其实的巨无霸,一共经历了5轮融资,投资者摩根大通,瑞银,微软,淡马锡都有参投,团队本身技术与资源各方面都是顶级的。
The Linea project itself has no financing information. Let us look at the financing and investment agency of the Technology Development Team ConsenSys, which has now succeeded in financing 775 million dollars, valued at 7 billion dollars, a truly giant, and has gone through five rounds of financing, with the investors Morgan Chase, Silver, Microsoft, Leather Horses, and the team's own technology and resources at its top.

The team has also been investing in and developing projects, and the layout is a bottom-of-the-line application in the encryption industry, a block chain developer tool, an intelligent contract development package, a decentralized trading system, etc., as well as the little fox purse we use every day, the biggest currency ring, the most commonly used web3 wallet.

Linea's competitor.
Linea has a number of competitors, because it has killed a lot of crazy people, with 10 major financings, a two-tier technological solution developed by a large team, known as Zksync, Starknet, Scroll, zkevm, base, and so on. In the face of these five competitors, Linea does not have a significant advantage and is lagging behind in the development of zksync, Starknet, although it has a slight advantage over the other three projects, it does not open the gap, and it is expected that the main network will be on line by the end of the year or early next year.
Linea is currently ranked 18 in TVL on the second floor, because it has just come online and the amount of infusion has not yet been highlighted, and it is expected that it will soon reach the front row. After all, there is a large tree of ConsenSys. Although it has been developed since then, there are more eco-cooperative projects in Linea than in years of zksync, Starknet, and it is expected that in two to three months, more than 100 projects will be officially operational in Linea, and it is expected that in the second half of next year the Tier 2 Solutions competition will be officially opened, and that a large number of projects will be launched on the Internet.

The advantage of Linea.
Zero-cost migration
Linea 具有高度可组合性。它旨在与所有其他基于 EVM 的 dapp 无缝协作,并允许它们之间进行快速通信。我们对开发人员友好的设计确保您无需成为零知识技术专家即可使用它。而且它使用 ETH 作为 gas 费,不依赖第三方转译器或自定义中间件。
Linea is highly combinable. It is designed to work seamlessly with all other EVM-based dapps and allows for rapid communication between them. Our friendly design of developers ensures that you can use it without having to become a zero-knowledge technical expert. And it uses ETH as a gas fee and does not rely on third-party translator or custom intermediates.
借助 Linea,开发者可以使用喜爱的应用程序、工具和基础架构获得可扩展性,并具有完整的 EVM 等效性,可以在 Linea 上构建并迁移现有的 dapp,而无需更改代码或重写智能合约。此外,基于格密码( Lattice based)的证明器使其 zkEVM 能够提供更高的吞吐量。
With Linea, developers can build and migrate existing dapps on Linea using their favorite applications, tools and infrastructure for expansion and complete EVM equivalency, without changing the code or rewriting the smart contract. Moreover, the Latice based certificater makes it possible for zkEVM to provide a higher amount of throughput.

Secrecy integration
借助 Linea,可以获得与 Infura、MetaMask 和 Truffle 等工具的原生集成。构建者可以使用 web3 钱包 MetaMask 轻松吸引用户。此外,借助 Infura 易于使用的 API,开发者可以更快地发布 dapps 并进行扩展。
With Linea, raw integration with tools like Infoura, MetaMask and Truffle can be obtained. Builders can easily attract users using web3 wallets MetaMask. In addition, with Infoura's easy-to-use API, developers can publish dapps and expand them faster.
开发人员还可以使用 Truffle 或使用 Hardhat、Foundry 和 Brownie 等流行的开发人员环境来构建、测试、调试和部署他们的 Solidity 智能合约,与之兼容的 Ganache 和 Diligence 分别支持本地代码测试和审计。
Developers can also build, test, debug and deploy their Solidity smart contracts using Truffle or popular developers environments such as Hardhat, Foundry and Brownie, compatible with Ganache and Diligence to support local code testing and auditing, respectively.

disclaimer: All of the above sharing does not constitute an investment proposal, and all air-drop projects are uncertain as to whether they will be rewarded and participate as appropriate according to their own circumstances.
All right, here we are today. Interested friends, please pay attention to us!
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