In recent days, the 100-degree superchain has been working with the Joint Trust Timetamp Service Centre to launch block-chain smart contracting services, leading to paper-based contracts, electronic contracts, and a revolutionary leap forward in block-chain contracts to make the signing safer, more efficient, and more efficient. The electronic signing service combines the capabilities of 100-degree artificial intelligence and provides a number of value-added services, such as automated processing of contract text, smart text recognition, and smart contract templates.
The 100-degree superlink chain electronic contracting platform, using a combination of block chains + credible time stamp + digital certificates, completes the chaining of signed contracts on the basis of joint trust and reliable electronic signatures and provides users with an effective, reliable, low-cost, accessible and judicially credible electronic contracting service.
In the first half of 2020, the state introduced dozens of related policies to support e-signing, the extension of e-contracting, and the rapid emergence of a large number of new business practices and models, which have led to more intelligent and efficient ways of working for businesses, while enhancing their data security and compliance control capabilities, while effectively reducing their efficiency gains. In addition, fraud cases, which are subject to technical upgrades, fraud schemes, and false stamps, continue to grow.
Based on tamper-proof and credible block chain technology, the 100-degree super-chain electronic signing platform provides a complete online contract signing solution that delivers a range of services from contract signing, contract management, online verification, etc. At the same time, the block chain technology is used to record the entire electronic signing process, such as user authentication, digital certificate acquisition, data creation, signature and transmission, and to consolidate the full process authentication of electronic contracts and ensure the security and reliability of electronic contracts.
The online signing process is the focus of many businesses. It guarantees that the signatory, the time of signing, the content of the signing, etc., will be fully documented, that the documents can be verified, retraceable and non-distorted, that the content of the contracts will be standardized and consistent, and that the electronic contracts will be managed.
In addition, the 100-degree chain electronic signing platform has the same legal effect as the paper-based contract. Second, the 100-degree chain can be linked to judicial bodies such as the Beijing Internet Court, the Guangzhou Internet Court, the Notary Office, etc. The electronic signing platform provides greater judicial credibility for certified electronic signing documents and direct access to the chain of district evidence, one key of efficiency and speed in litigation. Moreover, according to data from the Chinese Web of Jurisprudence, more than 26,000 judgements have come into force for credible time-tapping evidence in all provinces, autonomous regions and municipalities of the country, including the Supreme Court, and can be used as evidence in all courts of the country through electronic contracts certified by a credible time stamp.
Building on the advantages of automated implementation of smart contracts, e-contracts also have automated intelligence features. In the future, 100-degree superlinks will also continue to promote the intellectual upgrading and transformation of e-contracting, combining 100-degree technical advantages such as AI, big data, and providing value-added services such as contract text review, smart text recognition, and smart contract templates, making e-contracts simpler and more professional.
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