外资巨头抄底中概股;微软 IE 浏览器即将正式退役;美 CEO 薪酬排名,马斯克垫底

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In recent days, a number of leading investment agencies have disclosed US stock holdings by the end of the first quarter. Multiple capital managers have started buying up Chinese holdings against the market.

桥水一季度增持阿里巴巴 321.22 万股,增持幅度达 75%,位列六大重仓股。摩根大通旗下基金 3 月大笔加仓京东,加仓幅度为 12.53 倍。富达国际旗下中国消费动力基金 3 月大举增持京东、美团等互联网股票。

In the first quarter of the year, the bridge held an additional 3.222 million shares in Alibaba, a 75% increase in the six-largest warehouse stock. In March, the capital of Morgan Chase increased its capital by a factor of 12.53 times.

全球最大资管机构贝莱德选择卖出奈飞,加仓两大「造车新势力」,一季度买入 105 万股理想汽车、55 万股蔚来。拼多多也获贝莱德小幅增持,增持幅度达 4%。

Belede, the world’s largest financial institution, has chosen to sell the Nakaifa, the two major "new car-making forces" that buy 1.05 million ideal cars in a quarter, and 550,000 shares in a quarter. More and more have gained a small increase of 4%.


At the same time that the mega-customs have increased their stockholdings, the market may also be sending wind signals. (Source: First Economy)


5 月 16 日,腾讯发布《可持续社会价值报告 2021》,这是自 1998 年以来腾讯发布的第九份企业社会责任报告,也是首次升级为「可持续社会价值报告」,对 2021 年战略升级后完整的年度成绩单做了总结汇报。

On May 16, the launch of the Sustainable Social Values Report 2021, the ninth corporate social responsibility report since 1998, and the first upgrade to the Sustainable Social Values report, resulted in a summary of the full annual report card after the strategic upgrade in 2021.

报告附录中给出了一些有趣、值得挖掘的数据。其中,腾讯主动「揭短」:2021 年受理的互联网服务用户投诉量为 2009210 件,受理的腾讯云服务用户投诉量为 320 件,合计比 2020 年几乎翻了一番。

In the appendix to the report, some interesting and interesting data are given. Among them, the evangelical initiative is "blowing": 2009210 complaints were received from Internet service users in 2021 and 320 complaints received from turbo service users, almost double the number of complaints received in 2020.


考虑到腾讯产品之多、覆盖之广,自然会让用户发现不少问题、槽点等。实际上就在上周,腾讯还登上了中消协发布的《「五一」消费舆情分析报告》,因为充值大面积取消 97 折优惠被点名。中消协甚至犀利点评,腾讯游戏「吸金利器」的牙齿尖利实实在在地让会员用户肉疼心冷。

In fact, just last week, the troupe was added to the "Five Ones" analysis report, which was published as a result of the large cancellation of the discount. The evaporation and even the sharpness of the evaluation, the sharpness of the teeth of the tweaking game, which really makes the user's flesh cold.

另外,腾讯还披露了,去年用电量 437.5 万兆瓦时,用水 620 万吨等。(来源:快科技)

In addition, it was revealed that last year's electricity consumption was 43.75 million megawatts, water use was 6.2 million tons, etc. (source: fast technology).


5 月 16 日消息,据国外媒体报道,微软 IE 浏览器将于 6 月 16 日正式退役,这个诞生于 1995 年的浏览器巨头即将走向尽头,此后将由 Edge 浏览器接棒。

On May 16, according to foreign media reports, Microsoft IE browser will be officially decommissioned on June 16, the giant browser born in 1995 is about to end and will be followed by the Edge browser.

微软在 IE 浏览器的「退役声明」中表示:「Internet Explorer 浏览器速度缓慢,不再适用于或兼容许多现代网络任务,而且远不如现代浏览器安全。」但实际上 IE 浏览器早已被绝大多数用户抛弃,数据显示截至今年 4 月份,IE 浏览器在全球台式电脑浏览器市场上的份额不到 2%。

Microsoft says in the IE Browser's Decommissioned Statement: "The Internet Explorer is slow, no longer suitable for or compatible with many modern web tasks, and is far less secure than the modern browser." But the IE Browser has in fact been abandoned by the vast majority of users, showing that as of April of this year, the IE Browser's share of the global desktop browser market was less than 2 per cent.

