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What about the bitcoink line? The paper focuses on the use of bitcoin opening and receiving prices, market sentiment and trading methods after sharing technology patterns, which involve most of the forms, bottom and top patterns, as well as relay patterns, mean lines and trend maps. The following is the trend following the fall of the Bitcoin triangle, which is time-bound in Japanese-Kline, with a longer period of three and a half months. There are also short-cycle Kline trend maps, with an hour-long K-line map.



Figure 3 of figure 2 is a one-hour K-line map, with an hour-long K-line map. This condensed triangle also takes a relatively short period of time, three or five days or one week.


图2 - 比特币1小时K线走势图

Figure 2 - One-hour K-line map of Bitcoin


图3 - 莱特币1小时K线走势

Figure 3 - One-hour movement of Lightcoin's K Line


Why are we going to go up and down, why are we going down, look at the K-line map of the first K-line 4 for the second of April, pick up the triangle and follow whether it is true or not, and, if it is, how are we going to avoid it and where we're going to support it?


图4 -上周二向上突破

Figure 4 - Breaking up last Tuesday.


4.1 When the pressure line is close to the pressure line, the four hundred above the condensed triangle is pressure, and the closer to the pressure line, the more one can make an exit position, the more one can choose to do it, the higher one, the higher one, and, of course, some of the other. When you do it near the pressure line in the triangle, the damage must be 4243, which means that when the price goes up to 4240, the essentially empty person will leave.


图5 -突破收敛三角形前

Figure 5 - Breaking through the trigonometry


图6 -突破当天的日K线4.2号

Figure 6 - Breaking the day's line 4.2.

当时突破之后,图6为4月2号的K线图了,当时突破走到4400- 4600.这些价格只要看到它向上突破了4241.那么它已经是向上突破,或者说他突破4200上方,它就已经是向上突破了。

After the breakthrough, figure 6 was a K-line map for April 2, when the breakthrough reached 4400-4600. The price as long as it was seen breaking up 4241, it was already breaking up, or he was breaking up over 4200, it was breaking up.


Some traders are time-cycled, day-by-day, and perhaps week-by-week, that is, they can hold a warehouse for weeks, that is to say, in this triangle, they can look up for weeks, or they can look down for weeks. But as long as these users see prices breaking upwards above 4200 or 4241, they will all have a single idea that the market should rise and be empty.


The key is a shift in market sentiment at the time of the break-up. Focus on what market sentiment was at the time of the break-up.


After doing a lot of things, seeing a break-up, a break-up, a change of shape, a build-up, a build-up (note that the move was to buy the open warehouse), a break-up (from 15 December to 1 April), an upturn, a clear exit, a clear exit, a sharp break-up, an up-and-go, an up-and-go, a rush to balance, an up-and-go, an up-and-go, an up-and-up. At this point, a break-out, a buy-in, a buy-in, a run-in, a run-down, a run-in, a run-down, a run-off, a run-in, a run-up, a run-in, a buy-in, a run-in, a run-in, a short-off, a price rise.


The key point in the profit space is a sense of direction and speed, what price is bought, how much money is earned, depending on the speed at which it is bought early enough for those who buy it in the back of nature to raise the price, so that at the critical point, there is a high demand for transactions, a real-time stakeout, especially the key changeboard time point, and it is worth taking a few months to get on track.

比特币日K线图中收敛三角形的宽度。收敛三角形的最宽有多宽,最宽是4241-3121.最宽就是1100的空间。有一小部分人长线持续看空,或者说在很低的价格去看空。那么也有一部分人是持续看多,那也就是这个区间什么人都有,也有在更低的价格 3400或者是3500做空的人。

The width of the triangle is condensed in the Bitcoin K-line map. The width of the trigonometry is wide, with the width being 4241-3121. The widest is 1,100 space. There are a small number of long lines that remain empty, or at very low prices.


But when the price breaks up to 4200, if these constant-looking traders have their biggest losses of between 600 and 700 points, then if they're going to make it back, they're going to have to do 600 to 700 more points. Those who are basically empty are going back to the balance. The biggest volatility in this zone is the lowest price of 110.0 per cent, the highest loss of those near the lower price of 3300 to 3400, the highest loss of 800 points, the need to look back at 800 dollars to balance, and the most price increase of 800 points after the price breaks up to 4200 is 5,000. The most price is that at 4300 to 4400, which may be around 4300, or 4250, which may be higher.



