唯鏈向 PoA 2.0 發佈嶄新里程碑:VIP-193 Testnet 取得成功

资讯 2024-07-12 阅读:18 评论:0



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上海2021年7月28日 /美通社/ -- 唯鏈 (VeChain) 憑藉多年來的企業交付,現已成為全球頂級公共區塊鏈解決方案供應商。

On July 28, 2021, Shanghai/UNAT/- chain-only & nbsp; VeChain has become a global supplier of the top public sector chain solution with many years of business delivery.

PoA 2.0 路線圖
PoA 2.0 路線圖

為了實現我們成功將公共區塊鏈技術在全球和可擴展大規模採用的願景,唯鏈研究和開發團隊已經建立 SURFACE (PoA 2),即 Secure, Use-case-adaptive, Relatively Fork-free Approach of Chain Extension(安全、用例自適應、相對無分叉的鏈擴展方法)。

In order to realize our success in making the public sector chain technology work globally and in expanding its scope, the & nbsp; SURFACE (PoA 2), or & nbsp; Secure, Use-case-adaptive, Restively Fork-free Approach of Chain Extension has been created.

這種新的共識機制旨在消除弱點,並享用中本聰共識 (Nakamoto Consensus) 和拜占庭容錯算法 (Byzantine Fault Tolerance, BFT) 這兩大共識類型的優點。透過這種新機制,VeChainThor 區塊鏈可在最大限度上提高其高吞吐量能力,同時確保數據確定性。這項功能實際上表示,鏈上可以存在非常大量的用例,並且具有任何其他區塊鏈平台都沒有的最高級別數據安全性。

With this new scheme, the VeChainThor chain can maximize its capacity to swallow and make sure that data are certain at the same time. This function suggests that there can be a very large number of examples on the chain and that it has the highest level of digital security that does not exist in any of the other sector chains.

透過這個技術模型的重大更新,VeChainThor 現已成為企業、政府或任何希望在安全、低成本、不可變更和完整的公共區塊鏈上構建應用程式的理想開放原始碼平台。

Through a major update of this technology model, VechainThor has now become an ideal open source platform for businesses, governments or any public sector that wishes to construct applications on a secure, low-cost, non-changeable and complete public sector chain.

今天,唯鏈基金會很榮幸透過全面推出 VIP-193 以落實我們的全新公共 TestNet。 這個重要的里程碑為在 MainNet 上完整推出 PoA 2.0 鋪路。

Today, the chain fund is proud to be fully rolled out & nbsp;

PoA 2.0 共識演算法在論文 SURFACE: A Practical Blockchain Consensus Algorithm for Real-World Networks(SURFACE:現實世界網絡的實用區塊鏈共識演算法)詳述,當中包含三個主要部分:


  • 基於 VRF 的隨機來源;
  • 一個以委員會為基礎的區塊生產過程和
  • 被動區塊最終確定性流程。

這個演算法是透過兩個 VIP(唯鏈改善建議)提出的:VIP-193 和 VIP-200。VIP-193 專於前兩個組件,而 VIP-200 則描述最後一個組件。

This algorithm was developed through two & nbsp; VIP (chain-only improvement suggestions): VIP-193 and   VIP-200. VIP-193 is dedicated to the first two components, while   VIP-200 describes the last.

根據我們下方的路線圖,VIP-193 在公共網站上的實現,可增強我們對這項重大升級計劃正式實施的信心。

According to the road map below us, the implementation of VIP-193 on public websites can enhance our confidence in the formal implementation of this major upgrade.

PoA 2.0:經濟數碼化的基礎 

PoA 2.0: Economic digital base and nbsp;

PoA 2.0 為大規模採用公共區塊鏈舖路,旨在解決其他區塊鏈中現代機制的關鍵弱點。其主要功能包括:

PoA 2.0. The main functions are:

一個基於 VRF 的隨機來源:此功能可平衡區塊提議時間表的不可預測性和公正性,以確保最高水平的數據安全性。例如,本模型中的敵方無法操控領導者選擇過程以控制多個連續的區塊提議者,亦無法提前預測及損壞多個連續的區塊提議者。

A random source based on   VRF: This function balances the unforeseeable and fairness of the table of time proposed by the block to ensure the highest level of data security. For example, the enemy in this model cannot control the leaders'choice to control multiple consecutive groups, nor can it anticipate and damage multiple consecutive groups.

