未来打工新模式:分布式自治组织(DAO) 金色财经

资讯 2024-07-14 阅读:20 评论:0



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distributed self-government (>) - the most effective way to collaborate online on a global scale .

分布式自治组织的概念最早由美国作家奥里·布莱福曼(Ori Brafman)在一本名为《海星和蜘蛛》的书中提出。他在书中将中心化组织比喻为蜘蛛,把分布式组织比喻为海星。书中写道:

The concept of a distributed self-governing organization was first proposed by the American writer Ori Brafman in a book called Seastar and Spider. In that book, he described the centralized organization as a spider, and the distributed organization as a starfish.


Spiders are central (cell) tissues, which cannot survive if their heads are cut off (the organization as a whole). Seastars are made up of cells that are reciprocal (uncentric) to each other, and every tentacle that they tear can grow into a complete starfish. Seastars and spiders represent, respectively, two organizations that are decentralized and centralized in the real world. Seastars will continue to function as smaller decentralized organizations when they encounter setbacks and conflicts, while spiders will not continue to function when their heads are cut off.


DAO, as a decentralised self-governing organization, will be able to operate autonomously on the block chain without centralized control or third-party intervention by encoded rules of management and operation in the form of smart contracts. This design is designed to be transparent and free from the influence of central institutions, to achieve self-functioning , , from governance /font >, /font > > /font > to ensure that everyone can express their views.

相较于传统组织形式,DAO更加安全、稳定,因为任何人都不能控制整个组织。并且,由于DAO运行在无需许可的去中心化的区块链技术之上,所以它能够不受外部因素干扰,保持自治。此外,较好的权力分配使DAO 在资源分配和决策制定方面比传统企业更加公平。这些优势都使得DAO越来越流行并备受瞩目。

In contrast to traditional forms of organization, DAO is safer and more stable because no one can control the entire organization > < /font > < /font > >. Moreover, better distribution of power makes DAO more equitable than traditional enterprises in resource allocation and decision-making. These advantages make DAO more popular and visible.



In addition, unlike traditional enterprises, DAO is not only a shareholder, but also a holder of the pass. Members of DAO with a pass score can submit proposals related to the direction of the organization and vote for them. They need to do everything they can to ensure the success of DAO, while setting a standard threshold for voting on the proposal in order to demonstrate fairness. In this way, DAO can make a decision on the basis of a majority consensus.


And, as the gradual process of decentralisation unfolds, the DAO will eventually hand over the baton to the members of the DAO community, working together with the same goal in a transparent cooperative system. That is, the DAO team will spend time developing a good product that will match the market and the powerful community, and the decision-making power for the product will gradually be transferred to the members of the community.

SyncDAO的创办人,Rossco Paddison对DAO的组织结构非常拥护,他表示:

Founder of SyncDAO, Rosco Paddison, very supportive of the organizational structure of DAO, said:


In the next generation of business models, everyone is no longer president, but no one is president. In the future, job-seeking interviews will cease to exist, simply increasing the impact of targets to attract others to work for them, and ultimately to create a shared outcome.

Reddit顾问Greg Isenberg也表示:

Greg Isenberg, a consultant for Reddit at , also said:


DAO will be stronger in the future than many countries. Just as Apple now owns more cash than most countries; in the future, it will be more cash in its vault than most countries.

今年3月10日,美国怀俄明州正式通过DAO法案。这意味着DAO将被怀俄明州政府特许和认可,有限责任公司有望转型为DAO,在官方注册机构中将会出现术语DAO、LAO或DAO LLC。DAO有望成为国家、市场、公司之外的第四种组织形态,形成新的商业变革。

On March 10th this year, the state of Wyoming formally passed the DAO Act . This means that DAO will be licensed and endorsed by the Wyoming government, limited liability companies are expected to transition to DAO, and there will be terminology DAO, LAO, or DAO LLC in the official register. DAO is expected to become the fourth form of organization outside the state, the market, and the company, leading to new business changes.


The organizational framework of DAO is a technology that can spur new Internet companies, and thus has a significant impact on start-ups and their future business growth. It can be expected that DAO will radically change the future business model , i.e. that it is no longer a company with a headquarters, but a start-up enterprise with a chain of blocks and members from all over the world, and a DAO presence. These start-up enterprises will be driven by responsible and proactive members of DAO, who will set a low entry threshold when, for example, an enterprise requires additional resources or joins a new member.


In addition to changing the business model, a variety of financial services will emerge in the future on the basis of DAOs, such as global manufacturing platforms, interest-free loans, and personal provision of personal goods and services following community guidelines. More importantly, these services are available to anyone around the world.


To sum up, DAO will become to build ways of cooperation on a global scale and provide more effective /font >font , /font >font >font >font /font .


VoneDAO leads the new trend of collaboration


Given the impact of the epidemic, changes in the form of business offices have attracted global attention, with high levels of terminology such as “operational” and “residential” appearing.


More recently, the top strategic technology trend forecast 2022, published by Gartner, the world's leading information technology research and consultancy firm, has also included projections of business-distributed operations. DAO, as a self-organizing organization that does not need a “headquarters” to operate globally, will become a new trend in the way organizations work together in the future.


Technology , as an innovator in the block chain industry, launched the VoneDAO block chain self-organized management platform under the DAO organizational concept, to take full advantage of the technical characteristics of the block chain and effectively overcome the pains of traditional organizations:


is distributed and decentralised . VoneDAO does not have a central node and a hierarchical management structure that, through interaction, competition and collaboration between bottom-up network nodes, makes every team or individual a node in the platform, is equal and does not weaken the centre of personal interest because of job differences and achieves a shared vision of harmonious competition within the enterprise. In the platform, the idea of sharing information gives everyone the right to know, allows for a confluence of ideas and allows for a variety of solutions to a problem, and allows the organization's development strategies and plans to be perfect?

二是自主性与自动化“代码即法律”(code is law),组织不再是金字塔式而是分布式,权力不再是中心化而是去中心化,管理不再是科层制而是社区自治,组织运行不再需要公司而是由高度自治的社区所替代。

II is autonomy and automation >. > Code is law >, organization is no longer pyramid but distributional, power is no longer central but decentralized, management is no longer hierarchical but community autonomy, organization no longer needs companies but is replaced by highly autonomous communities.


> >. relies on smart contracts, and rules of operation in DAO, participants' rights to duty and incentives and sanctions mechanisms are open to transparency, which will save the organization a significant amount of human resource costs, bring them together and use them through the consolidation of decentralized resources and information and enable the organization to develop in an orderly manner.

四是智能化与通证化通证(token)作为DAO 治理过程中的重要激励手段,将组织中的各个元素(例如人、组织、知识、事件、产品等)通证化,从而使得货币资本、人力资本以及其他要素资本充分融合,更好地激发组织的效能和实现价值流转。比如平台通过通证激励,能够让组织成员建立充分的竞争意识,让组织发现更多的优秀人才,激发组织的能量增长和功能实现,保证组织的快速发展。

> > >. circular (token) serves as an important incentive in the DAO governance process to commutate elements of the organization (e.g., people, organizations, knowledge, events, products, etc.) so as to fully integrate the capital of money, human capital, and other elements, to better stimulate the effectiveness of the organization and the flow of value.


Through technology such as block chains, algorithms, consensus mechanisms, smart contracts and the like, the block chain from the organizational management platform helps enterprises, based on trust, to improve their internal management systems and improve their operational efficiency by building a new productive relationship to centralize , font>free association >font >font >font , font > self-management >, allowing organizations to move from negative, zero-and-font to positive and grand governance in the course of governance and business development of autonomous, autonomous and autonomous management models.




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