不过十几年前,在 Windows 95 的强势表现下,IE 这个系统默认浏览器仅用三年就成功成为全球市场份额第一的浏览器。2003 年其市场占有率更是一度达到 95%。(来源: TechWeb)

But over a decade ago, with the power of Windows 95, the IE default browser succeeded in becoming the first browser in a global market share in just three years. In 2003, its market share reached 95%. (Source: TechWeb)


5 月 16 日消息,据彭博社报道,苹果公司近期正在考虑收购美国电动汽车初创公司 Canoo,以推进苹果的造车项目。

On May 16, it was reported by Bloomberg that Apple had recently been considering the acquisition of the United States electric car start-up company Cano to advance the apple car project.


据悉,电动汽车初创公司 Canoo 在上周发布公告称公司目前可能已经没有足够的现金流来维持运营,并且除了现金流方面的困境之外,Canoo 方面也表示今年的产能目标可能也没有办法按期完成。面对目前的经营困境,外媒分析 Canoo 很有可能将会寻找潜在买家。

According to reports, Canao, the electric car start-up company, announced last week that the company might not currently have enough cash flows to sustain its operations, and that, in addition to the cash flow dilemma, Cano also said that it might not be able to meet the deadline for this year’s production targets. In the face of the current business dilemma, external media analysis is likely to look for potential buyers.

苹果则是一个非常可能的买家——此前苹果汽车业务部门曾经收购过 Drive.ai 等公司来发展自己的自动驾驶业务,并且在两年前苹果就曾和 Canoo 有过类似的合作磋商。

Apples are a very likely buyer — — they were previously acquired by the Apple Automobile Department and other companies such as Drive.ai to develop their own autopilot business and had similar collaborative consultations with Cano two years ago.

此外,Canoo 的前首席执行官 Ulrich Kranz,现在也是苹果汽车项目的高层管理人员之一,同时苹果公司也有一些前 Canoo 公司的工程师。实际上,两年前,苹果与 Canoo 就已经讨论了从投资到收购的各种想法。(来源:车东西)

In addition, the former CEO of Canao, Ulrich Kranz, is now one of the top managers of the Apple Motors project, and Apple has some of its former engineers. Indeed, two years ago, Apple and Cano discussed ideas ranging from investment to acquisition.


5 月 16 日,国家市场监督管理总局官网发布消息称,特斯拉 (上海) 有限公司自 2022 年 5 月 23 日起,召回生产日期在 2021 年 10 月 19 日至 2022 年 4 月 26 日期间的部分国产 Model 3、Model Y,共计约 10.73 万辆。

On 16 May, the National Network of Officials of the General Directorate for the Supervision of Markets published information that Tesla (Shanghai) Ltd. had been called back to production from 23 May 2022, with a total of about 10.73 million vehicles from 19 October 2021 to 26 April 2022, part of the national product Model 3, Model Y.


It was reported that some vehicles within the scope of this recall may not be fully cooled by the central processor of the information entertainment system during preparation for the rapid charge in direct current or during the rapid charge in direct current, resulting in slower operation of the central processor and slow displays of the central touch display screen and, in serious cases, reboot of the central processor, which may result in the screen not being visible.

上述故障发生时,倒车影像、风挡 (除霜、除雾及雨刮) 功能的设置、驾驶档位显示和指示灯等将无法正常使用,极端情况下会增加车辆发生碰撞事故的风险,存在安全隐患。

In the event of such failures, the back-up image, wind cover (frost removal, fog removal and rain scraping) features, driver slot displays and lights, etc., will not be used properly and, in extreme cases, will increase the risk of vehicle collisions and security risks.

