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  文:刘青青 石丹

Man: Liu Qingqing Ishi Dan



At 10 a.m. on 31 May, Bitcoin offered $348 million. On the basis of total circulation of $18.4 million, the equivalent of $11.4 billion evaporated within 10 hours on the last day of May.


And this is just a small part of the recent Apocalypse of Bitcoin. Before the Maskrat, the price of Bitcoin soared, and on May 10, it broke through $595 million. After that, Bitcoin crashed, evaporating over $450 billion in over 20 days.



Source: Military Currency Officer Network


Currency swings have been particularly stimulating, especially for the technological frontier, Mr. Mask, and for the new energy car company, Tesla, which on several occasions has experienced severe or even collapses in the currency ring in the face of a “winding of the rain”.


Not only bitcoin, but Musk also refers to encrypted currency, such as dog coins, wood-dog coins, which leads many investors to follow. On the one hand, Mask’s influence is not small, but on the other hand, he is “face-changed” and heterogeneous, as he used to play with investors, as his words and actions are perceived by his friends as “twisting his share of the tweezers.”


China’s banker’s law research board, Shao Xiao, told the reporter of the Institute of Business Studies that Musk’s statements affected currency prices, and that if they were in the legitimate secondary trading market, they would be severely punished by the law. Yet, because the digital currency is borderless, countries’ regulatory attitudes vary, leading to the continued cutting of herbs.


“A few pictures and messages from money circles show that players in contracts, futures deals, etc., have lost a lot of money, and even one of them is a little bit closer to crashing. Financial veterans should be wary of finance, but many of them don’t think they're playing with financial derivatives, they think they're homemakers, they're having a heartbeat.” Shawn says.


“that one night goes back to the pre-liberation pain, and I hope that you will not try so easily.” Shaw was exhorted.


"The Godfather carries the goods, the currency collapses"


In recent times, Musk has “circumstanced” in the currency ring, “carried” bitcoin and “dismantled” dog-coin (DOGE) on several occasions, causing high volatility in virtual currency prices.


As early as the beginning of February, when the news of Tesla's investment in bitcoin, which totalled $1.5 billion, opened up a surge in Bitcoin at a price of over $44,000.


On March 24 (Beijing time), Tesla’s founder, Mask, tweeted again, declaring that the United States market had used Bitcoin to buy Tesla’s car, and that markets outside the United States would receive Bitcoin payments later this year. The news triggered the currency circle, at a price of $57,000 that day.


In just two months, however, Mr. Mask “face change” announced on Twitter on May 13 (Beijing time) that Tesla would suspend Bitcoin payments because of concerns about the rapid increase in the use of fossil fuels in the extraction and trading of Bitcoin. While Musco publicly accused Bitcoin of being environmentally unfriendly, Bitcoin fell sharply, once to $45,000.


Since then, however, Musk has released bitcoin, saying in reply to a Twitter user at the end of May that “I prefer the latter in the fight between legal and encrypted currencies”.

  而在对比特币“拉盘”“砸盘”的过程中,马斯克还“带货”其他虚拟货币,将狗狗币(Dogecoin)、柴犬币(Shiba Inu)也带上热搜。

In the course of the Bitcoin “cracker”, Mask also “carried” other virtual currencies, which also heat-searched Dogecoin and Shiba Inu.


Compared to the rise and fall of the mainstream virtual currency, the volatility of dog and wood dog coins appears to be extreme. The gun exchange data show that, on 1 April, the dog price (point zero) was 0.06 dollars, and by 8 May, it had reached a maximum price of 0.74 dollars, up 800 per cent.


It's just that the dog coin didn't get rid of its fate. After passing Mask's "carrying" it was "cracked" by Musk himself, suggesting that the dog's coin was a fraud in the art. By 2400 on May 28, the dog's price was 0.32.

  如此种种都印证了马斯克对币圈的影响力,其也因此被戏称为“币圈教父” “推特治股”。

All of this confirms Mask's influence on the currency circle, and as a result it has been dubbed the “Twitter Unit” of the Monarchy.


With regard to the currency ring's “first-winding” sign, Mr. Ho, who has been selling the currency for several years, believes that Mask is a capitalist, that everything he does is profitably driven, that he may be holding a warehouse, pulling a plate, smashing a plate, and so on, and that, as the founder of Tesla, Mask is too influential.



It is understood that the virtual currency of the currency circle is based on cryptography and modern network P2P technology, generated through complex mathematical algorithms, special electronic, digital network cryptophones.


Currently, a large number of virtual currencies have been issued, circulated and used globally, and are largely distinguished by mainstream virtual and non-mainstream virtual currencies.


Among them, the mainstream virtual currency, headed by bitcoin, became the “hard currency” of the currency circle, showing the pattern of “bitkin, Leather silver, infinity copper, pennies,” which is a non-mainstream virtual currency with soaring prices because of Musk’s “stand”.


The seemingly prosperous circle of currency harbours not only intoxicated myths of wealth, but also a great deal of worrying risks.


“A few hundred times as much a day as a day falls?” The new coco, as it would have been, is sighing. As early as the end of 2020, when the coco broke into the ring, it experienced a “stimulus” from the coco, and less than a day into the ring, the virtual currency held by the cocoa skyrocketed by 20%, but fell by another 40% the following day.


