四大“北京服務”領域産業鏈創新鏈融合 預計到2025年——北京軟體資訊服務業營收將達3萬億元

资讯 2024-07-12 阅读:21 评论:0



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Original title: The four “Beijing Service” domain chains are integrated and are expected to reach $3 trillion by 2025 - the Beijing Software Information Services (PFIS) business.


If a batch of viruses is detected, it can quickly be traced back to “secret”. Behind this is the “hard core” support of the country’s first autonomous area chain technology system.


On September 28, the Municipal Bureau of Economics and Informatization launched a press conference in Beijing, during which the four major “Beijing services” were planned to increase the market's revenues from software and information services from 1.77 billion yuan in 2020 to 3 trillion yuan.


a global landscape for the creation of smart cities


According to the data, as of June 2021, there were 225 companies and 309 projects in Beijing, the largest in the country. In terms of the chain, the whole of Beijing is pushing the chain, covering all the upstream and downstream chains from the base, technology, application, and service lines.


“With regard to this industry, the city will focus on the three main domains of computing, algorithms, algorithms, and algorithms, focusing on areas such as sea-dwelling and the sun.” The responsible person for the city’s economics and informationization department will introduce the city’s emphasis on the development of new computing devices such as crystal chips, and on the integration of sector chains and advanced computing into the industrial network, auto-connectivity, electronic commerce, artificial intelligence, etc.


In addition, in the field of artificial intelligence, the city will focus on accelerating the creation of a leading area for the development of national artificial intelligence innovation, building new sources of artificial intelligence and the development of industries around the globe, fostering three multi-billion-grade military companies, around the world, with artificial intelligence plus chip, artificial intelligence plus information consumption, artificial intelligence plus city operations; in the domain of smart cities, building an intelligent city-wide landscape in Beijing will encourage the creation of a global landscape that will attract industries, new technologies in various fields to hatch in Kyoto, develop applications and nurture multi-billion-dollar market enterprises; and in the area of Internet security and innovation, the National Cyber Safety Park will be used as a vehicle to accelerate the concentration of businesses and the development of dragon-headed businesses, with emphasis on the maritime areas, the Beijing Economic Technology Development Area and the Transstate.


According to the plan, current revenues from software and information services increased from 1.77 trillion yuan in 2020 to $3.5 trillion in 2025, from 1.09 billion in 2020 to $1.25 billion in 2020, and from 858 per 10,000 in 2020 to 1,300 per 10,000 in 2020.


5G base stations will have an effective coverage rate of more than 95%


By 2025, it is planned that the city’s 5G base station will have an effective coverage rate of more than 95 per cent, and that it will have set up a network of communication devices, such as the Motor Network, the Satellite Network, etc., an industrial network index, a national top nodes, and a national industrial network data centre; a digital intelligence base for digital integration; a digital data centre for upgrading from storage to computing; an artificial intelligence super-high-speed computing centre; a massive digital platform; and a sector-connected platform, etc., to speed up the digital transformation and intellectual upgrading of the traditional infrastructure.


According to the Beijing City Artificial Wisdom Mapping Programme (2021-2023), launched in September by the Municipal Bureau for Economics and Informatization, the city will set up two municipal centres for artificial intelligence in the west and east: the Beijing Centre for New Arithmetic in Science and Technology will serve primarily the International Centre for Science and Technology in order to meet the demands of artificial intelligence computing, such as the training platform of the megascale artificial intelligence model, focusing on supporting the scientific activities of national laboratories, new research institutes, scientific institutes, etc.; and the Beijing Centre for Digital Economics, which will serve mainly the global digital economy pole city, as a gift platform for city-wide artificial intelligence public services.


Creates a world-class electric platform


In the area of information content consumption, Beijing will promote the development of “culture + technology” in depth, focusing on the areas of the Sea, the Sun, the Stone View, and the Tungzhou region, through the construction of the International Costing Centre and the country's first integrated information consumption demonstration cities.


Recently, the Municipal Bureau for Economics and Informatization has launched a new pilot programme (2021-2025) on urban digital finance for the development of international consumer centres in Beijing (2021-2025). It has been reported that the city will build up a collection of internationally influential digital consumer products and new industries that will accelerate the gathering of 5G+8K jobs and increase the availability of ultra-high-quality video content. By 2025, the generation of 1-2 internationally led industrial networks and 20 nationally influential industries, regional industrial networks and networks, will initially result in the creation of the Beijing industry cluster, which will be the “digital plus” of a “digital consumption business,” with global competition.


It is worth mentioning that Beijing will integrate the area of information into the new global network and will explore the opening up of the area of information technology by means of a “two-zon” initiative to open up the country's Internet virtual use of information technology (no more than 50 per cent of the foreign capital stock); limit the external share of China's central village Haiding Park as a vehicle for the removal of the information services (only for shops); and encourage the international community's well-known open-source software code library and development tool service providers to be located in Kyoto.




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