这已是特斯拉进入 2022 年以来发起的第四次召回,今年累计召回约 27.58 万辆。(来源:每日经济新闻)

This is Tesla's fourth recall since 2022, and this year a cumulative total of about 27.58 million vehicles. (Source: Daily Economic News)


Luna oundation Guard(LFG)是 Terra 比特币储备的官方管理人,周一他们发布了一份声明,在声明中,LFG 指出,其 BTC 储备几乎全部耗尽——从约 8 万 BTC 崩盘式下跌到约 300。剩余的资产主要由崩溃的 UST 和 LUNA 代币组成,将用于补偿投资者。

Luna operation Guard (LFG), the official manager of Terra bitcoin reserves, issued a statement on Monday, in which the LFG stated that its BTC reserves were almost entirely depleted — — fell from about 80,000 BTC crashes to about 300. The remaining assets consisted mainly of collapsing UST and LUNA tokens to compensate investors.

这是加密货币历史记忆中最灾难性的事件之一,上周当 UST 稳定币--应该持续价值 1 美元的币种跌破 20 美分时,价值 400 亿美元的 Terra 生态系统崩溃了。LUNA 代币被设计为 UST 的"算法"美元挂钩机制的一种减震器,其价值迅速从 80 美元坠落到 0.002 美元以下。

This is one of the most catastrophic events in the historical memory of encrypted money, when the UST stable currency -- which should have been worth a dollar -- fell 20 cents in the last week, the $40 billion Terra ecosystem collapsed. The LUNA token was designed as a "calculation" dollar peg, and its value fell quickly from $80 to less than 0.002 dollars.

在周一的一条推文中,LFG 表示,由于 Terra 的生态系统在上周初开始崩溃,它被动卖掉了其为 UST 储备的大部分 BTC。(来源:cnBeta)

In a tweet on Monday, LFG indicated that since Terra's ecosystem began to collapse at the beginning of last week, it was passively selling most of its UST reserve BTC. (Source: cn Beta)


Simple Mobile Tools 是一个知名的开源安卓 App 开发商,推出了许多基础的开源 App,包括联系人、拨号器、计算器、文件管理器、图库等。

Simple Mobile Tools, a well-known open-source Andre App developer, has launched a number of basic open-source Apps, including contacts, dialers, calculators, file managers, graphics, etc.

5 月 16 日消息,该品牌近日宣布要造手机了。在 Reddit 上,Simple Mobile Tools 官方开发者宣布将很快发布一款注重隐私的手机,将预装旗下的 22 款开源 App。但是,Simple Mobile Tools 还没有开发浏览器、电子邮件等。官方称这款手机将尽量没有预装 App,只保留手机必需的应用。

On Reddit, the official developer of Simple Mobile Tools announced that a private cell phone would be released shortly, with 22 open-source App under the pre-loaded flag. However, Simpson Mobile Tools has not developed browsers, e-mails, etc.

目前尚不清楚这款手机的硬件参数或是外观,作为一个小型软件开发商造出来的手机,可能在很多方面都不如主流手机大厂,面向的用户也似乎只能是一些发烧友。(来源:IT 之家)

The hardware parameters or appearances of this mobile phone are not yet clear, and mobile phones, made as a small software developer, may in many ways be inferior to the mainstream mobile phone factory, and may be intended only for those with fever. (Source: IT House)


5 月 16 日讯,集度官方宣布将于 6 月 8 日举行集度 ROBODAY 线上发布会,届时将发布首款汽车机器人概念车。

On the 16th of May, the collection official announced that a gathering meeting on the ROBODY line would be held on 8 June, at which time the first car robotics concept vehicle would be launched.


Officially, car robots have high-speed, urban double-area autopilot capabilities and super-intelligent robotic cabins, and are designed to be inspired by spaceships.


据了解,这款「汽车机器人」具备 L4 级别的自动驾驶能力,可自主移动;而且,可以与人进行自然的交流,是一个贴心的智能伙伴;此外,基于 AI 和大数据技术,这款「汽车机器人」将具备持续自我学习和进化的能力。

It is understood that this Autobot has the L4 level of autopilot and is autonomous; that it can communicate with people naturally and is a thoughtful and intelligent partner; and that, based on AI and big data technology, this Autobot will have the ability to learn and evolve continuously.

其首款量产汽车机器人将于 2023 年上市交付。目前,集度已启动后续车型的研发和预研,旗下第二款量产车将有望在今年年底的广州车展发布。(来源:品玩)

The first car-producing robot will be available in 2023. At present, a follow-up vehicle development and pre-research has been initiated, and the second vehicle under the flag is expected to be launched at the Guangzhou Car Fair by the end of this year.