Recently, in Mask’s “twitter-tweets” and punctures, Bitcoin collapsed several times, at a price of $30,000, while cocoa took advantage of the opportunities and successfully took the floor. But luckily, the madness of the rest of the currency was also a source of surprise for cocoa, which still holds several mainstream currencies, such as centralized bitcoins, and has not left this dangerous game.


Coco says to reporters that issuing a virtual currency is a simple thing, and that many virtual currencies are changed directly by bitcoin's source code. But there is no threshold. But where does this currency come from? Who issues it? What does it really mean? What is the real value of the future?


"The average user only thinks it's up a lot, then throws, maybe $10,000 into the last eight dollars. The virtual currency is worthless, just to increase the price of a wave, and then "cutter" and then either the price falls to nothing or it cuts again." Cocoa means.


What's the value of a virtual currency? Cocoa means, for example, that a listed company, or at least an entity, has a market value, a stock price that matches the level of business or prospects. But virtual money seems to have nothing, many of which have no technology, but it's still going to be issued as much as it wants, and if no one answers it, it's over.


When comparing the virtual currency with the stock market, one can see the differences in the currency circle — the virtual currency is a round-the-clock transaction, and there is no pause; the other is a complete “marketization” without a capping or smelting mechanism.


Third, virtual currency transactions often require the addition of an intermediate link, i.e., a stable currency. A stable currency, led by the USTD, is a virtual currency anchored in the United States dollar, with a more stable price.


The fourth is that the stock market is regulated, but the virtual currency, whether currency or exchange, is mostly a “good faith deal” and lacks oversight. Moreover, since the domestic tightening of the virtual currency policy, large currency circles, etc., have been transferred abroad.




Faced with the current scenario of several collapses in bitcoin, he has not been too volatile and has been strangling at a time when bitcoin prices have fallen, and is still in a profitable position as a whole.


But this is not because of the trust in the value of the bitcoin. How can you say that, for yourself, a virtual currency such as bitcoin is actually just a tool of speculation, and since it's going up, you can think of investment, “I don't think that bitcoin's prospects are good, but investment in bitcoin's virtual currency is a more robust way, because, after all, its overall trend is rising.”


Moreover, the current price fluctuations and policy tightening are nothing more than “hair rains”, compared to the currency circle of 2017.


He pointed out that before 2017, when the currency ring had just begun, we were all running around and boasting about the platform. The industry had given the biggest impression at that time, with four words, of chaos.


Xiao Xiang states that, in China, almost every reference to the regulation of virtual currencies, such as bitcoin, is to be called “289” and “9/4”. The former refers to a joint circular on protection against the risk of bitcoin issued by five departments, namely the People's Bank of China and the Central Bank, in 2013, and the latter to a circular on protection against the risk of money-issuing financing, issued on 4 September 2017, in which seven departments, such as the Central Bank, called for the suspension of all forms of money-issuance financing.


“Since our paper of 4 September last year, it has been illegal to carry out ICO operations in the country, and at the same time it has been shut down to exchange services like Bitcoin in the country. Friends in the currency circles have been provoking `refunds' in the country, and then spread around the world.” Shaw said.


At the same time, under their supervision, a large number of domestic first-time coin issuances (ICOs) have almost been cleared, but many platforms have moved transactions to overseas platforms, but the main battlegrounds for the distribution of propaganda are still in the country, and attempts are being made to bypass the control of domestic financial institutions for full-value trading.


"crowded" bitcoin


In recent times, our regulations have become more vocal in parallel with the volatility of virtual currencies, such as bitcoin.


On 18 May, the China Internet Finance Association, the China Banking Association and the China Payments Settlement Association jointly issued a circular warning against the risks of virtual currency transactions.


The bulletin emphasizes that virtual currency is a specific virtual commodity that is not issued by monetary authorities, has no legal and compulsory monetary attributes, is not real currency, and should not and cannot be used as a currency in the market. The related transactions, such as the exchange of legal and virtual currency and virtual currency, the purchase and sale of virtual currency as a central counterparty, the provision of information intermediaries and pricing services for virtual currency transactions, the financing of currency issuances and the trading of virtual money derivatives, are in violation of relevant laws and regulations, and are suspected of criminal activities such as the illegal collection of funds, the illegal distribution of securities and the illegal sale of currency coupons.


On the same day, the Committee for Development and Reform of the Inner Mongolia Autonomous Region issued an announcement establishing a virtual currency “mining” business reporting platform to implement the project for the complete clean-up and closure of the virtual currency “mining”.


This means that “mining” operations will also be strictly regulated following the last round of clearing the domestic virtual currency ICO operations.


Xiaojun stated to the reporter of the Business School that on 21 May, at a meeting of the State Council's Committee on Development of Financial Stability, a clear request was made to “combating the “mining” of Bitcoin and the trading”, in view of which the “mining” of Bitcoin and other encrypted tokens would determine the history of withdrawal in our country and the enterprises and suppliers concerned should not harbour any illusions.


At the root, the fact that in 2008 Bitcoin was born with the Hajek ideology does not correspond to the world pattern in which the existing State is a unit, and that national laws are an extension of State administration, makes it clear that currency such as bitcoin is popular and that existing laws are counterproductive.


“Therefore, the “mining” that continues to encrypt the tokens will continue to be opposed to the law, not only in my country, but the cautious attitude of countries with regard to the digital tokens will be reflected in every aspect, with the erosion of virtual currency against French currency and financial security, and national laws and enforcement will only become more stringent. The law will be there, whether you like it or not.




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