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Web3 was born with the meta-cosm last year, and the heat continues to last, which was once considered to be one of the most recent concepts in the current Internet arena. Unlike the meta-cosmos, which, because of its greater operationality, has now gained some local policy recognition and is beginning to move forward, Web3 has been unbroken ever since its birth.


What's the difference between Web 2.0 and Web1.0?


It is well known that Web1.0 and Web 2.0 are associated with Web technology, and this is because they emerged before the era of mobile connectivity, which is still a web-based Internet period.


The characteristics of
Web1.0 are that most web activities are related to static web pages and that they are themselves reverberating words created to distinguish between Web 2.0 and the first phase of World Wide Web development, some time from 1991 to 2004. There are very few content creators, platform editors are the main productivity, and users are just consumers of content.


Web2.0 has significantly expanded the interactive nature of the website, and the emergence of the web community, social networking sites, blogs, and Wiki has enriched the technical content of the World Wide Web to some extent, with the concept of “interactivity, sharing, relationships” gaining ground, with a large number of users becoming content producers. The boom of 2.0 continues to extend from the World Wide Web to multiple aspects of the Internet, including mobile terminals and cloud age applications.


Web3.0传统的概念我们后面会提及,而现有比较热门的概念则是由以太坊联合创始人Gavin Wood于2014年提出,并于2021年受到区块链加密货币从业者、区块链科技公司和风投公司的持续关注。按照这领域的说法以及所谓的Web3基金会的设想,Web3有望成为一个去中心化、不可改变的网络版本,没有中间商,并以同样的加密验证能力来构建,而这种加密验证能力已经产生了加密货币、不可伪造的代币(NFT)等,由分布式账本或Dapps支撑的新型应用。

The traditional concept of
Web3.0 will be mentioned later, whereas the existing more popular concept was proposed in 2014 by Gavin Wood, a co-founder of Ether's association, and continued attention in 2021 by block chain encryption money operators, block chain technology companies, and wind pitchers. According to this area, and as envisaged by the so-called Web3 Foundation, Web3 is expected to become a central, non-changeable web version, with no middlemen and built with the same encryption authentication capability that has produced new applications supported by encrypted currency, non-falseable tokens (NFTs), etc., distributed books or Dapps.


Web3.0 historical review


apparently wasn't in 2014 when we first introduced Web3.0, and when people knew Web 2.0, they had to look at Web3. Looking back, we could find some clues.

2006年5月的时候,万维网之父蒂姆?伯纳斯?李曾提及自己对Web3.0的看法:“当SVG在Web 2.0的基础上大面积使用,所有东西都起波纹、被折叠并且看起来没有菱角,以及一整张语义网涵盖着大量的数据,你就可以访问这难以置信的数据资源。”

In May 2006, Tim Bernards, the father of the World Wide Web, mentioned his view of Web3.0: “When SVG is used on a large scale on the basis of Web 2.0, everything is stubble, folded and appears to be free of diamond horns, and a whole synonym covers a large amount of data, you can access this incredible data resource.”

Netflix创始人Reed Hastings在同峰会上简单定义:“1.0是拨号上网,50K平均带宽,2.0是1M平均带宽,那3.0就该是10M带宽,全影像的网络,这才感觉像Web3.0。”

Yahoo Yeung Ji-won explained at the Technet Summit in November 2006: Web3.0 will deepen network effectiveness as a real public carrier, with increasingly blurred lines of professional, semi-professional and consumerism, creating a network effect of business and applications.
Netflix founder Reed Hastings defined it as simply at the Summit: “1.0 is dial-up Internet, 50K average bandwidth, 2.0 is 1M average bandwidth, then 3.0 is a 10-M bandwidth, full video network, which feels like Web3.0.”


In August 2007, Google CEO Eric Schmidt was asked about the definition of Web3.0 at the Seoul Digital Forum to express the view that different construction methods, such as the appearance of Web 2.0, responded to AJAX technology, while projections of 3.0 were a patchwork of applications with small procedures and fast-dissemination features.


Web3 Challenge and Argument


It can be seen that the traditional industry defines Web3.0 in a variety of ways, and that the concepts are plentiful and constantly changing as technology evolves. Many industry personalities even resent the definition of Web 3.0 as unnecessary marketing. It is clear that the traditional Web3.0 concept has evolved more towards the extension of Web technology, such as the continued development of semantic networks, the creation of popular new frameworks, better browsers, significant improvements in data security/extensibility, and greater standardization.


事实上,Web3.0现阶段的争议焦点在于,单单以区块链技术的角度来定义Web3.0难以被业界广泛接受,所以许多观点不认同这样的Web3.0,他们将之称为是区块链相关的“Web3”。埃隆?马斯克甚至公开对Web3进行嘲讽:“有人看过Web3吗? 我没有找到。”

In fact, the point of contention at this stage of Web3.0 is that it is difficult to define Web3.0 from the point of view of block chain technology alone to be widely accepted by industry, so many views do not agree with this Web3.0, which they call “Web3” associated with the block chain.


In the Web 2.0 era, the World Wide Web was still the subject of Internet content, unlike in the mobile interconnection era, where its components were heavily squeezed, although it is still one of the main components of the Internet, but strictly we cannot attribute to the Web almost everything that moves AP, cloud birth, or even web-chain technology, meta-cosm, etc. The concept that equates Web3 with the next generation of the Internet is inevitably viewed as a stifling of the web and Internet concept, as well as excessive industry marketing. Thus, the concept of Web3 does not correspond to the essence of Web, nor does it explain the extension and development of Web technology, which more often repeats the concepts that already exist in Web 2.0, and the centralization of the sector chain is also the last Utopia.


As you can see, the era of the World Wide Web is not old and will be promising, because web technology is developed in a coherent manner and with mature standards, slow but slow water flow, and technological processes are relatively smooth. In the context of relative isolation of mobile interconnected ecosystems, there is still room for progress across platforms, and the future of semantic networks is no longer a dream. We look forward to a real, reliable Web 3.0 that truly represents the continuation of Web technology, rather than Web3.

文/陈徐毅 高级工程师,科技专栏作者,中国计算机学会会员

/Ten Xu Yi, Senior Engineer, Science and Technology columnist and member of the Chinese Computer Society
>, published in issue 227




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