Figure 7 -- The breadth of the amplitude of the condensed triangle and the space for the first target.



Figure 8 - Regularity of technological trends


There were three ways to see trends before the core course, which was a trend figure for the Japanese Kline cycle of Bitcoin. The first was one of the three axes, either a trend line, or a trend definition, or a flat line, or these three methods. The price of bitcoin at the time, a week before April 1, or above the average of the bitcoin, after March 27, had been emphasized in the course of the technical course, that the Japanese Kline was clearly strong over the same line. The backline at the lower side of the curve, it could be found that the support position at the bottom of the line was increasing, and before the 4200 break-up, the lowest point could be found to be ever higher, if not higher, as in the case of the foundations.


There are other forms, such as head on the shoulder, or head M, head on both sides, or both, of the same nature, with the same market mood, only to find the key pressure line that was broken at the time, the support line or the break point.



Figure 9 - Upscaling Triangles


The rise of the triangle is characterized by the same horizontal value above, and the line of support below is getting higher. This is an upturn, waiting for a breakthrough.


This condensed triangle break-up, or punch-down, can hold back for a while. Why does the market hold back for a while, because the longer it holds, the more explosive it will be.



Figure 10 Double bottom or double-top form


This double bottom shape is a movement between mid-June and the end of July by Bitcoin. The two bottoms are formed from June 11 to July 17. The first two bottoms are number 10. The head is located in figure 10.


6840 is a horizontal pressure line that can actually be tilted. It's special. It's a horizontal line. It's the same as when Bitcoin broke up 4200 last week. It's exactly the same as when this trigonometry broke through the market. At 6840, there are traders who may be emptied on 6847, but there is a risk that he will lose, and those who do it will do more for the sake of profit and balance, and many more for the sake of saving. When it breaks the pressure line, within a short period of time, everyone is doing more, that is, when everyone comes in, then the price will naturally be raised, so it will be the greatest when it breaks the neck line.

图11 -双底形态

Figure 11 - Double bottom form


图12 -双头顶形态

Figure 12 - Two-headed top form

这是一个双头顶,就是去年七月底到八月初的行情。头部是8480就是最高位,颈限是7300.可以看一下7300到8480空间有多大,第一,目标到位就是6100. 8480-7300空间是1180.这个颈限到头部的空间有多宽向下的空间就有多大,所以7300再减掉1180.那么这个价格就到了6120.也就是达到了6000下方去。那么同样的形态破位或位点在哪里,在7300.也就是说我们一定要把这个破一点给找到,就是关键的支撑线找到,当时这条线是7300.也就是说当价格击穿7300之后,很多人都在做空。

It's a double-head, and it's between the end of July and the beginning of August last year. The head is 8480 at the top, the neck is 7,300. The neck limits are 7,300 to 8480. First, the target is 6100.8480-7300, the neck is 1180. The size of the neck is 1180. The size of the neck is 1180. So 7300 is reduced by 1180. So the price is 6120.


In the strict sense of figure 12, it is a double head, that is, a double head and a head, a shoulder. The difference is one head, one head, which is not much different. The key is to see it go through the space of the neck line, that is, when the key support position is broken, that means that the head or the head is formed.


It is a long time cycle for the technology to break, or break upwards, and once it breaks, once it is ready or willing to wait for it, its spatial yield is very high, but it cannot be done a few times a year to make such a deal.


It's only a few times a year, or once or twice a month. It's like Bitcoin, three and a half months, and it's a couple of times in the middle of breaking up the 4200.3100 to 4200 spaces, but it's only a few times in three and a half months.


If this pattern is used as a cycle, the number of transactions is very small. These patterns are described as being in the Japanese-Kline cycle, in fact, many times in the small cycle. Especially the condensed triangle is often formed in a few days, that is, we have more trading opportunities on the one-hour map.


To sum up, these patterns (triangulation triangles, heads, shoulders, heads, heads on top, heads on both sides), be it the Japanese-K-Line cycle or the one-hour K-Line cycle, usually the size of the amplitude of the form and the size of the space after the break or break-up.


When you see a breakthrough in the trigonometric triangle, of course, it's a real breakthrough, you can measure it, and you start to share it, whether it is a real break or a false break, and you can do it again. When you make a deal, you have to look for some more of the key points, and when you do it in the previous sharing sessions, you can tell you how to do it, and when you do it, it's a lot of times you do it, or it's a breakthrough.




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