
资讯 2024-07-13 阅读:19 评论:0



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原標題:“鏈上”產業轉型 “鏈上”政務民生



In recent days, Guangzhou has officially been awarded the Ministry of Industry and Communications the creation of a sector development pilot area, becoming the country's first city to be a sector development pilot, marking another important step on the road to the development sector.


As a Chinese software city, Guangzhou has a vibrant scientific climate, a rich pool of human resources, and a strong economic development capacity, with a solid foundation for the development of highland chains in Hong Kong and the Australasia. The integration of regional chains and finance, smart manufacturing, supply chains, biomedical medicines, etc., continues to expand, bringing new dynamism to many industries.


On the road to the development of regional chains, Guangzhou has done its best on the part of humans. Guangzhou uses the chains as an autonomous new entry point to speed up the process of “linking, uplinking, chaining” and insists on the development of the chains as an important driver in the context of serving the economic applications of the real economy. In the areas of finance, logistics, government, intellectual property rights, and industrial and industrial networks, it has increased the depth of the technological and traditional economy, creating a new engine of economic excellence.


Case Focus


"Strange" bid for "uplink" business short-legged




On April 16, 2020, a new record was created at the Guangzhou Public Resource Trading Centre, the country's first project to use the sector-link technology for the design of a change of design service outside the Guangzhou fifth power plant.


It is known that in the past, paper tenders used to be popular, that they had to be prepared in advance, and that if they were wrong, the competition would have to go back and forth, with less efficiency. And, using the sector chain technology, they could be handled via a mobile phone.


In the external design change service offer for the fifth power plant in Guangzhou City, all six of the bidders completed the posting of information logs and e-subscripts via the “I-link” smart-trading platform, two of them using the “synchronous information” APP based on sector chain technology. The labelers only have to log in the trading system through cell phone scans, post-record the delivery and declassification of bid documents at the APP end, and organize and deliver the tender electronic guarantee, so that they can successfully complete the bid, which is a true short-run.


The Deputy Managing Director of Digital Times Technology Ltd., John Shaw, has suggested that the opening of the first test of a “block chain-plus deal” on the Guangzhou political information platform could be described as successful in opening up a new dimension for the executive branch. The construction and successful application of this platform is largely facilitated by the collaboration between the sector chain technology and the “move digital proof” that allows the bidder to sign up to the point, declassify the bid documents, allow the input information to be registered safely, and make the entire electronic bid process work. And, according to, for example, the Electronic Signature Act of the Contract Act, reliable electronic signatures, electronic seals and handwritten signatures have the same legal effect as handwritten signatures or seals.


Looking ahead, a credible electronic stamp solution based on sector chain technology and moving digital evidence technology will also be applied to electronic contracts, electronic information distribution, and electronic information exchange. Clients will be able to authenticate, sign online, and have easier and more efficient documentation and contract signing services at the moving end.


Catching the New Capital Incident


400 sector chains gathering in Guangzhou


As early as July 2017, the first regional chaining association in Guangdong Province - the Guangzhou Municipal Chain Industry Association - was formally established to focus on building a four-platform platform (i.e., the sector chain common development platform, the sector chain dual creation platform, the sector chain inspection platform, the district chain industry service platform and the 100,000-millimeter site).


For example, Guangzhou City has worked closely with the Tokyo Corporation to bring the chain of state products under the Kyoto Digital Technology Corporation to “the chain” and to develop its own core technological advantages by providing platform technology services that promote the development of small and medium-sized technology enterprises, the optimization of business services, and the building of regional chains in and below the industry chain to help enterprises upgrade supply chains and digitally transform their industries. The state is also engaged in a number of competitions to foster a chain of industrial dragons that are leading and central to the development of small and medium-sized technology enterprises.


In parallel with the introduction of large businesses, Guangzhou has joined up with the Bay of Australasia in Hong Kong. By May 2020, Guangzhou had brought together about 400 local companies covering financial, political, civic, and manufacturing sectors. Of the three series of 730 territorial information service packages distributed by the National Network, 39 have been elected in the country’s top 41 cases.


At present, Guangzhou has developed four major carriers, such as the Guangzhou Regional Chain International Creative Centre, the Yellow Ribbon Valley, the Antxle Chain Open Space, and the Future Space of the Chain, to form essentially a whole chain cluster of industries that initially form the bottom layer of the chain for the development and application of service providers.