獲委員會認可的區塊生產:此過程可顯著降低鍛造的可能性,減少確認延遲並增加產量 (TPS)。

A block of production recognized by the committee: this process can significantly reduce the likelihood of manufacture, reduce the delay in confirmation and increase production & nbsp; (TPS)

確定性機制:此功能提供區塊確定性,換句話說,即使在非同步條件下仍提供效能,且提供不未受影響的一致性。因此,在 PoA 2.0 中的區塊將先以符合概率的非常低延遲方式獲得確認,然後在更長的時段內確定。這表示,一個確定區塊(以及該區塊所包裝的所有交易)理論上可以被證明在任何情況下保持不變。

Confirming mechanism: This function provides block certainty, in other words, effectiveness even under non-synchronous conditions, and not unaffected consistency. Thus, blocks in   PoA 2.0 will first be identified in a very low delayed manner and then in longer periods. This means that the theory of a defined block (and all transactions that the block contains) can be shown to remain unchanged under any circumstances.


A certain future and nbsp;

PoA 2.0 的開發旨在滿足企業和企業級客戶在使用我們的工具組合開發解決方案時,可享用更高效能及更高安全性的增長需求。透過來自一流 VeResearch 合作夥伴的區塊鏈專家參與,PoA 2.0 是整個區塊鏈行業的重要里程碑。

PoA 2.0 has been developed to satisfy the growing need for greater efficiency and security for business and business-level clients when they use our tools to develop solutions. PoA 2.0 is an important milestone in the whole chain business, with the participation of top-class & nbsp; VeResearch partners.

隨著 VIP-193 現已公開,VeChainThor 將繼續履行使命,以提供安全、可擴展、可靠和符合成本效益的基礎設施級別協議,預備迎接即將來臨的全球數碼化浪潮。

With & nbsp; VIP-193 now in public, VeChainThor will continue his mission to provide a secure, scalable, reliable and cost-effective infrastructure package to prepare for the upcoming global digitalization wave.


about chain-only funds and nbsp;

唯鏈基金會一直努力不懈建立區塊鏈技術與現實世界之間的橋樑。VeChainThor 的發展繼續加速,透過權威證明共識從聯盟網絡過渡到一流的公共區塊鏈平台,擁有先進的技術功能、治理結構和經濟模式。

The chain-based fund has been working tirelessly to build bridges between regional chain technology and the real world. VeChainThor’s development continues to accelerate, with advanced technical functions, governance structures, and economic models through power-proven public chain platforms that demonstrate a common sense of access from the Alliance’s network to the first-class.

作為生態系統的推動者,基金會的使命是透過開發系統消除採納障礙的工具,以增強構建者和創新者的能力。透過開發一套創新工具,例如多重任務交易、費用委託和唯鏈 ToolChain,唯鏈現已有能力大幅降低企業和開發人員的進入門檻。

As a promoter of the ecosystem, the mission of the Foundation is to enhance the capacity of builders and creators by removing barriers through the development system. Through the development of a new set of tools, such as multitasking, fee commissions, and chain-only & nbsp; Tool Chain, only now has the ability to significantly reduce the entry of entrepreneurs and developers.

除了主要的策略合作夥伴 PwC 和 DNV 外,唯鏈已經與沃爾瑪中國、拜耳中國、寶馬集團、比亞迪汽車、PICC、上海燃氣、LVMH、D.I.G、ASI Group 等世界領先企業合作。

In addition to the major strategic partners & nbsp; PwC and & nbsp; DNV, the chain has been working with the world's leading corporations such as Volma China, Bayer China, BMW, Biadi Cars, PICC, Shanghai Gas, LVMH, D.I.G., ASI Group.


For more information, including development of tools, documents and fund award funds, please visit: .vechain.org/a>





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