我们中的许多人都熟悉卡车运来的包裹,当然到了城里不少快递员可能用货运自行车运送货物和热食,甚至可能用无人机运送药物。现在,雷诺已经将这三者结合起来,推出了 E-Tech Master OptiModale 概念。

Many of us are familiar with the packages delivered by the trucks, but many of the couriers in the city may be carrying goods and hot meals on freight bicycles, or even on drones. Renault has now combined these three, introducing the E-Tech Master OptiModale concept.


构成 OptiModale 全电动包裹运送三合一车型的基础是 3.5 吨长轮基 L3H1 Master E-Tech 驾驶平台的雷诺卡车,配备 R75 电动马达和 33 千瓦时电池组组合,每次充电可行驶约 128 公里(80 英里)。

The basis for the OptiModale full-power package for the transport of a triad is a 3.5-ton long-wheeled L3H1 Master E-Tech-driven Renault truck with R75 electric motors and 33 kWh battery combinations capable of running about 128 km (80 miles) per charge.

车身上可装载 eBullitt 货运电动自行车,该自行车采用了禧玛诺 STEPS 传动系统,每次对可移动电池充电后,这两小型电动车的辅助作用可达 50 公里(31 英里)。三人组的最后一个成员是英国无人机制造商 UAVtek 的 Magpie 四轴飞行器,据说它可以携带多达 2 公斤(4.4 磅)的货物,每次充电的飞行时间可达 38 分钟。

The vehicle can be loaded with eBulitt cargo electric bicycles, which use the Jumano STEPS transmission system, and each time charged with a mobile battery, these two small electric vehicles can have an auxiliary effect of up to 50 km (31 miles). The last member of the three groups is the Magpie four-axis vehicle of UAVtek, a British drone manufacturer, which is said to be capable of carrying up to 2 kg (4.4 pounds) of cargo for up to 38 minutes.

尽管雷诺卡车公司有原型,但目前还没有关于 OptiModale 是否或何时会投入生产的消息。(来源:cnBeta)

Although Renault Truck has a prototype, there is no information on whether or when OptiModale will be put into production. (Source: cn Beta)


5 月 16 日消息,《华尔街日报》援引财报数据平台 MyLogIQ 的数据,对美股上市公司 CEO 的薪酬进行统计排名。数据显示,标普 500 成分股中除去履职未满一年的 CEO 后,剩下 425 名 CEO 平均年薪达到 1467 万美元,连续六年刷新最高记录。

On May 16, the Wall Street Journal cited data from MyLogIQ, the financial reporting platform, to give a statistical ranking of the remuneration of the US-owned company CEO. The data show that 425 CEOs with an average annual salary of $14.67 million have been added to their record for the sixth consecutive year after the elimination of CEOs from the standard 500 component shares for less than one year.

收入最高的 CEO 基本都来自传媒和科技板块,排名第一的是线上旅游平台智游网(Expedia)的首席执行官 Peter Kern,个人薪酬高达 2.96 亿美元(约合 20 亿元人民币)。苹果 CEO 库克薪酬 9873 万美元,仅排名第四。

The highest-paid CEOs come mainly from the media and technology sectors, ranked first among the CEOs of the online tourism platform Expedia, Peter Kern, and their personal remuneration amounted to $296 million (approximately RMB 2 billion). Apple CEO Cook received $9.873 million, the fourth.

比较有意思的是,全球首富埃隆·马斯克的薪酬居然是垫底的,2021 年的工资是 0。另外,股神巴菲特的薪酬也只有 37 万美元,排名比马斯克略高。不过,这两人手里都握有大量的股权,不发工资完全不影响两人的百亿身家。(来源:雷科技)

Interestingly enough, the world’s richest man, Elon & Middot; Mask’s salary is low, with a salary of zero in 2021. In addition, the gist Buffett’s salary is only $370,000, ranking higher than Mascrelio’s. Both, however, hold large shares, and the non-payment of wages does not in any way affect the 10 billion families of the two.




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