General Engineer Ho Chigang of the Guangzhou Industrial and Informatics Department:

  推進“一核多區”產業布局 支持有條件的區先行先試

Pushing into the “one nuclear multi-region” industry layout & nbsp; supports the conditioned area before


Guangzhou will continue to move forward in the area of sector-based new development, using sector-based chains as an important entry point for core technological autonomy, and will strive to become a domestic cluster of chain-based industries, a new lead area, and a front-line zone for applications. Efforts will be made to develop a community of industry-focused businesses with secure and stable sector-based chains, covering all segments of the chain, gradually forming a whole-of-business cluster development pattern for the “base-line + BaaS platform + open-development + industry applications” chain.


At the same time, Guangzhou was moving towards a “nuclear multi-region” development. The development of the entire city chain industry was being developed, and the Yellow Plum district was being promoted to create a Chinese software city model, featuring a regional chain, to encourage the development of bottom-level platforms linked to the chain of high-impact development areas, such as the Tian River region, which will lead to the creation of new sites for the political, medical and other areas of the Bay, Viet Soo, Nansha and other regions where the chain should be significantly expanded.


At the same time, Guangzhou is constantly accelerating the upgrading of its capacity for autonomous innovation. Closely following the development of public chain bottom platforms, it is developing autonomous chain bottom platforms.


In addition, Guangzhou is constantly trying to construct open and shared industries. Pre-testing of conditional districts is being supported to speed up the process of deep integration of sector chains with cutting-edge information technologies such as artificial intelligence, big data, and the Internet, and to open up a series of sector chains for use in government, finance, industry, and education fields, creating a number of replicable business models, and introducing a set of sector chain rules and standard systems.


expert comment




the power of the economy to address human suffering will be the core value of the chain


The commercial era of the chain is accelerating, and China’s ability to create new ones is the foundation of the chain’s accelerated commercialization. The chain of the bubble is returning to its most central value: confidence-building. Its transient and non-defeating character significantly reduces the cost of social trust and enhances the efficiency of society’s functioning.


The value of the chain is by no means a bribe, but rather a social problem that serves the real economy. Thus, the chain has two directions, one for solving the human suffering and the other for supporting the real economy.


By way of example, as early as December 10, 2018, the tax office of Guangdong Province took the payment treasure, the ants sector chain and its partner, Guangzhou Fashion Technology, and upgraded the country's first district chain electronic ticketing platform, the tax chain, which is now completely closed from ticket opening to sale. The first upgraded version of the chain was issued at the Yellow Wah Hotel in Guangzhou.


With regard to the development and layout of the Guangzhou chain, China proposes to maximize its social value by targeting services to the real economy.


{\bord0\shad0\alphaH3D}What's going on in Guangzhou?


In December 2017, Guangzhou City, Huang Po District, Guangzhou Development Region, launched the province's first “Ten Chains” policy, the Guangzhou Development Area, which aims to create a new infrastructure for the development of chains in the country's most dynamic and concentrated districts, using a variety of components, such as appropriate areas, culture, growth, platforms, applications, technology, finance, activities, etc.


In March 2018, Guangzhou City, Yellow Po District, Guangzhou Development Area, was officially approved to set up the first Chinese software city demonstration area with a sector-specific chain. This is the third Chinese software city demonstration area following Shanghai Zhang Gang, Nanjing Rainflower Station, and the first and only Chinese software city demonstration area with an explicit sector-specific chain.


In October 2018, Guangzhou took the lead in launching the Policy Public Chain, which was rated by the National Department of Labor and Communications as one of the 10 largest cases of the 2018 credible sector chain. In addition, a number of sites should be used to accelerate the rapid development of the chain technology.


In March 2019, the Guangzhou Internet Court, the Wireless Credit Society System of the Internet Chain, officially went online.


In October 2019, Guangzhou published " Guangzhou City Expansion and Upgrading Information Consumption " (2019-2021), which led leading leading business enterprises to opt for the use of mature areas such as health care, supply chain management, back-to-back counterfeiting of products, networking and manufacturing, copyright protection and trading, and electronic evidence storage.


At the end of December 2019, the White Cloud region released the country's first credible educational digital identity (the education card), combining core techniques such as a national birth code, a chain of blocks and the construction of a “credible educational identity chain”.


In April 2020, the Guangzhou Public Resource and Exchange Centre worked on the creation of a “link-to-link” smart trading platform, using applications such as “link-to-chain” tools such as “link-to-chain” tools, to improve the quality of information services.


In May 2020, Guangzhou launched its Opinions on the New Development of the Quanzhou City Promotion Chain Industry (2020-2022), which led leading leading companies to choose health care, supply chain management, back-to-back counterfeiting of products, networking and manufacturing, copyright protection and trading, electronic evidence storage, etc.




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